Top 42 Medical Apps Like Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire - Best Alternatives

Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire alternatives for Android? We have listed 42 Medical that are similar to Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire. Pick one from this list to be your new Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire on your Android devices.

Top 42 Apps Like Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 42 similar apps like Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire 2025.

MA Notes: Medical Assistant's Pocket Guide

MA Notes: Medical Assistant's Pocket Guide

Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the in-app purchase screen).ABOUT: MA Notes: Medical Assistant's Pocket GuideThis handy guide...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Medical Drugs Guide Dictionary

Medical Drugs Guide Dictionary

Ultimate Offline, Free & Very useful drugs dictionary. The best choice for pocket medical dictionary on drug information . Drug Dictionary is a free medical dictionary that provides all information about drugs: usages, dosage, how to take, side effects,...

Price: Free Developer: Van Solutions
Medical Guide App Pakistan

Medical Guide App Pakistan

Medical Guide App is an android application having off-line access feature and easy to run on all android devices. Medical Guide App contains complete information about Drugs' generic, Pharmaceutical brands and disease with their sub-contents. Easy to use Pakistan's...

Price: Free Developer: Medical Guide App Inc.
ECG Notes : Interpretation and Management Guide

ECG Notes : Interpretation and Management Guide

ECG Notes: Interpretation and Management Guide. Indispensable pocket guide presents the basics ACLS and CPR algorithms, emergency medications, and comprehensive information on monitoring leads and interpretation of over 100 ECG strips, including 12-lead and pacemaker rhythms. Download the FREE...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
GOLD 2020 Pocket Guide

GOLD 2020 Pocket Guide

Access the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2021 Report at the point of care and use interactive tools such as the Refined ABCD Assessment tool, the mMRC Dyspnea Scale, the CAT Assessment, the COPD treatment algorithm...

Price: Free Developer: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Dis
Gold 2017 Pocket Guide

Gold 2017 Pocket Guide

Access the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2017 Reports at the point of care and use interactive tools such as ABCD assessment tool, mMRC Dyspnea Scale, CAT assessment, treatment algorithm and many more. The app allows...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Dis
GOLD 2019 Pocket Guide

GOLD 2019 Pocket Guide

Access the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2019 Report at the point of care and use interactive tools such as the Refined ABCD Assessment tool, the mMRC Dyspnea Scale, the CAT Assessment, the COPD treatment algorithm...

Price: Free Developer: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Dis
RN Pocket Guide

RN Pocket Guide

The perfect pocket guide!This quick-reference tool has what you need to select the appropriate diagnosis to plan your patientsí care effectively. Nurse's Pocket Guide : Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions and Rationales, 15th Edition features all the latest nursing diagnoses and...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
NCLEX RN Study Guide 2018

NCLEX RN Study Guide 2018

NCLEX RN Study Guide is NOT JUST an exam prep app, but it is THE FIRST APP THAT CONTAINS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO PASS NCLEX EXAM: - STUDY GUIDE: easy etep-by-step reading materials with review questions- PRACTICE TEST: more...

Price: Free Developer: Advanced Educational Technology Inc
HCP's Guide to Breastfeeding

HCP's Guide to Breastfeeding

Price: Free Developer: Catapult Systems
guide de diagnostic et de traitement des maladies

guide de diagnostic et de traitement des maladies

guide de diagnostic et de traitement des maladies est un projet unique qui combine la médecine et l'intelligence artificielle générée par ordinateur, conçu par des médecins professionnels de plusieurs hôpitaux universitaires allemands en coopération avec des médecins français.Essayez cette...

Price: Free Developer: Youssef Hribach
Liste des médicaments

Liste des médicaments

Médicaments est une application pour vous aider à trouver les médicaments qui est recommandé par le médecin specialiste.

Price: Free Developer: Panha Medical
Biloba - Vaccins des enfants

Biloba - Vaccins des enfants

Biloba est un outil simple et fiable qui vous aide à mieux suivre et comprendre les vaccinations ainsi que l'IMC (indice de masse corporelle) et les courbes de croissance de vos enfants.• VOTRE ENFANT EST-IL À JOUR DE SES...

