Top 40 Education Apps Like Flit, A Family Literacy App - Best Alternatives

Flit, A Family Literacy App Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Flit, A Family Literacy App alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Flit, A Family Literacy App. Pick one from this list to be your new Flit, A Family Literacy App app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Flit, A Family Literacy App on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Flit, A Family Literacy App - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Flit, A Family Literacy App alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Flit, A Family Literacy App 2025.

Gesellschaft A

Gesellschaft A

Lernen, trainieren und nachschlagen: die kostenlose App "Gesellschaft A" des hep verlags Diese App aus dem hep verlag basiert auf dem Lehrmittel "Gesellschaft - Ausgabe A" von Karl Uhr, Christoph Aerni, Bernhard Roten und Bernhard Scheidegger. Sie enthält die Begriffsdefinitionen...

Price: Free Developer: hep verlag ag
Angles in a Circle

Angles in a Circle

Angles in a Circle is an app for students wanting to master this area of Mathematics. The app covers the following topics: * Angles at the Center and at the Circumference * Angles in a Semi-Circle * Angles in the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: D.P STACE & G.J STACE & S.A WILLIAMS
Revista Conexão a Bordo

Revista Conexão a Bordo

Transporte e turismo por ônibus. Mobilidade, viagens rodoviárias, dicas de viagem, qualidade de vida, cases de sucesso em mobilidade. Entrevistas com especialistas e novidades no mercado de transporte coletivo de pessoas. Tudo isso está na sua revista Conexão a...

Price: Free Developer: Magtab Comunicacoes Ltda.


A&WMA App will be the new digital home of EM Magazine, the Air & Waste Management Association’s (A&WMA) monthly magazine for environmental managers, as well as other Association publications. EM is an invaluable resource for environmental professionals, providing accurate,...

Price: Free Developer: A&WMA
A-B Tech Navigation

A-B Tech Navigation

The A-B Tech Navigation app allows user to easily navigate the A-B Tech campus in Asheville, N.C. It contains building information for the Asheville campus. The app also includes locations for common points of interest around campus.

Price: Free Developer: A-B Tech Community College


A-Smart Learning System is a state-of-the-art programme that incorporates Statistical Machine Learning Technology, Natural Language Processing, Data Analysis and Neuroscience Technology to dynamically diagnose students' academic ability and readiness, and to plan an Individualized Learning Programme to help students...

Price: Free Developer: ILCE PRIVATE LIMITED
A.B. Paterson College

A.B. Paterson College

This app is designed to allow A.B. Paterson's parents access to all of the latest information about events and daily life at the College. It will be updated daily, so you can be assured that the information contained...

Price: Free Developer: A.B. Paterson College
Build A Word Easy Spelling Long&Short Vowels,Sight

Build A Word Easy Spelling Long&Short Vowels,Sight

* "It is clear this app was created by those that understand learning and for those of an appropriate age it is a must-have."- AppAdvice * "This is great for first grade spelling practice. I like the fact that...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: @Reks
Changing A Generation-BR

Changing A Generation-BR

This app has been created as a resource to aid in our mission to reach the lost at any cost and to stay connected to our CAG family. Here you will be able to access all facets of our...

Price: Free Developer: Changing a Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church-Baton Rouge
Eleva A+

Eleva A+

Com as soluções do Eleva A+, cada instituição de ensino pode criar um processo único para formação continuada de seus professores. Identifique evidências a partir da observação de sala de aula, ofereça feedbacks e coaching aos professores e crie...



Welcome to the official Family.Church app! Here you will find when and where our different congregations meet. You can watch, listen and catchup on some great Family Church messages, find out what is going on in the life of Family...

Price: Free Developer: Family Church
CVC Words - Word Family Games

CVC Words - Word Family Games

CVC Words are a FUN and interactive way to help students build, read and write simple CVC words! This app includes 64 of the most common CVC word families. Each CVC word family comes fully loaded with 16...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Innovative Investments Limited
Family Fun

Family Fun

***PREVIOUSLY TOP 10 PAID EDUCATION APP. FEATURED IN OVER 10 COUNTRIES FOR BEST NEW APPS*** Family Fun is a top rated family favorite app based on positive psychology to help families and friends understand more about each other, and be...

