Do you want to find the best Muslim kids guide Salah & Wudu alternatives for Android? We have listed 47 Education that are similar to Muslim kids guide Salah & Wudu. Pick one from this list to be your new Muslim kids guide Salah & Wudu app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Muslim kids guide Salah & Wudu on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Muslim kids guide Salah & Wudu alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 47 similar apps like Muslim kids guide Salah & Wudu 2025.
Muslim Audio Library help you to get all islamic audio in one app.Every Muslim whatever his language will benefit from this library.All audio in high quality, mp3 and very clear.Library sections- Quranic Audio like Holy Quran, Translated Quran, Recitations...
Quran Hafiz helps you read, search, understand and track your memorization of the Holy Quran.The app provides the following features: - Multilingual user interface. - Easy navigation and search in chapters and pages - Offline Quran...
Hambistri kay Adaab application contains "Adaab e Mubashrat" in the light of Quran and Hadith.Tuhfa-e-Shadi (Wedding Gift) is an Islamic Urdu book about the marriage life. This book also tell us the Islamic concept of wedding and aware us...
Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi yang berisikan Kumpulan Lagu Anak Indonesia yang mengandung nilai-nilai Islami antara lain berisi tentang Pendidikan Islam, Kisah Nabi dan Rosul, Salawat Nabi, Rukun Iman dan Rukun Islam, dan masih banyak lagi.Kami suguhkan dengan Lagu yang...
মুসলিম শরীফ হাদিসের অন্যতম একটি গ্রন্থ। ইমাম মুসলিম ইবনে হাজ্জাজ ইবনে মুসলিম আল কুশাইরী হলেন সহিহ মুসলিম শরিফ এর সংকলক। তিনি দীর্ঘ ১৫ বছর শক্তিশালী পরিকল্পনার পাশাপাশি অত্যন্ত যত্নের সাথে গুছিয়ে এই সহিহ মুসলিম শরিফ গ্রন্থটি সংকলন করেছেন। বহু...
Lagu Anak Muslim adalah aplikasi yang berisi lagu anak anak dengan nuansa islami tentang ajaran-ajaran dasar dalam islam. Menampilkan lagu anak islami , lagu religi islam untuk anak anak berupa puji pujian dan hal hal yang mendidik menyangkut kehidupan...
Aplikasi yang menyediakan buku Himpunan & Koleksi Lengkap Terbaru nama-nama indah dan mulia dalam ISLAM untuk anak-anak Muslim..Terdapat lebih dari 5000 nama yang boleh dipilih dari aplikasi ini...Terdapat juga buku yang menggunakan format PDF file untuk membukanya..Anda mestilah terlebih...
Aplikasi lagu anak muslim ini gratis di download dan dapat di putar tanpa memerlukan koneksi internet. Sehingga anda dapat memutar dimana pun dan kapanpun saja. Lagu-lagu yang ada dalam apilkasi ini dapat di jadikan media pembelajaran yang menarik kepada...
Hisnul Muslim Du'a and Zikr is by sheikh Sa'id ibn wahf Al-Qahtaani. It contains the doa & zikir for a muslim daily supplication. It contains doa & zikir for day as well as for night. This application hisnul...
Howie Find Vowels Lite is a vowel game to improve your child's reading and writing skills. Learning vowels helps your child to distinguish distinct words such as fan fin fine fun, and recognize those words easily. This app is...
Snow Spelling Sound Out is a great app for beginning readers to learn words. Your child will learn 1,122 words that can be sounded out using common phonics rules (i.e, grouped by short vowel, long vowel, Bossy R's and...
Howie Build Words is a great app to improve your child's reading abilities and memorizing new words. Learning to build words by sounding them out adds to a strong foundation in reading for beginning readers. All of...
Cimo Spelling Sight Lite is a great app for kindergarten through 3rd grade children. Your child will learn a combination of high frequency and sight words (from the Dolch Sight Word list). The list of 50 words...
Howie Find Vowels is a great app to improve your child's reading and writing skills. Learning vowels helps your child to distinguish distinct words such as fan fin fine fun, and recognize those words easily. This app is useful...
Moofy Recognizing Pattern is a great app for preschool, kindergarten to 1st grade children to practice ordering and patterning. They will learn alphabetizing and ordering numbers, easy number patterns (i.e, count on to 20, even numbers, and count...
Snow Spelling Sound Out Lite is a great app for beginning readers to learn words. Your child will learn 100 words that can be sounded out using common phonics rules (i.e, grouped by short vowel, long vowel, Bossy R's...
Moofy Recognizing Pattern Lite is a great app for preschool, kindergarten to 1st grade children to practice ordering and patterning. They will learn alphabetizing and ordering numbers, easy number patterns (i.e., count on to 20, even numbers, and...
Cimo Spelling Sight is a great app for kindergarten through 3rd grade children. Your child will learn a combination of high frequency and sight words (from the Dolch Sight Word list). The list of 255 words was selected...
