Top 49 Utilities Apps Like Calc Watch - Best Wrist Calculator - Best Alternatives

Calc Watch - Best Wrist Calculator Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Calc Watch - Best Wrist Calculator alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Utilities apps that are similar to Calc Watch - Best Wrist Calculator. Pick one from this list to be your new Calc Watch - Best Wrist Calculator app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Calc Watch - Best Wrist Calculator on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like Calc Watch - Best Wrist Calculator - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Calc Watch - Best Wrist Calculator alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like Calc Watch - Best Wrist Calculator 2025.

Perpenso Calc 4

Perpenso Calc 4

Perpenso® Calc 4 offers five calculators in one upgradable lite app: scientific, statistics, business, hex and bill/tip. Scientific mode is included and the other modes are optional. Perpenso Calc is a related fully paid app that includes all modes...

Price: Free Developer: Perpenso, LLC
CALC 1 - Multiple Calculators

CALC 1 - Multiple Calculators

Your iPhone has *multiple apps* for focused solutions. CALC 1 has *multiple calculators* for focused solutions. Each calculator is focused on a task so they have more functions and are easier to use than calculator apps that try to cram everything...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: CalcFxC, LLC
Calc 2M

Calc 2M

With over half a million users Calc 2M is the best calculator on the App Store! Calc 2M combines in a simple and beautiful design all the standard and pro features of a calculator! We put particular attention on user experience...

Price: Free Developer: inkOfPixel srl
FlickKey Calc for Watch

FlickKey Calc for Watch

Apple Watch version of the most sophisticated calculator ever put on a watch. FlickKey Calculator uses the FlickKey input method to give you fast and accurate input on any touch screen device. Just press and flick in the direction...

Price: Free Developer: FLICKKEY LLC
Arpac Calc

Arpac Calc

Arpac Calc: Packaging Cost, Material Usage and Capital Equipment ROI Calculator. Arpac Calc is used to calculate the amount of packaging material required to package a product and to compare secondary packaging design solutions. This calculator accomodates different packaging methods...

Price: Free Developer: Arpac LP
Paper Calc Office Lite

Paper Calc Office Lite

Paper Calc Office Lite - Use this free App. to evaluate the complete version of Paper Calc Office. Check out the large easy-to-use keys, AirPrint support, paper tape, email, resizable keyboard, line annotation, custom keyboard and more This is a fully...

Price: Free Developer: Richard Silverman
RW CIE Calc PRO ia

RW CIE Calc PRO ia

<RW CIE Calc>Proは、演色性100相当の色ズレのない<LED65S>モードにより<完全等色判定>が実現する。 RW Z-4使用LED65Sランプ(Sharp社製 GB5BTC65K00/Ra85)専用の<D65S>モードを従来機能に追加。色判定装置 <RW Z-4>によれば、従来の標準色票ではわずか2000色に限定されていた完全等色が視感750万、最大1677万色に拡大して極めて厳密なる色測定と色検証が可能になる。使い方は、D65モードで使用する標準色票のHV/C値を入力して等色した後に、CMYモードに切り替えて測色。詳しくはRWHPご参照。 ・計測対象:光色、物体色、色覚にいたる全色分野で750万色超の視感厳密色数値化と検証が可能。 ・計測 検証方法: iPad 9.7 に Apple App<RW CIE Calc>pro を用いて発色させた<デジタル色標準>を判定基準とし透過色(T)は白色部でそのまま、反射色(R)は LED65S 光源の無段階調光により近似標準色票と等色して較正したのち、同条件で試料色と等色させ測色値を得る。視感判定もできるが iP カメラ で客観判定し画像を記録保存。 ・色検証機能:視感750万色以上最大1,677万色。 ・入力モード:HV/C、xyY、L*a*b*、CMY、RGB。 ・光源モード:A,B,C,D50,D65,F8+D65S(各 T&R 可)、各モード間の変換自在。 ・検出可能値:CIE XYZ、xyY、L*a*b*、λ,ρ、HV/C、 CMY、RGB 値。 ・判定精度:pro の D65S モードでは全色系列に対してほぼ<完全等色>し、各色票色票間の精度の高い数値化と RGB256レベルの色差検証が可能になる。等色の程 度も画像で判定保存可能。カメラ判定との視感差から色覚の自己判定可能。 従来版の説明(機能はPro版も搭載) <RW CIE Calc> ia/io アプリは、色の三原色シアン(青緑)、マゼンタM(赤紫)、イエローY(黄)とND(無彩色)の各種濃度の24 の数値ボタン、更に透過/反射、光源切換えボタンの自由な組み合わせによってほぼ無数、1670 万色超のCIE 色計算をおこなうともに、その色計算近似色を世界初の<デジタル色標準>としてモニタに発色させ、視感等色またカメラ等色によってあらゆる物体色のCMY 濃度、CIE XYZ、xy、主波長λ、刺激純度p、L*a*b*、HV/C、デジタルRGB...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: rigio waki
RW CIE Calc PRO io

