Top 39 Reference Apps Like Juz Amma Audio dan Terjemahan - Best Alternatives

Juz Amma Audio dan Terjemahan Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Juz Amma Audio dan Terjemahan alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Reference apps that are similar to Juz Amma Audio dan Terjemahan. Pick one from this list to be your new Juz Amma Audio dan Terjemahan app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Juz Amma Audio dan Terjemahan on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Juz Amma Audio dan Terjemahan - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Juz Amma Audio dan Terjemahan alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Juz Amma Audio dan Terjemahan 2025.

Juz ’Amma - Suras of the Quran (جزء عمّ)

Juz ’Amma - Suras of the Quran (جزء عمّ)

This application contains Juz Amma -جزء عمّ- (Last chapters of the Noble Quran). Each sura is displayed with its original verse (in arabic) and also with its translation and transliteration so as to facilitate learning for non-arabic speaking people. Many...

Price: Free Developer: Dimach Cassiope
Juz Amma: Part 30.

Juz Amma: Part 30.

Juz Amma is the most beautiful and powerful copy of the 30th Part of Qur'an available for your iPad and iPhone. It looks, feels and responds so much like a real book that you might just forget you're using...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Euclid Software, LLC
Juz'Amma - Indonesia

Juz'Amma - Indonesia

*** Juz'Amma - Indonesia *** Juz'Amma - Indonesia adalah aplikasi Al-Quran yang hanya berisi surat Al-Faatihah dan surat-surat pendek (juz 30, surat ke 78 s.d surat ke 114). Aplikasi tersebut berisi: - Tulisan dalam huruf Arab - Terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia - Transliterasi (cara...

Price: Free Developer: biminaSoft
Quran Juz MP3

Quran Juz MP3

Download this free app and you can have the Holy Quran Arabic sound by Ismail Bicer Offline with you all the time. Ismail Bicer Offline app that doesn't need internet connection.

Price: Free Developer: Mehmet Sulan
Bangla Quran - alQuran Bengali

Bangla Quran - alQuran Bengali

Bangla Quran Majeed is the only app that offers the most beautiful Arabic Quran text (proofread by a Muslim scholar 'alim), in the elegant font used in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh region that you will find on a mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Pakistan Data Management Services
Hindi Quran Majeed

Hindi Quran Majeed

Hindi Quran Majeed is the only app that offers the most beautiful Arabic Quran text (proofread by a Muslim scholar 'alim), in the elegant Arabic font used in India that you will find on a mobile device. The latest...

Price: Free Developer: Pakistan Data Management Services
Malayalam Quran - قرآن مجيد - القرآن الكريم

Malayalam Quran - قرآن مجيد - القرآن الكريم

Malayalam Quran Majeed is the only app that offers the most beautiful Arabic Quran text (proofread by a Muslim scholar 'alim), in the elegant font used in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh region that you will find on a mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Pakistan Data Management Services
Al-Quran Amharic

Al-Quran Amharic

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Al-Quran Amharic application....

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Quran قرآن Коран Kuran Coran

Quran قرآن Коран Kuran Coran

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our "Quran قرآن Коран...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Amma Thresia Novena

Amma Thresia Novena

St. Theresa of Avila is the patron saint of St. Thresia's Church, Kaipuzha. Novena to St. Theresa is offered every Saturday at the church after the Holy Mass. Now you can pray in your free time or while traveling...

Price: Free Developer: Jinu George
Moalem Al-Tajweed معلم التجويد

Moalem Al-Tajweed معلم التجويد

أولاً: تطبيق أحكام تجويد القرآن الكريم الحاصل على براءة اختراع من مدينة الملك عبد العزيز للعلوم والتقنية. First,Implementation Ahkams Al Tajweed in the Quran, patented from the King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology. - هذا التطبيق يعمل على...

Price: Free Developer: Essam Mohamed
Audio Bible ·

Audio Bible ·

The Audio Bible is one the best Bible applications available for today & dramatized.Audi Bible - King James- Dramatized Bible, Twi, Ewe, French. American. Download your bible audio today and enjoy different bible audio voices with dramatization. Wow...

