Top 37 Food & Drink Apps Like 60+ Atkins Diet Recipes - Best Alternatives

60+ Atkins Diet Recipes Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 60+ Atkins Diet Recipes alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Food & Drink apps that are similar to 60+ Atkins Diet Recipes. Pick one from this list to be your new 60+ Atkins Diet Recipes app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 60+ Atkins Diet Recipes on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like 60+ Atkins Diet Recipes - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 60+ Atkins Diet Recipes alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like 60+ Atkins Diet Recipes 2025.

Project 6 Pack - Diet Plan – 60 recipes

Project 6 Pack - Diet Plan – 60 recipes

***FREE TO DOWNLOAD*** ***REDUCED PRICE UPGRADE*** ***GREAT FOR NEW YEAR*** * SHAKE DEVICE TO GENERATE RANDOM WEEKLY DIET * AUTO GENERATE SHOPPING LIST FOR THE WEEK! Our amazing “Project 6 Pack diet planner” App will help you with the process of losing weight. Project...

Price: Free Developer: Aaron Tredrea
Back to The 60's

Back to The 60's

L'application "Back to The 60's" vous offre la possibilité de consulter toutes les infos utiles du restaurant (Tarifs, carte, avis…) mais aussi de recevoir leurs dernières News ou Flyers sous forme de notifications Push. Caractéristiques de l'application : - La présentation...

Price: Free Developer: AppsVision


*−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−* 鹿児島県鹿児島市山之口町で有名なクラブ 【TRESOR/トレゾア】の公式店舗アプリ完成! *−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−* −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ご紹介 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ▼TRESOR(トレゾア) 高級感のある広い空間で、ゆったりくつろげるクラブです。カラオケを完備したVIPルームも2部屋用意しており、最高の時間が過ごせます。お飲み物の種類も豊富でプレミアムなお酒なども多数ご用意。 ▼TRESORII(トレゾア2) は最良のおもてなしを明朗会計にて提供してくれるキャバクラです。料金帯は『TRESOR(トレゾア)』に比べるとリーズナブルで、気軽に通えるのが魅力。 2店舗とも、出迎えてくれるキャストは九州屈指の洗練された美女揃いで、きっとお気に入りの子が見つかります。 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 【TRESOR(トレゾア)の料金システム】 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− OPEN~20:59(60分)5,000円 21:00~LAST(60分)7,000円 延長(60分)7,000円 指名料 1,000円 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 【TRESORII(トレゾア2)の料金システム】 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− OPEN~20:59(60分)3,000円 21:00~LAST(60分)5,000円 延長(40分)3,000円/延長(60分)5,000円 指名料 1,000円 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 【機能紹介】 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ■トーク機能 【TRESOR/トレゾア】と直接のやり取りが可能です。来店前のお問い合わせから来店後のご質問まで、アプリで連絡を取り合うことができます。カメラで撮影した画像もその場で送ることができます。 ■ポイントカード 【TRESOR/トレゾア】で利用した金額に応じてポイントが貯まります。そのポイントでお店の特典に交換したり、貯まったポイントをお買い物に利用することもできます。 ■クーポン 【TRESOR/トレゾア】のお得なアプリ限定クーポンを配布しています。新しいクーポンが配信された際には、プッシュ通知で情報をお届けします。 ■最新情報をお届け 【TRESOR/トレゾア】からのお知らせやイベント予告情報など、最新情報をお届けします。 ■写真を一覧で掲載 【TRESOR/トレゾア】の店内やメニューなどの写真を掲載しています。 ■MAP 【TRESOR/トレゾア】の場所がMAP表示されているので、お店まで簡単にアクセスできます。 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 【TRESOR/トレゾアの基本情報】 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 店名:TRESOR(トレゾア) 住所:鹿児島市山之口町11-7 ダイヤモンドビルB1F アクセス:鹿児島市電 天文館通駅徒歩2分/鹿児島市電 高見馬場駅徒歩3分 店名:TRESORII(トレゾア2) 住所:鹿児島市山之口町8-26 細山田BLD5 1F アクセス:鹿児島市電 天文館通駅徒歩4分/鹿児島市電 甲東中学校前駅徒歩5分 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ご注意 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ※アプリ利用は無料です。 ※最新版のアプリをご利用いただくためには、端末のソフトウェアアップデートでOSのバージョンを最新にする必要がございます。 ※一部ご利用頂けないOSがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。推奨バージョンはiOS9以上です。

