Top 26 Education Apps Like PlayAlong Baritone Sax - Best Alternatives

PlayAlong Baritone Sax Alternatives

Do you want to find the best PlayAlong Baritone Sax alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Education apps that are similar to PlayAlong Baritone Sax. Pick one from this list to be your new PlayAlong Baritone Sax app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to PlayAlong Baritone Sax on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like PlayAlong Baritone Sax - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid PlayAlong Baritone Sax alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like PlayAlong Baritone Sax 2025.

Piano PlayAlong

Piano PlayAlong

-The Piano PlayAlong app listens to your playing and guides you through the melody of the selected song. -If you don't have a piano you can still play songs using the on screen keyboard. -Choose to play any of...

Price: Free Developer: AtPlayMusic
PlayAlong Acoustic Guitar

PlayAlong Acoustic Guitar

-PlayAlong Acoustic Guitar listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody of a selected song. -Choose to play any of the 250+ songs, scales and riffs from our music library. -You can share your experience...

Price: Free Developer: AtPlayMusic
PlayAlong Alto Sax

PlayAlong Alto Sax

-PlayAlong Alto Sax listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody of a selected song. -Choose to play any of the 250+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can share your experience by...

Price: Free Developer: AtPlayMusic
PlayAlong Baritone

PlayAlong Baritone

-PlayAlong Baritone listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody of a selected song. -Choose to play any of the 250+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can share your experience by recording...

Price: Free Developer: AtPlayMusic
PlayAlong Bass Clarinet

PlayAlong Bass Clarinet

-PlayAlong Bass Clarinet listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody of a selected song. -Choose to play any of the 250+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can share your experience by...

Price: Free Developer: AtPlayMusic
PlayAlong Bass Guitar

PlayAlong Bass Guitar

-PlayAlong Bass Guitar listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody of a selected song. -Choose to play any of the 250+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can share your experience by...

Price: Free Developer: AtPlayMusic
PlayAlong Bassoon

PlayAlong Bassoon

-PlayAlong Bassoon listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody of a selected song. -Choose to play any of the 250+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can share your experience by recording...

Price: Free Developer: AtPlayMusic
PlayAlong Cello

PlayAlong Cello

-PlayAlong Cello listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody of a selected song. -Choose to play any of the 250+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can share your experience by recording...

Price: Free Developer: AtPlayMusic
PlayAlong Clarinet

PlayAlong Clarinet

-PlayAlong Clarinet listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody of a selected song. -Choose to play any of the 250+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can share your experience by recording...

Price: Free Developer: AtPlayMusic
Clef Cards

Clef Cards

Learning to read music can be daunting when faced with a new clef, but making a set of flashcards can help. That's where Clef Cards comes in. It's an endless set of flashcards in Treble, Alto, Tenor and Bass...

Price: Free Developer: Mike Muszynski
Monkey Tones

Monkey Tones

Make your home practice warm-up awesome! Play long notes and make the monkey do tricks! Share accomplishments with friends, family and teachers! Break Personal Record long notes! Get the most points in your band! You want to be your best! This app is one...

Price: Free Developer: MusiKyoshi, Inc.
PlayTunes: Concert Band Time!

PlayTunes: Concert Band Time!

Learn to read music and get smart video feedback on your playing - you will improve EVERY time you practice! 150 Pre-Planned practice sessions - get through 2 years in 1! 30 Levels with 5 days per level. We focus on...

Price: Free Developer: MusiKyoshi, Inc.
MyMusicTheory - music theory

MyMusicTheory - music theory

Practice music theory and train your sight reading skills. Learn all important topics of music theory. Start with simple notes in treble clef for total beginners up to identification of exotic scale modes in mezzo-soprano clef. These topics are covered: -...

Price: Free Developer: myrApps
NinGenius Music: Class Games

NinGenius Music: Class Games

The only comprehensive instrument mastery app! Students on every instrument will learn NOTES, FINGERINGS & RHYTHMS through exciting gameplay. Let our little ninja test and motivate your Band, Orchestra, Choir, or General Music students to conquer the essentials of...

