Top 47 Reference Apps Like Ramadan 2016 Gratuit Audio mp3 en Français et en Arabe - Coran, Invocations, Histoires et Hadiths - Best Alternatives

Ramadan 2016 Gratuit Audio mp3 en Français et en Arabe - Coran, Invocations, Histoires et Hadiths Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ramadan 2016 Gratuit Audio mp3 en Français et en Arabe - Coran, Invocations, Histoires et Hadiths alternatives for iOS? We have listed 47 Reference apps that are similar to Ramadan 2016 Gratuit Audio mp3 en Français et en Arabe - Coran, Invocations, Histoires et Hadiths. Pick one from this list to be your new Ramadan 2016 Gratuit Audio mp3 en Français et en Arabe - Coran, Invocations, Histoires et Hadiths app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ramadan 2016 Gratuit Audio mp3 en Français et en Arabe - Coran, Invocations, Histoires et Hadiths on your iOS devices.

Top 47 Apps Like Ramadan 2016 Gratuit Audio mp3 en Français et en Arabe - Coran, Invocations, Histoires et Hadiths - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ramadan 2016 Gratuit Audio mp3 en Français et en Arabe - Coran, Invocations, Histoires et Hadiths alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 47 similar apps like Ramadan 2016 Gratuit Audio mp3 en Français et en Arabe - Coran, Invocations, Histoires et Hadiths 2025.

Ramadan 2018 - All in One

Ramadan 2018 - All in One

In Ramadan, every Muslim is busy in reciting the Holy Quran, saying Namaz and Recites different Duas. Our special Ramadan 2018 app for mobile devices, provides you correct Timing for Suhur and Ifta, Ramadan Calendar, complete Holy Quran with...

Price: Free Developer: Web Planet (Pvt) Ltd.
Ramadan Timings and MP3 Quran

Ramadan Timings and MP3 Quran

Ramadan Timings and MP3 Quran application contains Sehr & Iftar timings with Islamic Duas, Tasbeeh and al Quran mp3 for the month of Ramadan. This app is a blessing for Muslims to make this Ramadan 2017 more beneficial. Make...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Resala Ramadan

Resala Ramadan

This app covers the most basic principles to conduct fasting in the month of Ramadan. Available in: English, Arabic, and Indonesia! Download it for FREE! This application which is titled "The Messages of Ramadan" was created to highlight key points about its...

Price: Free Developer: Yufid
Muslim Prayer Times (Free) - أوقات الصلاة with Ramadan Time Table رمضان

Muslim Prayer Times (Free) - أوقات الصلاة with Ramadan Time Table رمضان

Ramadan 2016 / 1437 is an application dedicated to Muslim people. An ultimate offline Quran application for iPhone/iPad ( English and Arbic Languages) users with Quran recitations by Sheikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy . Just download the App...

Price: Free Developer: Sayed Samed
Ramadan 2016 Audio mp3 en Arabe et en Français - Coran, Invocations, Histoire et Hadiths

Ramadan 2016 Audio mp3 en Arabe et en Français - Coran, Invocations, Histoire et Hadiths

Le mois de Ramadan est un mois très important pour les musulmans. Cette application permet d'aider chaque musulman(e) à en tirer profit au maximum. Cette application fonctionne sur tous vos appareils Contenu : => L'application est divisée en 30 chapitres :...

Price: Free Developer: ISLAMOBILE
Ramadan 2016 رمضان

Ramadan 2016 رمضان

Ramadan 2016 / 1437 is an application dedicated to Muslim people. An ultimate offline Quran application for iPhone/iPad ( English and Arbic Languages) users with Quran recitations by Sheikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy . Just download the App...

Price: Free Developer: Sayed Samed
Ramadan Times

Ramadan Times

Ramadan Times is an application dedicated to Muslim people. An ultimate offline Quran application for iPhone/iPad ( English and Arbic Languages) users with Quran recitations by Sheikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy . Just download the App and listen...

Price: Free Developer: Sayed Samed
Ramazan (Ramadan)

Ramazan (Ramadan)

RAMADAN is a multi language app that offering the Quran, Islamic laws and supplications of Ramadan month, according to G.A.Sistani. The supplication segment includes audio too. App languages are as follows : English, Arabic, French, Hindi, Persian, Urdu, Bengali, Hausa

Price: Free Developer: Alauldeen M. najaf
Mohamed Said Ramadan Al-Bouti

Mohamed Said Ramadan Al-Bouti

Download this free app and you can have the Holy Quran Arabic sound by Quran Mohamed Said Ramadan Al-Bouti Offline with you all the time. Quran Mohamed Said Ramadan Al-Bouti Offline app that doesn't need internet connection.

