Top 22 Medical Apps Like Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children - Best Alternatives

Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children alternatives for Android? We have listed 22 Medical that are similar to Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children. Pick one from this list to be your new Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children on your Android devices.

Top 22 Apps Like Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet Children 2025.

Medicine Pro

Medicine Pro

Medical EducationAll medical and paramedical information in one place

Price: Free Developer: SOLUTION-PRO
কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ-kon roger ki medicine bangla

কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ-kon roger ki medicine bangla

এমন একজন মানুষ পরিচিত থাকা বা প্রতিবেশি থাকা খুবই সৌভাগ্যের বিষয় যিনি বিপদের সময় বিভিন্ন রোগের চিকিৎসা পদ্ধতি সম্পর্কে ভাল পরামর্শ দিয়ে সাহায্য করেন। এতে করে রোগীকে সঠিক জায়গায় সঠিক চিকিৎসার মাধ্যমে দ্রুত সুস্থ করে ফেলা সম্ভব।কোন রোগের কোন...

Price: Free Developer: All Bangla App 71
Clinical Medicine

Clinical Medicine

Key features:- 1000+ clinical medicine questions- medical dictionary- 8000+ medical words- bookmark feature for questions and dictionaryDescription:The medical dictionary feature is a new addition to this clinical medicine app. It provides more than 8000 medical words.This clinical medicine...

Price: Free Developer: IITSysCo
কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ বিস্তারিত সব তথ্য-Medicine Guide

কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ বিস্তারিত সব তথ্য-Medicine Guide

কোন রোগের কোন ঔষধ জানা থাকাটা অনেক দরকার, আমাদের আশেপাশে পরিচিত অনেকেরই এই গুনটী আছে, মুখস্থ বলে দিতে পারে কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ। আবার কিছু লোকের গুন থাকে রোগের নাম, রোগের লক্ষন, রোগের চিকিৎসা কোন ডাক্তার দেখানো উচিৎ, এই...

Price: Free Developer: SRSS Bangla Apps
ওষুধ নির্দেশিকা-drugs guide medicine app bangla

ওষুধ নির্দেশিকা-drugs guide medicine app bangla

হটাত করে অসুস্থ হয়ে পরলে চিকিৎসা করার জন্য ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা ( drug guide ) অনেক বেশী সাহায্য করে, এমন সকল ওষুধ এর বিস্তারিত ব্যাবহার ও নির্দেশিকা, রোগের চিকিৎসা খুব সর্তকতার সাথে জেনে অতপর করা উচিত।স্কয়ার ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা আমাদের...

Price: Free Developer: Edu Bangla Apps
স্কয়ার ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা A to Z medicine

স্কয়ার ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা A to Z medicine

আমাদের জন্য খুবই প্রয়োজন রোগের চিকিৎসা করা ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা ( drug guide ) সঠিক না হলে কোন রোগের চিকিৎসাই ভালো হয় না। তাই আামদের সকলেরই রোগের চিকিৎসা খুব সর্তকতার সাথে এবং ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা গুলে খুবই সাবধানতার সাথে মেনে চলতে...

Price: Free Developer: SRSS Bangla Apps
Acute Medicine - Management of Medical Emergencies

Acute Medicine - Management of Medical Emergencies

Extremely popular resource has become the definitive pocket guide to the management of medical emergencies for front-line hospital doctors. It provides detailed guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of all common condidtions and includes a step-by-step guide to the...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
UM BP Track

UM BP Track

UM BP Track is an app for research use only, and can only be utilized by participants enrolled in an affiliated research study at the University of Michigan. UM BPTrack allows users to monitor their blood pressure (BP) and...

Price: Free Developer: The University of Michigan
Explain Medicine

Explain Medicine

Explain Medicine is a reliable and easily accessible medical article repository, serving as a rapid refresher for healthcare professionals and students keen on evidence-based knowledge. In Explain Medicine, facts and their explanations are directly backed by citations to papers...

Price: Free Developer: Medical Joyworks LLC
Medical exams

Medical exams

Medical examsA medical examination is a diagnostic procedure performed for health reasons. For example :to diagnose illnessesto measure the progression, regression or cure of diseaseto confirm that someone has no diseaseSome consist of a simple physical examination, also called...

Price: Free Developer: SOLUTION-PRO
Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire

Guide des urgences au cabinet dentaire

Ce guide se veut spécifiquement didactique et professionnel, résultant de la collaboration de deux médecins hospitalo-universitaires de spécialités différentes et complémentaires. Les deux auteurs ambitionnent à l’instar d’une myriade de publications de même nature réalisées par leurs collègues européens,...

Price: Free Developer: EXIS - EXpert Integrator Solution
Cincinnati Children's Caren

Cincinnati Children's Caren

Caren is here to assist you with your visit to Cincinnati Children’s.With Caren, you get access to:- A digital parking pass and spot reminder- Basic wayfinding to help you get where you need to go- Real-time updates of your...

Price: Free Developer: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Connecticut Children's

Connecticut Children's

Accessing your child’s health records, locating a pediatric specialist near you or navigating your way around the hospital is easy and convenient using the Connecticut Children’s app.Your Child’s Health Information● Communicate with your care team● View test results● Schedule...

Price: Free Developer: Connecticut Children's Medical Center
Children’s Health VirtualVisit – Family Care 24/7

Children’s Health VirtualVisit – Family Care 24/7

With Virtual Visit by Children’s Health℠ Virtual Care, you’re just one click away from being healthier. Virtual Visit makes it more convenient to see a health care provider. Simply select a provider and connect to have an online, face-to-face...

Price: Free Developer: Children’s Health
Children’s Health Mobile App

Children’s Health Mobile App

The Children's Health Mobile App running on the Enlyt Health platform

Price: Free Developer: Children’s Health
WHO Hospital Care for Children

WHO Hospital Care for Children

The WHO e-Pocketbook provides up-to-date, evidence-based clinical guidelines for children requiring hospital care. It is the electronic version of the widely used Pocket book of Hospital Care for Children (Blue Pocketbook).Designed for doctors, nurses and other health workers responsible...

Price: Free Developer: The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
Stanford Children's Health

Stanford Children's Health

Stanford Children’s Health Mobile App includes a home app with access to number of mobile apps from within the home app for our patients and families to promote patient engagement and improve our patient and family experience. With our...

Price: Free Developer: Stanford Children's Health
Okee in Medical Imaging

Okee in Medical Imaging

From the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, this app helps children to prepare for having medical imaging. Coming to hospital for medical imaging (radiology) can be a little overwhelming – especially if it’s your first visit! But this is...

Price: Free Developer: The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
Pediatric Asthma Risk Score (PARS)

Pediatric Asthma Risk Score (PARS)

The Pediatric Asthma Risk Score (PARS) is the first continuous scoring system for predicting asthma risk in young children.Based on research published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology(JACI) PMID:30554722 PARS is superior to the existing Asthma Predictive...

Price: Free Developer: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
CincyKids Health Connect

CincyKids Health Connect

PEDIATRIC CARE WHEN AND WHERE YOU NEED ITYour child’s health is your priority. It’s ours too. CincyKids Health Connect from Cincinnati Children’s makes it easy to get non-emergency healthcare when and where you need it. Our video visits are...

Price: Free Developer: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center


Be In Charge is an effective way to help kids with cystic fibrosis improve and maintain a healthy body mass index. Currently the enrollment is limited. For any questions please email [email protected]. Be In Charge is currently in beta....

Price: Free Developer: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

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