Top 20 Book Apps Like Liturgia Horarum Premium - Best Alternatives

Liturgia Horarum Premium Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Liturgia Horarum Premium alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Book apps that are similar to Liturgia Horarum Premium. Pick one from this list to be your new Liturgia Horarum Premium app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Liturgia Horarum Premium on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Liturgia Horarum Premium - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Liturgia Horarum Premium alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Liturgia Horarum Premium 2025.

Liturgia do Dia

Liturgia do Dia

A oração do novo povo de Deus, comprometido com Jesus Cristo para a transformação do mundo. Para nós católicos romanos, a Liturgia é a atualização da entrega e sacrifício de Cristo para a salvação dos homens. Cristo sacrificou-se duma...

Price: Free Developer: Maria Kailer

Questa applicazione permette di leggere la Liturgia del giorno, la Liturgia delle ore e la Sacra Bibbia dal portale. Tutti i contenuti che troverete nell'applicazione sono una gentile concessione dei proprietari del portale, che si riservano il diritto di continuare...

Price: Free Developer: Giorgio Pieroni
Ordo Colombiano

Ordo Colombiano

La aplicación Ordo Colombiano es una herramienta de evangelización con el fin de llevar la liturgia de la Iglesia a todos los rincones de Colombia. En esta aplicación se encuentran los siguientes contenidos: -Celebraciones Litúrgicas -Celebraciones de los Santos -Celebraciones de...

Price: Free Developer: Conferencia Episcopal Colombiana
Palabra y Vida 2019

Palabra y Vida 2019

Versión Mobile del conocido proyecto Palabra y Vida (el evangelio comentado cada día). El evangelio diario más popular y conocido por los católicos de habla española. La versión 2019 incluye sugerentes comentarios diarios a la Palabra de Dios que...

Price: Free Developer: Publicaciones Claretianas
PAULUS Editora

PAULUS Editora

Disponível para tablets e smartphones, o aplicativo PAULUS oferece acesso ao conteúdo do nosso portal com maior praticidade, agilidade e conforto. E o melhor: a um só toque do seu aparelho! Ao baixar o aplicativo, você poderá conhecer mais sobre...

Price: Free Developer: PAULUS Editora
Pismo Święte z komentarzem

Pismo Święte z komentarzem

Przekazujemy w Twoje ręce Aplikację Pismo Święte z najnowszym przekładem Pisma Świętego z komentarzem opracowanym przez Zespół Biblistów Polskich z inicjatywy Towarzystwa Świętego Pawła. Aplikacja Pismo Święte - pierwsza Aplikacja z komentarzem i najnowszym przekładem w trzecim tysiącleciu. Idea i...

Price: Free Developer: Edycja Świętego Pawła
Catecismo Iglesia Católica - Catholic Catechism

Catecismo Iglesia Católica - Catholic Catechism

Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica y la Biblia Católica El catecismo es el texto en el que se presenta una exposición orgánica y sintética de los contenidos esenciales y fundamentales de la doctrina cristiana tanto sobre la fe como sobre...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
LitCat CPL

LitCat CPL

Aplicació per resar la Litúrgia de les Hores en Català totalment offline.

Price: Free Developer: Editorial Centre Pastoral Liturgica de Barcelona
MAGNIFICAT en español

MAGNIFICAT en español

Para vivir la oración a lo largo del día, Magnificat te propone cada día: la oración de la mañana, el texto de la misa, el texto de la meditación, un relato de la vida de un santo, la oración...

Price: Free Developer: Magnificat
Favorite Hymns/Hymnals Premium

Favorite Hymns/Hymnals Premium

This app contains 9 hymnals containing 1400+ hymns and Christian songs lyrics (along with some audio). The audio (approx. 600 tunes) is basic-- the purpose of this app is to aid in singing rather than to provide music recordings...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Nathan Bruley
Bookari Ebook Reader Premium

Bookari Ebook Reader Premium

The best ebook reader platform on the market: user friendly, powerful, fast, with synchronized library, this book reader provides unprecedented flexibility, speed and reading comfort. Highlight excerpts, take notes in your books, listen to them thanks to the vocal synthesis,...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Mantano
English Audio Books - Premium

English Audio Books - Premium

Download English Audio Books - Librivox (Premium Version) Learn English listening and reading Audio books, or if you know the language, just enjoy the librivox catalog. Features: - More than 3000 Audio Books. - The books can be downloaded and read without Internet...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Jordi Josa
Comercio Exterior Lirun Premium

Comercio Exterior Lirun Premium

Compendio de Leyes en Materia Aduanera y de Comercio Exterior en México. Buscador de términos y conceptos en las principales leyes y reglamentos en Materia de Comercio Exterior en México para ubicar artículos con el mismo, tales como: • Ley Aduanera •...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Lirun
De Agostini Premium

De Agostini Premium

Browse the classical collections from De Agostini on your device! On De Agostini Premium you can join your digital version of your favourite collections and read them anytime, even when offline. Benefits of joining us? - Issue preview - View your...

Price: Free Developer: De Agostini Publishing Italia S.p.A.


Larousse Premium est une application dédiée à tous les acheteurs d’ouvrages LAROUSSE qui bénéficient de compléments numériques. Actuellement, 3 ouvrages sont déjà disponibles : - Le Larousse du Collège - Le Maxi Poche Plus français-anglais - Le Compact Plus français-espagnol Grâce à un code personnel inclus sur...

Price: Free Developer: Editions Larousse
365 Bible Stories PREMIUM – A daily illustrated Bible short story for your Kid, Christian Family, Church and Sunday School

365 Bible Stories PREMIUM – A daily illustrated Bible short story for your Kid, Christian Family, Church and Sunday School

365 Bible Short Stories to enjoy sharing the Bible with your kids. • An easy way to talk about Jesus and God with your children. • 3 sets of 365 Bible Stories (0-5 years, 6-8 years, +9 years). Parents and teachers...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Toni Matas
Mulan classic tales for kids - Premium

Mulan classic tales for kids - Premium

Version without ads. We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Mulan. An interactive book with story...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Puss in Boots classic tales - Premium

Puss in Boots classic tales - Premium

Version without ads. We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Puss in Boots. An interactive book...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Rapunzel Classic tales for kids - Premium

Rapunzel Classic tales for kids - Premium

Version without ads. We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Rapunzel. An interactive book with story...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids

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