Price: Free Developer: Allan Dziwornu
Audio Bible +1

Audio Bible +1

Listening to the word of God has never been this easy and accessible with Free Audio Bible. In this free podcast and radio app for iPhone, you get to easily listen to audio Bible, subscribe to religious Christian podcasts...

Price: Free Developer: Yumeng Zhang
Bible Audio

Bible Audio

Listen to the Bible while commuting to work or school, doing chores around the house, or as you drift off to sleep. You can now listen and read along with the Bible wherever you have an Internet connection. Bible...

Price: Free Developer: HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc.
DianHua Audio Dictionary

DianHua Audio Dictionary

DianHua Audio Dictionary is a Chinese English Dictionary and Study Tool for iOS including audio pronunciation of all words and phrases. Using data from the CC-CEDICT project, DianHua Audio Dictionary provides search support for English, Mandarin Pinyin (with...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: JSQ, LLC
Holy Bible Audio - King James

Holy Bible Audio - King James

Holy Bible Audio - King James has Old and New Testament Version is easy to use, full featured Bible app. FEATURES: -> Great Audio -> Synchronized voice & text -> Old & New Testament -> Fast and easy to use -> Use either...

Price: Free Developer: Paritaben Makadiya
KJV Bible (Audio Bible & Study Bible)

KJV Bible (Audio Bible & Study Bible)

KJV Bible Audio support iPad&iPhone with complete human audio and text , Audio Text Synchronized, wherever you go it's easy to Helping you and your family connect with God! Anybody who loves God's word will gain inspiration and encouragement from...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Happiness's studio
SpokenWord Audio Bible - King James New Testament

SpokenWord Audio Bible - King James New Testament

Authorized King James Version - The entire New Testament in audio form read by a real person with no drama or background music. All the audio is embedded in the software, so you can listen to the Holy Bible...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: George Dimidik
SpokenWord Audio Bible - King James Old Testament

SpokenWord Audio Bible - King James Old Testament

Authorized King James Version - The entire Old Testament in audio form read by a real person with no drama or background music. All the audio is embedded in the software, so you can listen to the Holy Bible...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: George Dimidik
SpokenWord Audio Bible - New Testament

SpokenWord Audio Bible - New Testament

World English Bible translation - The entire New Testament in audio form read by a real person with no drama or background music. All the audio is embedded so you can listen at any time, without the need for...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: George Dimidik
SpokenWord Audio Bible - Old Testament

SpokenWord Audio Bible - Old Testament

World English Bible translation - The entire Old Testament in audio form read by a real person with no drama or background music. All the audio is embedded so you can listen at any time, without the need for...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: George Dimidik
Manasik Haji dan Umrah

Manasik Haji dan Umrah

Alhamdulillah, segala pujian yang sempurna milik Allah semata. Tuhan yang menjadikan syariat agama pilihan-Nya begitu sempurna. Menjadikan haji sebagai ibadah yang indah, berkesan dan menyentuh. Tawaf, Sa’I dan Wukufnya membawa pesan yang dalam bagi setiap yang melaksanakannya. Semoga kita...

Price: Free Developer: Pusat Kajian Hadis
Surat Yasin Audio dan Tahlil

Surat Yasin Audio dan Tahlil

Surat Yasin (Yaasiin) dan Tahlil Arwah lengkap dengan audio dan terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Ditampilkan secara interaktif dan huruf yang jelas sehingga memudahkan penggunanya. Aplikasi ini dapat diatur untuk menampilkan teks arab, teks latin, atau terjemahannya saja.

Price: Free Developer: Iman Setiawan
Wirid dan Doa-Doa Pilihan

Wirid dan Doa-Doa Pilihan

Applikasi Wirid & Doa-Doa Pilihan ini mengandungi susunan bacaan wirid lepas sembahyang fardhu dan juga doa-doa pilihan seperti Doa Selamat, Doa Kesyukuran, dan sebagainya. Applikasi ini juga disertakan dengan audio bacaan-bacaan sebagai rujukan bagi kemudahan para pengguna. Isikandung sesuai...

Price: Free Developer: Izwandy Hj Hamdan
Somme 100 – Remember the Battle of the Somme with Dan Snow & The Royal British Legion

Somme 100 – Remember the Battle of the Somme with Dan Snow & The Royal British Legion

Somme 100 with Dan Snow and The Royal British Legion brings to life the events surrounding the Battle of the Somme, the bloodiest battle of the First World War, and the experiences of the soldiers who fought in it....

