Lofty AI uses artificial intelligence to identify undervalued investment properties primed for rapid appreciation. Investors use our web app platform to easily find properties that will appreciate significantly more than the market average.
We use very unconventional, real-time data such as restaurant review patterns, ride-sharing wait times, and millennial migration patterns to make our predictions. Our A.I. works. In January 2019, we selected 1,363 properties for our walk-forward test. Fast forward to today, our properties appreciated over 33% (weighted average) -- over 10x more than the market average.
For the best Lofty AI alternative check out these alternatives which will work with your device & platform. There are several Lofty AI-like software that you might want to check as well.
Just like the big website trades, you too can bid the property lists with a Trulia clone script.
Teddi analyses in details the data from the real estate market and uncovers products of high rentability in Europe.
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