Price: Free Developer: HR INSIDE PTY LTD
Loving Family 代代有愛

Loving Family 代代有愛

「代代有愛」應用程式製作及收錄了一系列關於家庭關愛的精彩短片。每一位家庭成員均扮演著不可或缺的多重家庭角色,可以是為人的父親又是兒子,同時也是妻子的丈夫。大家可以因應不同的家庭崗位及角色,隨時隨地在程式中挑選及觀看短片。透過短片中的故事、教學或分享,學習與家人相處、溝通的技巧,增進家庭成員之間互愛、和諧的關係。推動大家關注與家人的關係,鼓勵以行動在生活中表達關愛,並將得著與家人、朋友分享,成功實踐代代有愛。 • 超過85部關於家庭關愛精彩短片/視頻 (更多影片更新中) • 介紹最新的活動及推廣 關於我們 家庭是社會的基石,營造關愛家庭環境及促進家庭和睦,對建立和諧社會至為重要。 李錦記家族於2008年成立李錦記家族基金,透過「代代有愛學習平台」讓大眾學習如何有效地與家人溝通,強化家庭關係以締造家庭凝聚力,共建一個跨代共融的社會。 我們的使命是推動家庭凝聚力,促進關愛、溝通及跨代共融。我們推廣「治未病」的健康家庭理念,相信如果家庭成員能在家庭生病之先及早產生警覺及作出相應預防行動,將有效發揮健康家庭的潛在能力,培養個人健康,造福社群。 欲了解更多信息,請瀏覽 Loving Family Mobile Apps produces and collects a series of brilliant short movies about Caring Family. Every family member performs different important roles in a family. You can be a father but at the...

Price: Free Developer: Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation
Family Japanese

Family Japanese

Let's talk in Japanese with your family! "I want to be able to speak Japanese. But Japanese classes are expensive and the number of classes is few." Do you have such trouble? Family Japanese can learn and practice Japanese conversation in...

Price: Free Developer: Satoru Nakamura
Knock Knock Family

Knock Knock Family

Knock Knock Family is an interactive peek-a-boo game that helps toddlers (ages 1-4 years) learn faces, sounds, shapes, gestures, and simple words. Personalize the game by creating your own visitors from photo albums or simply taking new snapshots...

Price: Free Developer: Curio Makers LLC
Solar Family by BubbleBud Kids

Solar Family by BubbleBud Kids

**LEARN interesting facts about the PLANETS in the SOLAR SYSTEM with INTERACTIVE STORY and FUN GAMES** - Topic-Based learning approach for a more engaging learning experience - 30+ fun child development activities to engage kids while learning - Inspiring...

Price: Free Developer: Dweek Studios
Solar Family: Planets for Kids

Solar Family: Planets for Kids

**LEARN interesting facts about the PLANETS in the SOLAR SYSTEM with INTERACTIVE STORY and FUN GAMES** - 30+ fun child development activities to engage kids while learning - Play cards to allow kids connect their digital experience with the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Dweek Studios
Duckie Deck Family Photo

Duckie Deck Family Photo

"Duckie Deck Family Photo is a sort of mom’s secret weapon" -- 5/5 - "In addition to creativity, it is also a good tool to talk about emotions and feelings." -- We all have certain people that we are very happy...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Duckie Deck Development
Family Fortress Ministries

Family Fortress Ministries

The Family Fortress Ministries app provides at your finger tips resources that assist engaged couples, married couples and parents in building a Christ centered family for the glory of God. Some resources provide foundational instruction while others address hard...

Price: Free Developer: Family Fortress Ministries, Inc
Sound Literacy

Sound Literacy

Sound Literacy is an instructional tool for tutors and teachers. For help on how to customize Sound Literacy to meet your needs be sure to visit our blog. Sound Literacy is the first iPad app that brings your letter...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: 3D Literacy, LLC
CSI Literacy: Library Starter

CSI Literacy: Library Starter

The CSI Literacy Starter app contains Terrifying Beast of the Deep, an exciting chapter-length text on natural history topics. Start with this text. Then fill your CSI Literacy Library with a further 24 engaging, leveled texts specifically designed to...

Price: Free Developer: Lift Education E Tu Ltd
Accessible Literacy Learning

Accessible Literacy Learning

"The Accessible Literacy Learning (ALL) software is a trail-blazing reading program to help non-verbal students to learn how to read. ALL is designed to make literacy instruction easy, accessible, and engaging for children with disabilities. Developed by Drs Janice...

Price: USD 79.99 Developer: Tobii Dynavox LLC
Literacy Central

Literacy Central

The Literacy Central App allows a user to quickly scan a book's barcode and connect to thousands of free digital resources tied directly to the books children love and teachers turn to everyday. Are you looking to organize, level, and...

Price: Free Developer: Reading Is Fundamental, Inc.
Rowan County Literacy Council

Rowan County Literacy Council

A one-stop tool for students, tutors, and supporters of the Rowan County Literacy Council. Use the app to contact us, receive important notifications, view calendar of events, submit time sheets, connect to social media accounts, and access a...

