Top 25 Productivity Apps Like Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers Bean App - Best Alternatives

Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers Bean App Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers Bean App alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Productivity apps that are similar to Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers Bean App. Pick one from this list to be your new Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers Bean App app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers Bean App on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers Bean App - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers Bean App alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers Bean App 2025.



Identify pest insects and weeds, get real-time forecasting of pests, with multiple farm management features. This app is intended for Canadian field crops and will aid users to implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices to agricultural operations. Current identification...

Price: Free Developer: University of Manitoba


Manitoba based website and APP that allows customers and sellers the opportunity to bid on an auction item while from the comfort of their own home. 204 Auctions is owned and operated by a group of local Brandon business...

Price: Free Developer: Darryl Wolski


Pulse App offers a revolutionary approach to engaging with clients and staff through the use of mobile app technologies. Our unique software solution integrates with your existing organisations management information system (MIS), enabling you to securely push the right information...

Price: Free Developer: Pulse Technologies NE Ltd
Pulse Generation

Pulse Generation

PULSE Generation empowers people to be responsible in creating effective governing entities that can share information. Hear what citizens, constituents, and members of an association or chamber of commerce think or desire. Contribute to achieve a common future with...

Price: Free Developer: Pulse Generation Corp


本アプリは、(株)ビジネスコンサルタントが開発した『BCon-パルス診断(B-Pulse)』回答アプリです。 定期的に職場メンバーの状態を「脈(パルス)」のように把握し、メンバーの認識・感情・状態を見える化します。 管理者が都度変化を把握でき、職場能力向上に役立ちます。 ※管理者は別途 からお申込みいただく必要があります。 ◆『BCon-パルス診断(B-Pulse)』アプリの特徴◆ ・管理者がメンバー登録したメールアドレスにID・PWが届きます ・メンバーは本アプリを用いて簡易に回答できます  -PCでも回答可能です(URLはログインID・PW通知メールに記載) ・管理者が設定した質問が定期的にアプリに配信されます  -期間内に未回答の場合は、プッシュ通知やメールへ連絡が入ります ・アプリ内でニックネーム設定ができます ・自身の回答を6か月前まで確認できます ・グループメンバーと回答結果を共有することも可能です ※ご不明点は(株)ビジネスコンサルタント [email protected] までお問い合わせください。 ◆本診断開発の背景◆  人間が1年に1回人間ドックや健康診断を行うように、多くの組織で1年に1回全社診断を行ったり数年単位で大々的な調査を行い、現状把握をして改善に向けた施策を展開しています。 一方で、昨今は経営・革新スピードが速く、適時に対応する必要性が高まっています。『BCon-パルス診断(B-Pulse)』は、習慣的に脈拍や血圧を測るように、職場メンバーの状態を定期的に把握し、職場課題解決のスピード化に貢献すべく開発されました。 『BCon-パルス診断(B-Pulse)』は、管理者が独自に診断内容や回答頻度・回答メンバーを設定でき、回答集計を確認できるツールとしてご利用いただけます。 管理者自らが質問を構築したいという現場ニーズや、研修のフォローに活用できる診断を実施したいという人事ニーズへの解決策の一助になるでしょう。 また、組織診断を用いて人と組織の問題解決を50年以上おこなっている(株)ビジネスコンサルタントが推奨する定型質問も選択可能です。 3ヶ月間無料でご利用頂ける質問、有料ライセンスを購入頂いて回答いただける質問等複数取り揃えています。 皆様の組織・職場活性化にお役立て頂ければ幸いです。 ※本アプリから『BCon-パルス診断(B-Pulse)』の契約・解約はできません。 ※課金は管理者が有料ライセンスを購入する際のみ対象となります。 ============================ 株式会社ビジネスコンサルタント BConHP: BCon-パルス診断事務局 [email protected] ============================

Price: Free Developer: Bcon Openpage English
Service Pulse

Service Pulse

Short Description: Service pulse - Increase field and enterprise productivity by 30% instantly! Have you unlocked potential yet? Full Description: Service pulse is a cloud-based, smart mobile app that acts as a wingman to every enterprise worker - white collared...

Price: Free Developer: Spoors Technology Solutions India Private Limited
LW Pulse

LW Pulse

This App allows you to view your brand/group/shop's overall summary and real time feeds. It sends you real time push notifications whenever someone rates your store. You can also respond to customers on the GO.

Price: Free Developer: Litmus World Marketing Technologies Private Ltd


Pulse is a record keeping and tracking tool. Managers can regularly receive feedback and monitor how their team members did in the past. Following up with employees frequently ultimately improves manager/employee relationships and helps leaders become better leaders. On a...

