Top 33 Book Apps Like Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino - Best Alternatives

Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino alternatives for iOS? We have listed 33 Book apps that are similar to Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino. Pick one from this list to be your new Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino on your iOS devices.

Top 33 Apps Like Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 33 similar apps like Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino 2025.

Tagalog Bible Ang Biblia

Tagalog Bible Ang Biblia

This publication contains Darby English Bible (1890) (The Old Testament and The New Testament) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) (The Old Testament and The New Testament) translation. It has 173,761 references and shows 2 formats of The Bible....

Price: Free Developer: Yonlada Nambutdi
Tagalog Bible (Ang Biblia): Easy to use Bible App in Flipino for daily offline Bible book reading

Tagalog Bible (Ang Biblia): Easy to use Bible App in Flipino for daily offline Bible book reading

Features: - Easy to Use - Ability to save favorite chapters or verses. - Enable/Disable Notification settings - Daily Tagalog Bible Reading :Get on daily basis bible reading ( - Holy Bible Tagalog with old testament and New testament - Compatible...

Price: Free Developer: Bighead Techies
Tagalog Women's Bible - Ang Biblia for Woman

Tagalog Women's Bible - Ang Biblia for Woman

Filipino. Ang Biblia (TLAB) (Bible in Tagalog for Women) Kabanata: Lumang Tipán - Genesis - Exodo - Levitico - Mga Bilang - Deuteronomio - Josue - Mga Hukom - Ruth - I Samuel - II Samuel - I Mga Hari - II Mga Hari - I Mga Cronica - II Mga Cronica - Ezra - Nehemias - Esther -...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Ang Biblia (Tagalog Bible)

Ang Biblia (Tagalog Bible)

Holy Bible in Filipino or Tagalog Bible. Tagalog Bible has got all chapter of Old Testament and New Testament. The Filipino language, based on the Tagalog language (the major dialect), is national language of the Philippines. The Christian Bible has been...

Price: Free Developer: Dzianis Kaniushyk
Ang Biblia

Ang Biblia

Ang Biblia The holy bible in Filipino – Tagalog - Ang Biblia (TLAB). It's free. This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and your...

Price: Free Developer: siriwit nambutdee
Ang Bag-ong Maayong Balita Biblia (Audio)

Ang Bag-ong Maayong Balita Biblia (Audio)

Cebuano - Ang Bag-ong Maayong Balita Biblia (RCPV) This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and your loved ones. Carry your Bible...

Price: Free Developer: siriwit nambutdee
Ang Biblia Filipino Tagalog-English Audio Bible

Ang Biblia Filipino Tagalog-English Audio Bible

We are pleased to offer Tagalog Bible, Ang Biblia (Filipino Version) for your iOS devices. Offered side by side with KJV/NIV/ESV English version,utilizing the power of iOS device for Tagalog speaking community in Philippines. 
A simple, yet a powerful design...

Price: Free Developer: li liangpu
Tagalog English Bilingual Bible (Ang Biblia - KJV)

Tagalog English Bilingual Bible (Ang Biblia - KJV)

Tagalog English Bilingual Bible (Ang Biblia - King James Bible Version) Features: Verses of the day. Daily reading plans. App interface rotation. User friendly design. Flipping pages option. Added new setting options. Possibility to add bookmark for any verse. Possibility to notes bookmark for any verse. Possibility to highlight...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Ang Biblia Tagalog

Ang Biblia Tagalog

Portions of the Sacred Scriptures were first translated by the Spanish friars into the Philippine languages in the catechisms they published, and the prayer materials they produced niv. A fine example would be the "Pater Noster" in Tagalog Baybayin...

Price: Free Developer: Yonlada Nambutdi
Flirting and Dating Tactics Free

Flirting and Dating Tactics Free

If you're wanting to learn how to map out flirting and dating success from the start... Then this may be the most important app you'll ever see! *** This is a free version; if you don't want to see ads, search...

Price: Free Developer: Angel Manuel Fernandez Fernandez
StoryShots Unlimited Summaries

StoryShots Unlimited Summaries

SO MANY BOOKS, SO LITTLE TIME Nothing replaces reading a book cover-to-cover but have you ever left one unfinished? Instead, use StoryShots™ to learn or review the key takeaways of bestselling nonfiction books in minutes. FREE STREAMING Enjoy the key takeaways online...

Price: Free Developer: Parsida
Apocrypha: Bible's Lost Books

Apocrypha: Bible's Lost Books

The apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible (KJV). These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). The apocrypha was a...

Price: Free Developer: Haven Tran
Apocrypha PRO: NO ADS! (Bible)

Apocrypha PRO: NO ADS! (Bible)

The apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible (KJV). These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). The apocrypha was a...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Haven Tran
Bible For Women - Woman Bible

Bible For Women - Woman Bible

Woman Bible or Bible for women with daily devotion as well as daily prayers to help you as a child of God. This lovely Bible is created for women and has the design to make your reading adorable. The...

Price: Free Developer: Allan Dziwornu
Bible Habit - Study Bible

Bible Habit - Study Bible

We want you to read Bible carefully "One Verse at a time". That is why we made this app for you! Reading the Bible carefully and knowing the doctrine of the Bible is very important as you are the disciple...

Price: Free Developer: Young Park
Daily Love Quotes and Sayings for Valentine's Day!

Daily Love Quotes and Sayings for Valentine's Day!

NEED SOME GOOD ADVICE? THESE ARE THE BEST QUOTES AND SAYINGS FOR LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS! SO CUTE! Over 5000 beautiful, inspirational, and romantic quotes, taken from famous books, movies, speeches, and songs, delivered to your phone daily! ...