Price: Free Developer: Ballista
Yasin Dan Terjemahan

Yasin Dan Terjemahan

This application provide Surah Yasin with Arabic text for recitation along with its Malay translation for understanding the Holy verses of Surah Yasin. Surah Yasin ini mengandungi terjemahan Bahasa Melayu pada setiap ayat. Semoga kita dapat menghayati setiap maksud...

Price: Free Developer: M3Technologies
Kanal BC

Kanal BC

Aplikasi Resmi Kanal Bea dan Cukai Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai ***************** Kini semua informasi mengenai kepabeanan dan cukai hadir dalam genggaman anda. Mulai hari anda dengan informasi terkini via Radio, TV dan Kanal Sosial Media resmi milik Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan...

Price: Free Developer: Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai
Masuk Surga

Masuk Surga

Alhamdulillah, pujian tertinggi dan terindah hanyalah milik Allah dan kepada dan untuk-Nya lah kami menyembah dan memuji. Salawat dan salam semoga selalu tercurah untuk junjungan nabi besar Muhammad ibn Abdillah. Nabi yang telah berhasil mendidik sahabat-sahabatnya menjadi orang-orang yang...

Price: Free Developer: Pusat Kajian Hadis
Potret Pribadi Nabi Muhammad SAW

Potret Pribadi Nabi Muhammad SAW

Alhamdulillah, segala puji dan puja milik dan untuk Allah. Tuhan yang sangat menyayangi hamba-hamba-Nya yang sholeh, mengikuti ajaran dan petunjuk-Nya, menganugrahkan kepada mereka sifat dan prilaku terpuji. Semoga kita bisa menjadi hamba-Nya yang sholeh. Salawat dan salam kita selalu mohonkan...

Price: Free Developer: Pusat Kajian Hadis


Bibel Ende application is a free and offline Bible and Hymns in Batak Language. Bibel Ende is a Bible and Hymns in the Batak language used in the Batak community, Batak Christian Protestant Church congregation and other Batak Churches congregation...

Price: Free Developer: 10-D (Dimensions) Limited
112 Bible Maps + Commentaries

112 Bible Maps + Commentaries

112 Bible maps covering topics related to Bible study from the ancient past to more modern times are ready for your quick reference. Includes full Bible study as well. As an added bonus it contains 65 Bibles as reference...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
112 Bible Maps Easy

112 Bible Maps Easy

112 Bible maps covering topics related to Bible study from the ancient past to more modern times are ready for your quick reference. Includes full Bible study as well. As an added bonus it contains 65 Bibles as reference...

Price: Free Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
250 Bible Places

250 Bible Places

100s of modern day photos of Bible locations complement your Bible study in this reference tool. With zoom and pan function and a easy to use gallery, this tool will help you get a feel for what the early...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
450 Jerusalem Bible Photos

450 Jerusalem Bible Photos

"The perfect Bible companion." - Dr. Alderson Cooper. 100s of modern day photos of Jerusalem locations complement your Bible study in this reference tool. With zoom and pan function and a easy to use gallery, this tool will...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
Bible Planet

Bible Planet

Detailed guide to 200 nations, with specific Christian overviews, maps and demographics. Includes 65 Bibles as reference material in over a dozen languages. Thousands of individual Bible-linked commentaries back up your research. This powerful Bible reference tool will help you...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
179 Bible Atlas Maps

179 Bible Atlas Maps

Locations important to the Bible are covered in this atlas covering 1000s of years and vast areas of the planet. Using classic-themed maps, be inspired to delve deeper into the Word. Includes full Bible study as an added resource. As...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
179 Bible Atlas Maps!

179 Bible Atlas Maps!

Locations important to the Bible are covered in this atlas covering 1000s of years and vast areas of the planet. Using classic-themed maps, be inspired to delve deeper into the Word. Includes full Bible study as an added resource....

Price: Free Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
45 Bible Scenes

45 Bible Scenes

The Bible's New Testament stories rendered in classic art by Charles Dore in the 19th century. These classics of beauty will touch you deeply. Includes full Bible study as an added resource. As an added bonus it contains 65 Bibles...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.

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