Top 20 News Apps Like Luce e Design - Best Alternatives

Luce e Design Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Luce e Design alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 News apps that are similar to Luce e Design. Pick one from this list to be your new Luce e Design app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Luce e Design on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Luce e Design - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Luce e Design alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Luce e Design 2025.

Agricommercio e Garden Center

Agricommercio e Garden Center

Agricommercio e Garden Center è il periodico dedicato alle problematiche del commercio nel settore agricolo il cui obiettivo è migliorare produttività, efficienza e qualità del servizio e dell'offerta delle imprese agricole commerciali. Inviata a commercianti privati, consorzi agrari, cooperative...

Price: Free Developer: Tecniche Nuove spa
Fisco e Tasse News

Fisco e Tasse News

Scarica gratuitamente sul tuo dispositivo la nuova applicazione Fisco e Tasse News! sarà con te tutti i giorni per tenerti aggiornato di tutte le novità, con news, approfondimenti, normativa e prassi. Tramite l'applicazione è possibile visualizzare e archiviare...

Price: Free Developer: FISCO e TASSE srl - Notícias, esportes e entretenimento - Notícias, esportes e entretenimento

Baixe agora o aplicativo da e tenha acesso fácil e rápido à melhor e mais completa cobertura em notícias, esportes e entretenimento da Internet brasileira! Seja o primeiro a saber o que acontece na sua região, no Brasil...

Price: Free Developer: Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A.
Exponential-e News

Exponential-e News

The Data Centre is your hub for Exponential-e news, events and notifications.

Price: Free Developer: Exponential-e
Innovate - From Exponential-e

Innovate - From Exponential-e

Internal news, events, and a monthly round-up for all Exponential-e staff.

Price: Free Developer: Exponential-e
Bluewin E-Mail & News

Bluewin E-Mail & News

Bluewin – Ihre E-Mails und News in einer App E-Mail und News: Jetzt haben Sie die ganze Welt von Bluewin immer mit dabei. Greifen Sie von überall einfach auf Ihre Bluewin E-Mails zu: Das beliebteste E-Mail der Schweiz gibt es...

Price: Free Developer: Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd.
Blick E-Paper

Blick E-Paper

Frische News aus erster Hand, jederzeit und überall griffbereit. Seien Sie bestens von Montag bis Samstag informiert. Die stärksten News und die aktuellsten Sportnachrichten mit den spektakulärsten Bildern finden Sie in unserem Blick E-Paper. Der App-Download ist für Sie...

Price: Free Developer: Blick
e南洋商报eNanyang  - 24小时新闻快讯

e南洋商报eNanyang - 24小时新闻快讯

《南洋商报》是马来西亚最权威的中文财经日报,1923年由慈善家陈嘉庚所创办。e南洋是《南洋商报》免费的官方手机应用程式。 e南洋分秒必争为您提供马来西亚和国际即时政治和财经新闻、股市追踪、2018大选消息、财经分析和专题。 还有包括房地产、政治、社会、娱乐、体育、保健等等热辣话题等最新动态。 让你随时随地、更快、更便捷、更轻松掌握天下事。 超棒功能: - 干净简洁介面,阅读方便 - 直屏模式,左右轮阅功能 - 图文影片并茂,阅趣无穷 - 可根据喜好调整字体小大 - 一键即可轻松分享至社媒 - 表情图标,轻松无语表态 - 附设文件夹,随手藏珍宝 eNanyang is the official mobile application by Nanyang Siang Pau, the most reputable Chinese business daily in Malaysia, founded by Mr. Tan Kah Kee in 1923. This alternative reading channel equipped with favorable functions and the latest mobile apps features! eNanyang...

Price: Free Developer: 南洋商报
RZ E-Paper

RZ E-Paper

Alle Regionalausgaben der Rhein-Zeitung und ihrer Heimatausgaben – täglich aktuell auf iPad und iPhone. Die E-Paper-App der RZ vereint das Beste aus zwei Welten: Qualitätsjournalismus und der Charakter der Zeitung treffen auf digitalen Bedienkomfort und Funktionalität. So genießen Sie...

Price: Free Developer: Rhein-Zeitung
The Telegraph e-paper

The Telegraph e-paper

If you like your newspaper to look like a newspaper, then The Telegraph e-paper is for you. Have a complete digital replica of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph "home delivered" to your mobile device every day. •Browse the...

Price: Free Developer: PressReader Inc
Peruse Design News

Peruse Design News

Simple. Elegant. No ads. Peruse Design News is a design industry news application made by the design team at Adjust Creative for the user experience & design industry. We think these blogs deserve the attention of our fellow designers. We...

Price: Free Developer: Adjust Creative
Moscow Design Week

Moscow Design Week

Companion app for the one of the main event of design and architecture in the world.. Design week, like as last time, will collect designers and architects from the whole world. They will be show and discuss their own...

Price: Free Developer: Artcommedia
iDD Innovation Design District

iDD Innovation Design District

With the iDD App you can: - Explore with the INTERACTIVE MAP. - Search for and save all scheduled events with the CALENDAR. - Discover architectures, installations and projects with the augmented reality feature LIVE MUSEUM - Stay tuned with...

Price: Free Developer: Chapeaux
Simply News - The award-winning news app

Simply News - The award-winning news app

Simply is the best-looking and easiest way to get the news you care about. Each screen is a smart summary of exactly one news article. Swipe quickly from page to beautifully-illustrated page. Simply tailors your top stories from thousands...

Price: Free Developer: MessengerPeople Inc


RTHK News is the latest RTHK mobile app dedicated to the provision of RTHK news content in both Chinese and English, including latest news and news programmes which is developed by News & Current Affairs and New Media Unit...

Price: Free Developer: Radio Television Hong Kong
Electronics News

Electronics News

Electronics News is a press release platform that delivers real-time new product news to established component buying engineers and designers all over the world. Electronics News is powered by Electropages, the leading publisher of new product news. Electropages is...

Price: Free Developer: Zeta

Nová aplikace přináší nejaktuálnější zpravodajství. Mějte vždy při sobě nejnovější články, videa a zajímavosti z internetového serveru a exkluzivní obsah navíc. Najdete zde regionální i mezinárodní novinky, ekonomiku, sportovní zprávy, krimi, zprávy ze společnosti a mnoho dalšího. Design...

Price: Free Developer: CME: Central European Media Enterprises
Public TV News

Public TV News

Public TV is a Kannada news channel from Writemen Media Pvt. Ltd. With a great following and an experience of 24 years in media and close to 17-19 years in the print industry veteran journalist HR Ranganath is Chairman and...

Price: Free Developer: Writemen Media Pvt. Ltd.
ReadLet - The Newsletter App

ReadLet - The Newsletter App

Readlet is the best way to discover and read top newsletters by experts on topics of your choice. We provide one-click subscribe to best newsletters and that too, without flooding your email inbox. With Readlet, you get: • Discovery of...

Price: Free Developer: Rely Labs, Inc.

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