Do you want to find the best Bremen Public Library alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Reference apps that are similar to Bremen Public Library. Pick one from this list to be your new Bremen Public Library app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bremen Public Library on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Bremen Public Library alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like Bremen Public Library 2025.
Mit dieser gratis App erhalten Sie die Schulferien und Feiertage für alle deutschen Bundesländer ganz einfach und praktisch in die Hosentasche. Eine Listen- und eine Kalenderansicht zeigen Ihnen schulfreie Tage stets aktuell für das kommende Jahr. Für Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin,...
Use Deschutes Public Library on the go! The Deschutes Public Library mobile app makes it easy to find and discover titles, place holds, renew items, rate titles, create lists and get information about our libraries. Features • Quickly search the collection,...
Access the Plymouth Public Library from your mobile device! The Plymouth Public Library mobile app makes it easy to find and discover titles, place holds, renew items, rate titles, and get information about the library. Features: - Quickly search the collection,...
Access Richmond Public Library on all of your smart devices! The Richmond Public Library mobile app makes it easy to find and discover titles, place holds, renew items, rate titles, create lists and get information about our library branches. •Quickly...
Never stop learning with JCPL! This free, interactive app lets you manage your library account, renew materials, search the catalog and place holds, browse new titles and access our electronic resources, including eBooks & eAudiobooks, right from your smartphone...
The new Nassau Public Libraries Mobile app gives patrons of Nassau county libraries access to the library catalog, events and programs, digital downloads, digital library card and many more features! Member Libraries Include: Baldwin Public Library Bayville Free Library Bellmore Memorial Library Bethpage Public...
Access Aurora Public Library from your phone! The Aurora Public Library mobile app makes it easy to find and discover titles, place holds, renew items, rate titles, create lists and get information about our branches. Features: • Quickly search the collection,...
Access Chapel Hill Public Library from your iPhone! The Chapel Hill Public Library mobile app makes it easy to find and discover titles. Features: - Quickly search, with filters to zero-in on what you want - Browse bestsellers, new arrivals, and recent...
Olathe Public Library's Mobile App makes it easy to find and discover titles, manage your account, and get the location and title availability information you need. Features: • quickly and accurately search the collection • get details on any title, including descriptions...
Access the St. Louis Public Library from your iPhone. The St. Louis Public Library mobile app makes it easy to find and discover titles, place hold, renew items, rate titles, create list, view events and programs and find Branch...
Baker McKenzie’s Global Public M&A App draws on our unparalleled experience in all aspects of both domestic and cross-border transactional work, and is intended to provide an overview of the key legal considerations associated with public M&A transactions in...
Patrons of the Jericho Public Library in Jericho, NY can now use this application to access many of the services provided by the library right on their devices. Features include: Check for item holds, fines and card expiration information on your...
Enjoy the Camarillo Library on the go! Access the entire library catalog: * Search for books, movies and music and more. * Place holds. Manage your account: * Check the status of your holds. * Cancel holds. * Check due dates. * Renew...
Search the library catalog See library calendar of events Get turn-by-turn directions to the library Get general information about the library such as operating hours, mission statement and serving board members. One-touch phone and/or email to the library Ability to scan a book’s ISBN...
Access the Richardson Public Library from your mobile device! The myRPL app makes it easy to discover library materials, place holds, view your account, and keep up with all the events at RPL! Features: * Discover books, movies, music, and more...
Carry the library in your pocket! The Pima County Public Library mobile app makes it easy to find and rate titles, place holds, renew, create lists, and get information about our libraries. • ...
Get Columbus Metropolitan Library everywhere you are with this FREE app. Search our catalog, place holds, check your account and renew items, find branches and connect with us.
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