Top 37 Productivity Apps Like Be Focused - Focus Timer - Best Alternatives

Be Focused - Focus Timer Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Be Focused - Focus Timer alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Productivity apps that are similar to Be Focused - Focus Timer. Pick one from this list to be your new Be Focused - Focus Timer app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Be Focused - Focus Timer on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like Be Focused - Focus Timer - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Be Focused - Focus Timer alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like Be Focused - Focus Timer 2025.

Be Focused Pro - Focus Timer

Be Focused Pro - Focus Timer

Staying on task seems is a real challenge for our screen-bound generation. The Be Focused lets you get things done by breaking up individual tasks among discrete intervals, separated by short breaks. It’s a surprisingly effective way to retain...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Denys Yevenko
Always Be In Contact

Always Be In Contact

Description: Always Be In Contact – Simple, Fast, Follow-Up! Set custom contact reminders to follow-up. Receive alerts on iPhone and Apple Watch. This app allows you to organize your contacts in 3 categories. The defaults are Lead, Prospect, Sold. Import your iPhone...

Price: Free Developer: Keep it Simple Technologies, Inc.
Easily can be shared notes

Easily can be shared notes "Share Notes"

Free that can be shared with family and friends notes "SheaNotes" User registration and e-mail address absolutely unnecessary! Easily can be shared in a simple and easy-to-understand design! Available in full for free! ■ Note How to Create 1. under the right "+" button...

Price: Free Developer: takanori yanada


Be Natural permits to its customers to have in real time all the traceability information about their supplies (PO number, lot batch number, delivery details, who made quality inspection and when, etc…). App only requires to login and scan...

Price: Free Developer: The ID Factory


Be-tama(ビータマ)は、ビーウィズ株式会社の従業員専用コミュニケーションアプリです。 会社からのお知らせ案内や従業員同士のコミュニケーションツールとして使用し、「確実」で「スピーディー」なメッセージのやり取りを実現します。 【主な機能】 ・トーク  :プロジェクトや目的別にトークルームを作成し、簡単にメッセージのやり取りが出来ます。 ・一斉同報 :会社からのお知らせをダイレクトに受け取れます。 【特長】 ・使いやすいユーザインタフェース :シンプルな設計のためマニュアル無しで、すぐに使い始めることができます。 ・ 高いセキュリティー :ビーウィズ社の従業員のみ利用可能。さらに三段階の暗号化で安全なコミュニケーションを実現します。 【活用シーン】 ・全従業員へ会社の方針や取組みをダイレクトに伝える一斉同報連絡ツール ・プロジェクトチーム内での勤怠連絡ツール ・シフト変更や応援勤務の連絡ツール ・部門間の連携強化 ・営業チームの情報共有

Price: Free Developer: AOS Technologies, Inc
Whiteboard - Be a Hero

Whiteboard - Be a Hero

Be an office hero with Whiteboard. Easily capture whiteboards into the cloud and share them with your team and clients. Never lose your whiteboard again.

Price: Free Developer: We Are Few, LLC
Be There by KAPSCH

Be There by KAPSCH

BE THERE by Bizzify Business Networking App ist die offizielle interaktive mobile Event Management App für Kapsch Business Com. Diese mobile App erlaubt Ihnen: * Interaktiver Kalender mit aktuellen Session-Details * Details zu Speakern bzw. Vortragenden, Besuchern und zur Location *...

Price: Free Developer: MOWEEX GmbH
Be best tv

Be best tv

Web tv Be Best tv chaîne populaire Gospel diffuse en direct live partout dans le monde gratuitement des programmes musicaux, de l'informations, du divertissement et des programmes réligieux. Diffuser tous vos évènements concerts,mariages,anniversaires, séminaires et autres ,faites profiter vos...

