Top 37 Health & Fitness Apps Like AA Speaker Tapes & 12 Steps - Best Alternatives

AA Speaker Tapes & 12 Steps Alternatives

Do you want to find the best AA Speaker Tapes & 12 Steps alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to AA Speaker Tapes & 12 Steps. Pick one from this list to be your new AA Speaker Tapes & 12 Steps app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to AA Speaker Tapes & 12 Steps on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like AA Speaker Tapes & 12 Steps - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid AA Speaker Tapes & 12 Steps alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like AA Speaker Tapes & 12 Steps 2025.



Have you ever been feeling low, down in the dumps, stuck in a rut, or just plain stressed out? Of course, the answer to that question will be “Yes” for everyone! We all fall on hard times, and we...

Price: Free Developer: AA Technology LLC
islamweb  - استشارات إسلام ويب

islamweb - استشارات إسلام ويب

برنامج استشارات إسلام ويب يتيح البرنامج عرض مجموعة مختارة من أفضل الاستشارات المعروضة على موقع إسلام ويب ، مع الخصائص التالية: 1- إمكانية استعراض السؤال والجواب 2- إمكانية النسخ 3- البحث عن السؤال والجواب أو عنوان الاستشارة 4- تحديث عدد الاستشارات في البرنامج دون...

Price: Free Developer: - إسلام ويب.نت
keto diet - كيتو دايت

keto diet - كيتو دايت

كيتو دايت - وصفات هو تطبيق عربي متخصص في وصفات الكيتوجينيتك دايت . التطبيق يضم العديد من الوصفات التي تساعدك علي الانتظام علي الكيتو دايت . مميزات التطبيق : ١ - تصميم التطبيق بسيط و سهل الاستخدام في الوصول ...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: ًabshalom Salama
Clean eating תזונת ילדים

Clean eating תזונת ילדים

אפליקציה נועדה בכדי לעזור לכם להתוות תזונה נכונה לילדים ולהבין מה ילדים צריכים לאכול כדי שיהיו בריאים, חזקים, ערניים ומלאי חיוניות ומרץ. האפליקציה כוללת 140 מתכונים בריאים וטעימים, קלים להכנה ומגוונים. המתכונים מחולקים לפי הארוחות ביום, ארוחות עיקריות לצהריים, ארוחות קטנות...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: eatgood LTD
FUDC - متابعة رجيم و سعرات

FUDC - متابعة رجيم و سعرات

Follow-up diet and calories - FUDC فودس - متابعه رجيم وسعرات - فودس يساعدك على نقص الوزن أو زياده الوزن بسهوله وبناء على قوانين منظمه الصحه العالميه . - فودس يساعدك على التحكم فى السعرات...

Price: Free Developer: Khaled Gad
Dr. Vaez -دکتر واعظ

Dr. Vaez -دکتر واعظ

دکتر علیرضا واعظ شوشتری متخصص پوست ،مو وزیبایی دارای بورد تخصصی پوست،زیبایی و لیزر میباشد.ایشان عضو انجمن متخصصین پوست اروپا نیز هستند.نرم افزار حاضر یک راه ارتباطی برای آشنایی با نمونه کارها و خدمات ارایه شده توسط ایشان...

Price: Free Developer: alireza vaez
MRI במציאות מדומה

MRI במציאות מדומה

אפליקציה MRI במציאות מדומה, מאפשרת לחוות את תהליך בדיקת ה MRI דרך משקפי VR. האפליקציה משלבת משחק תרגול לשמירה על תנועה מינימלית בזמן הבדיקה.

Price: Free Developer: Clalit Healthcare


クイズの新定番アプリです!!! まさに、「こんなクイズアプリ、あっていいの?!」と 思わず感じてしまうアプリです。 ======やらないと損でーす====== ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ 閲覧して頂き誠にありがとうございます。 ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ 簡単そうで難しい!!を実感できるのがこちらの アプリです。 本当にやらなきゃ損です!!! 進め方は至ってシンプルで簡単です。 「はじめる」をタップすると数字がランダムに 表示されます。 そのランダムに表示された数字の順番をタップ して正解を求めるアプリです。 全ステージをクリアした暁には、、、。 楽しみですね!! では、インストールお待ち致しております。 ※画面では広告が入ります。その点、ご了承 下さいませ。 ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ 貴殿のダウンロードお待ちしております。 ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆

Price: Free Developer: Takaaki Sasaki
30ª CBCD

30ª CBCD

A Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Dermatológica (SBCD) tem como missão promover a prática, o ensino, a pesquisa e o treinamento científico na área de Cirurgia Dermatológica e procedimentos afins. Fundada em 1988, a SBCD difundiu esta subespecialidade médica no...

