Top 12 Productivity Apps Like SIMA Kiosk - Best Alternatives

SIMA Kiosk Alternatives

Do you want to find the best SIMA Kiosk alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Productivity apps that are similar to SIMA Kiosk. Pick one from this list to be your new SIMA Kiosk app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SIMA Kiosk on your iOS devices.

Top 12 Apps Like SIMA Kiosk - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid SIMA Kiosk alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like SIMA Kiosk 2025.



特徴1:測量用の関数電卓は、このアプリひとつでOK! 標準電卓機能に加え、引く引く、足す足す、三角関数など、現場での計算に役立つ機能が備わっています。 【DENTACool!の計算機能】 ・標準電卓(+、-、×、÷)ボタン ・三角関数(sin、cos、tanボタン) ・引く引く、足す足す(–、++)ボタン ・角度計算ボタン 特徴2:測量野帳への記入も、関数電卓での手計算も不要! 測量野帳の代わりに現場でアプリを開いてデータを記録するだけで、地盤高が自動計算されるのでその後の作図や調書作成にも便利です。これで関数電卓での手計算も必要なし! レベル・光波で横断測量した後の事務作業が一気に楽になります! 特徴3: 計測データは一覧表示&データ保存! 測量して入力した結果は、地盤高も計算されて一覧で確認できます。CADへのデータ入力もスムーズに行え、その後の作図や調書作成にも便利です。 今後の機能拡充予定1:データ出力機能でより正確&効率的に! データ出力形式はCSV、横断SIMA形式で保存ができ内部ストレージもしくは外部アプリに保存、メール送信でアウトプットができるようになる予定です。 トータルステーションやデータコレクタ等からしか出力できなかった横断SIMAデータが出力されるので、横断SIMAデータが取込可能な測量ソフトや土木用CADをお持ちの方にはさらに便利に活用していただけるようになります。 今後の機能拡充予定2:逆計算機能搭載予定! 事前に登録した基準点、トラバー点、測設したい位置の座標値を登録したりSIMA、CSVデータでDENTACool!に取り込んで頂ければ、現場にて器械点、後視点、測設したい点を選択して逆打ち計算【夾角・水平距離】が行えます。 予め逆打ち計算書を用意しておかなくても事前に座標を登録しておけばいつでもDENTACool!で逆計算が可能で測量にお役立ち頂けます。

Price: Free Developer: CAPG
Pr - The fastest Mobile Kiosk Browser

Pr - The fastest Mobile Kiosk Browser

Pr is the most advanced and fastest Mobile Kiosk App for iOS. Build with the latest Web Standards and Hardware Accelerated Webview (thanks to Xcode 6) - Pr offers amazing Speed to view your Web Content offline or online. AirPlay is...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Stefan Hollekamp
ProSurf - Kiosk Browser

ProSurf - Kiosk Browser

ProSurf Kiosk Lockdown Browser is a free, secure browser for iOS that locks down your iPad & iPhone into an interactive kiosk by allowing only business specific websites. It helps you create a safe browsing environment in iOS...

Price: Free Developer: Promobi Technologies


QikDETEKT Kiosk brings facial recognition to the front desk of your small business, school, club or group. Set up an iPad running QikDETEKT Kiosk on your front desk and eliminate time fraud associated with manual methods by requiring a...

Price: Free Developer: QikID PTY LTD
m-Pass KIOSK

m-Pass KIOSK

Replace your traditional log books with mPass digital visitor management system. Enhance your premises security by capturing visitor's photo and record their exact check-in and check-out time. Deliver a VIP experience to your visitors and simultaneously make your records...

Price: Free Developer: 100 Co-Founders Lab LLP
Daycarium Kiosk

Daycarium Kiosk

Daycarium Kiosk is the Daycarium Day Care System app used for the daily check-in/out of registered attendees to a facility. It acts as a mobile kiosk that can be utilized at convenient locations (e.g. reception area, classroom entrance)...

Price: Free Developer: App Nouveau Canada Inc.
Laptops Anytime Kiosk Administration

Laptops Anytime Kiosk Administration

Manage a Laptops Anytime Kiosk from your iPad. The app provides a convenient option for kiosk administration. The app is free, does not contain ads, and does not collect any personal information.

Price: Free Developer: brian drye
Volunteer Check In Kiosk

Volunteer Check In Kiosk

**To use this app, you must have an account registered on Track it Forward** Track it Forward is an affordable volunteer time tracking platform fit for small and large non-profits, schools, churches, universities, museums, government grantees and many other types...

Price: Free Developer: OurVolts
Deputy Kiosk - Time Clock

Deputy Kiosk - Time Clock

Deputy Kiosk for iPad is a simple and innovative workplace management solution for employee scheduling, work time clock, team communication, task list, and more. Run your business from an iPad! Try it free! SMILE! NO BUDDY PUNCHING ALLOWED Clocking...

Price: Free Developer:
viGuest Kiosk

viGuest Kiosk

viGuest Kiosk is a loyalty app used to have onePOS customers to be able to log in and view their rewards or sign up for the onePOS loyalty program.

Price: Free Developer: onePOS, LLC.
Dropthought Kiosk

Dropthought Kiosk

DropThought is an app that lets customers share their feedback with businesses on qr code, tablets, sms and emails. By using DropThought, customers and businesses can work together to deliver excellent customer service experiences. Whether a customer has a...

Price: Free Developer: Dropthought, Inc.

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