Price: USD 15.99 Developer: Anthony Winters
NinGenius Music: Games 4 Kids

NinGenius Music: Games 4 Kids

Master NOTES, FINGERINGS & RHYTHMS for every band and orchestra instrument through fun gameplay! Earn ninja belts as you increase speed and accuracy. Soon you will never need another fingering chart! Up to 3 players can compete for high scores...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Anthony Winters
NinGenius Music: Studio Games

NinGenius Music: Studio Games

The only music mastery app featuring all instrument NOTES, FINGERINGS & RHYTHMS. Track every student in your studio for one small price! Let our little ninja test and motivate your piano, string, brass, woodwind, or percussion students to conquer...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Anthony Winters
Note Hitter Voice

Note Hitter Voice

A selection of challenges specifically designed to improve your sight singing and musical ear. Sing the right notes and try to beat your best score. Note Hitter Voice contains flash cards to teach note recognition and games to test your...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Spectral Efficiency Ltd
PlayAlong Tenor Sax

PlayAlong Tenor Sax

-PlayAlong Tenor Sax listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody of a selected song. -Choose to play any of the 250+ songs and scales from our music library. -You can share your experience by...

Price: Free Developer: AtPlayMusic
Sax fingering

Sax fingering

Learning to play saxophone or just having bad time remembering how to strike a note? This app was created to make fingering learning a snap! Just choose a note and the app will show you how to play it. If...

Price: Free Developer: Onix-Systems, LLC
Kidoverse - Education for kids

Kidoverse - Education for kids

Kidoverse - application for young children, where they can learn, play, explore the world around us or just have fun. Kidoverse is based on large collection of different sets. Educational sets: - Alphabet - Numbers - Rainbow Colors - Flat Shapes - Volumetric Shapes - Fruits - Vegetables -...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Vladimir Kharlampidi


Azərbaycan Xəzər Dəniz Gəmiçiliyinin əsası 1858-ci ildə “Qafqaz və Merkuri” Səhmdar Cəmiyyətinin yaradılması ilə qoyulmuşdur. 160 illik zəngin tarixə malik Gəmiçilik bu müddət ərzində şanlı yol keçmişdir, və bugün Azərbaycan gəmiçiliyi özündə illərin təcrübəsini, eləcə də müasir dövrün tələblərinə...

Price: Free Developer: Ferid Davudov
Einführung in XML

Einführung in XML

XML (Extensible Markup Language) ist eine Metasprache, die durch das World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standardisiert wurde. Sie dient der strukturierten Beschreibung von Informationen in Dokumenten und ermöglicht es, Daten und ihre Repräsentation zu trennen. Diese erweiterbare und flexible...

Price: Free Developer: Eberhard Heuel


電子聯系溝通已是現今香港社會的潮流,花了整整一年的籌備時間,樂陶途琴行現正推出【Kinderland】App溝通平台。讓家長、學生、導師及校方溝通更方便。 此溝通軟件可讓家長直接詢問學生上課情況或查詢本琴行的資訊;導師會在上課時回應或向家長提出意見,又或匯報學生上課情況及上載課堂短片;獎罰計劃及統計等。 琴行簡介 始於2001年5月 27日,樂陶途琴行設址於馬鞍山富輝花園商場,由香港中文大學及香港教育學院音樂系畢業生創辦。 以「創發學生對音樂之興趣,提昇學生在音樂上的造詣」為宗旨。因此成立了多個管樂團及合奏小組,設立年度學習進度評估,邀請多位海外及香港著名音樂家來評核學員進度及主持大師班,自 2015年開始更帶學員往海外地區交流,增廣見聞,豐富音樂閱歷。 2004年,於馬鞍山中心A13A開辦第一間分店;馬鞍山雅濤居商場開設樂團訓練基地。 2009年,馬鞍山中心A91號舖開業,並成為英國皇家音樂學院考試中心。 2017年,將軍澳天晉匯 3期B G02分店投入服務。 台灣樂器維修中心– TRIO Music 進駐Kinderland Studio, 管樂維修正式投入服務 現有一個管樂團、六個合奏管樂小組,包括: 翱樂管樂團O Wind Ensemble (音樂總監Martin Choy 蔡國田 ) Multi Sax (Saxophone ensemble) (音樂總監 Jeffrey Chan...

Price: Free Developer: Wai Fun Annie Chong
Listen & Learn

Listen & Learn

This simple fun game aims to help children learn the sounds of common objects, vehicles and popular animals. Clear and simple graphics are animated when each sound is heard. Users can select from 12 different categories such as Australian...

Price: Free Developer: Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children
Lydian Music School

Lydian Music School

Tramite la nostra app potrete conoscere tutti i nostri corsi: Corsi di Canto moderno, Sax e Clarinetto, Batteria, Chitarra, Basso e Contrabbasso, Piano e Synth, Violino, Violoncello, Musica Jazz, Musica d'insieme e tanti altri corsi! Potrete avere contatti con docenti qualificati,...

Price: Free Developer: Pietro Rosato

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