Crystal - Ad Blocker Alternatives

Crystal - Ad Blocker Alternatives

Crystal - Ad Blocker

Crystal is a content blocker for iPhone & iPad designed to make the mobile web a great experience.

It blocks Adverts, User Tracking and improves speed, data use and battery life of your device as a result.

Crystal installs directly into Safari, so you don't have to change any your browsing habits. Just activate Crystal and enjoy a greater web.

Best Crystal - Ad Blocker Alternatives

Lets compare the best apps like Crystal - Ad Blocker, shall we? We've picked out some really great programs for your platform. Check them out!

uBlock Origin

uBlock Origin

FreeOpen SourceMacWindowsLinuxAndroidMicrosoft EdgeVivaldi BrowserChromeSafariPale MoonOperaChromiumFirefox

Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox (desktop and Android), Opera, Safari, Thunderbird. Fast and lean.


  • Block ads
  • Lightweight
  • Firefox Extensions
  • Customizable
  • Configurable
  • Google Chrome Extensions
  • Element blocker
  • Security & Privacy
  • Privacy focused
  • 3rd-party filters
  • Browser extension
  • Custom filters
  • Security focused
  • Block ads
  • Microsoft Edge extension
  • Website whitelisting

Crystal - Ad Blocker Reviews

Add your reviews & share your experience when using Crystal - Ad Blocker to the world. Your opinion will be useful to others who are looking for the best Crystal - Ad Blocker alternatives.

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