Howie Build Words Lite is a fun game to improve your child's reading abilities and memorizing new words. Learning to build words by sounding them out adds to a strong foundation in reading for beginning readers. All of the...
GTU Guide - Rise by Lifting Others.- GTU Examination Question Papers- e-Notes- Assignments- Practicals- Projects - Important Questions and Answers- Competetive Exams related Materials (GATE, CAT, CMAT, GMAT, NPTEL)- College Reviews- Topper's NotesGet Study Resources of every type only...
Are you interested in starting to learn with these courses on video editing with camtasia studio 9?This guide is what you need to learn how to use your video editor!The course has 5 complete and different lessons on how...
This Guide app works both online and offline, and contains 40 basic topics about one of the famous novels of E.M. Forster, A Passage to India.The guide is designed both for college and university English literature students. Both can...
This Guide app works both online and offline, and contains 33 basic topics about one of the famous novels of Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews.The guide is designed both for college and university English literature students. Both can fetch basic...
This Guide app works both online and offline, and contains 37 basic topics about one of the famous novels of Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness.The guide is designed both for college and university English literature students. Both can fetch...
This Guide app works both online and offline, and contains 28 basic topics about one of the famous plays of George Bernard Shaw, Arms and the Man.The guide is designed both for college and university English literature students. Both...
A simple and easy app on the technique behind the Salah. Essentially, this application created for the individuals who can read English. It has sound for Arabic text used in salah procedure.This application legitimately portrays the manners and right...
And to establish the prayer and fear Him. " Step by Step Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the...
ሶላት ታለቁ ኢባዳ በአማርኛ ከተዘጋጁ የሶላት መመሪያ አፕልኬሽኖች የመጀመሪያና በአይነቱ ልዩ የሆነ በጽሑፍና በስዕል የተደገፈ የሶላት መማሪያ ሲሆን የሚከተሉትን ያካተትል፡-የሶላት ትርጓሜሶላት በኢስልመ ያለዉ ቦታየሶላት ምሶሶየሶላት ቅድመ መሥፈርቶችዉዱዕ አደረራግ ስዕላዊ ማበራሪያን ጨምሮጠሃራ ስለ ጀናባና አስተታጠቡየጁምዕ ሶላት የመርሳት ሱጁድ መስፈረርቶቹና እንዴት...
Learn Salah - Namaz app is made by Atom Production. If you are a Muslim and like to use Islamic Application so you are in a right place. This Learn Salah - Namaz app will provide you rules of...
Learn how to pray Namaz / Salah! Designed for both Kids and Adults! Our app has been designed to teach your kids in the best way possible while having fun.Praying our Salah(salat) is part of being a muslim and...
تطبيق تعلم الحروف الهجائية العربية من افضل التطبيقات لتعليم الحروف والكلمات العربيه بالحركات فى المراحل السنيه المبكره يحتوى التطبيق على الحروف العربيه مكتوبه ومنطوقه باجمل الاغانى التعليميه لتسهيل تعليم الحروف والكلماتمدرسة الحروفبرامج تعليمية العربيه و تعليم...
تعليم الصلاة و الوضوءبالصوت والرسوم التوضيحية المتحركةلايحتاج لانترنيتمناسب للأطفال وللكباررابط لبرنامج جزء عمرابط لبرنامج سورة لفاتحةرابط لبرنامج التفسير الميسررابط لبرنامج اذكار النوم
Wudu : AblutionSoothes fury, eliminates anger and calms the spirit. Therefore, the Prophet (PBUH) advised a person who got furious to make wudu. (Abu Dawud, Adab, 3; Musnad, 4/226)In Islam, ablution, or wudu or wuzu, is to wash one’s...
Wudu and Ghusal: In Islam, ablution, or wudu or wuzu and , is to wash one’s face, hands, arms, head and feet with water and Ghusal (Arabic: غسل Ġusl , IPA: ) is an Arabic term referring to...
Step by Step Wudu guide is an informative guide that tells you how to make Wudu in Islam. The app gives Wudu Steps with images, so that you can know the right way of performing Wudu.• App includes the...
Wudu & Gusal Ka Tarika:An application for Muslim Brother and Sisters, This app contains basic informationregarding Gusal, Wadu (Wazu) and their commandments in Islam.➔ Main features:● Feature definition.● Page layout step by step.● Clear Images.● Clarity of the application.●...
This application will guide you to learn Wudu (Ablution) step by step with Illustration and text . Install and start learning Wudu Now!Wudu is the ritual purification in Islam of washing body parts, and it is very important...
Do you know? In wudu, when we rinse our mouth, we can wish hopefully, all the word that come out of our mouths are good. Or if there is no water, we can purify with sand? Are you...
Quran Reading wishes you All a Very Happy and Blessed Ramadan 2017Kids Wudu Series is an Android App for teaching kids Wudu. Learn how to make Wudu with easy steps. This Application consist Wudu steps with illustrations. Step by...
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