Do you want to find the best Harvi-Lecture alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Medical apps that are similar to Harvi-Lecture. Pick one from this list to be your new Harvi-Lecture app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Harvi-Lecture on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Harvi-Lecture alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like Harvi-Lecture 2025.
Harvi-Student is an interactive simulation-based textbook of cardiovascular physiology and hemodynamics intended for beginning students. This free version includes 14 concise chapters in two Parts. Part I covers basics of cardiac muscle physiology and anatomy of the...
This first of its kind iPad app is an interactive simulation-based textbook of cardiovascular physiology and hemodynamics. The textbook is divided into 4 parts and will cover a full range of topics relevant to the understanding of hemodynamics in...
BoneBox™ - Hand Viewer NEW FEATURES to the BoneBox™ series: • The ability to save out and load in custom pins and lines drawn by the user. • A new quiz mode where the bones fall with real gravity into a virtual...
The BoneBox™ - Foot is a real-time 3D medical education and patient communication tool, featuring incredibly detailed anatomical models of the bones of the human foot. It is a member of a series of apps developed by a team...
The BoneBox™ Spine Viewer is a real-time 3D medical education and patient communication tool, featuring a detailed anatomical spine model. It is a member of a series of apps developed specifically for the iPad 2 and the New iPad...
An App (EUS) dedicated to endoscopic ultrasound education has been developed by Drs Shyam Varadarajulu, Paul Fockens and Robert Hawes. This App is a “must-have” for all endoscopists, pulmonologists and gastroenterology/pulmonology trainees interested in EUS. The EUS App is...
A must-have for mastering essential concepts in Immunology. Based on the best-selling Lippincott Illustrated Reviews series, Lippincott’s Immunology Flashcards helps you review, assimilate, and integrate essentials of complex subject matter. Developed for fast content absorption, these high-yield cards support...
Our App makes it easy for you as a Pharmacist to record your CPD cycles efficiently. Going to the Pharmacy Show in Birmingham? Use our App to record your learnings! For Pharmacists Attending the Pharmacy Show in Birmingham, Our...
Physiology GURU (ADVANCED) Aims to Bring Physiology at Center Stage of Medicine. An app for complete guide to Undergraduate as well as Post-Graduate Physiology, explained in a simple, concise yet informative manner, this is one app you wouldn't want to...
Navi Radiography: Mobile Guide for Radiography with 3D image Naviradiography Free (Navi Rad Free) - 245 Radiography Methods · 45 head and skull tests · 28 vertebral column tests · 53 thoraco-abdominal tests · 55 upper extremities tests · 64 lower extremities tests - Beam's Eye View ·...
Navi Radiography: Mobile Guide for Radiography with 3D image Naviradiography Pro (Navi Rad Pro) - 245 Radiography Methods · 45 head and skull tests · 28 vertebral column tests · 53 thoraco-abdominal tests · 55 upper extremities tests · 64 lower extremities tests - Beam's Eye View ·...
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