Top 40 Finance Apps Like Crowd Money 3 – Money Tracker - Best Alternatives

Crowd Money 3 – Money Tracker Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Crowd Money 3 – Money Tracker alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Finance apps that are similar to Crowd Money 3 – Money Tracker. Pick one from this list to be your new Crowd Money 3 – Money Tracker app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Crowd Money 3 – Money Tracker on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Crowd Money 3 – Money Tracker - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Crowd Money 3 – Money Tracker alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Crowd Money 3 – Money Tracker 2025.

Mr. Crowd

Mr. Crowd

In the past, when small-to-medium sized companies had a need for financing working capital, product development, and sales and marketing, the sources of financing were usually limited to the traditional ones, including banks and financial intermediaries, or through borrowings...

Price: Free Developer: Ksdaq Inc.
Seth Mining Crowd Funding

Seth Mining Crowd Funding

Seth Mining Crowdfunding is an Investment platform that is powered by Seth Energy and Mineral Ltd set up to meet the crucial needs of Africa's mining industry with a clear cut understanding of the peculiarities of the business, its...

Price: Free Developer: moses olumese
Crowd Bank

Crowd Bank

■クラウドバンクとは ------------------------------ 国内クラウドファンディング顧客満足度No1!※1 様々なファンドから、気に入ったものを選んで、プロが行う融資による資産運用に参加できるサービスです。 全てのファンドは、保全性を考慮した融資による運用を行うので、相場の値動きを常にチェックして売買を行う必要もなく特別な知識がなくても、「ほったらかしで資産が増えていく」体験を楽しめます。 簡単に始められ、年間利回りは銀行定期預金の約700倍。※2 ■クラウドバンクの特徴 ------------------------------ ・口座開設手数料、投資手数料、口座維持手数料、出金手数料すべて無料 ・1万円から投資可能 ・毎月分配 ・株のような値動きがないため、変動を気にする必要なし ・元本回収率100%※3 ■すでに多くの方にご利用いただいてます ------------------------------ ・累計応募金額、575億円突破!※3 ■アプリの主な機能 ------------------------------ ・マイページの閲覧 ・投資申請 ・出金申請 ・両替申請 ・push通知 ・過去の通知の閲覧 ■今後のリリース予定 ------------------------------ ・分配、償還やファンドリリース等のリアルタイム通知 ・ポイントサービス ・その他アプリならではのサービスを検討してまいります! ■こんな方におすすめ ------------------------------ 「資産運用って難しそう」、「忙しくて時間をかけてられない」そんな方にお勧めな資産運用サービスです。 サイト上でファンドを選んで、投資額を決めます。 後は待つだけで「予定された利息」を元にした分配金が毎月支払われ、運用期間が終了すると投資資金が返ってきます。 日々の値動きや、管理の手間がないので、普段の生活スタイルを崩さず、自分のペースで資産運用がはじめられます。 ■証券会社が取り扱うクラウドファンディング ------------------------------ クラウドバンクは、証券会社(第1種金融商品取引業者)が募集取扱いを行うクラウドファンディングサービスです。証券会社として、金融商品取引法によって求められるコンプライアンス態勢の確保、自己資本規制比率などの高い財務基準をクリアしながらサービス運営を行っています。 ※1 2019年5月期 インターネット調査 日本マーケティングリサーチ機構調べ ※2 クラウドバンクの運用利回りを6.99%(税引き前)、銀行利回りを大手都市銀行のスーパー定期1年物の年利0.01%(2019年6月現在)で計算。想定利回りは過去の実績平均利回りであり、将来の運用成果を保証するものではありません。 ※3 2019年6月30日時点 【手数料・リスク等の広告記載事項】 口座の開設、維持およびクラウドバンク匿名組合契約の締結に関する手数料等は無料です。 お客様が負担する営業者報酬は、投資ポーション毎の対象債権残高の2.0%(年率)に相当する金額を上限として支払われます。本匿名組合財産の運用に関連して支払われる費用については、その時々の状況に応じて異なるため、金額、上限額、計算方法および営業者報酬との合計額を具体的に記載することができません。 本出資持分は、元本が保証されているものではなく、対象債権の債務者の財務状態や為替、金利の変動等を原因として、本出資持分の価値が低下することにより損失が生じる可能性があります。 日本クラウド証券株式会社 Crowd Securities Japan, Inc. 代表番号:03-6447-0011(土日、祝祭日を除く平日8:40-17:40) 第一種・第二種金融商品取引業者: 関東財務局長(金商)第115号 / 日本証券業協会 加入

