Do you want to find the best Da Hamza Baba Kalam Pushto Poetry alternatives for Android? We have listed 38 Books & Reference that are similar to Da Hamza Baba Kalam Pushto Poetry. Pick one from this list to be your new Da Hamza Baba Kalam Pushto Poetry app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Da Hamza Baba Kalam Pushto Poetry on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Da Hamza Baba Kalam Pushto Poetry alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Da Hamza Baba Kalam Pushto Poetry 2025.
Estudos da Palabra de Deus mais completosA palavra de Deus: o que Deus tem engrandecido mais: Eu creio que não haveria melhor maneira para iniciar este estudo do que ouvir a opinião do próprio Deus em relação à Sua...
✝ O mais completo Guia de Estudo da Bíblia ✝Maravilhosos e educativos guías de estudo bíblico para seguir a Palavra de Deus.Saiba todos os dias um pouco mais sobre a Bíblia e seguir o seu caminho e nosso Senhor...
A mulher de hoje enfrenta muitas tarefas durante o dia: trabalhar, estudar, namorar, cuidar da casa, dos filhos, do marido e assim por diante. Como lidar com tudo isso e ser uma mulher cristã? É essencial ter um aplicativo...
Descarga agora Estudos bíblicos da Palavra de Deus mais completos para aprender mas sobre a bíblia.Maravilhosos e educativos estudos bíblicos para seguir a Palavra de Deus.A palavra de Deus: o que Deus tem engrandecido mais: Eu creio que não...
Descarga Estudo da Biblia , la aplicação mais completa para aprender mas sobre a biblia.A Estudo da Biblia mais completoA Bíblia é composta por 2 testamentos, 66 livros diferentes, 1.189 capítulos, 31.173 versos, e 773.692 palavras. Os diferentes livros...
Bíblia da mulher em áudio fornece-lhe a Bíblia sagrada e permite-lhe ter acesso a todos os versículos no modo offline. O aplicativo ideal para a mulher cristã: Baixe a nossa Bíblia gratuitamente e leia as Escrituras sem a necessidade...
Faça o download agora da bíblia desenhada especialmente para a mulher.Sem perder a essência da Bíblia Sagrada, aqui você pode desfrutar de uma Bíblia com um design muito feminino e atual.Bíblia mulher será uma valiosa ferramenta para estudar ou...
Este aplicativo é uma iniciativa do Grupo de Observadores de Aves "GOA Voando Livre" e funciona como um pequeno guia das espécies de aves mais comuns na região Bragantina. Nesta primeira fase, apresentamos 105 das mais de 350 espécies...
Baixe agora os melhores Esboços de PregaçõesAlém disso, o aplicativo inclui um melhor estudo e compreensão da Bíblia; Perguntas e Respostas da Biblia. Descubra as questões mais importantes sobre a Bíblia e aprender as respostas.Nesta ferramenta, você encontrará vários...
Read offline book "Da Hamza Baba Kalam Part Two" .In this app you people can read hamza baba poetry Part Two By hamza baba . Hamza Shinwari حمزہ شينواری Born in 1907 at Landi Kotal, Khyber Agency, Pakistan...
Read offline book "Da Hamza Baba Kalam Part One" .In this app you people can read hamza baba poetry By hamza baba . Hamza Shinwari حمزہ شينواری Born in 1907 at Landi Kotal, Khyber Agency, Pakistan and Died...
Quran sharif application is an offline application to read quran on your phone. You don’t need to download any of its assists on successful installation. Quran sharif app will let you read it without any problem on...
सय्यद अब्दुल्ला शाह क़ादरी (शाहमुखी/गुरुमुखी) जीने बुल्ले शाह के नाम से भी जाना जाता है एक पंजाबी दार्शनिक एवं संत थे। उनके पहले आध्यात्मिक गुरु संत सूफी मुर्शिद शाह इनायत अली थे, वे लाहौर से थे। बुल्ले शाह को...
sai baba morning aarti - kakada aarti,sai baba afternoon aarti - madhyana aarti,sai baba evening aarti - dhoop aarti,sai baba night aarti - shej aarti,Shirdi Sai Baba, was a spiritual master who was and is regarded by his devotees...
Deewan Rahman Baba is a pashto classic poetry by the great pashto sufi poet abdul rahman baba which is well known as rahman baba and is a collection of beautiful religious poetry in pashto language. keep share it and...