Price: Free Developer: USEN
James Cookbook Healthy Meals

James Cookbook Healthy Meals

James Cookbook is a collection of recipes made by chef James Lupu. He has a collection of over 200+ recipes that are available on his blog. Delightfully simple recipe management for everyone: from aspiring cooks to professional chefs. With...

Price: Free Developer: Gabriel Lupu
Schlank im Schlaf Abendessen - Die original Rezepte

Schlank im Schlaf Abendessen - Die original Rezepte

Schlank im Schlaf 60 genussvolle Abendessen – vegetarisch, mit Fisch und Fleisch. Ohne Kohlenhydrate dafür mit viel Geschmack! **Neu für Apple Watch Besitzer:*** Wir erleichtern Ihren Einkauf mit der Watch. Einfach Rezepte auf die Einkaufsliste in der App setzen. Die...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GRÄFE UND UNZER Verlag GmbH
Schlank im Schlaf vegetarisch - Die original Rezepte

Schlank im Schlaf vegetarisch - Die original Rezepte

Das revolutionäre Konzept – Abnehmen mit Schlank im Schlaf vegetarisch! **Neu für Apple Watch Besitzer:*** Wir erleichtern Ihren Einkauf mit der Watch. Einfach Rezepte auf die Einkaufsliste in der App setzen. Die Einkaufsliste ist auf der Uhr sofort verfügbar und...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: GRÄFE UND UNZER Verlag GmbH
Detox - die besten Rezepte

Detox - die besten Rezepte

Neue Energie und Leichtigkeit – mit der GU Detox-App! *** mit 60 leckeren Rezepten *** Entgiften war noch nie so einfach und köstlich. Kaffee, Stress und Essen zwischen Tür und Angel - unser Stoffwechsel muss im Alltag ganz schön was leisten. Die...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: GRÄFE UND UNZER Verlag GmbH
SOS Foods

SOS Foods

L'application Iphone/Ipad de SOS Foods vous permet de commander en ligne ou par téléphone via votre application . Vous pouvez consulter notre carte et choisir vos produits . Zones de livraison: Minimum de commande 15 € : Combs-la-Ville 77380, Lieusaint 77127,...

Price: Free Developer: Desclick Desclick
HungryUS - Food Delivery

HungryUS - Food Delivery

Hungry provides FREE lunch and dinner delivery services to specific locations in San Diego, Irvine and Los Angeles. We also provide catering services to local businesses. Hungry has delivered more than 108,000 orders to local universities, offices, and communities around...

Price: Free Developer: Yaling Li
Atkins Diet 2017

Atkins Diet 2017

Discover The Atkins Diet and see how LOW CARB recipes can help you lose weight. This collection of MORE THAN 625 Mouthwatering recipes will keep the kitchen busy for the foreseeable future! Use this app as a “Video Referencing...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Anthony Walsh
Atkins Diet Clinic

Atkins Diet Clinic

The Atkins Diet is one of the most effective diet plans in the World and practised by millions. Find out what it can do for you and find out the other possible benefits with this comprehensive collection of...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
400 Atkins Recipes

400 Atkins Recipes

400 Atkins Recipes ** 50% Off Today!! ======================== WHAT IS ATKINS DIET? ======================== Atkins diet involves limited consumption of carbohydrates to switch the body's metabolism from metabolizing glucose as energy over to converting stored body fat to energy. The diet restricts "net carbs" (digestible...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Chun Hoi Lo
Receitas Low Carb Atkins +

Receitas Low Carb Atkins +

O Receitas Low Carb - Atkins foi desenvolvido para ajudar os adeptos das dietas com baixo teor de carboidratos (principalmente a dieta Atkins). Com ele fica mais fácil organizar suas receitas, sem misturá-las com as receitas das dietas "normais". Seja você...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Wesoft Solucoes em TI
Lazy Keto Diet Recipes

Lazy Keto Diet Recipes

Lazy Keto is a free and very easy to use app with tons of delicious recipes to help jumpstart your keto diet. Don't know what you want to have for dinner? No problem! Open our app and browse to...