Price: Free Developer: Calebe Design
Get Motivation! Increase Self-Motivation by Hypnosis

Get Motivation! Increase Self-Motivation by Hypnosis

From a diet to regular jogging - most of us have many resolutions, where we first have to overcome our lack of will power, to pull through. Those who want to eventually make it, can choose hypnosis, to self-motivate...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Get on Apps!
Amgen e-Hub

Amgen e-Hub

The Amgen e-Hub Events app provides quick access to Amgen event details including agendas, speaker biographies, personalised schedules, attendee networking and venue information. Access to individual Amgen e-Hub event apps is protected by event specific passwords and only invited attendees...

Price: Free Developer: Crystal Interactive Limited
Mr ElderCare 101

Mr ElderCare 101

Derrick Y. McDaniel, (Mr. Eldercare 101™) has literally written the book on Eldercare. He works with caregivers to provide the absolute best care to their elderly loved ones while simultaneously helping them to care for themselves, their families and...

Price: Free Developer: Wireless1Marketing Group LLC
Stop negative thinking! Overcome negative thoughts by hypnosis!

Stop negative thinking! Overcome negative thoughts by hypnosis!

STOP NEGATIVE THINKING! STOP WORRYING BY HYPNOSIS • Simply turn off continual brooding and negative thinking • Learn to believe in yourself • Feel much more in harmony and relaxed Do you find it increasingly difficult to see things positively? Do you...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Get on Apps!
LINC Mount Sinai

LINC Mount Sinai

LINC Mount Sinai: Advanced Therapies for Complex Vascular Disease at Mount Sinai. The primary focus of this course is to present a multi-device approach to complex revascularization of patients with complex coronary, valvular and peripheral vascular disease. The iPhone...

Price: Free Developer: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
PAIRS 2017

PAIRS 2017

Download the PAIRS Annual Scientific Congress 2017 application to view all information related to the congress. View the program, faculty profiles & more. Create your own schedule while track your CME during the congress. An interactive program is also...

Price: Free Developer: Milos Stojanovic
Nature Boy Free

Nature Boy Free

Welcome to Nature Boy, where you can enjoy connecting with nature, wherever your feet are! Nature Boy features meditations accompanying gorgeous photographic images from Glacier, Yellowstone, Zion, Denali, Grand Canyon and other U.S. national parks, and other beautiful, inspiring...

Price: Free Developer: Francis Hare III
Spirit Junkie

Spirit Junkie

Spirit Junkie is the official app from bestselling author and speaker Gabby Bernstein. Start your day right and keep the good vibes going with an inspiring affirmation from Gabby. With the Spirit Junkie app, wake up to a new affirmation...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Gabrielle Bernstein
Lift Functional Fitness

Lift Functional Fitness

Lift is a fitness and wellness program specifically designed for people with COPD. Becoming a Lift member gives you access to daily video classes that you watch right on the Lift Functional Fitness App. If you have ever watched...

Price: Free Developer: Sparo Labs
EA Recovery - 12 step program Emotions Anonymous

EA Recovery - 12 step program Emotions Anonymous

Tools and information for the Emotions Anonymous program of recovery. Emotions Anonymous (EA) is a 12-step program for people who are working to overcome emotional problems. This App features: * EA news and announcements feeds * The 12...

Price: Free Developer: Emotions Anonymous


Make getting in shape suck so much less with CARROT's hilariously snarky fitness app. ** Featured by Apple, Good Morning America, NY Times, USA Today, CNN, Wired, CNet, & more! ** CARROT is a sadistic AI construct with one simple...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Grailr LLC
Replete Health

Replete Health

Welcome to Replete Health, the advanced healthcare app that’s paving the way to the future using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Our built-in technology uses smart ways in order to help people from all over the world take better...

Price: Free Developer: Replete Health Inc
IPRS Health

IPRS Health

IPRSHealthApp: Interactive clinical advice and information at a touch of a button * Face to face video triage with your dedicated Clinical Case Manager. * Access to providing interactive injury information. * Bespoke exercises prescribed to you by...