Price: Free Developer: 日本クラウド証券株式会社


Zeptagram is a music and finance application that enables the community of fans and followers to invest in Music and Intellectual property (IP) rights. Zeptagram is focused on creating new digital investment markets by using next-generation technologies like Blockchain...

Price: Free Developer: Zeptagram


It's Venmo + GoFundMe + Your Bills SEND MONEY w CONFIDENCE. VERIFIED. People give more, when they KNOW where it's going. Money sent goes to your Bill, not you. Car Payment? Add your bill & Crowd Fund it! - Family, Friends &...

Price: Free Developer: BillZero, Inc.


GET A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM It's the reward and loyalty program where the biggest reward is stock in our company. 2,000+ stores pay for it because they want you to shop at them. You become a shareholder in a publicly...

Price: Free Developer: iConsumer Corp.


Duesday is the better way to pay your bills If you are looking for a smart, full-featured, easy to use app to manage, pay and track your bills and to avoid late payment charges then Duesday is the one....

Price: Free Developer: CFT Group Ltd
TipRanks Investment Ideas

TipRanks Investment Ideas

The ultimate stock tracking tool to manage your investments and maximize your returns. TipRanks Smart Portfolio app boasts unique research tools and real-time quotes. These will help you analyze activity on your stocks, giving you greater confidence in...

Price: Free Developer: TipRanks Ltd.


CrowdTrading just went mobile. Take Trade360's revolutionary CrowdTrading technology with you everywhere when you download the Trade360 App. Trade wisely using the Wisdom of the Crowd and see how Traders around the world buy and sell their favorite assets....

Price: Free Developer: Trade360 LTD
Clarity Money - Budget Manager

Clarity Money - Budget Manager

Clarity Money is your AI-powered financial champion. Our free app uses machine learning to analyze your personalfinances and help you make smart decisions about your money. Take control of your budget and expenses and discover ways to save more...

Price: Free Developer: Clarity Money
Songo Money

Songo Money

La première application mobile pour régler à distance les factures quotidiennes de proches vivant en Afrique. SONGO MONEY propose un service de paiement de facture , Songo Pay, en direction de l’Afrique subsaharienne en s’adaptant aux nouveaux usages du...

Price: Free Developer: Songo Money
Money Pro: Personal Finance

Money Pro: Personal Finance

EASY BUDGET. Cut your expenses with Money Pro®! Expense tracker, budget planner & account manager - all in one app to get your finances under control. Money Pro works great for personal & family expense tracking and even for business...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: iBear LLC
Lucky Money Transfer

Lucky Money Transfer

Send money on the go with Lucky Money Transfer app. Trusted since 1992, Lucky Money is the best way to send money to Philippines, India, Nepal and Vietnam. - Lowest fees or no fees. - Guaranteed exchange rates. - Transfer money...

Price: Free Developer: Lucky Money, Inc.
Odin Money

Odin Money

At Odin, we are building a global community centered on helping our users build wealth through financial wellness. We are building the smartest mobile wallet in the world, delivering rewards to our customers based on doing the right...

Price: Free Developer: Odin Money
Pluto: Money Saving App

Pluto: Money Saving App

Easily save & manage money in college. Anonymously compare finances with others. Apple's "App of the Day", loved by students at 1500+ colleges. 100% free, designed for the college lifestyle! "I love that it's catered to students and allows...

