Top 43 Education Apps Like Mae plant gêm ddysgu (Cymraeg) - Best Alternatives

Mae plant gêm ddysgu (Cymraeg) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Mae plant gêm ddysgu (Cymraeg) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 43 Education apps that are similar to Mae plant gêm ddysgu (Cymraeg). Pick one from this list to be your new Mae plant gêm ddysgu (Cymraeg) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Mae plant gêm ddysgu (Cymraeg) on your iOS devices.

Top 43 Apps Like Mae plant gêm ddysgu (Cymraeg) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Mae plant gêm ddysgu (Cymraeg) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 43 similar apps like Mae plant gêm ddysgu (Cymraeg) 2025.

Sut mae pethau'n gweithio

Sut mae pethau'n gweithio

Adnodd hanfodol ar gyfer CA2 yn bennaf. Mae’n cyflwyno’r agwedd “Sut mae pethau’n gweithio” o gwricwlwm Gwyddoniaeth CA2, ac mae wedi ei strwythuro i adlewyrchu’r meysydd yn y cwricwlwm: - Trydan - Grymoedd o wahanol fathau - Sain - Goleuni Mae’r ap...

Price: Free Developer: Cwmni CYNNAL
Mae plant gêm ddysgu - Cymraeg - Pro

Mae plant gêm ddysgu - Cymraeg - Pro

Chwarae, Dysgu, Tyfu smart. Mae'n yn gêm addysgol sy'n helpu eich plant i ddysgu ABC, rhifau, siapiau, ffrwythau, llysiau, lliwiau, anifeiliaid drwy gyffwrdd a chlywed. • Mae ein gêm addysgol yn dangos i'ch plant wyddor ac eu haddysgu i adnabod...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Visar Haliti
Colinho de Mãe

Colinho de Mãe

Colinho de Mãe! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia dos seus filhos e o calendário de atividades...

Escola Mãe Coruja

Escola Mãe Coruja

O aplicativo Escola Mãe Coruja Tellme School é uma agenda escolar diária eletrônica otimizada em forma de aplicativo onde os alunos/responsáveis poderão ter acesso, através de seus celulares, de forma instantânea, a todas as informações que a escola repassar...

Price: Free Developer: At Work
Col. Mãe da Divina Providência

Col. Mãe da Divina Providência

Este é o aplicativo do Colégio Mãe da Divina Providência! Desenvolvido para apresentar aos alunos, pais e responsáveis diversas funcionalidades, tais como: • As avaliações e faltas do ano ou semestre atual e passados, com envio de notificações e push quando...

Price: Free Developer: Associacao Beneditina da Providencia ABENP
Colo de Mãe

Colo de Mãe

Com este aplicativo, responsáveis dos alunos da Colo de Mãe poderão acompanhar, em tempo real, suas rotinas, tais como: - Alimentação; - Descansos; - Trocas de fralda; - Banhos; - Comunicados gerais; - Entre outros.

Price: Free Developer: Renan S Moreira
Mae PR

Mae PR

Bienvenido a la aplicación oficial de Iglesia Evangélica Emmanuel. Con esta aplicación tendrás la oportunidad de escuchar nuestras radio Tabedefe y también podrás nuestros servicios en vivo, ademas podrás escuchar nuestras sección de capsulas de enseñanzas, nuestro deseo es no...

Price: Free Developer: ContigoCreative, LLC
Maé Conduite

Maé Conduite

L'auto Ecole Maé conduite vous forme au code de la route, permis voiture et moto pour devenir un conducteur sûr

Price: Free Developer: Applimarkets
Mensageiros Divinos

Mensageiros Divinos

"Mensageiros Divinos” é um aplicativo que sintetiza o trabalho espiritual e voluntário realizado pela Associação Maria, Mãe da Divina Concepção. Há oito anos, nosso grupo recebe valiosas instruções dos três Sagrados Corações: Cristo Jesus, Virgem Maria e São José. Suas...

Price: Free Developer: Associação Maria, Mãe da Divina Concepção
Plant for the Planet

Plant for the Planet

Plant-for-the-Planet is an easy and effective way to plant trees. Individuals, companies and schools can join the platform to create a beautiful personal tree-counter. Accumulate trees by either registering trees you planted yourself or by donating to tree-planting organisations...

Price: Free Developer: Plant for the planet
Plant Identification

Plant Identification

- "I’m always wondering about the name of different flowers that I see so this app has been great!" - "Unlike the other apps I have tried, this one got it right the first time. I am impressed." - "This is...

Price: Free Developer: Phuong Bui


PlantID is a comprehensive plant identification app, with the ability to keep track of its plants.

