Top 40 Education Apps Like 30 Seconds - Fast math - Best Alternatives

30 Seconds - Fast math Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 30 Seconds - Fast math alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to 30 Seconds - Fast math. Pick one from this list to be your new 30 Seconds - Fast math app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 30 Seconds - Fast math on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like 30 Seconds - Fast math - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 30 Seconds - Fast math alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like 30 Seconds - Fast math 2025.

Dieterich Unit #30 Schools, IL

Dieterich Unit #30 Schools, IL

The official app for Dieterich Unit #30 Schools, IL allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and...

Price: Free Developer: Dieterich CUSD 30
Learn English Speaking Easily In 30 days Level Starters 2 for iPad

Learn English Speaking Easily In 30 days Level Starters 2 for iPad

Games and activities of English Level Starters 2 of 6. 38 games and activities: listening, grammar, writing and vocabulary. LESSON 1: CLOTHES AND MATERIALS, HAVE GOT, PUT ON, THIS IS, THESE ARE - Audio vocabulary: Clothes and materials - Listen and click...

Price: Free Developer: Gustavo Munoz Alonso
Trig Ratios of Special Angles (30°,45°,60°)

Trig Ratios of Special Angles (30°,45°,60°)

This Game offers a quick and easy way to practice and memorize the trigonometric ratios of the special angles: 30°, 45°, 60°. It is helpful to have the exact values of sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Faruk Ekiz
30 Second Challenge - Sample

30 Second Challenge - Sample

30 Second Challenge has been developed to improve numeracy skills in arithmetic and mental mathematics. These original brain training games, which make mathematics fun for all ages, increase powers of memory and speed. There are three levels to play...

Price: Free Developer: Norman Lock
Para 30 with Sound

Para 30 with Sound

The Quran is divided into 30 chapters also known as thirty Juz's. In this app 30 PARA which is also known as Juz Amma is presented. It is Para 30 of the Holy Quran (Qur'an) 9 Lines Black / Color...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: jabir Ali


