Do you want to find the best Acupuncture Points Body Quiz alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Medical apps that are similar to Acupuncture Points Body Quiz. Pick one from this list to be your new Acupuncture Points Body Quiz app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Acupuncture Points Body Quiz on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Acupuncture Points Body Quiz alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like Acupuncture Points Body Quiz 2025.
"Acupuncture Points Quiz" is a quiz which invites you to test your knowledge of chinese traditional medicine and human anatomy. It may be used for testing and educational purposes for people well-informed about the acupuncture and anatomy. Game consists...
Introducing… Learn About The Amazing Art Of Acupuncture The classic Chinese explanation of acupuncture is that channels of energy run in even patterns through the body and across its surface. These energy channels, named meridians, are like rivers flowing...
Acupuncture and laser therapy in horses Learning and working app for needle and laser acupuncture Free trial period: 2 weeks Special: Free module BASICS! You can download the full version of the APP with all three modules (BASICS, LEARN, WORK) free of charge...
Study acupuncture visually and interactively. Get a good feel for the flow of meridian pathways and their (anatomical) point locations. Includes a complete interactive anatomy model (muscles, bones and organs), which can be interactively edited (hide, fade...
This App contains 21 acupoints in the Hand back part and another 21 acupoints in the Hand palm part, and each acupoints is written in Korean, English and Chinese texts in terms of location, efficacy and operation method. The reflex...
The Acupuncture Bible App for Practitioners & Students FEATURES • Stunning double-lined main menu with simple icons • Powerful search engine integrated: Search with supported languages(English, Chinese, Korean) by name, indications, and features of points • Live Multi Language Support : Swap...
Are you an acupuncturist? Or would you like to be healthier? This app computes the principle acupuncture points for anytime of the day. Chrono-Acupuncture Methods Available: - LingGuiBaFa - FeiTengBaFa - ZiWuLiuZhuNaZiFa - ZiWuLiuZhuNaJiaFa - 1-4-2-5-3-0 Method
Das Handbuch der Akupunktur - die favourisierte Applikation für Studenten und Therapeuten. Dies ist die neueste Version der Mobilen App (für iPhone/iPad/iPod) des in der westlichen Welt tonangebenden Lehrtextbuches für Akupunkturpunkte – „Das Handbuch der Akupunktur“ von Peter Deadman,...
Un Manual de Acupuntura – La App Definitiva para Estudiantes y Practicantes Les presentamos la versión de app móvil (iPhone/iPad/iPod) más reciente del libro de puntos de acupuntura más conocido en el mundo Occidental - Un manual de acupuntura de...
The app Glasgow Coma Diagnosis allows you to utilize the neurological assessment scale to measure the level of conscience of an adult and child when he suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is used during the first 24 hours...
***award winning medical app. **** ▶ iauscult is the world-leading auscultation, stethoscopy heart- (cardiac) and lung-, bowel- sound learning application for medical doctors, medical students and nursing stuff, or as a refresher for every working medical doctors in the...
Learn Medical Secrets is a free app provides an easy way to memorize different points by asking quiz questions and offering points for every answer with extra star points to make learning & revisions much easier, as well as...
‘The Acupuncture of Extra Point’ was created by integrating Extra Point from the past, and the newly discovered New Point together as one product. It allows for easy comparison because it expresses 14 Main Acupuncture Point Meridian and the...
Other products describe the location of acupuncture points, HOW TO LOCATE ACUPUNCTURE POINTS – THE DEFINITIVE APP shows you how to find them on a live model using a unique, three-camera video perspective, recreating the experience of having one-to-one...
The App Silverman Score lets you evaluate respiratory distress of a newborn, based on five criteria. Each parameter is quantifiable and the total sum is interpreted in terms of respiratory distress. This application can be used by doctors, nurses and...
The innovative case-based way to learn neurology – completely revised for today’s shelf exam. Medical students need exposure to cases to pass the USMLE® and shelf exams, and this is exactly what Case Files: Neurology, Third Edition offers....
YNSA (Yamamoto New Sculp Acupuncture) is a microsystem acupuncture method and is applied to special points in the scalp. "YNSA Plus" is a mobile application developed for finding these points, announcing newly discovered points, sharing successful treatment protocols, reaching articles...
