Top 29 Education Apps Like Université Paris-Sud - Best Alternatives

Université Paris-Sud Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Université Paris-Sud alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Université Paris-Sud. Pick one from this list to be your new Université Paris-Sud app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Université Paris-Sud on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Université Paris-Sud - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Université Paris-Sud alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Université Paris-Sud 2025.

CADEUL campus Université Laval

CADEUL campus Université Laval

L'application CADEUL vous permet de vous connecter avec vos collègues de cours et vos amis. Vous pouvez accéder aux événements, rester informé et enregistrer vos cours. Rejoignez votre communauté étudiante sur l'app CADEUL ! Fonctionnalités pour vous aider dans votre...

Price: Free Developer: Ready Education Inc.
Cidade Universitária

Cidade Universitária

*** Importante! Caso seu dispositivo não seja compatível com ARcore utilize o link abaixo para baixar a imagem de ativação: Seja bem-vindo(a) à Cidade Universitária UNA Através desse app você poderá conhecer melhor as quatro unidades UNA localizadas na Cidade Universitária:...

Price: Free Developer: Kriativar
Colégio Universitário Maranata

Colégio Universitário Maranata

App para manter os pais atualizados de tudo o que está acontecendo no nosso Colégio. Nele você encontrará: - Agenda Eletrônica - Comunicados - Calendário com eventos - Data de Provas - Muito mais...

Price: Free Developer: Colégio Maranata
Educanet Université

Educanet Université

Application Mobile Educanet Université destinée aux étudiants et aux enseignants pour faciliter la vie universitaire sur tous les volets. Partage des TD,TP, observations, résultats, planning des examens, mise à jour des emplois du temps, communication simple et sécurisée. Avec...

Price: Free Developer: STE EDUCANET TUNISIE
Event App Universität Wien

Event App Universität Wien

Mit der offiziellen Event App der Universität Wien haben Sie vor, während und nach der Veranstaltung Ihrer Wahl alle Informationen stets griffbereit. Übersichtlich finden Sie Aktuelles zu Programmagenda, ReferentInnen, SponsorInnen und AusstellerInnen in einer Anwendung. Darüber hinaus können Sie...

Price: Free Developer: Universität Wien
L-Università ta' Malta

L-Università ta' Malta

My UM is the official app of the University of Malta. It features key information such as UM services opening hours, staff directory, news and events, the Msida campus map, as well as personalised information. As a student at UM,...

Price: Free Developer: University of Malta
Meu Universitário

Meu Universitário

O App do Colégio Universitário disponibiliza dados sobre a rotina escolar do aluno tais como: · Conteúdo e Notas de Avaliações · Boletim · ...

Price: Free Developer: Colégio Universitário
Museo storico Università Pavia

Museo storico Università Pavia

The App, based on the reading of marker AR, allows to personalize the visit to the Pavia University History Museum. Visitors might discover, through videos, photos and texts, some “hidden” stories concerning the exposed objects; they might observe...

Price: Free Developer: M.I.D.A. Informatica
Normandie Université en poche

Normandie Université en poche

Etudiant.e ou futur étudiant.e de l’enseignement supérieur normand ? Keep Zen : on est là avec toi ! Transports, plans des campus, restaurations, loisirs, sports, culture, ... pour tout savoir de la vie étudiante.

Price: Free Developer: Normandie Université
Novidade Universitário RA

Novidade Universitário RA

Conheça os objetos digitais em realidade aumentada, que estarão presentes no material didático do Universitário em 2018.

Price: Free Developer: IESDE BRASIL S/A
Paris 3D Saga.

Paris 3D Saga.

Paris 3D Saga Experience available on your iPad! A time-travel through more than 2000 years of history: discover Paris’ most famous monuments, with 3D reconstructions carried out with historians, and HD clips of the documentary series « Paris, the great...

Price: Free Developer: Dassault Systemes SE
Paris Museums Visitor Guide

Paris Museums Visitor Guide

After collecting travellers info about the best museums in Paris we have developed this tour guide based on visitors advice and experiences. Mobile guide 100% offline developed for all those travellers willing to discover the great master pieces of all...

Price: Free Developer: Maria Agustina Monti
Paris Classe Numérique

Paris Classe Numérique

L’application mobile « Paris Classe Numérique » est accessible aux parents, enseignants, personnels d’établissements et aux élèves (second degré uniquement) des établissements scolaires publics de la Ville de Paris. Elle nécessite de disposer d’un compte (fourni par l’établissement). Si votre compte...

Price: Free Developer:
Disney Stars Disneyland® Paris

Disney Stars Disneyland® Paris

Disney Stars is the new training platform for tourism professionals to find out everything there is to know about Disneyland® Paris. It’s super easy and simple to use, you can download content to view on the go, or find any...