Price: Free Developer: Biloba
Lexikon des Rettungsdienstes

Lexikon des Rettungsdienstes

Das Handbuch für den Rettungsdienst, speziell für den Rettungsassistent und Notfallsanitäter,-schnell-übersichtlich-offline-Gegliedert in 4 Hauptkategorien:--> NOTFÄLLE (Erläuterung,Symptome,Maßnahmen) --> BEFUNDE (z.B. Atmungstypen, ABCDE, Verbrennungsfläche)--> ÜBERSICHTEN (z.B. Desinfektion, Gefahrenklassen, Richtung und Lage)--> STANDARDWERTE (z.B. APGAR, GCS, NACA)Schnellwahltasten z.B.:--> REA-Schema--> EKG-Monitoring--> Notfallmedikamente--> Anatomische...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: cdB.-DATENSICHERUNG
Le Moniteur des

Le Moniteur des

Le Moniteur des pharmacies.frRetrouvez le meilleur du site La manière la plus complète de s'informer et se former au quotidien pour les pharmaciens : - Actualités : l'information de la pharmacie en temps réel- Revues : les éditions...

Price: Free Developer: Health Initiative France
Dictionnaire Des Médicaments

Dictionnaire Des Médicaments

Dictionnaire Des Médicaments est une application pour vous aider à trouver les médicaments qui est recommandé par le médecin specialiste.Bon pour les professionnels de la santé tels que la médecine, la pharmacie, la dentisterie, physiothérapie. Option de recherche est...

Price: Free Developer: NP.Studio
Cura pelas Plantas

Cura pelas Plantas

Banco de dados com milhares de plantas medicinais e em que cada uma pode ajudar na sua saúde.Aplicativo funciona sem a necessidade de conexão com a internet.

Price: Free Developer: Desenvolvedor de App
Santé des dents

Santé des dents

Santé dentaireQuel est le rôle des dents et de la bouche dans l'organisme ?La bouche constitue en quelque sorte la toute première partie du tube digestif (on parle de la porte d'entrée du corps). C'est elle qui, avec les...

Price: Free Developer: HAYATONA
Pharmacie des 3 pins Marseille

Pharmacie des 3 pins Marseille

Pharmacie des 3 pins25 boulevard de St Marcel13011 MARSEILLEMa pharmacie dans ma poche !Mr Robert Touati Titulaire de la Pharmacie des 3 pins et son équipe vous facilitent la vie.Avec l’application mobile de la Pharmacie des 3 pins...

Price: Free Developer: S.A.S. INTECMEDIA
Albus Air - L’appli des infirmiers

Albus Air - L’appli des infirmiers

Terminé le coup de la panne, l’application est disponible avec ou sans connexion internet, sur les Champs-Elysées ou au fond du tunnel du Mont Blanc.Les données de votre cabinet sont automatiquement synchronisées entre vos appareils (ordi, tablette, smartphone…) et...

Price: Free Developer: SNAL Albus
Paramédic Québec

Paramédic Québec

Paramédic Québec est une application développée conjointement avec Urgences-santé et le ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec dans le but de fournir un outil de référence clinique mobile aux techniciens ambulanciers paramédics québécois.Vous retrouverez tous...

Price: Free Developer: Corporation Urgences-Santé
Urgences Psychiatriques

Urgences Psychiatriques

The psychiatric emergency is defined as “a request whose response cannot be deferred (…) There is an emergency from the moment someone asks the question, whether it is the patient, the circle of acquaintances or of the doctor: it...

Price: Free Developer: SOLUTION-PRO
Urgences Non Traumatiques

Urgences Non Traumatiques

Non-traumatic emergencies pose a problem of precise etiological diagnosis, a prognostic problem and require therapeutic treatment within a more or less short period. The aim of our study was to specify the epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic aspects

Price: Free Developer: SOLUTION-PRO
Urgences Traumatiques

Urgences Traumatiques

Traumatic emergencies

Price: Free Developer: SOLUTION-PRO
Nurses In Emergency

Nurses In Emergency

Nurses In Emergency It is an application to guide you in case of medical emergency

Price: Free Developer: SOLUTION-PRO
Urgences en oncologie pédiatrique

Urgences en oncologie pédiatrique

Le cancer chez l’enfant est une maladie curable dans la grande majorité des cas. Il s’agit cependant d’une urgence diagnostique et thérapeutique. Savoir gérer un enfant atteint de cancer au diagnostic ou au cours de son traitement a...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Place
Urgences - Le Congrès

Urgences - Le Congrès

Retrouvez sur votre mobile et votre tablette les informations essentielles concernant les Rendez-vous de l'Urgence qui se dérouleront du 04 au 07 Juin 2022, au Palais des Congrès, Porte Maillot, Paris.Congrès fondé par la Société Francaise de la Médecine...