Price: Free Developer: Redmond Militante
Eye Manga - Personal Reader

Eye Manga - Personal Reader

Manga has been around for decades. It’s also a fairly big part of Japanese culture. Now, people all around the world are starting to really get into manga. Said to originate from scrolls dating back to the 12th...

Price: Free Developer: Terry Billingsley
Santa Biblia Reina Valera 1960 Gratis en Español

Santa Biblia Reina Valera 1960 Gratis en Español

Biblia Sagrada Versión King James - Lleva contigo en tu teléfono la Santa Biblia con el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, en Español. No necesitas conexión a internet, una vez instalada, la puedes usar sin importar si tienes o...

Price: Free Developer: Yaowalak Malisod
Biblia Plus

Biblia Plus

Great reading experience with thousands of Biblical resources just a click away Biblia Plus was designed to make the Bible relevant for your life. It offers a highly customizable reading experience to enhance your quiet time reading. Great offline reading support allows...

Price: Free Developer: United Bible Societies
Biblia de Jerusalén Católica

Biblia de Jerusalén Católica

Biblia de Jerusalén / Biblia Católica La Santa Biblia de Jerusalén / Biblia Católica es el libro inspirado por Dios y escrito por los hombres que el eligió para cumplir su propósito, en ella vemos el carácter de Dios ¿Te gustaría...

Price: Free Developer: Mauro Ricardo Calvay Guarniz
Biblia Latinoamericana

Biblia Latinoamericana

Descripción de la aplicación Biblia Latinoamericana Católica La Biblia. Edición pastoral, Latinoamérica, más conocida como Biblia Latinoamericana, es una traducción católica de la Biblia al español realizada en Chile por un equipo dirigido por los sacerdotes Bernardo Hurault y Ramón...

Price: Free Developer: Tuong The Nghia
Santa Biblia Audio - Reina Valera en Español

Santa Biblia Audio - Reina Valera en Español

Escuche la Biblia en cualquier momento, no importa donde tu viaje te lleva. La vida es muy concurrida y días están cortos - utilice su tiempo sabiamente y disfrutar de un fácil acceso a la Sagrada Biblia con el...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Kelly Humphrey
Szent Károli Biblia - Audio Hungarian Holy Bible

Szent Károli Biblia - Audio Hungarian Holy Bible

Szent Biblia (Hungarian Holy Bible) Karoli Bible 1908 (HUNK) A Biblia (koiné görög βιβλίον tekercs szóból) azoknak a könyveknek a gyűjteménye, amelyeket a zsidóság és a kereszténység Istentől sugalmazottnak és ennek okán szentnek fogad el, tehát a hit és az erkölcs...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Biblia del Jubileo

Biblia del Jubileo

Biblia del Jubileo The holy bible with audio in Spanish - Español - Biblia del Jubileo (JBS). It's free This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven...

Price: Free Developer: siriwit nambutdee
Biblia Sagrada - Feminina Catolica JMC

Biblia Sagrada - Feminina Catolica JMC

Bíblia da Mulher e principal objetivo e levar com visual mais dinâmico tema, com menu de acesso rápido as funcionalidade. Esta esta contida pelos livros da bíblia recomendada pela CNBB e Ave Maria em portugues. A Bíblia Falada agora Deus...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Filipino to English,English to Filipino Dictionary

Filipino to English,English to Filipino Dictionary

Filipino to English and English to Filipino Dictionary The Filipino to English Dictionary app brings you the meanings of Filipino words in English as well as the English words into Filipino. The app has a big vocabulary database that allows...

Price: Free Developer: Nasreen Zulfiqar
Holy Bible in Filipino

Holy Bible in Filipino

We are proud and happy to release Holy Bible in Filipino Offline in iOS. This app contains both "Old Testament" and "New Testament" in Filipino. This is our first effort in bringing you Bible in Filipino. We have included...

Holy Bible in Filipino for iPad

Holy Bible in Filipino for iPad

We are proud and happy to release Holy Bible in Filipino Offline in iOS. This app contains both "Old Testament" and "New Testament" in Filipino. This is our first effort in bringing you Bible in Filipino. We have included...

Filipino Dictionary +

Filipino Dictionary +

• Bilingual English to Filipino and Filipino to English dictionary • Filipino to English word and phrase translator and translation • Over 350K words and phrase can be used in offline • Offline pronunciation and translate any sentences • Scan text in image...

Price: Free Developer: iThinkdiff
Filipino Bible - Offline

Filipino Bible - Offline

Hello holiness comes to you!! Now you can read all the beautiful revelations of god through Filipino Bible app. This Filipino Bible most important thing is that it doesn't consume your Internet. Read it peacefully and be blessed. The...

Price: Free Developer: Arun Soundarrajan
Tagalog (Filipino) Holy Bible - Banal na Bibliya

Tagalog (Filipino) Holy Bible - Banal na Bibliya

Tagalog (Filipino) Holy Bible - Banal na Bibliya With This app you can read ALL the books of the Old Testament and the New Testament on your Iphone / Ipad / Ipod Touch. = > Content : - ALL chapters in 66...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Naim Abdel
Filipino Bible for iPad

Filipino Bible for iPad

Hello holiness comes to you!! Now you can read all the beautiful revelations of god through this app. The most important thing is that it doesn't consume your Internet. Read it peacefully and be blessed. The following features have...

Price: Free Developer: Arun Soundarrajan

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