Price: Free Developer: Rasmus Hansen
Organic Plant Nutrients

Organic Plant Nutrients

“Organic Plant Nutrients” is an interactive app for students to learn about plant nutrients, plant photosynthesis, leaf structure, leaf anatomy, organic chlorophyll, plant growth in an easy and engrossing way by visualizing the colorful images. It is one of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Plant Identification & Info

Plant Identification & Info

Plant Seed Snap - Identify Plants, Flowers, Trees & More. Identify plants of all kinds, trees, flowers, informacje jakie, plant identification, plant seed anywhere in the world! Flowers, trees, succulents, mushrooms and more can be quickly recognized with Plant...

Price: Free Developer: Chirag Finaviya
PlantSpot Plant Identification

PlantSpot Plant Identification

► Plant Identification Made Easy PlantSpot is your guide in complicated, yet fascinating flora of our planet. Upload a plant snap, get your match and find out about the plant that interested you in an instant. Have you ever wondered “What...

Price: Free Developer: Adwool Ltd.
Power Plant Engineering

Power Plant Engineering

The app is a complete free handbook of Power plant Engineering with diagrams and graphs. *Power plant engineering a part of energy engineering and electrical engineering that deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power and...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Focus on Plant

Focus on Plant

Newly updated: new content added, new quiz function added, and more... A free lite version is available now ( You can try it, then buy full version here. Focus on Plant is an educational app that can help users to learn...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer:
Plant Scan - Identification

Plant Scan - Identification

Introducing Plant Scan: The easiest to use and most advanced Plant Identification app. Plant Scan offers Photo-less Scanning of plants, Augmented Reality animations, best in class A.I. technology, and far more detailed information than any other app....

Price: Free Developer: Mach Software Design
Plant Scan Pro- Identification

Plant Scan Pro- Identification

Introducing Plant Scan Pro: The easiest to use and most advanced Plant Identification app. Plant Scan Pro offers Photo-less Scanning of plants, Augmented Reality animations, best in class A.I. technology, and far more detailed information than any...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mach Software Design
GM Academy

GM Academy

GMAcademy e-Learning APP GMAcademy, pone a disposición de los estudiantes de concesionarios Colombianos registrados en la plataforma Ludus LMS - Autotrain; la versión para dispositivos móviles iOS del sistema de interacción educativa. Con GMAcademy APP usted podrá interactuar con elementos de...

Price: Free Developer: Ludus Colombia SAS
Chess For Beginners

Chess For Beginners

Learn How To Play Chess with this easy to follow collection of 74 training video lessons. Lessons: How to Set Up the Board Chess How to Use the Pawn Chess How to Use the Knight Chess How to Use the Bishop...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Douglas Sturman
Teach Yourself To Play Chess

Teach Yourself To Play Chess

Teach Yourself To Play Chess with this superb collection of 440 tuitional lessons. All aspects of chess are covered including opening, midgame and end game strategies. Lessons include Winning Chess Tutorial Lesson 1 Beginner A Legendary...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Anthony Walsh
Corner Bakery Academy

Corner Bakery Academy

The CB Academy App is a free tool to allow Corner Bakery company and franchise Shift Supervisors, Managers, General Managers, and above-store support to access training and development content on a mobile device. Use of this app requires a...

Price: Free Developer: Schoox, Inc.
Chess Master Class

Chess Master Class

Take a master class in the art of playing Chess with this collection of MORE THAN 460 tutorial and informative video lessons. All aspects of Chess are covered from openings to mid game and end game and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Little Spinner - teaching kids through simple pictures, fun sounds and nursery rhymes

Little Spinner - teaching kids through simple pictures, fun sounds and nursery rhymes

Little Spinner offers a beautifully simple, fun way for your little one to learn words and rhymes! Eleven different themes to explore ... and then create your own! Features: * 130+ words to learn (36 free) * English, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese * Listen...

Price: Free Developer: GM Ziady


Welcome to SimPhysics, a collection of 50 games with over 350 levels to help you deeply engage with the physics behind rollercoasters, cannons, cars, cameras, lenses, mirrors, charges, magnets, electricity, free body diagrams, waves, tires, helicopter blades, swings, gravitation,...

Price: Free Developer: SimInsights Inc.
Transistors Handbook

Transistors Handbook

Transistors Handbook - Your Transistor Guide. This app will guide you to know, choose, select and design your next board masterpiece using that transistor you weren’t remembering. With this app you can update the transistor informations and share it with other...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Beibl Gweithgaredd y Plant i blant dros 7 oed

Beibl Gweithgaredd y Plant i blant dros 7 oed

Storïau o’r Beibl a gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant i wneud dysgu’r Beibl yn fwy effeithiol! • 42 Stori o’r Beibl gyda mwy nag 84 o bosau, cwisiau, lluniau i’w lliwio a gwahaniaethau i’w canfod. • Dysgwch ar ddyfais (iPad, iPhone...

Price: Free Developer: Toni Matas
Beibl Gweithgaredd y Plant Lleiaf i blant dan 7 oed

Beibl Gweithgaredd y Plant Lleiaf i blant dan 7 oed

Storïau o’r Beibl a gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant i wneud dysgu’r Beibl yn fwy effeithiol! • 42 Stori o’r Beibl gyda mwy nag 84 o bosau, cwisiau, lluniau i’w lliwio a gwahaniaethau i’w canfod. • Dysgwch ar ddyfais (iPad, iPhone...

