Top 14 Travel Apps Like I-CLS - Best Alternatives

I-CLS Alternatives

Do you want to find the best I-CLS alternatives for iOS? We have listed 14 Travel apps that are similar to I-CLS. Pick one from this list to be your new I-CLS app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to I-CLS on your iOS devices.

Top 14 Apps Like I-CLS - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid I-CLS alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 14 similar apps like I-CLS 2025.

i&k Capture

i&k Capture

Mit i&k Capture steht Ihnen eine effiziente und leicht bedienbare App zum mobilen Scannen und Speichern Ihrer Reisebelege zur Verfügung. Diese App ermöglicht das Digitalisieren von Hotelrechnungen, Parktickets, Bewirtungsbelegen und anderen Rechnungen, die bei Ihrer Dienstreise anfallen. Anschließend können...

Price: Free Developer: i&k Software GmbH


H.I.S.Bizアプリでは海外のあらゆる都市行き航空券をすぐに検索・予約する事が出来ます。 また自身の記録を出張一覧で検索・確認が可能です。 その他出張に必要手配のメールオーダー、ホテル手配、危機管理システムなどもアプリよりサイトに遷移して操作可能です。 出張手配は是非H.I.S.Bizをご利用ください。 【機能】*一部抜粋 1.海外航空券予約・発券 2.出張一覧検索 3.出張メールオーダー(スマートホンサイト) 4.危機管理システム(スマートホンサイト) 5.実績レポート出力(スマートサイト)

Price: Free Developer: H.I.S. Co.,Ltd.
Lāna‘i Guide

Lāna‘i Guide

The “Lāna‘i Guide” GPS Web-enabled Application has been designed to help users safely and respectfully explore the rich natural and cultural history of Lāna‘i. Cultural and Natural Resources on Lāna‘i are protected under federal and state law. Penalties for...

Price: Free Developer: Berktech Solutions, LLC
Sv. Vlaho i Dubrovnik

Sv. Vlaho i Dubrovnik

Mobilna aplikacija »Sveti Vlaho i Dubrovnik« projekt je Dubrovačkih muzeja koji posjetiteljima povijesne jezgre Dubrovnika omogućuje virtualni pregled povijesnog, likovnog i kulturnog naslijeđa, koje grad baštini zahvaljujući tradiciji Parčeva štovanja, ali i virtualni obilazak Dubrovnika s označenim lokacijama originalnih...

Price: Free Developer: Novena d.o.o.
Jeziorak i Okolice

Jeziorak i Okolice

Aplikacja oprowadza po malowniczych terenach wokół jednego z cudów Polski, za jaki uznano Jeziorak – jezioro inne niż wszystkie. Najdłuższe w Polsce, z największą wyspą, połączone Kanałem Elbląskim z Bałtykiem. Jesteśmy w sercu Pojezierza Iławskiego, na terenach Pomezan, pruskiego plemienia, które odegrało ważną...

Price: Free Developer: Marcin Karasinski
Kulturspår i Småland

Kulturspår i Småland

Med Kulturspår i Småland blir det lättare för dig att greppa konsten och kulturen – både bokstavligt och bildligt. Vi presenterar offentlig konst och kulturarv på ett sätt som fördjupar upplevelsen av det fysiska verket eller platsen. Vi berättar...

Price: Free Developer: OnSpotStory AB
I Love NY Official Travel App

I Love NY Official Travel App

Explore New York State with the FREE official I Love NY app. Thousands of attractions, events, hotels, campgrounds, parks, restaurants, wineries, breweries, and more are just a few taps away. From stunning nature to world-class museums, and from the...

Price: Free Developer: New York State Office of Information Technology Services
I Love Seaford Town App

I Love Seaford Town App

Your personal travel guide to Seaford - costal town in the county of East Sussex. Seaford – Great shops, great beach and lots of history The historic town of Seaford lies on the Sussex coast at the foot of the...

Price: Free Developer: Townapps Ltd
Linjer i landskabet

Linjer i landskabet

GUIDEN Linjer i Landskabet fører dig gennem et nyt system af stier, skilte og udsigtspunkter, der er skabt i Aakirkeby i 2018. UNIK NATUR OG KULTUR Med lyd, video, billeder og tekst oplever du de spændende historier fra 1000-vis af års kulturhistorie,...

Price: Free Developer: Triptale ApS
Arch•i Torino

Arch•i Torino

Benvenuti e benvenute a Torino! Serve un'amica preparata che vi guidi per la città? Eccola! Ad Arch•i basta uno sguardo per capire qual è il monumento che avete davanti, e siete a un clic dal un racconto dettagliato e appassionante della storia...

Price: Free Developer: Roberto D'Autilia
Platinum CLS LLC

Platinum CLS LLC

Platinum CLS LLC now makes taking care of your ground transportation needs more convenient than ever with our state of the art mobile app. With the Platinum CLS LLC mobile app, you can: - See ride prices and book and pay...

Price: Free Developer: Limo Anywhere, LLC


YouCab is an e-Taxi hailing intermediary platform currently operating out of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Using the YouCab booking platform, passengers are matched with travel partners / vehicles of their choice, ranging from Tuk-Tuks, Small Cars, Sedans, Vans and luxury...

Price: Free Developer: CLS Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd


Sytrans is an in-house developed virtual logistics service facilitation company. It is a dynamic trucking and communication platform which also provides real time information with mobile compatibility. Sytrans facilitates the movement of goods by focusing on a mobility...

Price: Free Developer: CLS Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd

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