Top 8 Sports Apps Like Defi Logger - Best Alternatives

Defi Logger Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Defi Logger alternatives for iOS? We have listed 8 Sports apps that are similar to Defi Logger. Pick one from this list to be your new Defi Logger app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Defi Logger on your iOS devices.

Top 8 Apps Like Defi Logger - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Defi Logger alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 8 similar apps like Defi Logger 2025.

Defi Meter C

Defi Meter C

本アプリはDefi Smart Adapter WとBluetoothで接続して使用するアプリです。 Defi Smart Adapter WはADVANCE Control UnitやOBDと接続して使用する製品で、 ADVANCE Control Unitに取り込んでいる車両情報またはOBDの車両情報をBluetoothでiOS端末に送信するアダプターです。 Defi Webサイトに記載の注意点および使用方法を必ずお読みになってからダウンロードしてください。 必ずDefiにて動作確認が取れた携帯端末をご使用ください。 動作確認が取れている携帯端末につきましてはDefi Webサイトに記載しております。 Defi ADVANCEコントロールユニットまたはOBDに入力されているセンサーデータがメーターとして表示されます。 表示可能な機種は、車速、エンジン回転数、吸気圧、油圧、燃圧、油温、水温、排気温度、電圧、スロットル開度、吸気温度、ギアポジションです。 アナログメーター表示やデジタルメーター表示機種をタッチすると、切り替えできます。 本アプリはADVANCE CR/BFのデザインとマッチしたスタイルです。 アプリが正常に動作しない場合や、ご不明点等がありましたら、下記Defi Webサイトの問い合わせフォームよりご連絡ください。

Price: Free Developer: Defi
Skydive Logger

Skydive Logger

Designed for skydivers and wingsuiters, Skydive Logger automatically records your jumps and captures detailed information so you can geek out on data back on the ground. Each jump log includes: - Exit and pull heights. - Time in freefall. - Vertical and...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Grocutt
iMax dive buddy

iMax dive buddy

iMax dive buddy is the accompanying App for the Maxtec iMax dive buddy product: the wireless data logger for the connected SCUBA diver. To use this App you need an iOS device equipped with Bluetooth 4.0 low energy technology...

Price: Free Developer: DiveNav, Inc.
My bluebuddy

My bluebuddy

My bluebuddy is the accompanying App for our bluebuddy product: the wireless data logger for the connected SCUBA diver. To use this App you need an iOS device equipped with Bluetooth 4.0 low energy technology such as the iPhone 4S,...

Price: Free Developer: DiveNav, Inc.


divePAL is the Swiss knife App for Scuba divers. With divePAL you can Plan, Log and Analyze your dives. You can use divePAL to manually log real dives or import real dive profiles from DiveNav bluebuddy wireless data logger or...

Price: Free Developer: DiveNav, Inc.
divePAL for iPhone

divePAL for iPhone

divePAL is the Swiss knife App for Scuba divers. With divePAL you can Plan, Analyze and Log your dives. You can use divePAL to manually log real dives or import real dive profiles from DiveNav bluebuddy wireless data logger or...

Price: Free Developer: DiveNav, Inc.
My Nitroxbuddy

My Nitroxbuddy

My Nitroxbuddy is the accompanying App for our Smart Gas Analyzers: cootwo and Nitroxbuddy. Nitroxbuddy is a wireless Oxygen analyzer that display results on a smartphone. cootwo is a dual-gas Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen analyzer and data logger specifically designed...

Price: Free Developer: DiveNav, Inc.

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