Do you want to find the best Peer Abdul Haq Bayan alternatives for Android? We have listed 40 Education that are similar to Peer Abdul Haq Bayan. Pick one from this list to be your new Peer Abdul Haq Bayan app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Peer Abdul Haq Bayan on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Peer Abdul Haq Bayan alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Peer Abdul Haq Bayan 2025.
Peer zulfiqar ahmad naqshabandi is the famous personality of the muslium era.He is the one of the best writter and also a athletes in the young ag.peer saib has most peace full and the hunarable personality.He visit to...
Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (Db) (also known as Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad) is a Shaykh (mentor) of Tasawwuf (Islamic Spiritualism). Application contains his all bayanat with download option and offline play option. We added new bayanat time to time. JazakAllah
xTen is Peer-Learning App for 10th grade students. It is an initiative "by the students for the students", where can students collaborate and learn from each other in their own style & humour. xTen Peer-Learning App offers students to...
The Cosumnes Fire Department has a proud history of serving our community. That spirit of service continues as we move forward into the future. We are committed to providing the highest levels of service possible.The Mission of the Cosumnes...
This app is a searchable reference to the curriculum in the UDM Training modules on ADLS. This app is not a "stand alone" training option and does not, by itself, qualify you to perform the roles and responsibilities of...
The Restraint Calculator is a tool designed for planning and checking restraint for a given piece of cargo flying on AMC aircraft. It is broken down in 3 sections: “Total Restraint” displays the amount of restraint required vs the...
Shri RamdevJi ko Baba Ramsa peer ke naam se bhi jana jata hain.Baba ka Samasth Jeevan deen dukhiyo ki sewa , unch-neech,ammer gareeb ka bhed mitane,kuritiyo ko door krne or bhakto ki rakhsa krne or unke dukh door krne...
Ruqyah Mp3 Offline : Abdul Basit Abdul Samad is offline android app to listen Ruqyah Ash Shar'eeyah offline by Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad. In addition there are online ruqyah by :Sheikh Abdallah KamelSheikh Abdul Rahman Al SudaisSheikh...
selamat datang di aplikasi kumpulan ceramah ust abdul somad lc. aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan ceramah ust abdul somad yang begitu menginspirasi dan juga menggugah jiwa, ayo miliki sekarang dan raih samudra ilmu dari beliau. barakallah ustad abdul somad, semoga...
In the Name of Allah the most Beneficial and most MercifulAbdul Basit Quran MP3 Offline 30 Juz is an Islamic Muslim application for android smartphone that contains a collection of recitation of Surah of the Holy Quran by International...
new bayan of engineer muhmmad ali mirza
watch quran live. this app created by ABDUL SAMI.THE SIZE OF THIS APP IS ONLY 7 MB watch quran any time any where live
Ruqyah Mp3 Offline : Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Sudais is offline android app to listen Ruqyah Ash Shar'eeyah offline by Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Sudais. In addition there are online ruqyah by :Sheikh Abdallah KamelSheikh Abdul Basit Abdul...
This app is a tribute to late DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam for his unforgettable contribution to society. With this app we present you his valuable & inspiring quotes which will certainly motivate you. Please share this app with your...
Ustad Abdul Somad, Lc., M.A. lahir di Silo Lama, Asahan, Sumatera Utara, 18 Mei 1977 adalah seorang pendakwah dan ulama Indonesia yang sering mengulas berbagai macam persoalan agama, khususnya kajian ilmu hadis dan Ilmu fikih. Selain itu, ia juga...
Aplikasi "Dakwah Islam Ustadz Abdul Somad" menyajikan kumpulan ceramah islam mp3 audio dakwah dari Ustadz Abdul Somad, LC. MA. Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan secara offline sehingga anda dapat langsung mendengarkan kajian tanpa perlu terkoneksi internet.Melalui Aplikasi "Dakwah Islam Ustadz...
This application is basically a small attempt to showcase a story of a great professor, wonderful author, fabulous aerospace scientist and GREAT human being.
الحمد للہ جامعہ اشرفیہ لاہور موجودہ دور کی دینی ضروریات کو مد نظر رکھتے ہوئے اینڈرائد کی مختلف ایپ پیش کر چکا ہے۔ بیان القرآن مولانا اشرف علی تھانوی رحمہ اللہ کی اختصار شدہ تفسیربھی اسی سلسلہ کی...