【2020年度試験対応】運行管理者試験(貨物)の本格学習アプリ! 効率的な学習スケジュールや毎回問題の変わる模擬試験を搭載! これだけあれば参考書は不要! ※本アプリはライト版です。 製品版プログラムの1日目までと、50問から出題される体験版模擬テストもお試しいただけます。 製品版では30日プログラムの他、苦手分野を集中的に学習できる「ジャンル別」「ストック」や約250問からのランダム出題により自分の実力を正確に把握することのできる「模擬テスト」もご利用いただけます。 はじめまして。 この文章を読んでいるということは、運行管理者試験(貨物)に合格したいと思っている方がほとんどだと思います。本アプリはスマートフォン向けですが、本当に運行管理者試験(貨物)に合格するための内容となっています。 1.学習計画を考えることなく進めるだけで合格できる力が身に付く! 2.毎回問題の変わる模擬試験により、自分の実力を正確に測定! 3.模擬試験で判明した苦手科目は科目別に集中学習! まずはLITE版をお試しください 【LITE版】運行管理者試験(貨物)「30日合格プログラム」 *画面下部の「Recorrect Inc.のその他のApp」より入手できます ~運行管理者試験とは〜 運行管理者とは、トラック、バス、タクシーなどの営業用自動車の運行の安全確保のためにも設けられた国家資格であり、一定の数以上の事業用自動車を有している営業所ごとに、一定の人数以上の運行管理者をおくことが義務付けられています。 運行管理者を受験するためには以下のどちらかを満たす必要があります。 1.自動車運輸事業者(軽貨物運輸業を除く)又は、特定第2種利用運送事業者の事業用自動車の運行管理に関する実務経験が1年以上のもの。 2.国土交通大臣が認定する講習実施機関において、試験区分に応じた基礎講習を修了(受講予定の方は、試験日の前日までに修了)したもの。 つまり、実務経験が1年以上ない人は、国が認定する講習を受ける必要がある点に注意が必要です。 ~運行管理者試験の内容~ 運行管理者試験(貨物)の試験科目は以下のようになっています。 【試験科目】 1.貨物自動車運送事業法  8問 2.道路運送車両法     4問 3.道路交通法       5問 4.労働基準法       6問 5.その他運行管理者の   業務に関し、必要な   実務上の知識及び能力  7問 試験時間は90分で、合格基準は総得点が満点の60%(30問中18問)以上です。ただし、1~4の出題分野ごとに正解が1問以上であり、5については正解が2問以上であることとされています。 一部問題は計算が必要であり、時間がかかるため、時間配分については十分に注意する必要があります。 ~運行管理者試験の合格率~ まず運行管理者試験の合格率ですが近年では25~30%程度となっています。 このデータだけみると運行管理者試験は難しいように思えますが、そんなことはありません。 運行管理者試験は、「運送業界で働くのであれば、運行管理者くらい取得するように」と指示される等、自分の意志とは関係なく受けている方も多く、勉強に対する思いが弱くなりがちです。 つまり、運行管理者試験は、自分から進んで受けている方が少なく、受かる気持ちもほとんど無いのに受験している方が多いことから、合格率が低くなっているのです。 ですから、しっかりと勉強をすれば十分に合格することが可能です。 ~本アプリのスケジュール~ 本アプリの学習の流れですが、前半に貨物自動車運送事業法、道路運送車両法、道路交通法、労働基準法、実務と順に進めていきます。後半からは各ジャンルを並行して進め、知識の定着を図るよう学習を行います。 学習が後半に入ったら、適宜模擬試験を行い、自分の実力を把握を行ってください。合格には各ジャンルは1問上、実務についてはは2問以上の正解が求められます。基本的には苦手なジャンルは適宜ジャンル別学習でつぶすようにしてください。 本アプリは過去に出題された問題と同じ形式で問題を出題しているため、問題文は「正しいものを2つ選び、解答用紙の該当する欄にマークしなさい」のように書かれています。実際にアプリを進める上では、答えを思い浮かべる、紙に書く等していただけますようお願いいたします。 ~ここが他の学習ツールと違う~ 1.模擬試験を何度も行える 本アプリの最大の特徴は約250問の問題の中から毎回ランダムに問題を選択する模擬試験を行えることです。 通常、書籍での勉強の場合、問題順序が毎回同じであり、自分の実力が分かりにくくなってしまいます。 本アプリでは何度でも違う試験を行うことができ、正確に自分の実力を測ることが可能です。 2.苦手な問題のストック機能 問題を繰り返し解いているとどうしても何度も間違えてしまう問題が出てくるものです。本アプリでは、模擬試験やジャンル別問題を解いている中で、苦手な問題が出てきた場合に、その問題をストックすることができます。 ストック学習では、そのストックした問題のみを解くことができ、苦手問題の克服をサポートします。 【ご注意】 ※本アプリはライト版です。 製品版プログラムの1日目までと、50問から出題される体験版模擬テストもお試しいただけます。 製品版では30日プログラムの他、苦手分野を集中的に学習できる「ジャンル別」「ストック」や約250問からのランダム出題により自分の実力を正確に把握することのできる「模擬テスト」もご利用いただけます。 運行管理者試験(貨物)「30日合格プログラム」 *画面下部の「Recorrect Inc.のその他のApp」より入手できます

Price: Free Developer: ReCorrect Inc.
PARA 30 with tarjuma

PARA 30 with tarjuma

The Holy Quran is divided into 30 chapters also known as thirty PARA's. In this app 30 PARA which is also known as AMMA PARA is presented with Tarjuma. Learn para 30 with Tarjuma. It is easy to use. Just...

Price: Free Developer: jabir Ali
30초 영어캠프

30초 영어캠프

■ 먼저 일단 사용해 보세요. 사업자가 아닌 영어학습자의 한사람으로 진심으로 추천드립니다 일단 무료 다운로드 받으시고 '리플렉스' 서비스를 3분만 써보세요. 감이 오실거라 확신합니다. 그리고 마음에 드시면 메인 화면에 나온 '24시간 무료체험권'을 눌러서 하루종일 마음껏 써보세요. 긴 말로 설명하기에 앞서 꼭...

Price: Free Developer: Insightfactory Inc.
KGAP - The 30/30 Rule Activity

KGAP - The 30/30 Rule Activity

Professor Tinkermeister test your knowledge of the 30/30 rule with this activity featuring Rabbit, Possum, and Squirrel.

Price: Free Developer: IDEAS Orlando
Best Storytime: 30 Stories

Best Storytime: 30 Stories

Amazing stories with songs! Enjoy your favorite stories and sing along the theme songs! ----------------------------- ** Launch Event** Two most loved stories are FREE for a limited time. 1.The Little Red Riding Hood 2.The...