Price: Free Developer: Mehmet Sulan
ASCB 2016 Annual Meeting

ASCB 2016 Annual Meeting

ASCB 2016 Annual Meeting conference app is your full featured guide to manage your conference attendance. App features include: • Native app: No wifi connection required to access the conference program, schedule or animated maps....

Price: Free Developer: American Society for Cell Biology
ECREA 2016

ECREA 2016

Event app for the delegates of the 6th European Communication Conference (9-12 November 2016, Prague, Czech Republic). Find the event programme details, speakers, presentations, information on social events as well as general information about venue, Prague and Czech Republic.

Price: Free Developer: Superevent B.V.
IoTNext 2016

IoTNext 2016

India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) and The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) have joined hands to bring the second edition of IoTNext (http://www/ on November 9th & 10th, 2016 at Hotel Sheraton, Bangalore. Version 1.0 of IoTNext in December 2015 saw...

Price: Free Developer: sandeep dhull
Obras SCT 2016

Obras SCT 2016

App oficial de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes que permite visualizar algunas de las obras de infraestructura más importantes del 2016 contempladas en las ciudades de: Puerto Progreso, Campeche, San José del Cabo, Durango y Manzanillo. Este producto cuenta...

Holy Bible Verse 2016 - FREE

Holy Bible Verse 2016 - FREE

Holy Bible Verse 2016 is a complete package to read Bible online or offline. We offer you to study the Holy Bible with our easy to navigate Offline Bible application. Optimized design allows to read both complete « Old Testament...

Price: Free Developer: Samuel Ferrier
Ehliyet Soruları 2016

Ehliyet Soruları 2016

Bu uygulamada geçmiş tariflerde çıkmış Ehliyet Sınav Sorularını ve cevaplarını bulacaksınız. Sınava kendınızı hazırlamanız için bulunmaz bir kaymak. Sürücü belgesi veya ehliyet yetkili kurumlar tarafından verilen; karayolunda seyreden motorlu veya motorsuz araçların bireyler tarafından idare edilebilmesine olanak tanıyan, kimlik...

Price: Free Developer: World-Software
TKD 2016

TKD 2016

Using your mobile app developed exclusively for the 32nd Turkish Cardiology Congress with International Participation by Turkish Society of Cardiology, • Stay informed of updates and changes by push notifications; • See the location congress center and accommodation venues and get...

Price: Free Developer: Naature
2016 IELTS Academic and General writing Tips - IELTS Writing High Scoring Sample

2016 IELTS Academic and General writing Tips - IELTS Writing High Scoring Sample

Do you need a high score in the IELTS writing section (Academic test format)? Would you like to see what a high scoring sample answer look like ? Do you want to know the important tips that make high...

Price: Free Developer: bing huang
2016年托福写作例文提分秘籍 - 托福考试冲刺突破必备

2016年托福写作例文提分秘籍 - 托福考试冲刺突破必备

写作是一种实践,精选独立写作高分范文,全面展现写作论证技巧! 我们分享近年考生亲历题目,独立写作高分范文的题目涵盖教育与学校生活、社会与环境、家庭与朋友、成功与品质、生活问题、个人关系、工作、媒体八大类,几乎涵盖独立写作所有话题。 参加新托福考试是一件很不容易的事情,尤其是现在参加新托福考试的考生年龄越来越低。对于中国大部分的考生来说,新托福考试无论是在形式上还是在内容上都和国内的英语考试有着巨大的区别,对英语全方面的要求也远远高于国内。 考生可通过“新托福高分范文大全”精读、背诵以及模仿来提高自己的写作水平,最终攻克托福写作难关!

Price: Free Developer: Xiaoli Huang
Sainte Bible Gratuit

Sainte Bible Gratuit

Sainte Bible Gratuit a FREE, easy and friendly way to read the whole Bible with no need of internet connection. The Sainte Bible Gratuit App gives you an improved Bible experience by keeping track of your readings, having instant...

Price: Free Developer: Axeraan Technologies
French Dictionary English Free With Sound - Dictionnaire Français Gratuit

French Dictionary English Free With Sound - Dictionnaire Français Gratuit

100% FREE Dictionary with sound from English to French and French to English. Dictionnaire Français Gratuit - L'anglais au français et du français à l'anglais avec le son. - English To French Dictionary has 38,800 words with sound. - French to...