RW CIE Calc PRO io

<RW CIE Calc>Proは、演色性100相当の色ズレのない<LED65S>モードにより<完全等色判定>が実現する。 1.  RW Z-4使用LED65Sランプ(Sharp社製 GB5BTC65K00/Ra85)専用の<D65S>モードを従来機能に追加。色判定装置 <RW Z-4>によれば、従来の標準色票ではわずか2000色に限定されていた完全等色が視感750万、最大1677万色に拡大して極めて厳密なる色測定と色検証が可能になる。使い方は、D65モードで使用する標準色票のHV/C値を入力して等色した後に、CMYモードに切り替えて測色。 2.  測色はiPhone6,7を使用し、白色部を1クリックすると発色部の周辺が黒くなりプリズム使用時の周辺からの乱入光が防止される。 3.  再度クリックすると発色部が左隅に移動する。詳しくはRWHPご参照。 ・計測対象:光色、物体色、色覚にいたる全色分野で750万色超の視感厳密色数値化と検証が可能。 ・計測 検証方法:iPhone (6または7) または iPad 9.7 に Apple App<RW CIE Calc>pro を用いて発色させた<デジタル色標準>を判定基準とし透過色(T)は白色部でそのまま、反射色(R)は LED65S 光源の無段階調光により近似標準色票と等色して較正したのち、同条件で試料色と等色させ測色値を得る。視感判定もできるが iP カメラ で客観判定し画像を記録保存。 ・色検証機能:視感750万色以上最大1,677万色。 ・入力モード:HV/C、xyY、L*a*b*、CMY、RGB。 ・光源モード:A,B,C,D50,D65,F8+D65S(各 T&R 可)、各モード間の変換自在。 ・検出可能値:CIE XYZ、xyY、L*a*b*、λ,ρ、HV/C、 CMY、RGB 値。 ・判定精度:pro の D65S モードでは全色系列に対してほぼ<完全等色>し、各色票色票間の精度の高い数値化と RGB256レベルの色差検証が可能になる。等色の程 度も画像で判定保存可能。カメラ判定との視感差から色覚の自己判定可能。 従来版の説明(機能はPro版も搭載) <RW CIE Calc> ia/io アプリは、色の三原色シアン(青緑)、マゼンタM(赤紫)、イエローY(黄)とND(無彩色)の各種濃度の24 の数値ボタン、更に透過/反射、光源切換えボタンの自由な組み合わせによってほぼ無数、1670 万色超のCIE 色計算をおこなうともに、その色計算近似色を世界初の<デジタル色標準>としてモニタに発色させ、視感等色またカメラ等色によってあらゆる物体色のCMY...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: rigio waki
Poke Calc for Pokemon GO

Poke Calc for Pokemon GO

Poke Calc is a safe, accurate, and easy to use IV calculator for Pokemon GO. This is a tool for every Pokemon GO player. Before you waste your stardust and candies, see how good your Pokemon really is. Features - Individual...

