Crystal - Ad Blocker Alternatives

Crystal - Ad Blocker Alternatives

Crystal - Ad Blocker

Crystal is a content blocker for iPhone & iPad designed to make the mobile web a great experience.

It blocks Adverts, User Tracking and improves speed, data use and battery life of your device as a result.

Crystal installs directly into Safari, so you don't have to change any your browsing habits. Just activate Crystal and enjoy a greater web.

Best Crystal - Ad Blocker Alternatives for Web

When deciding on the best Crystal - Ad Blocker alternative, consider these alternatives. Check out these other software with a similar interface and features as well.

Privacy Badger

Privacy Badger

FreeOpen SourceWebMicrosoft EdgeChromeOperaFirefox

Web browser add-on that automatically learns to block invisible trackers that ignore DNT signals.


  • Content Filtering
  • Security & Privacy
  • Tracker blocker
  • Block ads
  • Automatic Looping
  • Block trackers
  • Browser extension
  • Google Chrome Extensions
  • Firefox Extensions
  • Heuristic Detection
  • Opera extension

Crystal - Ad Blocker Reviews

Add your reviews & share your experience when using Crystal - Ad Blocker to the world. Your opinion will be useful to others who are looking for the best Crystal - Ad Blocker alternatives.

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