Top 20 Education Apps Like Cat Health - Best Alternatives

Cat Health Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Cat Health alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Cat Health. Pick one from this list to be your new Cat Health app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Cat Health on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Cat Health - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Cat Health alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Cat Health 2025.

CAT Preparation 2IIM

CAT Preparation 2IIM

Now, why is this CAT Preparation App such a big deal? Tom, Dick and Harry have mobile Apps now. So, what is the point of having yet another app? Two reasons 1. This app is synchronized with the Online CAT...

Price: Free Developer: Rajesh Balasubramanian
My Sweet Cat - Take Care of your cat

My Sweet Cat - Take Care of your cat

You can now play the popular game My Sweet Cat by on your phone or tablet computer. Grace is a young kitten and you can take care of her. Give her food and water. Play with her and...

Price: Free Developer: BV
CAT eLearning Preview

CAT eLearning Preview

Welcome to the new CAT eLearning app! Through the use of Unity as a development environment, we are now able to offer our new eLearning Tool in a unified form on all platforms. Additionally there are now new and improved Annotation-Tools,...

Price: Free Developer: CAT Civil Aviation Training
CAT Magazine

CAT Magazine

CAT, The Journal for Civil Aviation Training, is the world's leading airline simulation and training magazine. With a circulation of over 18,000 copies, CAT showcases the latest and best training practices for pilots, cabin crew and maintainers throughout the...

Price: Free Developer: Halldale Media Inc.
CAT eBook Viewer

CAT eBook Viewer

Customers and students aof CAT Europe (Civil Aviation Training) can view their customized teaching material with this app. JAR/EASA PPL, IR, CPL, ATPL. Aeroplanes and Helicopter.

Price: Free Developer: CAT Civil Aviation Training
Learn Spanish with Lingo Cat

Learn Spanish with Lingo Cat

Lingo Cat language learning app allows you to begin learning Spanish, English, or both languages at the same time. The highest quality images and vocals are used in interactive fun activities you will not find in other apps....

Price: Free Developer: Lingo Cat


CATapp is an application for MBA aspirants in India (especially preparing for CAT exam and IIMs). Preparing for CAT - the only route to the elite IIMs? Are you tired of carrying all your CAT preparation material everywhere you go? Have you...

Price: Free Developer: InformationWorks
Chat with Kyan cat

Chat with Kyan cat

Kyan cat is a cat internet, but not the Grumpy Cat®, Nyan Cat® and Keyboard Cat®. Designed with beautiful and adorable pixel art, Kyan Cat has intuitive one-touch controls, making it easy to play, but still poses quite a...

Price: Free Developer: Tran Khanh
CAT Exam Preparation App

CAT Exam Preparation App

Do you aspire to crack the CAT with a high percentile? Do you wish to get interview calls from IIMs and top B-Schools in India? Do you want to know how to handle WAT, GD and PI rounds of...

Price: Free Developer: ChalkStreet
Bliss: Harvard Mental Health

Bliss: Harvard Mental Health

Bliss: Harvard Mental Health is an app designed to help students reach out. This application improves accessibility by offering a personal approach to navigate through mental health resources on Harvard's campus. Features include: - Explore your own mental health:...

Price: Free Developer: Harvard University
Praxis Health and PE Exam Prep

Praxis Health and PE Exam Prep

With 322 targeted multiple-choice questions and detailed explanations, Upward Mobility's Praxis Health and PE app is the perfect tool for on-the-go teaching professionals preparing for the Praxis II: Health and Physical Education: Content Knowledge (0856) exam. This app contains professionally-written...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
iTooch 6th Grade | Health

iTooch 6th Grade | Health

With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 6th Grade Health is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Health for 6th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
Club TIA Urban Health

Club TIA Urban Health

The Club Teens in Action (TIA) application is focused around youth development. The application promotes positive attitudes, behaviors, promotes self-sufficiency, and education. The Club TIA program is funded by the New York State Department of Health and aims to...

Price: Free Developer: DrupalConnect
Health Heroes AE

Health Heroes AE

"ابطال الصحة" هو تطبيق الكتروني تفاعلي ذكي يهدف إلى تزويد الأطفال بالمعلومات والمهارات الصحية والتي تساعدهم على تبني انماط حياة صحية. يركز التطبيق على استخدام الأساليب المشوقة في التعليم مثل السعي للفوز في المراحل وتخطيها، المنافسة مع الذات والآخرين،...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Health UAE
Mystic Valley Public Health

Mystic Valley Public Health

The Mystic Valley Public Health Coalition is a coalition of municipal health departments of Malden, Medford, Melrose, Reading, Stoneham, Winchester and Wakefield. This app was created as a part of this collaboration with the help of the local substance...

Price: Free Developer: City of Medford, Board of Health
NCMHCE Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam Prep

NCMHCE Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam Prep

Upward Mobility presents our National Clinical Mental Health Exam Prep app, with over 300 review questions designed to help you study for the NCMHCE exam administered by the National Board for Certified Counselors. This is the ideal study tool for...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
TechSafe - Mental Health

TechSafe - Mental Health

TechSafe Mental Health is an internet safety app for adults who work with or care for children, young people and their families. It's packed with advice and resources to help kids and teens deal with the issues of mental...

Price: Free Developer: Excite-ed Community Interest
UC Health Hack

UC Health Hack

UC Health Hack (UC HH) is an annual interdisciplinary hackathon hosted by UC San Diego Health and members of the University of California’s six health systems. Students, physicians, and industry professionals will have the opportunity to address and solve...

Price: Free Developer: UC San Diego Health
Childrens Health Project

Childrens Health Project

The Health and Wellbeing Scheme of Work, written by Ilse Fullarton, the founder of The Children’s Health Project CIC, offers an holistic, comprehensive curriculum for Healthy Movement, Healthy Eating, Healthy Habits and Healthy Thoughts. With 160 lessons for EYFS, KS1...

Price: Free Developer: PE Passport

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