Price: Free Developer: Physitrack Limited


TV NETWORK Healthwirefm is a digital tv network streaming shows, movies, lectures, and practices dedicated to radical well-being. Worldly expeditions and outdoor sports with Sebastian Copeland, David de Rothschild, and Johan Ernst Nilson. Lectures and dialogues around the greatest...

Price: Free Developer: Martine Dubin
Fast Tract Diet

Fast Tract Diet

Fast Tract Diet App helps you identify gut friendly foods versus hard-to-digest foods, track and chart your meals and symptoms, create shopping lists and quickly look up symptom potential for specific foods & drinks at your favorite market on...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Norm Robillard
Sport Club 12 Induno

Sport Club 12 Induno

L'applicazione che ti collega 24 ore al giorno con il mondo Sport Club 12 Induno.
 - Puoi seguire tutte le news di Sport Club 12 e scoprire in anteprima le novità riservate a te - Puoi Entrare nella tua pagina...

Price: Free Developer: Makeitapp s.r.l.
Sport Club 12 Ispra

Sport Club 12 Ispra

L'applicazione che ti collega 24 ore al giorno con il mondo Sport Club 12 Ispra.
 - Puoi seguire tutte le news di Sport Club 12 e scoprire in anteprima le novità riservate a te - Puoi Entrare nella tua pagina...

Price: Free Developer: Makeitapp s.r.l.
Mutua Intercomarcal App

Mutua Intercomarcal App

Entra en tu área privada y accede a toda la Mutua! Con esta aplicación podrás acceder a tu área privada y la información de la Mutua. Además, podrás buscar tu centro médico más cercano y tendrás los teléfonos de emergencia y...

Price: Free Developer: Mútua Intercomarcal
10,000 Steps

10,000 Steps

The 10,000 Steps app allows members of the 10,000 Steps program to easily track their daily steps and physical activity, sync it with the 10,000 Steps website, view their individual step statistics and view their Tournament progress. Use 10,000 Steps...

Price: Free Developer: Appsolute IT Pty Ltd
Baby Steps - Growing Together

Baby Steps - Growing Together

When is my baby going to say the first word? When is he/she going to make the first step? Like millions of parents you must be asking yourself these questions all the time. "Baby Steps" is an informative guide for...

Price: Free Developer: dragos cosmineanu
Steps to Landmarks

Steps to Landmarks

Steps to landmarks integrates with the Apple Health app to display step data collected by your iPhone and/or Apple watch and convert the distances you walk everyday to popular landmarks from around the world!

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ryan Holte
Fit For Bucks - Walk & Earn

Fit For Bucks - Walk & Earn

You move your body every day – from walking the dog to taking the stairs to window shopping and going for a run. Fit For Bucks celebrates your commitment to being active by connecting you to local and online...

Price: Free Developer: Fit For Bucks Corporation
FitnessBank Step Tracker

FitnessBank Step Tracker

It’s Simple — Step. Track. And Earn. The more steps you make the higher your interest rate on a savings account. Gain financial strength while maintaining physical fitness as a part of your current active lifestyle. Take the first step....

Price: Free Developer: Affinity Bank
Atari Fit™

Atari Fit™

Atari Fit™ is a new, feature rich mobile fitness app that motivates players to work out individually or in collaboration with friends while earning points to play fun Atari games and unlocking additional fitness routines. • Over 100 Exercises –...

Price: Free Developer: Atari
JTC Healthy Diet and Fitness Tracker by JoinTheChallenge

JTC Healthy Diet and Fitness Tracker by JoinTheChallenge

JoinTheChallenge helps you live a healthier lifestyle and invites you to try our app, with your first 30 days FREE! We made the easiest app for tracking your food, water, exercise, steps, and weight, while giving you the feedback...

Price: Free Developer: JoinTheChallenge
ManipalCigna ProActiv

ManipalCigna ProActiv

ProActiv - A wellness initiative by ManipalCigna under its ProActiv Living Program. Features: - Earn points by making your every step count as you walk, run, and jog. What’s more, if you do more than just step activities, like Cycling,Swimming or...

Price: Free Developer: ManipalCigna Health Insurance Company Limited
myDNA Pro

myDNA Pro

myDNA Pro is a holistic health platform designed to be your DNA-based health navigator. Gain access to your DNA information and use it to become healthier with support from your own health coach! myDNA Pro is a tool that...

Price: Free Developer: Prenetics Limited

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