Price: Free Developer: IP-LINKS
Urgences En Pathologie Materno Foetale Et Pdiatrie

Urgences En Pathologie Materno Foetale Et Pdiatrie

Emergencies in Materno-Fetal and Pediatric Pathology

Price: Free Developer: SOLUTION-PRO
Guide des Urgences

Guide des Urgences

Price: Free Developer: devlopper.soft
CAT En Urgences Médicales

CAT En Urgences Médicales

CAT En Urgences Médicales devient l'indispensable aide pour le praticien ou l'interne de gardeCollection des apps médicaux :- livres médicaux gratuits- apps médicaux gratuits- Dictionnaire médicale gratuite- bibliothèque médicale - Encyclopédie médicale gratuit a télécharger- Guide de Poche

Price: Free Developer: devlopper.soft
Patient Portal AU

Patient Portal AU

Having immediate access to X-rays and scans may give doctors and other health professionals, such as physiotherapists and chiropractors, a more complete picture of your relevant medical history. You might want to look at your images again, when you...

Price: Free Developer: Zed Technologies
Okee in Medical Imaging

Okee in Medical Imaging

From the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, this app helps children to prepare for having medical imaging. Coming to hospital for medical imaging (radiology) can be a little overwhelming – especially if it’s your first visit! But this is...

Price: Free Developer: The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
Guardian Medical

Guardian Medical

Guardian Medical lets patients book medical appointments with their favourite general practice and allied health providers. The service is free to users and allows patients to book a doctor's appointment in 3 easy steps: 1. Choose a reason for...

Price: Free Developer: HotDoc Online Pty Ltd
Express Plus Medicare

Express Plus Medicare

The Express Plus Medicare mobile app makes it easier for you to do your Medicare business online.Use the app to do a range of things 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.With the app you can:•  submit Medicare...

Price: Free Developer: Services Australia
My RCH Portal

My RCH Portal

My RCH Portal app gives RCH patients and families easy access to the information they need to manage their healthcare.It connects you directly with information in your RCH medical record, when and where you need it. You can...

Price: Free Developer: The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
RCH Family Healthcare Support

RCH Family Healthcare Support

This app is a reference for the Royal Children's Hospital family healthcare support workers when they are out and about offsite working with children. This reference will be in addition to the onsite learning and skills testing. ...

Price: Free Developer: The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne


My RCH is an interactive guide designed for patients and families of The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) to help you know what to expect during your stay and navigate around the RCH world. This app takes you through each...

Price: Free Developer: The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
Paediatric Intensive Care

Paediatric Intensive Care

The first edition of the booklet was written by Frank Shann, Rob Henning and Lara Shekerdemian with contributions from other medical staff at the RCH PICU, including Warwick Butt (ECMO, Filtration), James Tibballs (Envenomation), and Mike...

Price: Free Developer: The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
Advance Care Planning

Advance Care Planning

Thinking ahead policy: Planning care for children with life-limiting conditionsThis is a companion document for the Victorian Government policy, Advance care planning: have the conversation; A strategy for Victorian health services 2014–2018.It discusses the ethical and practical aspects of...

Price: Free Developer: The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
Opioid Calculator

Opioid Calculator

This Opioid Calculator Application is a tool for the calculation of total oral Morphine Equivalent Daily Dose (oMEDD). A particular design feature of the app is that it simplifies the calculation of oMEDD in cases where combinations of opioids...

Price: Free Developer: ANZCA
Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children

Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children

The homeopathic medicine cabinet or chest from EBS on the topic "childhood illnesses" can assist you at 6 areas with 34 sorts of diseases, which often happens if you have children:- abdominal pain - diarrhea - regurgitation - cough-...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: EBS Germany

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