اینڈرائڈ ایپ "التصریف" مولانا حق نواز صاحب نے بنائی ہے، اور یہ ایپ بغیر معاوضے کے ہے۔ استعمال کنندہ کو مہیا کی گئی تمام سہولیات بغیر معاوضے کے ہیں اور مقصد یہ ہے کہ لوگ علم الصرف کے حوالے...
Tafseer-e-Haqqani - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Maulana Muhammad Abdul Haq Haqqani.نام: تفسیرِ حقانیمصنف: مولانا محمد عبد الحق حقانیApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer-e-Haqqani by Maulana Muhammad Abdul Haq Haqqani - Colored Word by Word Quran Translation - Advance...
Rahbar-e-Shariat, Peer-e-Tariqat, Ameer-e-Jamaat Ahl-e-Sunnat (Karachi) Hazrat Allama Maulana Syed Shah Turab-ul-Haq Qadri Razavi Noori رحمۃ اللہ تعالٰی علیہ was a prominent and well-known Islamic scholar and a spiritual guide and political leader. He was elected as Member of National...
Arabic Seekhiye In Urdu is an educational application developed to educate non-Arabic speakers to the language. This application has Urdu to Arabic translation of some basic words and phrases to familiarize the users with Arabic language. The fundamentals of...
First Aid In Urdu Is an app in which you will find what you should do after any incident before doctor.It can save lots of life if you know that Beneficial Information. When we encountered an incident medically...
The constitution of Pakistan 1973 passed the National Assembly on 10th April 1973 and the President of Assembly authenticated it on 12th April 1973. Assembly published the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Many amendments have been made...
This App is created to sharp your brain with some Easy to Extreme Math with unlimited questions designed specifically to help learn math easily. The App focuses on the four main categories as below,1) Addition2) Multiplication3) Division4) Subtraction5) RandomBenefits...
This app confers with a variety of programming languages. Such as C++, Java, Kotlin, Python, PHP and Dart. This application is created to help improve the thinking of varied issues associated with Programming. It consists of programming Languages by...
Learn Biology provides a variety of subjects with related notes. Explore the subjects and study them one by one. You'll be able to track them by completing each subject on the go. The contents are separated as a Biology...
Tafseer Bayan ul Quran - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi.نام: بیان القرآنمصنف: مولانا اشرف علی تھانویApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Bayan ul Quran by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi - Colored Word by Word Quran...
Tafseer Anwar ul Bayan - Lughat ul Quran - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Muhammad Ali.نام: انوار البیان فی حل لغۃ القرآنمصنف: محمد علیApplication Features: - Complete Anwar ul Bayan - Lughat ul Quran by Muhammad Ali -...
Tafseer Anwar ul Bayan - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Maulana Aashiq Illahi Madani.نام: انوار البیانمصنف: مولانا عاشق الٰہی مدنیApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Anwar ul Bayan by Maulana Aashiq Illahi Madani - Colored Word by Word Quran...
Bayan Ul Quran Android Application provides access to lectures given by Dr. Israr Ahmed on Bayan Ul Quran in Audio and Video.As you may know Dr.Israr Ahmed has done tremendous work in the direction of Deen.We can't access his...
Tafseer Bayan ul Quran - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Dr. Israr Ahmad.نام: بیان القرآنمصنف: ڈاکٹر اسرار احمدApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Bayan ul Quran by Dr. Israr Ahmad - Colored Word by Word Quran Translation - Advance...
Tafseer Ahsan ul Bayan - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Hafiz Salahudin Yusuf.نام: احسن البیانمصنف: مولانا صلاح الدین یوسفApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Ahsan ul Bayan by Hafiz Salahudin Yusuf - Colored Word by Word Quran Translation -...
Tafseer Siraj ul Bayan - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Allama Muhammad Haneef Nadvi.نام: سراج البیانمصنف: محمد حنیف ندویApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Siraj ul Bayan by Allama Muhammad Haneef Nadvi - Colored Word by Word Quran Translation...
Tafseer Tasheel ul Bayan - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Umm-e-Imran Shakeela.نام: تسہیل البیانمصنفہ: ام عمران شکیلہApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Tasheel ul Bayan by Umm-e-Imran Shakeela - Colored Word by Word Quran Translation - Advance Search functionality...
Nour Al-bayan teaching reading and reciting Qur'an.💠 Levels:🔹 Level 1 (Arabic Alphabet 1).🔹 Level 2 (Arabic Alphabet 2).🔹 Level 3 (El Harakat).🔹 Level 4 (El Mdowd).🔹 Level 5 (El Skoon - Hamzet elwasl and Elaam elkamarya).🔹 Level 6 (Altnwn).🔹...
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