Price: Free Developer: Disneyland Paris
Musée d'Art moderne de Paris

Musée d'Art moderne de Paris

Let yourself be guided by the Musée d'Art moderne de Paris app! - For a family visit, follow the tour dedicated to the artists' creative processes, including games of observation and creative assignments. - For teenagers, investigate and discover the museum's...

Price: Free Developer: Paris Musées
Investigation Paris Romantic

Investigation Paris Romantic

Follow the adventures of the student Werner and the mysterious Gisèle and solve puzzles along the five trails to uncover her secret! "Romantic Paris, the investigation", immerses you in the world of the exhibition of the Petit Palais and the...

Price: Free Developer: Paris Musées
Paris School District, AR

Paris School District, AR

The official app for the Paris School District, AR allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and...

Price: Free Developer: Paris School District
EIU - Paris

EIU - Paris

Taking professional training and higher education to where they are most needed is the main motto of the European International University (EIU-Paris). As such, we do not believe in being location- or campus-bound, though we recognize the importance of...

Price: Free Developer: European International University
Paris - Aperçu du Guide du Palais-Royal

Paris - Aperçu du Guide du Palais-Royal

Version allégée du Palais-Royal, entre pouvoir et culture A travers la version gratuite de l'application éditée par Blue Lion Guides, découvrez le Palais-Royal à Paris, son histoire passionnante, ses anecdotes, ses trésors cachés mais aussi les galeries avoisinantes et ...

Price: Free Developer: Blue Lion Guides
SAM! Sud Alsace Museums

SAM! Sud Alsace Museums

L'application "SAM!" vous permet de visiter les musées de Mulhouse et du Sud Alsace en toute sérénité! Véritable guide de poche, elle vous permet de vous plonger dans les collections exceptionnelles des musées! Avec SAM! découvrez ces musées d'une...

Price: Free Developer: Association Musée Mulhouse Sud Alsace
Axe Sud

Axe Sud

AXE SUD Marseille : 9 rue Fauchier, 04 96 19 09 10 Toulouse : 9 rue des amidonniers, 05 61 16 53 87 Axe Sud, école d'arts graphiques et de communication visuelle, reste pionnière dans ses domaines de prédilection : l'illustration, l'infographie-multimédia...

Price: Free Developer: INTECMEDIA
Autoscuole Sud

Autoscuole Sud

L'autoscuola nasce nel 1969 con l'obbiettivo di soddisfare in pieno l'esigenza della propria clientela, svolgendo corsi di apprendimento tecnologicamente avanzati, impartiti da insegnanti abilitati e capaci di semplificare e velocizzare la comprensione e la conoscenza delle norme del codice...

Price: Free Developer: Flavio Losco
Hygiene Ready - LITE

Hygiene Ready - LITE

Do you work in the food industry and are you required to pass the annual hygiene training? And with a mandatory certificate of completion? With the app “Hygiene Ready” you will not only learn all you need to know...

Price: Free Developer: inside Gesellschaft fuer Lern- und Informationssysteme mbH
Hygiene Ready - PRO

Hygiene Ready - PRO

You work in the food industry and need to complete the required annual hygiene training? And with a certificate of completion? With the app “Hygiene Ready” you will not only learn all you need to know about dealing with...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: inside Gesellschaft fuer Lern- und Informationssysteme mbH
Hygiene Ready BASIC

Hygiene Ready BASIC

You work in the food industry and need to complete the required annual hygiene training? And with a certificate of completion? With the app “Hygiene Ready” you will not only learn all you need to know about dealing with...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: inside Gesellschaft fuer Lern- und Informationssysteme mbH


GEOSUN est un projet scientifique et technologique de coopération régionale entre l'Afrique du Sud et La Réunion, à l'intiative du LE2P et des villes portuaires, Le Port et Durban. S’appuyant sur l’expérience liée au projet RCI_GS (Réseau de Capteurs Intelligents...

Price: Free Developer: DESIGN SYSTEM APPS
Paul le manchot

Paul le manchot

Place au roi de l’Antarctique ! Le manchot empereur est le plus grand de tous les manchots. Il vit au Pôle Sud, en Antarctique. Cette application originale fait la part belle à la créativité et à l’interactivité. L’enfant intervient tout...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Gallimard Jeunesse
Provinces de la République démocratique du Congo

Provinces de la République démocratique du Congo

Un jeu éducatif pour apprendre les provinces de la République Démocratique du Congo. Bas-Congo Bas-Uele Équateur Haut-Katanga Haut-Lomami Haut-Uele Ituri Kasaï Kasaï-Central Kasaï-Oriental Kinshasa Kwango Kwilu Lomami Lualaba Mai-Ndombe Maniema Mongala Nord-Kivu Nord-Ubangi Sankuru Sud-Kivu Sud-Ubangi Tanganyika Tshopo Tshuapa

Price: Free Developer: Julien Bourgouint

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