Price: Free Developer: Softwares
Les Mots Wolof (Gratuit)

Les Mots Wolof (Gratuit)

Apprendre le Wolof! (version Gratuite) Menu Principal: - 12 Catégories - 100 Mots - Module de recherche par mot - Module d'exercise - 400 mots (Version complète) - Audio pour chaque mot (Version complète) Les Catégories: - Adjectifs - Animaux - Calendrier - Chiffres - Corps - Gens - Lieux - Nourriture - Noms - Positions - Questions -...

Price: Free Developer: Fabio Chen
Guide Repères CDAD 41

Guide Repères CDAD 41

« REPÈRES » : c’est le moyen simple et gratuit de parcourir le guide-annuaire de l’accès au droit pour le département de Loir-et-Cher. Cette application vous offre l’information la plus complète sur les coordonnées des juridictions et des professionnels du...

Price: Free Developer: David MARCOS
Bible Louis Segond

Bible Louis Segond

Téléchargez cette nouvelle application qui vous offre une Bible audio pour écouter et lire la Sainte Bible, maintenant disponible pour IOS. Une application utile et facile à utiliser pour garder le message de Dieu à portée de main sur votre...

Price: Free Developer: Jalumar SA
Les Départements App Originale

Les Départements App Originale

Sélectionnée Bons Plans par iPhoneSoft, le N°1 des Jeux-Concours et des Bons Plans iPhone, iPod touch et iPad (L'application iPhoneSoft est disponible gratuitement sur l'App Store) TOUTE la France dans votre poche instantanément avec TOUS les Départements et leurs Numéros...

Price: Free Developer: Valicol&Doklyne
Proverbes Juifs

Proverbes Juifs

✡ La vérité, les proverbes juifs c'est un grand Kiff !!! ✡ Des proverbes juifs par centaines ! Et en plus, c'est gratuit ! Dis moi pas que c'est pas vrai ! ✡ Mon fils, t'as intérêt à tous les connaître sinon...

Price: Free Developer: P. UNG
Offline French Italian Dictionary

Offline French Italian Dictionary

Over 53.000 words and expressions! FREE! Dictionnaire Français Italien hors-ligne. GRATUIT! Dizionario Francese Italiano offline. GRATIS! * Works offline! No Internet connection needed, the perfect translator for your trips, your studies, or when no data connection is available. * Bookmark your favorite translations...

Price: Free Developer: Takoomi Ltd
Hadiths Français + Coran

Hadiths Français + Coran

Accès gratuit et illimité au Coran et + de 15 000 hadiths répartis dans 7 recueils : - Sahih Muslim - Sahih Bukhari - Riyad as Salihin - As-Sahîfah As-Sahîhah - Al Muwatta Malik - 40 hadiths Nawawi - 40 hadiths Qudsi + D'autres livres à venir...

Price: Free Developer: nisar cherkaoui
Audio Bible ·

Audio Bible ·

The Audio Bible is one the best Bible applications available for today & dramatized.Audi Bible - King James- Dramatized Bible, Twi, Ewe, French. American. Download your bible audio today and enjoy different bible audio voices with dramatization. Wow...

Price: Free Developer: Allan Dziwornu
Audio Bible +1

Audio Bible +1

Listening to the word of God has never been this easy and accessible with Free Audio Bible. In this free podcast and radio app for iPhone, you get to easily listen to audio Bible, subscribe to religious Christian podcasts...

Price: Free Developer: Yumeng Zhang
Bible Audio

Bible Audio

Listen to the Bible while commuting to work or school, doing chores around the house, or as you drift off to sleep. You can now listen and read along with the Bible wherever you have an Internet connection. Bible...

Price: Free Developer: HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc.
DianHua Audio Dictionary

DianHua Audio Dictionary

DianHua Audio Dictionary is a Chinese English Dictionary and Study Tool for iOS including audio pronunciation of all words and phrases. Using data from the CC-CEDICT project, DianHua Audio Dictionary provides search support for English, Mandarin Pinyin (with...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: JSQ, LLC
Holy Bible Audio - King James

Holy Bible Audio - King James

Holy Bible Audio - King James has Old and New Testament Version is easy to use, full featured Bible app. FEATURES: -> Great Audio -> Synchronized voice & text -> Old & New Testament -> Fast and easy to use -> Use either...

