Top 31 Books & Reference Apps Like Avon Washington Twp Public Lib - Best Alternatives

Avon Washington Twp Public Lib Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Avon Washington Twp Public Lib alternatives for Android? We have listed 31 Books & Reference that are similar to Avon Washington Twp Public Lib. Pick one from this list to be your new Avon Washington Twp Public Lib app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Avon Washington Twp Public Lib on your Android devices.

Top 31 Apps Like Avon Washington Twp Public Lib - Best Picks for 2024

The best free and paid Avon Washington Twp Public Lib alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like Avon Washington Twp Public Lib 2024.

Avon Lake Public Library

Avon Lake Public Library

Price: Free Developer: Stacks Inc.
Washington DOL Reviewer

Washington DOL Reviewer

Price: Free Developer: Super Awesome Drivers Ed
Washington Wildflowers

Washington Wildflowers

The University of Washington Herbarium at the Burke Museum and the authors of “Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest” have partnered to produce WASHINGTON WILDFLOWERS plant identification app for mobile devices. The app provides images, species descriptions, range maps,...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: High Country Apps, LLC
Biography of George Washington

Biography of George Washington

George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) was the first President of the United States (1789–97), the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and one of the Founding Fathers...

Price: Free Developer: HistoryofTheWorld
RCW Laws Washington Codes (WA)

RCW Laws Washington Codes (WA)

All 95 Revised Code of Washington (RCW - WA Laws)- A list of all RCW's titles on your Android devices.Complete list of latest titles with on time updates to keep you up to date with latest titles.Features: ✺ Complete...

Price: Free Developer: TVN Labs
Message Hub Mobile

Message Hub Mobile

King James Bible and sermons of William Branham available in over 30 languages.Read, search, and compare between languages.Cross reference from Bible to the Message and vice versa in all available languages.

Price: Free Developer: Bible Believers of Washington
中文钦定本圣经 Chinese KJV Bible

中文钦定本圣经 Chinese KJV Bible

Price: Free Developer: Bible Believers of Washington
Washington State Library Now

Washington State Library Now

Library Now lets you locate and search your library catalog wherever you are. Locate books, movies, music and more with easy search features designed for mobile devices. Searching the catalog is easy! Just type in the first few letters...

Price: Free Developer: Boopsie, Inc.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow By Washington Irving

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow By Washington Irving

Are you in love with english novels and their characters? If yes, we have brought this great app for you. Forget about carrying a novel every where and download this smart novel app and ready any where any time...

Price: Free Developer: Read Inn


성도들이 스마트폰에서 전자출입시스템을 이용해 교회생활에 편리성과 효율성을 더할 수 있고 자원과 교회 재정도 절약할 수 있습니다. 중부워싱턴한인장로교회는 이러한 교회 혁신에도 앞장서 나가는 스마트한 교회입니다.----개발자 연락처 :(주)정보넷 앱개발 기술연구소 Tel. 1522-8762 (Korea)서울특별시 강남구 언주로 639 한솔빌딩 7층 (논현동 211-15)

Price: Free Developer: (주)정보넷
Parler en Public sans Peur ni Stress

Parler en Public sans Peur ni Stress

Nombreuses personnes veulent comment parler en public sans stress ni peur, et captiver toute la salle et vaincre le trac,et aussi comment réussir à transformer le stress et la timidité et la peur de la prise de parole en...

Price: Free Developer: Nexox
Around the World in Eighty Days - Public Domain

Around the World in Eighty Days - Public Domain

Price: Free Developer: Public Domain Books
Bleak House – Public Domain

Bleak House – Public Domain

The story begins in the High Court of Chancery, where the case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce has gone on for generations and has “become so complicated that no man alive knows what it means.” The current issue concerns two...

Price: Free Developer: Public Domain Books
The Crimes of England - Public Domain

The Crimes of England - Public Domain

This book is another volume in Chesterton's works during the First World War which justified the British participation in the war. In it, Chesterton takes the unusual and highly controversial position that, while Germany is to blame for the...

Price: Free Developer: Public Domain Books
Twentieth Century Negro Literature - Public Domain

Twentieth Century Negro Literature - Public Domain

Twentieth Century Negro Literature is a collection of writings by some of the most important African-Americans from history. Compiled and edited by Daniel Wallace Culp and first published in 1902 the words within are as powerful and important now...

Price: Free Developer: Public Domain Books
What Is Man? and Other Essays - Public Domain

What Is Man? and Other Essays - Public Domain

[The Old Man and the Young Man had been conversing. The Old Man had asserted that the human being is merely a machine, and nothing more. The Young Man objected, and asked him to go into particulars and furnish...

Price: Free Developer: Public Domain Books
Little Susan and her lamb - Public Domain

Little Susan and her lamb - Public Domain

One fine summer’s morning, little Susan’s mother called her to come and have her breakfast. She took her porringer, and sat down on a green bank near the cottage door to eat the bread and milk she had that...

Price: Free Developer: Public Domain Books
California: The Land of the Sun – Public Domain

California: The Land of the Sun – Public Domain

For a graphic and memorable report of the contours of any country, see always the aboriginal account of its making. That will give you the lie of the land as no geographer could sketch it forth for you. California...

Price: Free Developer: Public Domain Books
Persuasion - Public Domain

Persuasion - Public Domain

The story concerns Anne Elliot, a young Englishwoman of 27 years, whose family is moving to lower their expenses and get out of debt, at the same time as the wars come to an end, putting sailors on shore....

