Top 15 Productivity Apps Like Oakley Mad Science - Best Alternatives

Oakley Mad Science Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Oakley Mad Science alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Productivity apps that are similar to Oakley Mad Science. Pick one from this list to be your new Oakley Mad Science app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Oakley Mad Science on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like Oakley Mad Science - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Oakley Mad Science alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like Oakley Mad Science 2025.

PlanningBoard 2 Lite for Tasks, Scrum and Kanban

PlanningBoard 2 Lite for Tasks, Scrum and Kanban

Welcome to Version 2! Increase your productivity by visually laying out your plans. Choose from numerous templates including scrum, kanban, weekly planner, 4-quadrants. -Turn your tasks into note cards and place them on the planning board. -Drag your tasks around the...

Price: Free Developer: Mad Pink LLC
PlanningBoard2: Scrum & Kanban

PlanningBoard2: Scrum & Kanban

Welcome to Version 2! Increase your productivity by visually laying out your plans. Choose from numerous templates including scrum, kanban, weekly planner, 4-quadrants or you can make your own. -Turn your tasks into note cards and place them on the planning...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mad Pink LLC
Herd Me: Work Life Coordinator

Herd Me: Work Life Coordinator

Herder alert! That’s you! Are you sick of the dreary cycle of filling in leave forms and going through the hassle of carrying your timecard with you; with the risk of misplacing it? That’s not all. What about keeping...

Price: Free Developer: HerdHR Private Limited
Mizar Anagrafica

Mizar Anagrafica

Applicazione che permette di consultare ed aggiornare direttamente sul proprio smartphone - anche in modalita offline - i contatti aziendali presenti in qualsiasi applicazione sviluppata in ambiente Ibm Lotus Notes. Il prodotto - pienamente compatibile con MAD Anagrafica sviluppata...

Price: Free Developer: Mizar Software S.r.l.


Learn all about creating beautiful Pottery items and learn how to paint them and much more with this selection of over 300 Pottery related tutorial videos. Tutorials include: How To Throw A Bottle And Decorate It With Slip On The Potters...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh


meet@WIS - Weizmann Institute Conferences and Meetings Are you attending a conference or meeting at the Weizmann Institute of Science? Download the Weizmann Institute’s app to receive up-to date information on the event. By using the app you can: View...

Price: Free Developer: Weizmann Institute of Science
NCSSS Events

NCSSS Events

The National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools (NCSSS) was established in 1988 to provide a forum for specialized secondary schools focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines to exchange information and program ideas. This app gives you up-to-the...

Class Planner for teachers

Class Planner for teachers

Class Planner allows teachers to easily keep a record of their lesson plans which include the standards, homework and an online reference link. Features • 1 week or 2 week timetable. • Associate content standards with individual lessons • View notes by...

Price: Free Developer: Glen Botha


The IUSTI World + IUSTI Europe 2018 Congress will take place in the academic oasis of Trinity College Dublin. In choosing the theme "The Appliance of Science", we wish to emphasise the great practical advances that science has brought...

Price: Free Developer: Abbey Tours Limited
Chemical Engineering AppSuite HD

Chemical Engineering AppSuite HD

There are many unit conversion apps and there are many calculator apps... There are even chemistry apps and engineering apps... but there is only one Chemical Engineering AppSuite!!! Chemical Engineering AppSuite for iPad and iPhone has been developed by a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Vector 254 LLC
Time Timer

Time Timer

What happens when you can see time? Stress-free productivity. Turn your smartphone or smartwatch into a fun and easy visual timer. The Timer Timer app features an iconic red disk that disappears as the seconds go by. Perfect for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Time Timer LLC
Buddycom(バディコム) - IPトランシーバーアプリ

Buddycom(バディコム) - IPトランシーバーアプリ

Buddycomは、iPhoneやiPadをトランシーバーや無線の代わりに使うIP無線クラウドサービスのアプリです。アプリをインストールするだけで、iPhoneやiPadが無線機に早変わり!! 会話の記録・再生機能があるので、メッセージの聞き逃しが許されないビジネスの現場に最適です。操作も簡単なので、サークルやイベントなどビジネス以外の分野でも誰でも簡単に利用できます。 <Buddycomの利用シーンは様々> エアライン、鉄道、金融、大手ショッピングモール、公共交通機関、BCP、物流、建築、土木、警備、ホテル、サービス業、不動産管理、病院、福祉、介護施設、店舗流通 、イベント、防災など ■1000名の同時グループ通話 ビジネス向けに1000名の同時グループ通話ができます。災害などで電話が繋がりにくいときの情報共有手段としても使えます。 ■導入・運用コスト削減 ライセンス購入後、アプリをインストールするだけで、すぐに使えます。専用アカウントでログインするだけでグループ会話を始められます。 ■業務用の周辺機器と連携してハンズフリー会話 Savox Communications社製のスピーカマイクを使用して、ハンズフリーでグループ通話ができます。 ■広範囲な通信エリア 3G,4G/LTE,WiFiエリアが通話エリア。世界中どこでもグループ通話ができます。インターネットが使える場所なら、どこでも利用できます。 ■ビジネス向けの高信頼性 グループ通話の範囲は、お客様のサイト内だけです。暗号化された通信により第三者による盗聴の心配はありません。当然、広告やスパムが送られてくることもありません ------------- ◆運営会社のご紹介 ------------- スマホIP無線「Buddycom」は株式会社サイエンスアーツが運営しております。 社会に貢献できるサービスを提供し、世界中の人々が美しくつながることを目指しています。 ------------- ◆ご注意 ------------- Buddycomをご利用いただくためには、お申し込みが必要です。Buddycomアプリをダウンロードするだけではご利用できませんので、ご了承ください。 個人情報保護方針:

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社サイエンスアーツ
Construction Estimator

Construction Estimator

Construction Estimator comes in many versions,one version for iPhones and a version for iPads (it's called EstimateHD) and two versions for the Mac (U.S. feet/inches and a Metric version) This version now includes Stairs. Construction Estimator is an easy to use...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: MICOM Software


Download the free CTMeeting to host and join a meeting or remote support session. It runs on iPad and iPhone. Features include: 1. Host/join web meetings 2. Remotely control PC or MAC 3. Audio conferencing via VoIP 4. HD video conferencing

Price: Free Developer: Links Networks Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

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