Price: Free Developer: SmartStudy
Add 60 Seconds for Brain Power - Subtraction Lite Free

Add 60 Seconds for Brain Power - Subtraction Lite Free

******************************* Promotion: Free for One Day Only ******************************* 60 seconds of speed math to boost your brain power. The rules are simple: determine if the equation is right or wrong. If right, tap the "checkmark" button. If wrong, tap the...

Price: Free Developer: Arch Square
Safety In Seconds

Safety In Seconds

Safety In Seconds, or SIS, is an app which was previously evaluated in a university research trial. The app seeks to expand on previous efforts in deploying tailored safety information to adults with young children. Safety in Seconds...

Price: Free Developer: Johns Hopkins University
60 Seconds Mental Maths

60 Seconds Mental Maths

60 Seconds... ● How Many Math Questions Can You Answer? ● How Will You Compare To The Rest Of The World? ● Not In The Top 5%? ● You Can Do Better !!! - Each Game...

Price: Free Developer: Maulik Shah
Emotion Wheel

Emotion Wheel

Track your emotions with the Emotion Wheel. Use the App to improve your emotional literacy and develop self-awareness – the foundation to master your emotions. Over time, the app will help you see your emotions, feel them, share your...

Price: Free Developer: Six Seconds
Brain N-baking

Brain N-baking

This app is designed according to Brain N-backing training to let you train your working memory. It provides Dual N-backing, Triple N-backing and Quad N-backing. Usage: 1. Click the upper right icon to get your brain training history records. 2. A 2008...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: chih-kuo Liang
Math In A Flash

Math In A Flash

Math In A Flash is an app for elementary school children to learn and practice math facts. You can select addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division with numbers 0 - 12. It was built for both the iPhone and iPad....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Eaglet LLC
Maths Speed Test

Maths Speed Test

Want to improve your arithmetic skills? (Maths made easy!) Here is the best app for you to have fun while learning. This app can be useful for any age group. The maths speed test is designed to help people with...

Price: Free Developer: Binoy Jose
Mental Math Challenge Doubling And Halving

Mental Math Challenge Doubling And Halving

This is an extension to existing Doubling and Halving App. This app has been improved a lot and added 15 lessons practices tests. Every topic has 3 levels (2 Digit, 3Digit and 4 Digit) and each level has 3...

Price: Free Developer: LLC


Get an ability to calculate from 1×1 to 19×19 by mental arithmetic!! MathMagicJunior is an epoch-making application program that will give you the ability to calculate from 1×1 to 19×19 by the mental arithmetic. It contains 12 steps...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Junichiro Kozuma
KOE Fast & Easy

KOE Fast & Easy

Esta aplicación esta desarrollada para explicar el método Fast & Easy de KOE de manera efectiva. Ademas podrá interactuar con distintas combinaciones de estructuras utilizando nuestras palabras básicas "can - must - will", todas las Formas personales, palabras de...

Price: Free Developer: Koe Fast & Easy Capacitacion Para Chile Limitada
Fast ForWord Language

Fast ForWord Language

In order to use this app, you must have a Fast ForWord® program license and an active online MySciLEARN™ subscription. The Fast ForWord® program is a language and literacy intervention that uses the principles of neuroplasticity - the ability of...

Price: Free Developer: Scientific Learning Corporation
Fast ForWord Literacy

Fast ForWord Literacy

In order to use this app, you must have a Fast ForWord® program license and an active online MySciLEARN™ subscription. The Fast ForWord® program is a language and literacy intervention that uses the principles of neuroplasticity - the ability of...

Price: Free Developer: Scientific Learning Corporation
Fast ForWord Reading

Fast ForWord Reading

In order to use this app, you must have a Fast ForWord® program license and an active online MySciLEARN™ subscription. The Fast ForWord® Reading series is a key component of the Fast ForWord program, a literacy intervention that uses the...

Price: Free Developer: Scientific Learning Corporation
Education Game - Fast Math For Kids

Education Game - Fast Math For Kids

Fast Math, one attractive game to improve the maths skills with simple calculations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. - Fast Math, brainstorming for the accurate answers in the shortest period of time. - Fast math is educational game not only for kids...