Price: Free Developer: Toni Matas


Dyma ap i gyd-fynd gyda chwrs Cymraeg lefel dechreuwyr y cynllun Tilt. Mae'n cyflwyno geirfa a phatrymau syml o'r cwrs ac ambell reol gramadeg. Mae'n cynnwys clipiau sain i'ch helpu gyda'ch ynganu, deialogau a chwestiynau i chi brofi faint...

Price: Free Developer: Prifysgol Bangor University
Adnabod Idiomau

Adnabod Idiomau

Come and learn Welsh idioms with the help of our new app, specifically prepared for primary school children. You’re sure to enjoy the comical cartoons! Come and meet Sara who is eager to guide you through the four levels! ...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Atebol Cyfyngedig
Arwain – Academi Hywel Teifi

Arwain – Academi Hywel Teifi

Croeso i Arwain; ap rhad ac am ddim wedi’i greu ar gyfer myfyrwyr cyfredol a darpar fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe sy’n siarad neu dysgu Cymraeg. Mae’r ap yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am ein cyrsiau a’n modiwlau cyfrwng Cymraeg, y gefnogaeth ariannol sydd...

Price: Free Developer: Galactig
Campau Cosmig

Campau Cosmig

A series of sixty plus mini-games in Welsh designed to teach and improve Welsh vocabulary and skills. Cyfres o dros chwedeg o gemau yn Gymraeg wedi eu datblygu i ddysgu a gwella geirfa Cymraeg.

Price: Free Developer: Tafol Cyf
Campau Cosmig 2

Campau Cosmig 2

A series of sixty plus minigames in Welsh designed to teach and improve Welsh vocabulary and skills. Follows on from Campau Cosmig. Cyfres o dros chwedeg o gemau yn Gymraeg wedi eu datblygu i ddysgu a gwella geirfa Cymraeg....

Price: Free Developer: Tafol Cyf
Cwest Breuddwyd Myrddin

Cwest Breuddwyd Myrddin

Gem I ddysgu Cymraeg. A game that helps to learn Welsh.

Price: Free Developer: Atebol Cyfyngedig
Learn Cymraeg Gogledd - Mynediad

Learn Cymraeg Gogledd - Mynediad

LearnCymraeg Mynediad Level 1 This is a Welsh language app for beginners. A description of the features is available below. Dyma Ap Cymraeg i ddysgwyr. Mae disgrifiad o'r nodweddion ar gael isod. The first four modules aim to give you...

Price: Free Developer: Moilin Cyf
Cymraeg i'r Teulu

Cymraeg i'r Teulu

This App gives you a start on learning Welsh with your children. It contains material from the first three chapters of the book Cymraeg i'r Teulu, a Welsh learning course aimed at parents of small children. Each lesson has: - examples...

Price: Free Developer: AberProgs
Learn Cymraeg Gogledd - Sylfaen

Learn Cymraeg Gogledd - Sylfaen

This is a Welsh language learning app for those at foundation level. A description of the features is available below. Dyma Ap Cymraeg i ddysgwyr lefel sylfaen. Mae disgrifiad o'r nodweddion ar gael isod. The app will enable you to:...

Price: Free Developer: Moilin Cyf
Sgiliau Iaith Athrawon

Sgiliau Iaith Athrawon

Croeso i app cefnogol y Dystysgrif Cymhwysedd Iaith i Athrawon. Welcome to the Language Competency Certificate for Teachers app. Mae’r cynnwys yn cynnig ymarferion ieithyddol i ddatblygu sgiliau iaith Gymraeg sy’n berthnasol i waith athrawon a chyd-destun yr ysgol. Ceir blas o...

Price: Free Developer: Y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Llwybr Rhufeinig Cymraeg

Llwybr Rhufeinig Cymraeg

Dear Visitor, Cardiff University and the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority are doing research on visitor experience of this app. We would like to hear from people who would be willing to take part in this research before they...

Price: Free Developer: Living Data Ltd
Ap Torfoli CorCenCC

Ap Torfoli CorCenCC

Canllaw i Ddefnyddwyr: Fel rhan o brosiect CorCenCC (Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes), mae ap torfoli CorCenCC wedi ei gynllunio i ganiatáu i siaradwyr Cymraeg recordio sgyrsiau rhyngddyn nhw eu hunain ac eraill ar draws ystod o gyd-destunau er mwyn...

Price: Free Developer: Dawn Knight
Welsh for Adults

Welsh for Adults

Everything you need to know about learning Welsh in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. App contents: A short taster course in learning Welsh; Welsh for the family vocabulary, game and information; Welsh in the workplace vocabulary, game and...

Price: Free Developer: Cardiff University

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