Price: Free Developer: Derek Saunders
Paper Calc for Coders

Paper Calc for Coders

Paper Calc for Coders is a decimal, hex, octal & binary conversion calculator that includes 25 trigonometric functions. Other features include a full screen view of the paper tape, two color schemes, 250 lines of EMAILable paper tape...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Richard Silverman


The GOST Watch HD XVR app was developed for our active GOST Watch HD 2nd Generation IVR and next generation XVR launched Q1 / 2017. This next generation GOST Watch HD XVR for iPad App was developed for...

Price: Free Developer: GOST (Global Ocean Security Technologies)
TRBOnet Watch Mobile

TRBOnet Watch Mobile

Watch is a client-server application which allows you to monitor a radio network remotely, thus eliminating the necessity for on-sites visits and significantly reducing travel costs. Watch will show you all RDAC alerts coming from your MOTOTRBO repeaters. If something...

Price: Free Developer: Neocom Games
Ctrl ~ A Remote for your Watch

Ctrl ~ A Remote for your Watch

Ctrl is the best presentation companion for your Apple Watch. – Seamlessly connect your Apple Watch or iPhone to your Mac with Bluetooth 4.0. No Wifi required. – Start and stop presentations right from your Watch or iPhone, and navigate between...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Mysk Inc.
Text 2 Watch

Text 2 Watch

Text 2 Watch - Cheat sheets, shoppings list and more in your Apple Watch! Transfer any text to your Apple Watch and be able to read it with your selected transparency level. You can also save the texts and load...

Price: Free Developer: Francisco Fortes Lucena
Flashlight with Apple Watch Remote

Flashlight with Apple Watch Remote

Intuitive. Fast. Flashlight with Apple Watch remote is incredably simple and easy to use. To turn the flashlight on or off, just tap anywhere on the screen. Tap and hold anywhere to start SOS signal mode. ...

Price: Free Developer: Berard


“Developed by beekeepers, Bee.Watch allows anyone to quickly, efficiently & instantly record and share environmental information. Used by beekeepers, pesticide users, bystanders and members of the public to record swarms, apiary and hive data, pesticide use, interesting species and...

Price: Free Developer: uWatch Ltd.
Simpleカウンタfor Apple Watch(数取器)

Simpleカウンタfor Apple Watch(数取器)

Apple Watch対応のカウンタ(数取器)アプリです。 Watch側でカウントします。+と-ボタンでカウント、ResetボタンでiPhoneにカウント送信してからカウント数0にリセットします。簡単ですよね。

Price: Free Developer: Mayumi Kato
Go Watch

Go Watch

Go Watch! was designed to help you count and track actions on the go. Whether you are trying to count stats during a basketball game, or analyze behavior during a meeting, this tracker can do it all. You can view...

Price: Free Developer: Emma Technologies, L.L.C.
Go Watch Pro

Go Watch Pro

This Premium version allows you to: --> Export data via Email or Dropbox --> Track up to a maximum 24 events at once --> Disable Advertisements ******************************************** Go Watch! was designed to help you count and track actions on the go. Whether you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Emma Technologies, L.L.C.
Best Girl Skins for Minecraft

Best Girl Skins for Minecraft

*** Our millions of users wish come true, all skins are now unlocked for FREE *** Best Girl Skins for Minecraft PE HAND-PICKED & DESIGNED BY PROFESSIONAL DESIGNERS If you are a Minecraft Player and looking for the best app to...

Price: Free Developer: Arlie Hanes
Best NetTools

Best NetTools

Best NetTools is a toolkit that have many network utilities. Includes network information searching, traceroute, ping, whois, dig and other services. It is the popular used toolkit for network operators, websit owners, programmers and so on. It's a fast,...

