Do you want to find the best Offline Audio Ruqyah Sheikh Ahmad al Ajmi alternatives for Android? We have listed 49 Lifestyle that are similar to Offline Audio Ruqyah Sheikh Ahmad al Ajmi. Pick one from this list to be your new Offline Audio Ruqyah Sheikh Ahmad al Ajmi app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Offline Audio Ruqyah Sheikh Ahmad al Ajmi on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Offline Audio Ruqyah Sheikh Ahmad al Ajmi alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like Offline Audio Ruqyah Sheikh Ahmad al Ajmi 2025.
This is the King James Version of the English Audio Bible. Listen to Voice-Only and Audio-Drama of the KJV Audio Bible.The Voice Only - has no background sound effects. While the Audio Drama - has background sound effects and...
Listen to the Greek Audio Bible (Old and New Testament). The app features three New Testament audio recordings:1. Ancient Greek (Greek Ecumenical Patriachal Text)2. Spyros Filos Translation3. Koine Greek (Textus Receptus)The app also features two Bible Listening Plans:- Old...
Listen to the Hebrew Audio Bible (Old and New Testament) in two recordings (Voice Only and Dramatized). The Voice Only features a single voice or reader without background sounds, while the Dramatized version features multiple voices or characters reading...
Listen to the Tamil Audio Bible (Old and New Testament) in two recordings (Voice Only and Voice with Background Music). The Voice Only features a single voice or reader without background sounds, while the Voice + BM features voice...
Save your memories...This is a personal audio diary with password.This is simple digital DIARY. your diary will be saved as ENCRYPTED Voice clip and it is safe. only you can access these voice clips.Writing diary will be difficult in...
يقدم لك تطبيق الراديو المغربي 2020 العديد من المحطات الإذاعات المغربية في مختلف التصنيفات : راديو رياضة، راديو موسيقى، راديو شعبي، راديو اخبار مغربية، راديو قصص، راديو مسابقات…. يعتبر بمثابة راديو حقيقي بجودة صوت عالية، بالاضافة الى خصائصه المتعددة...
🙂 Get access to the best version of the Holy Bible: (UKJV) Updated King James Version, an updated Bible based on the renowned King James version. It is an update on the spelling and the vocabulary of the old...
Ibratli hikoyalar nafaqat bizni yaxshiliklarda undaydi, balki, bizga kunlik yaxshi kayfiyat va kuchli motivatsiya hadya etadi! Insonlarda Doimiy va hamma vaqt o'qish imkoniyati topilmagani sababli, audio holatida eshitish bir muncha qulay, ham vaqtni tejaydi!Bizning dasturda esa ana imkoniyat mavjud!!...
Al Quran Audio MP3, easy to use streaming High Quality listen Holy Quran Audio- Many reciters like Mishary Rashid, Saad al-Ghamdi, Abdul Rahman Al Sudais- Recitation of Famous Qurra - Quran karim audio - More than 100 reciters- Listen...
Audio Bible The Bible in Christian audio King James version is the set of standard works of Judaism and Christianity. Listen to the beautiful word of our God. the best Christian Bible Audio ordered by old and new...
Welcome the holy month of Ramadan let's learn Ruqyah Shariah with Sheikh Saad Al Ghamidi and Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy.Ruqyah Shariah MP3 Offline is free offline Islamic apps. Ruqyah Shariah MP3 App is an Islamic way to help Combat...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to Yasir Dosari ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Yasser Dossari.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble...
Ruqyah Shariah MP3 App is an Islamic way to help Combat Jinn, Black Magic (Sihr), and The Evil Eye. No streaming required. This App works Completely Offline. تطبيق الرقية الشرعية من الكتاب والسنة لعلاج العين و المس و السحر...
Ruqyah in Islam is the recitation of the Quran seeking the refuge in Allah, remembrance and supplications that are used as a means of treating sicknesses and other problems as the Quran is a source of healing.This...
Ruqyah is a vast subject and covers many topics such as Sihr (Magic) Masaha (Possession) and Ayn (Evil Eye). We have presented a basic outline in regards to what is Ruqyah and how it is related to us via...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Idrees Abkar.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble quran .Features...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Fares Abbad.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble quran .Features...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Abdulaziz Zahrani.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble quran .Features...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to Afsi ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Mishary Afasi.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble quran...