Price: Free Developer: Pluto Money, Inc.
Money - Budget & Finance

Money - Budget & Finance

Get your finances on track with the gorgeous new Money! Your day-to-day finance management will no longer be a chore with the beautiful and comprehensive suite of powerful features that is Money! Oversee and control your accounts, plan budgets, easily...

Price: Free Developer: Jumsoft
Defend Your Money

Defend Your Money

Hate being blindsided by your credit card bills? Wish you could maximize your rewards without worrying about debt? Defend Your Money is the app for you! ******************** How it works: 1 - Defend Your Money automatically uploads your bank balances and credit card charges...

Price: Free Developer: Defend Your Money, LLC
Ingo Money – Cash Checks Fast

Ingo Money – Cash Checks Fast

CASH CHECKS AND GET YOUR MONEY IN MINUTES With the Ingo® Money App, cash paychecks, business checks, personal checks—almost any type of check—anytime, anywhere. Get your money in minutes in your bank, prepaid card and PayPal accounts. Choose to...

Price: Free Developer: Ingo Money, Inc.
NEC Money

NEC Money

We are NEC Money Transfer With NEC Money, cash can be transferred from one part of the world to another instantly. We also offer real-time bank account transfers to selected payment network countries. With an ever-growing global network of over 100,000...

Price: Free Developer: NEC Money Transfer Limited
BANK 3/4

BANK 3/4

Українською: Мобільний додаток до системи Інтернет-банкінгу дає можливість легко керувати власними рахунками, картками, кредитами та депозитами. За допомогою додатку мобільного банку можливо виконувати наступні фінансові операції: - Переказ коштів між власними рахунками, картками, вкладами; - Платежі за кредитами та кредитними картками; - Платежі...

Price: Free Developer: BANK 3/4
MoneyWiz 3 - Personal Finance

MoneyWiz 3 - Personal Finance

Recognized by Forbes, CNN, The Telegraph, The Independent and more! MoneyWiz is the ULTIMATE finance management application loved by thousands! We have it all: • worldwide online banking support with automatic transaction categorization and access to over 16,000 banks in...

Price: Free Developer: SilverWiz Ltd
Ace Budget 3 Lite

Ace Budget 3 Lite

Ace Budget 3 Lite is a free version of the Ace Budget 3 application. It is limited to 50 transactions. Ace Budget 3 is an easy to use personal finance application to help you track your spending and keep...

Price: Free Developer: SVT Software
Ace Budget 3

Ace Budget 3

Ace Budget 3 is an easy to use personal finance application to help you track your spending and keep to a budget. You can create daily, weekly, monthly, semimonthly, quarterly, and yearly budgets. You will be able to schedule...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: SVT Software
Expertos CFDI 3.3 SAT

Expertos CFDI 3.3 SAT

Expertos CFDI 3.3 pone a tu disposición la herramienta más práctica para que desde tu celular puedas consultar los nuevos catálogos del SAT para CFDI 3.3 o Facturación Electrónica versión 3.3. Catálogos: - Catálogo de Tipos de Comprobantes Fiscales Digitales. - Catálogo...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Apps Camelot
Daily Sales Tracker 3 HD-Inventory Tracker,Manager

Daily Sales Tracker 3 HD-Inventory Tracker,Manager

DailySales 3 - Simple and practical. Sales, purchasing, inventory management, and detailed statistical analysis. For the majority of businessmen and self-employed sales management, purchasing management, warehouse management, production management, financial management, asset management tools. Main features: - Managing the purchase, return the...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: yongwen hu
ADMIS Oak 3.0 Mobile

ADMIS Oak 3.0 Mobile

Oak 3.0 was developed in response to industry demands and trends as trading system standards continue to improve. ADMIS developers designed Oak 3.0 using the latest architecture and technology in order to provide a modern and competitive trading system....

Price: Free Developer: ADM Investor Services, Inc.
Fidelity National Title 1-2-3

Fidelity National Title 1-2-3

With Fidelity National Title's Title 1-2-3 application, real estate professionals can get immediate property information on their iPhone or iPad. By entering a property address, owners' name, assessor's parcel number (APN) or search nearby properties, Title 1-2-3 can provide...