Price: Free Developer: Beijing Tiantexin Technology Co., Ltd.
Best Banner

Best Banner

Express your emotions or your civic attitude, use it to meet someone at the airport or cheer on your favorite team, or just help your kid to learn letters Best Banner allows creating nice looking animated or static messages, banners,...

Price: Free Developer: Serhii Simkovskyi
Best Secret Folder

Best Secret Folder

* Extremely Hard to Notice Your Best Secret Folder Icon On Your iPhone/iPad * * Secretly Hide Your Most Private Videos & Photos From Other People! * Protect safely and securely your most private videos/photos with Best Secret Folder....

Price: Free Developer: RV AppStudios LLC
ABC - Always Best Connection

ABC - Always Best Connection

ABC Always Best Connection is the best way to exchange contacts, keep them updated securely and online, easily access all your devices (Cell phones / tablets) and perfect compatibility with mobile platforms. It is the smart electronic version for replacing...

Best Stickers & Emoji for Messages

Best Stickers & Emoji for Messages

"Make texting and chatting more interesting! Get iMessage Stickers – Best Free Emoji for Messages and make your texts even more funny! Or, if you feel that simple text does not fully display your genius humor then the cool...

Price: Free Developer: Sandra Djukic
Best Title Deal

Best Title Deal

Welcome to Best Title Deal. The friendly title loan company. We shop your loan for you and give you the best rate possible from our network of lenders. Getting a title loan has never been so easy.

Price: Free Developer: Title King LLC
Best Fake Caller (Free)

Best Fake Caller (Free)

Fake Caller Free is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true Call, SMS or MMS functionality. Fake Caller Free is the most professional and beautiful fake caller id application. Get out the trouble; give yourself a...

Price: Free Developer: oTech
Best Fake Caller + SMS + MMS

Best Fake Caller + SMS + MMS

Fake Caller is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true Call, SMS or MMS functionality. Fake Caller Pro is the most professional and beautiful fake caller id application and total ad free version . Get out...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: oTech
Best Phone Security

Best Phone Security

------------------------------------------------------ Don't wait! Protect Your iPhone/iPad Now! ------------------------------------------------------ Use alarm on your iPhone/ipod/ipad when in public or also to catch those sneaky friends and family who try to peek into your iPhone when you're away. What really happens when you're in the...

Price: Free Developer: RV AppStudios LLC
Wrist Presenter, Wireless Presentation Control with the Pebble smart watch

Wrist Presenter, Wireless Presentation Control with the Pebble smart watch

Use your Pebble smart watch to control your presentations. Instead of purchasing an expensive wireless remote use what you already have. A quick glance at your Pebble and you will instantly know what slide you are on and how many...

Price: Free Developer: Matthew Morey
Password On Wrist & In Pocket - Light

Password On Wrist & In Pocket - Light

This is a password management tool for Apple Watch and iPhone. All data stored in local and iCloud are encrypted with users' password, backup in iCloud can be deleted by users at any time. In addition of that, the...

Price: Free Developer: Hongwen Yang
Count and Score

Count and Score

Note-taking apps suck at keeping track of numbers. Count & Score for iPhone makes it simple and fast to keep track of all the numbers & scores in your life. Count what's important to you, score games, set goals, view...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: William Jackson
Feature Phone

Feature Phone

Feature Phone adds a full T9 style keyboard to your wrist. Just install the Apple Watch app to get started! Everyone is already used to typing messages on their iPhone with a keyboard but there is no built-in solution for...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Adam Foot
Remote Buddy Mobile

Remote Buddy Mobile

Use your iOS device as a remote, trackpad and keyboard for your Mac. Beam your Mac's screen right onto your device with the integrated screen sharing module. Turn your Apple Watch into a remote control for your Mac with...

Price: Free Developer: IOSPIRIT GmbH
Let Me Tip: Calculator

Let Me Tip: Calculator

Welcome! Let Me Tip: Calculator makes calculating your desired tip amount as easy as possible. By using a simple UI that gets out of your way, you'll be in and out in a flash. Become even speedier by calculating the...