Price: Free Developer: Lazy Keto App
Indian Food Recipes Cookbook

Indian Food Recipes Cookbook

Indian Recipes SMART Cookbook app has a vast offline collection of more than 1300 Indian Food Recipes. Spice up your taste buds and learn how to cook traditional Indian Food in an easy, step by step way! This Food...

Price: Free Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC
Japanese Food Recipes Cookbook

Japanese Food Recipes Cookbook

Japanese Recipes SMART Cookbook app has a vast offline collection of more than 600 Japanese Food Recipes. Spice up your taste buds and learn how to cook traditional Japanese Food in an easy, step by step way! This Food...

Price: Free Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC
Indian Cooking Recipes Hindi

Indian Cooking Recipes Hindi

Indian Cooking Recipes is a free offline recipes app having 10000+ collection of Delicious Indian Foods and Recipes. This free recipe book app has easy cooking recipes spread across seven major categories Non-Vegetarian to Vegan, Vegetarian, Soups, Dinks/Beverages, Deserts, Snacks...

Price: Free Developer: Parth Bapodariya
Healthy Soup Recipes Cookbook

Healthy Soup Recipes Cookbook

Soup Recipes is an app to explore vibrant taste of Healthy Soups that nourish your body and soul. This Soup Cookbook has a vast offline collection of more than 1300 easy Soups which are categorized into Taste Buds and...

Price: Free Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC
Paleo Diet Food List - Database & Tracking

Paleo Diet Food List - Database & Tracking

This is your best friend for your clean eating Paleo lifestyle! Ever wonder if a food is paleo? Just ask Paleo Buddy! We'll tell you if the food you are wondering about is paleo. Not only that, we will track...

Price: Free Developer: Charles Vanderhoff
Healthy recipes - Diet Meals

Healthy recipes - Diet Meals

Healthy Recipes - Diet Meals App is your personal helper. Save time & heath healthy balanced meals. Maintain healthy lifestyle with easy practical recipes, This great selection of Delicious Healthy & easy recipes will help you live healthier and stay...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: mohamed taoufik
Paleo Diet Recipes Made Easy

Paleo Diet Recipes Made Easy

Over 100 simple recipes from the stone age – brought to life for the 21st century with this definitive guide to the Paleo diet. The Paleo diet is the latest and greatest eating innovation. Free yourself forever from faddy food...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Diet Doctor Eat

Diet Doctor Eat

800+ free and delicious low-carb and keto recipes. 120+ customizable and Diet Doctor tested meal plans with recipes and nutritional information you can trust — backed by the world’s leading experts on low carb and keto. Strict keto, moderate...

Price: Free Developer: Diet Doctor Sweden AB
Vegan Recipes | Diet-Health

Vegan Recipes | Diet-Health

Features: • View previously seen recipes again without an Internet connection. • Cross out ingredients on your ingredient list (horizontal swipe). • Turn your smartphone on its side to show the ingredients and instructions side by side. Support for problems or feedback • If something isn’t working or...

Price: Free Developer: Stiftung Gesundheit und Ernahrung Schweiz
5:2 Fasting Diet Recipes

5:2 Fasting Diet Recipes

►►► Author of the top 10 hit book ‘The 5:2 Diet Cookbook’ and Nutritionist of the Year Angela Dowden brings you delicious recipes for the 5:2 fasting diet that’s sweeping the globe. ◄◄◄ Make your 500- or 600-calorie day...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer:
Juice Diet: Lose 7lbs in 7 days!

Juice Diet: Lose 7lbs in 7 days!