Price: Free Developer: Public Domain Books
The Republic - Public Domain

The Republic - Public Domain

I went down yesterday to the Piraeus with Glaucon the son of Ariston, that I might offer up my prayers to the goddess (Bendis, the Thracian Artemis.); and also because I wanted to see in what manner they would...

Price: Free Developer: Public Domain Books


中西區是香港教育的搖籃,區內不少學校迄今已逾百年歷史,見證了香港教育發展一個多世紀以來的流金歲月。香港教育大學編著團隊參考逾千舊照、校刊、文獻,並獲多所區內學校鼎力相助,提供圖片,安排拍攝及訪問學生校友,編撰成書,讓讀者深入瞭解中西區的教育發展,並細味各校與社區的緊密連繫,從而反映香港不同年代的面貌。是次出版更加入互動元素,透過擴增實境(Augmented Reality)技術,讓讀者利用手機透視立體校舍模型,領略這些歷史建築的優美和設計者的巧思。本書及其手機程式與網站所提供之學校立體模型,乃根據現存圖片及圖則重新建立。因資料有限,模型與真實情况可能有所偏差。如有錯漏,敬請指正,我們定當盡力修正。手機程式及網站由香港教育大學圖書館建立,並提供由本書出版起計最少五年之維護及更新。

Price: Free Developer: The Education University of Hong Kong


○ 홈- 서비스 소개서울도서관의 도서이용 서비스를 스마트 폰에서 손쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 구성하였습니다.도서의 검색에서 시작하여 도서 대출현황,예약,신청 등 도서관에서 이용할 수 있는 기능을 서울 도서관 홈페이지를 접속하지 않더라도 스마트폰을 통하여 언제 어디서든지 이용할 수 있습니다.- 서비스 주요 특징* 소장자료검색...

Price: Free Developer: 서울특별시


1). 안양시립전자도서관((주)이씨오)에서 운영중인 전자책(eBook)을 읽기 위한 어플리케이션입니다. 2). 안양시립전자도서관 App 책장을 통해 전자책을 언제 어디서나 다운로드하셔서 보실 수 있습니다. 3). 대출하신 도서를 다시 읽고자 하실때에는 안양시립전자도서관 책장을 통해서 읽기를 하셔야 합니다.----개발자 연락처 :회사명 : (주) 이씨오주소 : 서울특별시 성동구...

Price: Free Developer: LIBROPIA
서울도서관 통합전자책

서울도서관 통합전자책

1). 서울도서관((주)이씨오)에서 운영중인 전자책(eBook)을 읽기 위한 어플리케이션입니다. 2). 서울도서관 App 책장을 통해 전자책을 언제 어디서나 다운로드하셔서 보실 수 있습니다. 3). 대출하신 도서를 다시 읽고자 하실때에는 서울도서관 책장을 통해서 읽기를 하셔야 합니다.----개발자 연락처 :회사명 : (주) 이씨오주소 : 서울특별시 성동구...

Price: Free Developer: LIBROPIA
mLibrary UGM

mLibrary UGM

Price: Free Developer: PT Solusi Kampus Indonesia
DDC Perpustakaan UIN Bandung

DDC Perpustakaan UIN Bandung

*Aplikasi ini tidak menyediakan E-book*DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification) berbahasa Indonesia dan tambahan subyek Islam. Sangat berguna bagi:- Pustakawan dalam menentukan klasifikasi koleksi.- Pemustaka, siswa, masyarakat yang mencari buku di rak-rak yang berklasifikasi DDC.Fitur search dapat digunakan untuk memberi rujukan...

Price: Free Developer: Devkom
Шинель Гоголь Н.В.

Шинель Гоголь Н.В.

Эта короткая повесть сыграла огромную роль в развитии русской литературы. "Все мы вышли из "Шинели" Гоголя", — сказал Ф. М. Достоевский, оценивая ее значение для многих поколений русских писателей.Серия: Шедевры русской классикиИщите другие наши издания на Маркете! Выпущено уже...

Price: Free Developer: Publish Digital Books


Эжен Сю. АгасферЛегенда об Агасфере, который не дал отдохнуть Христу, идущему на Голгофу, стала основой сюжетов многих произведений. Французский писатель Эжен Сю, автор многих романов, в том числе "Парижских тайн", в свое время соперничал по популярности с Александром Дюма....

Price: Free Developer: Publish Digital Books
Маленькие дикари

Маленькие дикари

Эрнест Сетон-Томпсон, Маленькие дикариили Повесть о том, как два мальчика вели в лесу жизнь индейцев и чему они научилисьИздательство Digital Books, 2015(Серия: Детская литература)Всемирно известная книга о приключениях двух друзей. Темы индейского быта и жизни на природе, среди диких животных,...

Price: Free Developer: Publish Digital Books
Отцы и Дети

Отцы и Дети

Иван Сергеевич Тургенев, Отцы и ДетиИздательство Digital Books, 2013(Серия: Шедевры русской классики)Посвящается памяти Виссариона Григорьевича БелинскогоРоман стал знаковым для своего времени, а образ главного героя Евгения Базарова был воспринят молодёжью как пример для подражания. Но прав ли Базаров? На...

Price: Free Developer: Publish Digital Books

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