Price: Free Developer: Grayson Smith


PCalc is the powerful choice for scientists, engineers, students, programmers, or indeed anybody looking for a feature rich calculator. It includes an optional RPN mode and multi-line display, a choice of button layouts, an extensive set of unit conversions...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: TLA Systems Ltd.
AutoMath Calculator

AutoMath Calculator

This bright, colorful 9-digit, retro-style LCD calculator has a large & easy-to-read big display. Customize your calculator with a variety of design themes. • 9-digit display. • Easy repeat +, -, ×, ÷ by pressing equals again. ...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Okaycat Software Inc.


A calculator for your Apple Watch. You can finally have the luxury of calculating problems from your wrist. The clear function is available by force touch. When you use force touch in the app the clear button will pop up. ******Need...

Price: Free Developer: Episcopal High School
Calculator Advance

Calculator Advance

“Calculator Advance” provides button operation on the same level as commercially available business calculators, so this calculator app is sufficiently useful for a variety of business situations. In addition to providing such high-quality basic functions, it also has the following...

Price: Free Developer: Takahiro Iwatani
Calculator Advance Pro

Calculator Advance Pro

“Calculator Advance Pro” provides button operation on the same level as commercially available business calculators, so this calculator app is sufficiently useful for a variety of business situations. In addition to providing such high-quality basic functions, it also has the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Takahiro Iwatani
Calculator Themes: Big Buttons

Calculator Themes: Big Buttons

Real Calculator With Themes and Big Buttons - Gives you a fresh and funny experience with a Calc. Enjoy our app and the many free Calc themes available. ENJOY THIS AMAZING FEATURES
 - Different cute calculator themes with background and buttons! -...

Price: Free Developer: Rodrigo Belloso
Scientific Calculator SC-323PU

Scientific Calculator SC-323PU

The SC-323PU is a multi functional calculator. It is designed in a way, that it simulates the visual and operational aspects of a true pocket calculator, such that the user will be immediately familiar with its interface. A complete...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Thomas Öllinger
Calculator for iPad!

Calculator for iPad!

Calculator for iPad is an easy to use, beautifully packaged calculator for your iPad or iPhone that includes both a standard and scientific calculator. Our versatile calculator app allows you to: • Customize the look of the application by...

Price: Free Developer: 7th Gear
Financial Calculator +

Financial Calculator +

The Premiere Financial Calculator! Whether you're buying a new house, investing or just planning for retirement, Financial Calculator is the top choice to help with those difficult decisions. Financial Calculator contains 10 powerful calculator worksheets to help solve common financial...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Panoramic Software Inc.
Calculator - Scientific Calculator and Unit Converter

Calculator - Scientific Calculator and Unit Converter

More than a calculator! Simple, intuitive and easy to use yet powerful scientific calculator. Direct access to the most important functions. ► 64bit Multitasking accuracy ► No overloaded interface, intuitive and easy to use ► Direct access to most common functions ► Unit Converter ► EMI...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pilcrow AG


Calculator combines the Standard & Scientific calculator, with extensive & easy functionality options. Use the new Retro Theme now and go back to vintage in time ; ) Calculator is Fast, Accurate and Beautiful, it's everything you need right in the...

Price: Free Developer: Impala Studios
Triangle Calculator

Triangle Calculator

Triangle Calculator is FREE today with This triangle solver will take three known triangle measurements and solve for the other three sides and/or angles. FEATURES: Glossary of Terms Multiple parameters solved Solve for any side and angle combination Shows equations used User Manual &...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Timothy Koen
Calculator Pro+ for iPad.

Calculator Pro+ for iPad.

Calculator Pro+ for iPad is designed for everyone looking for simplicity and functionality. You can enjoy using a standard calculator for basic operations or extend it into a scientific one for more complex calculations. Just tilt the device into...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Apalon Apps

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