Price: Free Developer: Itasari Wiryanto
Circuit Laboratory HD

Circuit Laboratory HD

Circuit Lab HD is an electronic circuit analysis tool based on the modified node analysis method. It uses the same models of Spice. Four kind of analysis may be conducted: - DC: linear and non linear circuits with continuous voltage...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Fabrizio Boco
Circuit Laboratory

Circuit Laboratory

Circuit Lab is an electronic circuit analysis tool based on the modified node analysis method. Four kind of analysis may be conducted: - DC: linear and non linear circuits with continuous voltage and current sources; - AC: linear e...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Fabrizio Boco
Yapmo for Callaway Henderson

Yapmo for Callaway Henderson

Yapmo for Callaway Henderson replaces mass emails, pulse bulletins and intranets with a more intuitive, all-in-one communications app accessible via desktop and mobile. Users join a loop or room dedicated to a specific project or job function, start conversations,...

Price: Free Developer: PNKMJ LLC
Commodity Price

Commodity Price

The best ever built market tracking app for farmers and professional commodities traders! Commodity Price is a powerful tool for commodity price and position tracking. This application also informs you about any change, so you’re able to make the right...

Price: Free Developer: Rento UAB
Farm Dog

Farm Dog

Farm Dog saves you time in the field and helps you easily share your field observations so that you can focus on providing agronomic expertise. Farm Dog helps growers and agronomists on over 1.5 million acres. 2019 Awards: **Top...

Price: Free Developer: Farm Dog Technologies Ltd
Agworld for iPad

Agworld for iPad

The world’s first Collaborative Farming Solution that enables growers, crop consultants, farm staff, precision specialists and operation managers to truly work as one. Agworld’s document management, data capture tools, farm maps, library of labels and SDS and communication tools...

Price: Free Developer: Agworld
Agworld for iPhone

Agworld for iPhone

The world’s first Collaborative Farming Solution that enables growers, crop consultants, farm staff, precision specialists and operation managers to truly work as one. Agworld’s document management, data capture tools, farm maps, library of labels and SDS and communication tools...

Price: Free Developer: Agworld


FarmCommand – the all-in-one farm management platform is now available as an application designed to provide swift-in-field decision support. Featuring weather data and forecasts for your farm, access to our complete weather network, Crop Health and Scouting Map layers,...

Price: Free Developer: Farmers Edge Inc.


This is the companion app to Artemis, a Cultivation Management Platform (CMP) that enables growers to manage people, plants, process, and compliance all in one place creating a virtually risk-free operation. The platform provides a bird's eye view of...

Price: Free Developer: Agrilyst
Truffle Grower

Truffle Grower

Truffle Grower helps with the collection and visualisation of truffle production and tree health data for your truffle orchard. Tree label scanning makes it easy to select trees while working in the orchard hunting truffles or recording tree health data. Patterns...

Price: USD 74.99 Developer: Alistair Sutherland
Natutec Scout

Natutec Scout

Natutec Scout provides a mutual crop protection platform for the registration and analysis of not only pests and diseases, but also the biological control and chemical agents present in the greenhouse. Scan the Horiver sticky traps in your greenhouse...

Price: Free Developer: Koppert Biological Systems


SCAPApp was developed as a response for a lack of coherence in the coffee world, between players, sellers, buyers and consumers, and aims to give back power to those most in need, the farmer. We aim to improve...

Price: Free Developer: Aktura Technology


The Seeka app is an easy-to-use tool which provides growers up-to-date orchard information and results, especially important throughout the harvest and post-harvest process to understand how your fruit is performing and to help make decisions.

Price: Free Developer: Seeka Ltd
Pool Volume & Size

Pool Volume & Size

The Pool Volume and Size app is a great set of specialized calculators to estimate the volume of water in any shape pool whether it be in US Gallons, Imperial Gallons or Liters. Included are converters from feet to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Verosocial Studio


Use PageMeet to share and view web pages, images, PDFs and Office documents with nearby friends using the same wifi* network. With everybody on the same page, group discussions, sing-alongs and sharing photos from your holiday together are all...

Price: Free Developer: M BEAN & R CAS
Teddy Notes

Teddy Notes

Teddy Notes is a simple, small, and user-friendly app to jot down quick thoughts, storing memos, work reminders, grocery lists, school sticky notes, to-do lists, web links or anything you may forget in customized categories. It has cute Mr....

Price: Free Developer: Xuanang Chen

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