How to look great and feel even better in just 7 days. **Lose 7 lbs in 7 days!** Whether you want to look good on the beach, fit into a special outfit, or kickstart a long-term weight-loss plan, one week with...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Fitberry - Healthy Diet Recipe

Fitberry - Healthy Diet Recipe

Fitberry app gives the best healthy recipes to follow healthy living. This app promotes healthy eating by promoting healthy food. Wide collection of free healthy recipes and healthy recipes with videos. Users can find heart healthy recipes, ingredients &...

Price: Free Developer: Riafy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Detox Diet Free - Cleanse and Flush the Body

Detox Diet Free - Cleanse and Flush the Body

Detox diet is a recipe app that provides an introduction to recipes that will help you live a healthier life. ----------------------------------------------- "Amazing Recipes!!! NONE of the other apps have recipes like these!! The pictures are beautiful and incredibly inspiring!! -...

Price: Free Developer: The Jones Kilmartin Group, LLC
Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Diet

** Row Food Diet Guide App ** Row Food diet is worlds healthiest diet, which help you to live a fit and natural life. App contains tons of video tutorials and expert guide and tips to help you out....

Price: Free Developer: Divyaben Dhedhi
Mary's Recipes: Meal Planner

Mary's Recipes: Meal Planner

More than 300 healthy and delicious recipes, meal planner and grocery list in one single app. Daily meal planner will help busy singles, couples, and families plan their meals ahead. Quick and easy recipes to cook a meal in...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Maria Kardakova
Indian Recipes Book

Indian Recipes Book

Welcome to Indian Recipes Book App. Don’t be afraid to start playing around with cooking food at home. Our Recipes Book is a Free app that has the largest offline collection of Foods and Recipes. First, it’s important to...

Price: Free Developer: Zeeshan Farasta
Mixologist™ Drink & Cocktail Recipes

Mixologist™ Drink & Cocktail Recipes

Mixologist™ is the ultimate drink & cocktail recipe app. THOUSANDS OF RECIPES Browse and search through nearly 8,000 drink recipes and over 1,000 ingredients. METRIC/IMPERIAL UNITS Metric and Imperial (US) units can be chosen for all cocktail recipes with the click of one...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Cocktail Recipes LLC
Mixology™ Drink & Cocktail Recipes (Free)

Mixology™ Drink & Cocktail Recipes (Free)

Mixology™ is the ultimate drink & cocktail recipe app. THOUSANDS OF RECIPES Browse and search through nearly 8,000 drink recipes and over 1,000 ingredients. METRIC/IMPERIAL UNITS Metric and Imperial (US) units can be chosen for all cocktail recipes with the click of one...

Price: Free Developer: Cocktail Recipes LLC
101 Smoothie Recipes

101 Smoothie Recipes

From the creator of the #1 Food and Drink App, 101 Juice Recipes, comes a new collection of plant-based recipes – this time in blended smoothie form! 101 Smoothie Recipes features some of Joe Cross’ favorite blended recipes, including not...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Joe Cross
Chinese Food Recipes - Best of chinese dishes

Chinese Food Recipes - Best of chinese dishes

A Big Collection of FREE Chinese Food Recipes. Now you can make your Favourite Chinese Dishes right in your own kitchen! Complete App Features: >> 150+ Chinese Recipes >> Easy Browsing of Recipes >> Mark Any Recipe as Favourite >> View Recipe Picture >> View...

Price: Free Developer: Shabira
Simply Recipes

Simply Recipes

Simply Recipes is a family-friendly cooking website with over 1900 well-crafted recipes for the home cook, including photographs and easy-to-follow instructions to help you prepare them yourself. • 1900+ home-tested FREE recipes, with beautiful photographs and step-by-step instructions • Organized by...

Price: Free Developer: Simply Recipes, Inc.
Vegan Recipes - Eat Vegan

Vegan Recipes - Eat Vegan

A big collection of delicious 300 Vegan recipes for people on a vegan diet, vegan food lovers or who would like to eat vegan for a change. The app makes it super easy for you to make a different...

Price: Free Developer: Shabira

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