Price: Free Developer: Literacy Council of Rowan County
Fast ForWord Literacy

Fast ForWord Literacy

In order to use this app, you must have a Fast ForWord® program license and an active online MySciLEARN™ subscription. The Fast ForWord® program is a language and literacy intervention that uses the principles of neuroplasticity - the ability of...

Price: Free Developer: Scientific Learning Corporation
Literacy Challenge

Literacy Challenge

The Literacy Challenge Project in the Arab World is a means of compensating people for the opportunities of formal education and a way to combat the serious problem of illiteracy that is burdening the region. It is also a...

Price: Free Developer: MBRF Apps
w!se Financial Literacy

w!se Financial Literacy

The w!se Financial Literacy program for iPad is a secure solution to support the delivery of the Financial Literacy Certification tests on the iPad. Working in Support of Education (w!se) is a leading educational not-for-profit with a mission to improve...

Price: Free Developer: Internet Testing Systems (ITS)


* Reading, writing, listening and speaking, viewing and representing. Literacy contains the education-approved handwriting fonts used in all UK, US, Australia and New Zealand schools. Literacy is 'open scaffold' by design. A toolkit that simply delivers. Create your own lessons...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: demografix pty ltd
easySoft. App Education

easySoft. App Education

The easySoft. App Education is designed to notify you of upcoming activities such as practical assignments, courses or other events. The dates are displayed in a calendar and detailed information is available for each entry. Participants can be informed...

Price: Free Developer: easySoft. GmbH
eCampus App

eCampus App

eCampus is an on-demand exams / test preparation and self-paced education platform for anyone who wants to learn. With a simple user-friendly user interface (UI) and user experience that is capable of improving retention and recall rates by 95%....

Price: Free Developer: Cecil Nutakor
Kids Love Maths

Kids Love Maths

We make maths fun and challenging for children between the ages of 4 - 8. Four great games ranging from arithmetics, comparisons, missing number puzzles and a simple memory matching game and all with a catchy backdrop tune. All...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: D App Online Ltd
Let's do pretend Ice-cream shop! - Work Experience-Based Brain Training App

Let's do pretend Ice-cream shop! - Work Experience-Based Brain Training App

◆◇◆ Learn! Play! An Experience! ◆◇◆ ◇◆◇Let's pretend do Ice-cream shop!◇◆◇ “Let’s pretend do Ice-cream shop!”is a new entry to the Role-playing App series where you brain-train while playing interactively!  --------------------------------------------   For any issues or ...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: KidsStar Inc.
Make a Cookie House! - Work Experience-Based Brain Training App

Make a Cookie House! - Work Experience-Based Brain Training App

◆◇◆ Learn! Play! An Experience! ◆◇◆ ◇◆◇Let's pretend!! a Cookie House!◇◆◇ “Let's pretend!! a Cookie House!”is a new entry to the Role-playing App series where you brain-train while playing interactively!  --------------------------------------------   For any issues or ...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: KidsStar Inc.
TTAPP - TuttAPPosto

TTAPP - TuttAPPosto

Tuttapposto rimette a posto le cose nella tua Università. Potrai valutare l’operato dei tuoi professori senza subire ripercussioni. Esattamente come tripadvisor ha costretto le cucine a migliorarsi...è arrivato il momento di migliorare le istruzione italiana e sconfiggere il baronato. Utilizza...

Price: Free Developer: TT APP
DinosaurDays: an animated app.

DinosaurDays: an animated app.

DinosaurDays An animated look at your favorite dinosaurs, fossils, paleontology and the study of evolution. DinosaurDays is an animated learning app for kids aged 5-11 and can be used at home or at school, individually or in a group. Each short...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Distant Train
Noon Meem Rashed App

Noon Meem Rashed App

A selection of Noon Meem Rashed’s Poetry, including Aadmi Se Darte Ho and Hasan Kooza Gar. The poems are presented in Urdu but most have English translation. Narration by Khalid Hameed and Noon Meem Rashed. Features of the App: ✒ User can...

Price: Free Developer: Engineerize LLC
All Dance App

All Dance App

Rehearsal and practice at home! Ballet to Street. Learn the basic steps,which are the base of all dance styles. With AllDanceApp you will be able to do what you like most and when you want to. If you are a dance student, dance teacher or teacher...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: All Dance App Sweden AB
App Magister: Oposiciones

App Magister: Oposiciones

Con la app de Magister tendrás acceso inmediato a las últimas noticias de tu comunidad y especialidad. Además tienes herramientas que te ayudarán tanto si eres profe como si estás preparando tu oposición.

Price: Free Developer: Magister

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