Price: Free Developer: Fidelity National Financial
FNT Title 1-2-3 for Colorado

FNT Title 1-2-3 for Colorado

With Fidelity National Title's Title 1-2-3 for Colorado application, real estate professionals can get immediate property information on their iPhone or iPad. By entering a property address, owners' name, or parcel number (PIN), Title 1-2-3 for Colorado can provide...

Price: Free Developer: Fidelity National Financial
Armenian Dram 3.0

Armenian Dram 3.0

The official application of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia – the "Armenian Dram 3.0" is an interactive tool for exploring the 3-rd series of Armenian banknotes. The "Armenian dram 3.0" App allows the users to discover security...

Market Tracker

Market Tracker

Austin Coins Market Tracker   Austin Rare Coins and Bullion (ARCI) is excited to offer its Market Tracker app for iPhone. The FREE mobile application conveniently displays live spot and historical gold, silver, platinum, and palladium charts. Market Tracker also...

Price: Free Developer: Austin Rare Coins and Bullion
Money Manager - Expense Tracker

Money Manager - Expense Tracker

Income Expense Tracker - Personal Finance Manager is most user friendly Personal Finance App in the app store. √ Quick Widget to add Income and Expense √ Simple and User friendly interface. √ Easy and Quick Transaction entry. √ Transaction Edit...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Euro Infotech Software Solutions
Plan Tracker

Plan Tracker

Self manage your NDIS funds with the Plan Tracker App. Plan how to spend your funds, record your supports, track when you've claimed and paid providers and see all your budgets in simple clear graphs with this easy to...

Price: Free Developer: Plan Tracker
TipSee Tip Tracker App

TipSee Tip Tracker App

TipSee is the best Tip Tracker available. Simple yet powerful tip tracking app, track your tips, view tip patterns, quickly compare tips for the week, month, or year. It's by far the best Tip Tracker for iPhone,...

Price: Free Developer: Webcoast Design, LLC
Economic Research Tracker

Economic Research Tracker

The Economic Research Tracker brings you insights and analysis from the New York Fed written by economists working at the intersection of research and policy. You can customize content by various research topics, including Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy, Labor Economics...

Price: Free Developer: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
My Property Tracker

My Property Tracker

Hate property investment paperwork? My Property Tracker allows property investors to outsource the data entry of their property investments in just a couple of clicks! By using this app you can take photos of your bills, council rates, strata notices,...

Price: Free Developer: My Property Tracker Pty Ltd
Expense Tracker 2.0 Let’s Save

Expense Tracker 2.0 Let’s Save

Get on board with the Multiple Award Winning Revolutionary Personal Financing App - Expense Tracker 2.0 ◆ WINNER - BCS NBQSA Awards 2015 ◆ FINALIST - APICTA Awards 2015 ◆ WINNER - mBillionth Awards 2014 ◆ WINNER - BCS NBQSA Awards 2013 Expense...

Price: Free Developer: hSenid Software International
Expense Tracker-Budget Planner

Expense Tracker-Budget Planner

Are you money lover person? Use this spending tracker app and manage your finance better. All in one Money manager & Expense tracker app. Tracking your money just got easier. Expense tracker is an app designed to manage all your...

Price: Free Developer: Sunil Zalavadiya
budget planner - Money Tracker

budget planner - Money Tracker

Budget goal is your personal finance app,good budget planner, expense tracker, or money manager you’ve tried before—because it works all in one solution to control your personal finance. Save money, manage bills,track expenses and achieve your financial...

Price: Free Developer: nectarbits
Expense Tracker - Personal Pocket Finance Manager

Expense Tracker - Personal Pocket Finance Manager

Expense tracker is a complete app to track your all the expenses bared by your pocket or bared by you & manage your personal finance. So that you can trace where your money goes as well as from where...

Price: Free Developer: Elitech Systems Private Limited

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