Read Up Alternatives

Read Up Alternatives

Read Up - online service for reading electronic books in EPUB and PDF formats. Upload your pdf and epub books and get synced all over your devices. Ask the community for books you are searching for and share your books with the community. Read your books with our online reader.

Best Read Up Alternatives for Windows

Are you still using Read Up? Let's compare it to the best other options below. Maybe one of these Read Up alternatives will work on your device, too.



FreeOpen SourceMacWindowsLinuxBSD

Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application made by users, for users. Many languages, designed around the concept of the logical book, i.e....


  • Batch conversion
  • Built-in e-Book converter
  • Built-in viewer
  • Customizable
  • Book organization
  • Custom cover image
  • Book manager
  • Portable
  • Rss to Kindle
  • Auto update
  • Bibliography generator
  • Built-in editor
  • Built-in Adobe Flash Player
  • Built-in PDF converter
  • DRM Free
  • Email notifications
  • Facebook integration
  • File-sync
  • Handwritten Notes
  • Indexed search
  • Integrated PDF Viewer
  • Library management
  • Live Push Notifications
  • Live updating
  • Multiple languages
  • Read fb2 format
  • SMS Reminders
  • Supports All Ebooks Format
  • Sync with e-reader
  • Update notifier
Amazon Kindle

Amazon Kindle

FreeMacWindowsWebAndroidiPhoneBlackberryAndroid TabletWindows PhoneiPad

Amazon Kindle software lets you read ebooks on your Kindle, iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, BlackBerry, and Android-based device. You can discover and read over 630,000 books in...


  • Annotations and Flashcard Review
  • Ebook cloud sync
  • Sync across Devices
  • Indexed search


FreemiumMacWindowsLinuxAndroidiPhoneAndroid TabletiPad

FBReader is an e-book reader for various platforms. Features: Supported e-book formats are: ePub, an international e-publishing standard. ...


  • iPhone/iPod sync
  • Multiple languages
  • Night mode/Dark Theme
  • Sync between devices
Cool Reader

Cool Reader

FreeOpen SourceWindowsLinuxAndroidAndroid Tablet

Cool Reader is fast and small cross-platform XML/CSS based eBook reader for desktops and handheld devices. Understands a number of text document formats, suppurt OPDS...


  • Interface Overlay
  • Library Manager
  • Portable

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