The app requires no internet connection to work (it is Offline) and voice quality is very high. Just download and start listening even when offline. Saukar da wannan manhajja kan wayoyinku domin sauraron Sheikh Muhammad Auwal Adam Albani Zaria...
This is a Free Abdul Rahman alSudais Holy Quran ONLINE VERSION!قرأن كامل عبد الرحمن السديسThis Hloy Quran - Abdelrahman Sodes requires INTERNET CONNECTION to bring you the HD quality Qur'an sounds of sheikh abdulrahman alsodes and it comes with...
Ali Bin Abdur Rahman al Huthaify (Al Awamer,1947) (Sheikh Al Huzaifi) is the chief imam and the khateeb of the Great mosque of Medina, and a former imam of Quba Mosque. He was a lecturer of Islamic jurisprudence and...
saninmu ne aure sunnace ta Annabawa gabadaya, ashe kenan aure ibadane,aure tafarki ne na rayuwa, aure lalurace a rayuwar Dan Adam, idan nace lalura abune da yake dole a samashi domin haduwar na miji da mace ke bayar da...
muna adduar Allah ya jikan malam da rahama Allahummah ameen.
wanan free application offline na sheikh Jafar kano wato RIYADHUS SAALIHEEN 2 wanda baya bukakar internet,ayi downloading a saurara,muna adduar Allah ya jikan malam da rahama Allahummah ameen.
Features of this mp3 audio koran:Online there is need of internet.Part of the holy quran Surah YusufThe reciter is 12 Sheikh Online Mp3.You can repeat surat multiple time.Auto shuffle between tracks.Play audio surat without internet.Pausing for incoming phone call.You...
wanan free application ne offline na sheikh Jafar kano wato karatun littafin RIYADHUS SAALIHEEN 3 wanda baya bukakar internet,ayi downloading a saurara,muna adduar Allah ya jikan malam da rahama Allahummah ameen.
My Prayers is an Islamic application with accurate Prayer Times using the phone's location (latitude and longitude) based on different conventions and has static prayer time for those cities which have static time table for prayers. Also this app...
Features of this mp3 audio koran:Offline no need of internet.Complete of holy quran.The reciter is sheikh Yousef Bin Noah Ahmad.You can repeat surat multiple time.Auto shuffle between tracks.Play audio surat without internet.Pausing for incoming phone call.You can share this...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Ahmed Ajmi.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble quran .Features...
برنامج يحتوي على مجموعة من اسماء الاولاد و البنات و معانيها الجميلة مع إمكانية المشاركة و إمكانية انشاء قائمة بالاسماء المفضلةنرجو ان ينال اعجابكم
Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Brelvi R.A 14 June 1856 ko Muhallah Breli Uttar Paredesh India main paida howay. Aap ko Aala Hazrat Kay naam say jaan jata hai. Ap Hanfi Sunni thay aur Ap nay he South Asia...
يقدم تطبيق أشهى وصفات الكيك فهو يتضمن انواع كثيرة من الكيك يحتوي تطبيقنا الجميل المتواضع على عدد كبير من وصفات مميزه وناجحه لاعداد الكيك في مطبخك الكعك او الكيك او الكاتو او الجاتوه او التورته و نوع...
يقدم تطبيق ألذ وصفات الروجيم مجموعه من وصفات صحية مجربة ومقدمة من أخصائي التغذية لإزاله الكرش والارداف وكل ما تريدينه ، ستجدين وصفات رجيم سهل مناسب للام اثناء فتره الرضاعه ، اليكم احدث وصفات تنحيف البطن...
تطبيق اشهى السلطات هو تطبيق جدا رائع يحتوي على العديد من انواع السلطات والصلصات والسلطات والمقبلات وطرق تحضيرها بدون انترنت تطبيق مميز جدا يتوفر على وصفات خاصه لصناعه سلطات سهله من المطبخ العربي والغربي نقدم لك سيدتي تطبيق يجمع...
يقدم تطبيق أشهى العصائر والمشروبات الساخنة والباردة العديد من وصفات وطرائق تحضير العديد من المشروبات اللذيذة الشهية لتعدينها بجودة تضاهي مايقدم بالمطاعم ستجدين أشهى المشروبات الباردة أشهى المشروبات الساخنة يحتوي تطبيق وصفات عصير ومشروبات عربيه وعالميه فريده من...
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