Top 19 Education Apps Like Colégio Singular - FSF - Best Alternatives

Colégio Singular - FSF Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Colégio Singular - FSF alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Colégio Singular - FSF. Pick one from this list to be your new Colégio Singular - FSF app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Colégio Singular - FSF on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Colégio Singular - FSF - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Colégio Singular - FSF alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Colégio Singular - FSF 2025.

Sanskrit words - singular form

Sanskrit words - singular form

An app which introduces domain based words in Sanskrit. These are in singular number. These words are arranged according to domain for better understanding and comprehension. These include animals, birds, insects, trees, flowers, fruits, vegetables, parts of the body,...

Price: Free Developer: Vyoma Linguistic Labs Foundation
Mambo Pedagog

Mambo Pedagog

Mambo Pedagog är särskilt framtagen för pedagoger som arbetar med barn i skolan och förskolan. Appen innehåller övningar för träning av prepositioner, adjektiv, singular/plural, kategorisering och uttrycksförmåga. Övningarna kan användas både tillsammans med ett enskilt barn eller i grupp...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Lingo AB
Matrix Numerics

Matrix Numerics

Matrix Numerics is a powerful Numerical Linear Algebra app with a simple and user-friendly interface. It is designed to quickly present you Linear Algebra results involving matrices and vectors with the fewest taps possible. Matrix Numerics uses the SwiftLAN...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Horacio Sanchez
easyLearn Nouns  in English Grammar

easyLearn Nouns in English Grammar

* This app is an interactive learning tool suitable for kids in elementary and middle schools. * This app offers 8 different question formats, more than any other app in the AppStore. * Learn, practice the quiz, take a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Anu Vasuki
Brain Builders, Reading

Brain Builders, Reading

Motivate children to practice key language and reading skills with interactive theme-based activities. Each of the 12 skill-based categories includes audio reinforcement, two levels of difficulty, and a varying progression of tasks to keep children engaged and challenged. To...

Price: Free Developer: Evan-Moor Corporation
Imperium Unseen Tools

Imperium Unseen Tools

Imperium Unseen Tools is a highly developed modern system, designed to accompany and illuminate the Imperium Latin Unseens collection. It contains all 80 of the passages from the book, including sections from Suetonius, Historia Augusta, Virgil and Cicero. Imperium Unseen...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: J Morgan
Imperium Word Tools

Imperium Word Tools

Imperium Word Tools is a highly developed modern system, designed to assist in understanding the Latin language. It offers a dictionary at the front end, which presents words and their dictionary entries in a conventional way. At...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: J Morgan
Imperium Word Tools DE Version

Imperium Word Tools DE Version

Imperium Word Tools DE ist ein hochentwickeltes modernes Programm, welches helfen soll die lateinische Sprache zu verstehen. Es bietet ein Wörterbuch auf der Benutzeroberfläche an, das Wörter und ihre Wörterbucheintrage in einer konventionellen Weise präsentiert. An diesem Punkt können...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: J Morgan
Language In Motion

Language In Motion

Language in Motion is a fun, interactive way to teach and reinforce language acquisition, specifically targeting verb tenses and subject verb agreement. LIM is designed for both the Speech & Language Impaired population as well as the Bi-Lingual Population....

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Deborah Chassen
Colégio CCI - FsF

Colégio CCI - FsF

O aplicativo Colégio CCI - FsF é um aplicativo que fornece acesso às informações dos estudantes, como boletins, notas, calendário, ocorrências e mais. Além disso, possui a função de Filho Sem Fila que auxilia a saída de alunos da escola.

Price: Free Developer: Prima
Colégio Sol - FsF

Colégio Sol - FsF

Com o Colégio Sol - FsF, os pais e responsáveis pela retirada dos alunos terão mais agilidade e segurança ao buscar seus filhos no Colégio Sol.

Price: Free Developer: Eduardo Tadashi Shiga
Escola Eleva FsF

Escola Eleva FsF

Escola Eleva FsF is a multi-platform solution that allows Parents and/or Guardians to pick up their kids more safer and faster. Simple to use. Simply notify when you are getting out of home or work to pick up your...

Price: Free Developer: Intuitive Mobile
Escola Vila Infante - FSF

Escola Vila Infante - FSF

Escola Vila Infante - FSF is a multi-platform solution that allows Parents and/or Guardians to pick up their kids more safer and faster. Simple to use. Simply notify when you are getting out of home or work to pick...

Price: Free Developer: Intuitive Mobile
Anglo Sorocaba - FsF

Anglo Sorocaba - FsF

Com o aplicativo Anglo Sorocaba - Filho sem Fila, os pais dos alunos terão mais agilidade e segurança ao buscar seus filhos na escola. Com a senha entregue pela Escola, pais e responsáveis de alunos formalmente matriculados poderão avisar...

Price: Free Developer: Intuitive Mobile
Colégio Tancredo Neves - FSF

Colégio Tancredo Neves - FSF

Aplicativo que diminui o tempo de espera do pai na saída de seu filho e garante que seu filho será entregue ao responsável certo.

Price: Free Developer: Intuitive Mobile
Escola Peter Pan - FSF

Escola Peter Pan - FSF

Com o sistema Filho sem fila , pais de alunos da escola participante tem mais agilidade e segurança ao buscar seus filhos na escola. Com senha entregue pela escola, pais e responsáveis de alunos formalmente matriculados poderão avisar aos seus...

Price: Free Developer: Intuitive Mobile
Escola Recanto FSF

Escola Recanto FSF

Filho sem Fila é um aplicativo que avisa a escola com antecedência quando os pais estão chegando e, por isso, diminui o tempo de espera dos pais e o trânsito no entorno da escola. Além disso, gerenciamos as autorizações...

Price: Free Developer: Intuitive Mobile
Estou chegando Objetivo - FSF

Estou chegando Objetivo - FSF

Com o aplicativo Estou chegando Objetivo - Filho Sem Fila, os pais dos alunos do colégio, terão mais agilidade e segurança ao buscar seus filhos na escola. Com a senha entregue pela Escola, pais e responsáveis de alunos formalmente...

Price: Free Developer: Intuitive Mobile

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