Forget Me Not Alternatives

Forget Me Not Alternatives

Forget Me Not

Make the browser forget website data (like cookies, local storage, etc.), except for the data you want to keep by adding domains to a whitelist, graylist, blacklist, or redlist.

This web-extension deletes data websites store in the browser in the following situations:

## When all instances of a website have been left:
-- Cookies
-- Local-Storage (Firefox 58+ only).
-- History & Downloads.
-- Different cleanup types can:
1 - Never: No cleaning.
2 - On Startup: Clean only on browser start.
3 - On Leave: Clean on domain leave and on browser start.
4 - Instantly: Prevent data from being set, if possible. Otherwise behave like On Leave.
## When the browser starts:
- Cookies (optionally only when not whitelisted).
- Local Storage (optionally only when not whitelisted on Firefox 58+).
- History
- Downloads
- Form Data
- Passwords
- Indexed DB
- Plugin Data
- Service Workers
- Server Bound Certificates
- Cache
## Delete thirdparty cookies on creation:
- When a cookie is set without belonging to a domain that is open in a tab, it is considered a thirdparty cookie.
## Manually clean the above.

Best Forget Me Not Alternatives

If you want similar software to Forget Me Not, we have a list for that. Are there Forget Me Not alternatives out there? Let's find out.

Cookie AutoDelete
FreeOpen SourceMacWindowsLinuxAndroidiPhoneAndroid TabletiPadChromeTor Browser BundleChromiumFirefox

Control your cookies! Auto deletes unused cookies from your closed tabs while keeping the ones you want.


  • Google Chrome Extensions
  • Firefox Extensions

Forget Me Not Reviews

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