Read offline book "Da Pashto Ghazalona book" .This app contains pashto ghazal written by khushal khan khattak it is a best book of pashto poetry . pashto shari contains very best poetry with very beautiful Pashto text....
Baba Sheikh Farid was a great sufi saint belonging to Chisti silsila. He is considered as one of the first poet of Punjabi . His bani is also enumerated in Guru Granth Sahib ji.He was poet par excellence with...
Baba Najmi is revolutionary left leaning poet of Pakistani Punjab. But he is equally famous in Indian Punjab as well. He is counted among league of Pash, Shiv Kumar Batalvi, Faiz Ahmed Faiz etc .His famous compositions include...
Hi Guys"Khan Baba ki Gulnain" is a urdu novel written by Nabeela Aziz. It includes following features :- Start from First Page- Resume / Last Read - Go To Page Number- Add To Bookmarks- Remove from Bookmarks- Bookmarks- Enable...
Neem Karoli Baba or Neeb Karori Baba is a great mystic, yogi, hindu guru and a true devotee of the lord human. His famous devotee's from west are Ram Dass, Bhagavan Das and many more. Baba Neem Karoli has...
kalam hazrat sultan bahookalam e bahookalam hazrat sultan bahuHazrat sultan bahoo booksSultan bahoo kalamSultan bahu bookdil dariya samundaron doongehaq bahoo kalamUrdu kalam sultan ul arafeen kalam
Mian Muhammad Bakhsh was a sufi hindko and Punjabi poet. He belonged to the qadiri tariqah. He is especially renowned as the writer of a book of poetry called saiful malook the tail is about a prince shahzada saiful...
Al-Quran Kalam Allah App contains all pages of the holy Quran with Tajweed.Features:- The whole Quran with Tajweed and sorted by suras.- Search by Sura's name or part of any verse (Ayah).- You can search by page number as...
Kalam Hazrat Sultan Bahoo In Urdu TranslationAssalam o alaikum Friends in this application I want to give detail and translate Kalam Hazrat sultan Bahu in Urdu for all. Because everyone to read this kalam and not understand about poetry...
Pir Naseer Ud din Naseer Qadri Gillani Golra Sharif and Share Image with other Suny kon qisa e dard e dil mera gamgusar chala gia Ek Main He Nahin Un Per Qurban Zamana Hai lyricsManzar Faza e Dahar Mein...
Ganjoor Kalam is a collection of Persian poems and Persian poets such as Ferdowsi, Saadi, Hafez, Attar, Nezami, Rumi, Iqbal, Asadi, Omar Khayyam, Abusaeed, Ebne Hesam, Azraghi, Khosro, Amir Moezzi, Anvari, Ouhadi, Baba Afzal, Baba Taher, Bahar, Bidel, Parvin,...
Ganjoor Kalam is a collection of Persian poems and Persian poets such as Ferdowsi Saadi Hafez Attar Nezami Rumi Iqbal Asadi Omar Khayyam Abusaeed Ebne Hesam Azraghi Khosro Amir Moezzi Anvari Ouhadi Baba Afzal Baba Taher Bahar Bidel Parvin...
Kalam e Bahoo کلام باھو written by Hazrat Sultan Bahoo Rahmatullah alaeh. Alif Allah Chambe de Booti, mere man wich Murshad Lai Hooo. Very famous Sufi Lyrics by great Sufi Poet and Faqir Darwish Hazrat Sultan Bahoo....
This is an Application that have Islamic knowledge "Farsh Par Arsh By Huzur Mohaddis-e-Azam Hind Allama Sayed Mohammed Ashrafi In Urdu and Guldasta e Naat in Gujarati language. This app is having following features :Farsh par Arsh ...
Inspiring Quotes By APJ Abdul Kalam to Dream and Innovate in Life
Book reading is one of the most common hobby found among people of all age groups but carrying a book everywhere is difficult sometimes so we have designed this beautiful app for all Urdu Book lovers.Deewan Rahman Baba is...
Ghani khan one of the greatest poet of pakhtuns and all love his poetry he was the true lover of nature and legend of pashto poetry.keep share it and rateus.
Da Jwand Chagha is very famous pashto poetry by Ajmal Khattak and it is very unique poetry which you can enjoy it.keep share it and rate us.
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