Price: Free Developer: NGUYEN NAM
Schulte Grid -attention and fast reading skill trainning

Schulte Grid -attention and fast reading skill trainning

Brief Introduction to Schulte Grid Training Method Attention and fast reading training ability are very important capacities in one’s life, whether you are children between 5-12 or adults above 20. These two abilities play significant roles in people’s...

Price: Free Developer: MiracleStudio
Fast Math Game - Thinking fast answer for kids

Fast Math Game - Thinking fast answer for kids

Fast Math Game - Thinking fast answer for kids. How to play : - you have only one second to choose correct answer - show high score !

Price: Free Developer: Wutichai Choomalaiwong
Fluent Fast by Woodle Up

Fluent Fast by Woodle Up

Our app offers a 24/7 free access to a worldwide network of connected native speakers & certified tutors ready to have an audio/video instant conversation practice and vocabulary learning focus using our integrated vocal translator to learn faster. Our...

Price: Free Developer: Woodle Up inc.
Mission US: Think Fast! About the Past

Mission US: Think Fast! About the Past

Test your knowledge of history as you race against the clock! Featuring characters from the online role-playing adventure game Mission US, Think Fast! About the Past is a fast-paced trivia game that introduces hundreds of fascinating facts about...

Price: Free Developer: WNET
Test Prep for AP® Exam - Fast Track to a 5

Test Prep for AP® Exam - Fast Track to a 5

Take a free practice AP® exam in each subject! Let's fast track you to a 5! Cengage and National Geographic Learning will help you study and review Advanced Placement® exam content on-the-go for ten AP® courses: • Calculus AB • Calculus BC •...

Price: Free Developer: Cengage Learning
Zap Zap Kindergarten Math

Zap Zap Kindergarten Math

*Awards* ► Selected by Educational App Store – UK's Home of Educational Apps ► Certified by Teachers With Apps *Here's what experts say* "This is a fun practice tool for kids who have already learned the relevant skills through their school work." ►...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Visual Math Interactive Sdn. Bhd.
Math Slide: Basic Facts

Math Slide: Basic Facts

Math Slide is a multiplayer game helping children to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication & division number facts. This School Edition contains the same games as Math Slide: Addition & Subtraction and Math Slide: Multiplication & Division. Players learn the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Math Adventures
Math Slide: Place Value

Math Slide: Place Value

Math Slide is a multiplayer game helping children understanding place value of numbers up to 1,000. This School Edition contains the same games as Math Slide: tens & ones and Math Slide: Hundreds, tens & ones. Players learn by...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Math Adventures
Math Slide: add & subtract

Math Slide: add & subtract

Math Slide: Addition & Subtraction Facts is a multiplayer game helping children to learn and recall addition and subtraction number facts. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player who...

Price: Free Developer: Math Adventures
Math Slide: hundred, ten, one

Math Slide: hundred, ten, one

Math Slide: hundreds, tens & ones is a multiplayer game helping children understand hundreds, tens and ones; numbers up to a thousand. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player...

Price: Free Developer: Math Adventures
Math Slide: multiply & divide

Math Slide: multiply & divide

Math Slide: Multiplication & Division Facts is a multiplayer game helping children to learn and recall multiplication and division number facts. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player who...

Price: Free Developer: Math Adventures
Math Slide: tens & ones

Math Slide: tens & ones

Math Slide is a multiplayer game helping children understand tens and ones; numbers up to 100. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player who slides their tiles...

Price: Free Developer: Math Adventures
Visual Math Word Problems

Visual Math Word Problems

Sales! 50% off for a limited time! ----------------Reviews------------- 4/5 Stars: "This is a strong app geared towards teaching basic addition and subtraction word problems. It has many supportive and interactive features that encourage children to think through the problems, and allows...

Price: Free Developer: Visual Math Interactive Sdn. Bhd.
Math Games for 5th Grade Kids

Math Games for 5th Grade Kids

We make math fun & engaging. Over 30 Million kids use the Splash Math program to Boost Confidence, Increase Scores & Get Ahead in Math. Splash Math is a comprehensive and curriculum aligned math program which reinforces math concepts...

Price: Free Developer: StudyPad, Inc.
Bubbletime First Grade Math

Bubbletime First Grade Math

“Fun and interactive with my little one. Gives him the option to explore his own answers and the layout and graphics are great!” -- iPhone User -- "...students who have problems in 'later elementary school and beyond are often missing vital...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Quackenworth

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