***** Anatomy & Function offers hundreds of interactive presentations that review anatomy and basic human body functions. ***** Use the animations, illustrations, and 3D models to review for yourself, or to communicate anatomy and physiological processes with patients or peers....
Note: There is a more robust version of this product available: Human Anatomy Atlas 2017 Edition! The all-new Human Anatomy Atlas 2017 Edition is the most robust 3D anatomy reference available. It includes 3D models, cross sections, MRI and...
*** New - Virtual Human Body, now offers the pronunciation *** *** Virtual Human Body was named in App Store Best of 2012! *** *** Virtual Human Body is recommended by top U.S.-licensed doctors on HealthTap. *** Explore the human anatomy from...
*****Get 300 apps for only $9.99 via GoLearningBus Library | Limited Time Offer***** WAGmob has completed 5 years and we are running a limited time offer via which you can access all 300 quality apps via GoLearningBus Library. GoLearningBus providers...
Primal's 3D Real-time Human Anatomy app of the whole body is the ultimate 3D interactive anatomy viewer for all medical educators, practitioners and students. Meticulously built over ten years from high-resolution cross-sectional photographs of real cadavers, the app provides...
PREMIUM CONTENT Anatomy and Physiology is a premium Reference tool for student and medical education. It assists the medical, nursing and health care practitioner learn clinically relevant anatomy of the human body for examination, revision and patient education purposes FEATURES OVERVIEW: -...
Explain3D is system of interactive simulations, that can help you to understand, how human body works. Simulations are built in interactive 3D environment, which makes education more interactive. Human body systems: - Human skin - Urinary system - Skeletal system - Respiratory system - Muscular...
Explain3D is system of interactive simulations, that can help you to understand, how human body works. Simulations are built in interactive 3D environment, which makes education more interactive. Lite version contains: - Human skin - Skeletal system FULL version contains following human body...
Body CT: Back to Basics and Beyond is a CME program consisting of 30 state of the art lectures covering many of the most important topics in Body CT today. The program is certified by the Office of CME...
This is the ideal app for anyone who wants to learn or revise cardiology or cardiovascular terminology, system, and disorders. The quiz also measures your knowledge of the foundation medical terms used when referring to the cardiology...
Pharmacology is one of the most essential aspects of medical sciences. It’s basically all about drug metabolism in the human body. This comprehensive quiz is specially designed to enable medical and pharmaceutical students test their knowledge and consequently familiarize...
Anatomy and Physiology are two different, but highly related disciplines. This inclusive quiz covers the major aspects of Anatomy. The over 1130 questions were specifically designed to include those aspects of Physiology that are very essential for perfect understanding...
Anesoft 'ACLS Rhythm Quiz' is one of the series of apps from Anesoft Corporation to improve your ACLS resuscitation skills. This app will test your ability to identify electrocardiogram rhythms. Recognition of ECG rhythms as the wave forms sweep...
Anesoft 'ACLS Rhythm Quiz' es una de las series de aplicaciones de Anesoft Corporation para mejorar tus habilidades de resucitación de ACLS. Esta aplicación pondrá a prueba su capacidad para identificar los ritmos de electrocardiograma. Reconocimiento de los ritmos...
Get medical terminology, prefixes, suffixes, abbreviations, acronyms and definitions using an intuitive and cool quiz interface. In the meantime study and learn about medical terms and words using simple and effective flashcard screen. Our app content suitable for medicine students,...
This is the ideal app for anyone who wants to learn or revise medical terminology and nursing language used to describe the anatomy and physiology of the human body. The quiz also measures your knowledge of the foundational...
ECG Master is a unique mobile application to help health professional, medical students, general practitioners, interns, residents, and medical specialist to sharpen their skills in reading electrocardiogram (ECG). ECG Master provides quizzes and exams. All of the ECG quizzes...
Memorix Anatomy QUIZ is a high quality application, designed for users to revise Anatomy in a fun and quick way. The app was created on the basis of the textbook Memorix Anatomy, which has tremendously changed studying for medical...
This is a Combination of sets, containing practice questions and study cards for USMLE preparation on different topics. Get +2400 study notes & quiz to prepare your USMLE exam smoothly on the GO. With this app you guarantee higher...
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