Price: Free Developer: Xtraball
Now Then Time Tracking Pro

Now Then Time Tracking Pro

Are you spending lots of your time on low value tasks? You might find your time doesn't get spent where you think it does. First, measure where your time goes, then reduce, or eliminate your biggest time wasting tasks. Use...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Angry Aztec Ltd
CoffeeAM - Stay focused

CoffeeAM - Stay focused

If you think staying focused during study or work is often hard and frustrating, you can improve your mental focus instantly with CoffeeAM so that you can get more things done! A good coffee shop like Starbucks is always a...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Yuan Dong Zhong
Increase your productivity - Keeping you focused

Increase your productivity - Keeping you focused

Do you want to increase your productivity? This app keeps you focused on working or learning and your balance. Easy to use and friendly !! * When start your task - Press Work button the app will count down your...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: nguyen ngoc khanh
Flipd - Keep Focused

Flipd - Keep Focused

* #1 app for distraction-free focus * 85% of Flipd users feel more productive Flipd is the #1 app for distraction-free focus, productivity, and presence. Join millions celebrating improved wellbeing through practicing tech-life balance in all of their daily tasks....

Price: Free Developer: Flipd Inc.
Stay Focused - Time Tracking & Task Timer

Stay Focused - Time Tracking & Task Timer

Stay focused lets you get things done by breaking up individual event among discrete intervals, separated by short breaks. It helps you stay focused in work and study to makes your time more productive and joyful. FOUCS TIMER • Base on...

Price: Free Developer: Janina Kretschmann
Block & Flow: Stay focused

Block & Flow: Stay focused

Do more in less time with 25 minute blocks. Take it one block at a time and surprise yourself with how much you can accomplish. Inspired by tried and trusted time management techniques. Block & Flow is simple, beautiful...

Price: Free Developer: One foot after the other
F&M - Focused and Motivated

F&M - Focused and Motivated

The pomodoro technique featured in this app is a proven way to work at your peak efficiency. Of course , we sometimes zone out and get frustrated with our work. Thanks to F&M you will never lose that necessary...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Zachary Jensen
Tomorrow: To-Do List, Focused

Tomorrow: To-Do List, Focused

Are you drowning in tasks? Do you become overwhelmed with other task management solutions? It all comes down to this; what is REALLY important today? With Tomorrow, you prioritize your 3 most important tasks. Tomorrow lets you focus on what...

Price: Free Developer: iGotIt Games
Eggzy - Focus & Time Keeper

Eggzy - Focus & Time Keeper

Eggzy is an effective tool that helps you change your phone habits for the better in a fun and creative way. It’s a great app for any person who needs that extra push to sustain attention on tasks and...

Price: Free Developer: Apalon Apps
Focus Matrix – Task Manager

Focus Matrix – Task Manager

Focus Matrix is a smart personal organizer based on the so-called Eisenhower box, a personal productivity strategy created by Dwight Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States. The principle uses a special priority matrix that helps break your...

Price: Free Developer: Denys Yevenko


How many times have you set goals and forgot to complete? Focus.on reminds your goal statement every day. It’s easier to achieve your goal when it is impressed in your subconscious mind and Focus.on is designed to do so. Focus.on has helped...

Price: Free Developer: Pratik Sanap
Focus BackTrack

Focus BackTrack

BackTrack is for managers who need to look after people, not cars. It's perfect if your team is out in the field and you need real-time location data or historical service records. BackTrack is battery friendly and schedule controlled...

Price: Free Developer: Focus Products
SILO Focus and Study Timer

SILO Focus and Study Timer

SILO helps you stay focused by using the Apple Watch to tap you on the wrist during focus-break (pomodoro) cycles. Why focus-break Emerging studies show that taking breaks between long periods of uninterrupted focus is a healthy way to increase productivity. How...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Omar Hijaz
Focus Pro - Task &Time Manager

Focus Pro - Task &Time Manager

App store text Enter the world of productivity with Focus app and become more productive. Focus is a great productivity app in many countries. It has thousands of satisfied users. Staying on tasks and being productive is a challenge. The...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: SERDAR ASLAN
Focus - Time Management

Focus - Time Management

Meet Focus: the best time manager for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac. Focus is the most elegant and professional way to get more wore done, working in highly efficient work sessions, one task at a time. “ a tool...

