Top 18 Education Apps Like JFK Challenge - Best Alternatives

JFK Challenge Alternatives

Do you want to find the best JFK Challenge alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Education apps that are similar to JFK Challenge. Pick one from this list to be your new JFK Challenge app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to JFK Challenge on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like JFK Challenge - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid JFK Challenge alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like JFK Challenge 2025.

JFK Christening

JFK Christening

Newport News Shipbuilding will christen aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) in December 2019. For more information about the event, visit This app interacts with the program that will be handed out at the ceremony. The app will...

Price: Free Developer: Huntington Ingalls
To The Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis

To The Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis

The "To the Brink" app brings the National Archives and its JFK Library and Museum exhibit to iPads. This free app contains many of the same photographs, documents, and recordings found in the exhibit — allowing people unable to...

Price: Free Developer: National Archives and Records Administration
JFK Catholic School

JFK Catholic School

A guide to John F. Kennedy Catholic School.

John F. Kennedy Catholic School strives to serve the spiritual, academic and social needs of the students of Trumbull County for the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio.

 Guided by Gospel values and the tradition...

Price: Free Developer: Red Pixel Studios, Inc.
Text for Career Success

Text for Career Success

The Text for Career Success App is your place for training and career exploration related to opportunities available at Laguardia, JFK, and Newark Airports. This App is a training and career development tool delivered in partnership with the Council...

Price: Free Developer:
flight codes pro

flight codes pro

Flight Codes Pro is eLearning app for all 10.000 IATA (International Air Transport Association) airport codes, from the biggest like JFK John F. Kenedy USA to the smallest, like KAS Karasburg NAMIBIA for example: Features: > IATA Code > Cityname > Country > Airportname >...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Tobias Werner
Jagd-Lern App

Jagd-Lern App

Die App bereitet angehende Jägerinnen und Jäger sachgerecht und praxisnah auf die Jagdprüfung vor. Sie bietet auch nichtjagendem, naturinteressiertem Publikum die Möglichkeit, sich im Bereich Jagd, Natur und Wildtiere fortzubilden. Die Inhalte lehnen sich 1:1 an jene im Buch...

Price: USD 16.99 Developer: Sichtwerk AG
Le Monde Mémorable - Culture G

Le Monde Mémorable - Culture G

Mémorable, l’application pour stimuler votre mémoire de façon ludique et intelligente. En 10 minutes par jour approfondissez vos connaissances et votre culture générale grâce à des questions courtes, des extraits d’articles du Monde, des vidéos ou des infographies. Chaque leçon se...

Price: Free Developer: Le
ASA's Sailing Challenge

ASA's Sailing Challenge

NEW VERSION! * Added the option to sail around the courses on a cruising monohull or a beach catamaran! * Dolphins! It wouldn't be sailing without these magical creatures keeping you company on your adventures! * New awards section that will challenge...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: American Sailing Association
Memory Challenge!

Memory Challenge!

Enhances visual perception and memory for reading and math! Memory Challenge! is an easy-to-use but very powerful program for developing and testing visual memory skills. Its beginning through advanced levels of challenge make it useful for students of all...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Memory Challenge! (Lite)

Memory Challenge! (Lite)

Enhances visual perception and memory for reading and math! Memory Challenge! is an easy-to-use but very powerful program for developing and testing visual memory skills. Its beginning through advanced levels of challenge make it useful for students of all...

Price: Free Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
World Challenge App

World Challenge App

The World Challenge app is here to help you live a better life and make a better world through Jesus Christ. We offer the Gary Wilkerson podcast as it addresses life’s complex issues, our archive of David Wilkerson’s sermons,...

Price: Free Developer: World Challenge, Inc
Amazing Scales Challenge FREE

Amazing Scales Challenge FREE

This app is designed specifically for young children to actively engage and challenge their minds. Imagine you are a little child and you see a brand new seesaw in your favourite playground for the first time. Why does it...

Price: Free Developer: JKQ Pty Ltd
Dairy Challenge

Dairy Challenge

Welcome to the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge app! Here, you can find fast information from schedules to directions for all of Dairy Challenge's events right in the palm of your hands. Whether you're looking for general information or...

Price: Free Developer: N American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge
Game Zone - The Big Challenge

Game Zone - The Big Challenge

Join in the fun in the Game Zone, the educational games space from The Big Challenge. With quizzes, words games, sentence jumbles and more, you’ll level up your English with a smile. FEATURES: - Four fast and fun games testing...

Price: Free Developer: The Big Challenge
Gift of Life Campus Challenge

Gift of Life Campus Challenge

Join the campus competition that helps to save and heal lives! All Michigan colleges and universities are invited to participate in the Gift of Life Michigan Campus Challenge. This 5-week donor drive competition allows students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and...

Price: Free Developer: Gift of Life Michigan
Teen Challenge Southeast Pcola

Teen Challenge Southeast Pcola

Connect and engage with our Teen Challenge Pensacola community through this app! Teen Challenge offers both hope and help to individuals who need assistance in overcoming life-controlling problems, such as drug and alcohol addictions. View live streams and messages,...

Price: Free Developer: Teen Challenge Pensacola
Johnny Grammar Word Challenge

Johnny Grammar Word Challenge

What’s the difference between “in time” and “on time”? What do you call a person who cuts a man’s hair? What do you call an animal doctor? Beat the clock and answer as many spelling, vocabulary and grammar questions...

Price: Free Developer: British Council

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