When finding yourself in a noisy environment, it's difficult to listen to voice messages that are sent to you. The same is true when sitting in class, for example. Voicer for WhatsApp turns voice messages into written text at the push of a button. Simply highlight the voice message in your messaging client by long-pressing on it, tap the "Share"-button, and select "Voicer for WhatsApp" from the list of possible sharing targets. The voice message will then appear as written text!
You can use the app's settings menu to change the recognition language. The app supports 50+ languages.
I have to pay a fee to Google for each transcribed message, so I had to introduce a payment system. You get two free credits to try the app, afterwards you'll have to purchase a credits-package to continue using the app.
Need an alternative to Voicer for WhatsApp? Read on. We've looked at the best Voicer for WhatsApp alternatives available for Windows, Mac and Android.
How many times did you write "Now I cannot listen to the voice note, write me."? Now, with 'Audio to Text for WhatsApp' you can convert voice note...
Speechless writes down your voice messages. You can just forward a Whatsapp voice note to the app and within seconds you'll get a text ready to be copied or...
Convert your voice messages (e.g. WhatsApp) into text (Speech to Text). Simply select a voice message in your messenger app and tap on the share button (take a look at...
This application will take speech as input and converts it into Text. User can easily share the text through SMS or Whatsapp or any other application which expects text...
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