Price: Free Developer: Masterbuilders
Focus Cat App - Concentrate

Focus Cat App - Concentrate

Focus Cat App! More than 2.000.000 cat combinations possible! Ready, get, set, GO! Tired of not being able to stay focused and be productive on your task because your phone is always a distraction from work, study, friends, sleep (…)?Focus...

Price: Free Developer: Noxfall Studios SL
Mt. Focus: Timer & Technique

Mt. Focus: Timer & Technique

Mt. Focus is the #1 app for distraction-free focus and relaxed productivity. Join thousands celebrating this simple way to stay focused and get giant things done. PER­FECT FOR YOU — no mat­ter if you are: * Stu­dy­ing * Working * Wri­ting * Rea­ding * Crea­ting *...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Beaucode Ventures UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
ECNM Focus

ECNM Focus

FOCUS is a tools for coaches, trainers and students to get more focus on what they do. Is based on the pomodoro method and allows anyone to use this technique. The method: The Pomodoro timer is a well-known productivity...

Price: Free Developer: Alejandro Ramon Cornet
Time Timer

Time Timer

What happens when you can see time? Stress-free productivity. Turn your smartphone or smartwatch into a fun and easy visual timer. The Timer Timer app features an iconic red disk that disappears as the seconds go by. Perfect for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Time Timer LLC
Timer It

Timer It

* For the productivity oriented, multitaskers, and those that like reminders * Teacher’s best friend: a vibrant whole-class visual timer, as well as individual timers, that can be made for students doing a variety of activities, with multiple stages * Ideal...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ben Cooper
Timer with Sections

Timer with Sections

The 'Timer with Sections' supports you during your performance (e.g., a talk or keynote speech, a seminar or lecture, a workout) by providing intuitively visualized timing information. It allows you to structure time into...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Christian Fries
ADSO Timer

ADSO Timer

ADSO timer - Mon Journal de bord d'Architecte. "Ça, il faudra que j'y pense pour la prochaine fois !" Qui ne s'est pas fait cette réflexion… et n'y a plus jamais repensé ! Vidéo TUTO : ADSO timer vous offre l'occasion à...

Price: Free Developer: 3 Bees Online
Presentime Synchronized Presentation Timer

Presentime Synchronized Presentation Timer

Quickly! There's no time! Gone are the days of holding up fingers or minutes-remaining signs for the presenter to notice or interrupting speakers to tell them that they are out of time. The Presentime app is an easy to use...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Midnight Oil Enterprises LLC
Pomo Done - hack your timer

Pomo Done - hack your timer

Productivity Countdown timer to apply a timeboxing methodology for your Todoist™, Trello™, Wunderlist™, Asana™, Evernote™, Slack, Microsoft™ To-Do and Microsoft™ Outlook Tasks, Google Calendar etc. PomoDoneApp enhances your task management system with timeboxing methodology (including Pomodoro technique™ and many...

Price: Free Developer: Pomodonė UAB
Promo Timer Pro

Promo Timer Pro

Promo Timer Pro is the same Promo Timer you love but without the ads! A completely ad free experience keeps you free from all distractions and focused on your work. Having trouble focusing on work, studying or revising for exams?...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Joy Tharmapalan
Team Timer – Simple Timeboxing

Team Timer – Simple Timeboxing

Mit dem Team Timer haben Sie die Zeit immer im Blick. Der Team Timer ist eine App speziell für Timeboxing in Teams. Egal ob in Workshops, Meetings, oder im Schulunterricht, mit dem Teamer Timer kann man Zeitvorgaben in Teams flexibel...

Price: Free Developer: Dark Horse
Timer Plus with Stopwatch

Timer Plus with Stopwatch

The trusted makers of Calculator Plus and Fraction Calculator Plus present Timer Plus, the new timer and stopwatch app, with a beautiful classic design and reliable functionality that is incredibly easy to use. The two essential features to this app...

Price: Free Developer: DigitAlchemy LLC
Promo Timer

Promo Timer

Having trouble focusing on work, studying or revising for exams? With Promo Timer, you can work the smart and easy way! Promo timer is based on the method of simply timing yourself and allocating frequent breaks so you work your...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Joy Tharmapalan

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