Price: Free Developer: Paritaben Makadiya
KJV Bible (Audio Bible & Study Bible)

KJV Bible (Audio Bible & Study Bible)

KJV Bible Audio support iPad&iPhone with complete human audio and text , Audio Text Synchronized, wherever you go it's easy to Helping you and your family connect with God! Anybody who loves God's word will gain inspiration and encouragement from...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Happiness's studio
SpokenWord Audio Bible - King James New Testament

SpokenWord Audio Bible - King James New Testament

Authorized King James Version - The entire New Testament in audio form read by a real person with no drama or background music. All the audio is embedded in the software, so you can listen to the Holy Bible...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: George Dimidik
SpokenWord Audio Bible - King James Old Testament

SpokenWord Audio Bible - King James Old Testament

Authorized King James Version - The entire Old Testament in audio form read by a real person with no drama or background music. All the audio is embedded in the software, so you can listen to the Holy Bible...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: George Dimidik
SpokenWord Audio Bible - New Testament

SpokenWord Audio Bible - New Testament

World English Bible translation - The entire New Testament in audio form read by a real person with no drama or background music. All the audio is embedded so you can listen at any time, without the need for...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: George Dimidik
SpokenWord Audio Bible - Old Testament

SpokenWord Audio Bible - Old Testament

World English Bible translation - The entire Old Testament in audio form read by a real person with no drama or background music. All the audio is embedded so you can listen at any time, without the need for...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: George Dimidik
Read Listen Full Quran Coran Koran Mp3 قرآن كريم

Read Listen Full Quran Coran Koran Mp3 قرآن كريم

Read Listen Holy Quran Mp3 Quran Recitation without internet Read the Holy Quran. Mushaf complete Quran. Quran mp3 application Listen to recitations of several recognized Sunni reciters: Minchawi, Housari, `AbdoulBaaSiT Audio mp3 of Quran available offline after downloading. Quran mp3 without...

Price: Free Developer: Akarim Ba
Free German Holy Bible Audio MP3 and Text - Luther Version

Free German Holy Bible Audio MP3 and Text - Luther Version

Free German Holy Bible Audio MP3 and Text - Luther Version This application gives you the ability to read and listen to ALL the books of the Old Testament and the New Testament on your Iphone / Ipad / Ipod...

Price: Free Developer: Naim Abdel
German Holy Bible Audio MP3 and Text - Luther Version

German Holy Bible Audio MP3 and Text - Luther Version

German Holy Bible Audio MP3 and Text - Luther Version This application gives you the ability to read and listen to ALL the books of the Old Testament and the New Testament on your Iphone / Ipad / Ipod Touch. =...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Naim Abdel
Last 20 Surahs of Quran with MP3 Recitation

Last 20 Surahs of Quran with MP3 Recitation

Last 20 Surahs of Quran is an iOS Islamic application for Muslims featuring the final twenty chapters of Quran. All Surahs listed in the App features their respective translation, transliteration, and soulful mp3 recitation to assist users eventually towards...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Surah Kahf - Heart Touching MP3 Recitation of Surah Al-Kahf with Transliteration and Translation in 17+ Languages

Surah Kahf - Heart Touching MP3 Recitation of Surah Al-Kahf with Transliteration and Translation in 17+ Languages

Surah Kahf is an application designed to facilitate Muslims with the benefits by recitation in authentic way. This beautiful featured App consist entire Surah with proper Arabic Tajweed to help in the recitation of verses with 17+ translations. Features include: •...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Surah Yasin - Mp3 Translation

Surah Yasin - Mp3 Translation

Surah Yasin is an iOS App designed with the purpose to enlighten the Muslims all across the world with the imperativeness of this Holy chapter of Quran. App features the entire Surah with mp3 translation in user desirable languages...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Bible for Kids - Mp3

Bible for Kids - Mp3

The Holy Bible - is a beautiful, easy to use, full featured Bible app designed for quick navigation, easy note taking and powerful Bible study, with the American Standard Version (ASV) and King James Version (KJV) Bible translations. Find...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Sayed Samed
Al Quran MP3 - Quran Reading-Tafseer-Meaning

Al Quran MP3 - Quran Reading-Tafseer-Meaning

alQuran القرآن allows you to read the entire Holy Quran and its translations and commentary in various languages. Listen to verse by verse recitation and recitations of various other famous reciters. Search text and translations of the Holy Quran...

Price: Free Developer: Sayed Samed
Alquran mp3 recitations

Alquran mp3 recitations

More than 70 reciters all around the world. Mohammed Alminshawi (Mujawad) القارئ محمد المنشاوي - المصحف المجود Nasser Al-Qatami القارئ ناصر القطامي Khalifah At-Tonaeijy القارئ خليفة الطنيجي Abdulbasit Abdulsamad (Mojawwad) القارئ عبدالباسط عبد الصمد - المصحف المجود Mohammad Jibreel القارئ محمد جبريل Hani Arrifai القارئ...

Price: Free Developer: Figuig NET

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