Do you want to find the best Learn Salah - Namaz alternatives for Android? We have listed 30 Education that are similar to Learn Salah - Namaz. Pick one from this list to be your new Learn Salah - Namaz app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Learn Salah - Namaz on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Learn Salah - Namaz alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Learn Salah - Namaz 2025.
All in one verified app to study how to recite the Holy Quran. With technology, learning how to recite the Quran with proper Tajweed is better, easier and faster than ever!Learn Quran Tajwid app provides comprehensive lessons: from very...
Practice and Learn Java Tutorial. Java quiz and program by Learn Java Programming app which act as a comprehensive guide to one of the most popular programming languages in the world. This App enables you to carry Java programming...
The most easy to use mobile phrasebook aims at tourists and business people visiting Japan. Turn essential words and phrases into native voice which you can practice or play it to local people to get around with confidence. Learn...
Continue your Trimble learning on the go with the Learn.Trimble mobile app.
Learn Italian is an easy to use mobile Italian Phrasebook that will give visitors to Italy and those who are interested in learning Italian a good start in the language.Learn Italian is recorded using native speaker and we have...
Learn Italian Pro is an easy to use mobile Italian Phrasebook that will give visitors to Italy and those who are interested in learning Italian a good start in the language. Learn Italian is recorded using native speaker and...
Learn Portuguese is an easy to use mobile Portuguese phrasebook that will give visitors to Portugal and those who are interested in learning Portuguese a good start in the language. Learn Portuguese is recorded using a native speaker and...
Learn Russian is an easy to use mobile Russian Phrasebook that will give visitors to Russia and those who are interested in learning Russian a good start in the language. Learn Russian is recorded using native speaker and we...
*Learn Cantonese is our 12th language in the successful Learn Series!!* Learn Cantonese is an easy to use mobile phrasebook that will give visitors to Hong Kong, Macau and those who are interested in learning Cantonese a good start...
Muslim kids guide : Salah & Wudu is an Islamic application for children to learn how to perform Salah and Wudu . The app has very nice graphics.Application teaches the Rakats for each Prayer and also...
A simple and easy app on the technique behind the Salah. Essentially, this application created for the individuals who can read English. It has sound for Arabic text used in salah procedure.This application legitimately portrays the manners and right...
And to establish the prayer and fear Him. " Step by Step Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the...
ሶላት ታለቁ ኢባዳ በአማርኛ ከተዘጋጁ የሶላት መመሪያ አፕልኬሽኖች የመጀመሪያና በአይነቱ ልዩ የሆነ በጽሑፍና በስዕል የተደገፈ የሶላት መማሪያ ሲሆን የሚከተሉትን ያካተትል፡-የሶላት ትርጓሜሶላት በኢስልመ ያለዉ ቦታየሶላት ምሶሶየሶላት ቅድመ መሥፈርቶችዉዱዕ አደረራግ ስዕላዊ ማበራሪያን ጨምሮጠሃራ ስለ ጀናባና አስተታጠቡየጁምዕ ሶላት የመርሳት ሱጁድ መስፈረርቶቹና እንዴት...
Learn how to pray Namaz / Salah! Designed for both Kids and Adults! Our app has been designed to teach your kids in the best way possible while having fun.Praying our Salah(salat) is part of being a muslim and...
تطبيق تعلم الحروف الهجائية العربية من افضل التطبيقات لتعليم الحروف والكلمات العربيه بالحركات فى المراحل السنيه المبكره يحتوى التطبيق على الحروف العربيه مكتوبه ومنطوقه باجمل الاغانى التعليميه لتسهيل تعليم الحروف والكلماتمدرسة الحروفبرامج تعليمية العربيه و تعليم...
تعليم الصلاة و الوضوءبالصوت والرسوم التوضيحية المتحركةلايحتاج لانترنيتمناسب للأطفال وللكباررابط لبرنامج جزء عمرابط لبرنامج سورة لفاتحةرابط لبرنامج التفسير الميسررابط لبرنامج اذكار النوم
Namaz:Is app mein aap sikh sakte hai Namaz ka tarika, Mard aur Aurato ki namaz ka tarika Hindi aur Gujarati bhasa mein. Iske sath sath Namaz e Janaza aur Tasbih namaz aur Eid ki namaz ka bhi tarika sikh...
Namaz hocası, İmsakiye ve Pusula - Kıble bulucu;Web, IOS ve diğer platformlarda kullanmak için adresini kullanabilirsiniz.Bu uygulama sayesinde namaz ile tanışın, tanıştırın... Diyanet servislerinden çekilerek en doğru Ezan VakitleriÇocuğunuzun, sevdiğiniz gençlerin ve her yaştan öğretmek istediğiniz kişilerin namaza...
We going to about this Namaz Hindi Urdu App.Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu app is a simple guide for offering Salah (Prayer or Namaz). Main advantage of Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu is it’s a without internet.Namaz...
We going to about thisAurat ki namaz ka tarika hindi urdu App.Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu app is a simple guide for offering Salah (Prayer or Namaz). Main advantage of Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu is it’s...
This application is very useful and helpful for every Muslim. We going to about this Kaza Namaz Ka Tariqa In Hindi urdu App.Namaz is the important in Islamic life. five time of Namaz is necessary for Muslim.This app is...
We going to about this Namaz Hindi Urdu App.Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu app is a simple guide for offering Salah (Prayer or Namaz). Main advantage of Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu is it’s a with internet.Momin...
**** ÜCRET ÖDEMEDEN ÖNCE LÜTFEN OKUYUNUZ *****!!!! KURULUM HATASI ALIRSANIZ ÖNCE ÜCRETSİZ SÜRÜMÜ KALDIRINIZ !!!!!!!! ÜCRETSİZ VERSİYON İLE REKLAMLAR HARİÇ TÜM ÖZELLİKLERİ BİREBİR AYNIDIR !!!!Reklamlar haricinde ücretsiz versiyonla birebir aynıdır. Kullanıcılarımızdan gelen istek üzerine; reklamsız versiyon isteyen veya...
This application teaches you how to pray Namaz and other important surah in English. In this app you will get: - Namaz Times (Prayer Times)- Namaz Rakat (Prayer Rakat)- Intention (Nawayt) of Prayer- How to Pray Namaz (Fajr)- How...
Aik asaan aur achi islamic app jis ma users ko asaani ho aur is ma sb kuch urdu tarjumy k sath byaan kiya gya hai.
Videolu namaz, abdest ve sure uygulaması size benzersiz bir rehber olacak. ◆بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ◆Artık huşu içinde namazlarınızı kılacaksınız."Bir adam Hz. Peygamber'e (s.a.s.), 'Amellerin / İbadetlerin en faziletlisi hangisidir?' diye sordu. Peygamber Efendimiz, 'Vaktinde kılınan namazdır.' buyurdu."-Bismillahirrahmanirrahim-Animasyon namaz videolarıyla...
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