Top 30 Book Apps Like Truyện cổ tích và ngụ ngôn hay ! - Best Alternatives

Truyện cổ tích và ngụ ngôn hay ! Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Truyện cổ tích và ngụ ngôn hay ! alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Book apps that are similar to Truyện cổ tích và ngụ ngôn hay !. Pick one from this list to be your new Truyện cổ tích và ngụ ngôn hay ! app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Truyện cổ tích và ngụ ngôn hay ! on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Truyện cổ tích và ngụ ngôn hay ! - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Truyện cổ tích và ngụ ngôn hay ! alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Truyện cổ tích và ngụ ngôn hay ! 2025.

John C. Maxwell's The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

John C. Maxwell's The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

**iOS 7 Compatibility** Note, this app may not run properly on devices running iOS 7. We are aware of this issue and will be pushing an update shortly—our apologies for the inconvenience. GET YOUR FREE COMPANION APP TO THE BOOK!...

Price: Free Developer: Hachette Book Group, Inc.
Checklist: M.C. Beaton Edition

Checklist: M.C. Beaton Edition

My Favorite Author: MC Beaton Edition is a simple checklist app for readers of MC Beaton, an author who has won international acclaim for her bestselling Hamish Macbeth and Agatha Raisin mysteries. M.C. Beaton is the most well-known pseudonym of...

Price: Free Developer: Carolyn Lea
John C. Maxwell's The 5 Levels of Leadership

John C. Maxwell's The 5 Levels of Leadership

What level leader are you? The 5 Levels of Leadership is New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell's most requested speaking topic, taught to Fortune 100 companies and leaders around the world. Now with this app you can discover...

Price: Free Developer: Hachette Book Group, Inc.
How Successful People Think (by John C. Maxwell)

How Successful People Think (by John C. Maxwell)

This special edition app includes audio (nearly 4 hours) read by Chris Sorensen, plus exclusive bonus content; it does not include the book text. The perfect, compact listen for today's fast-paced world, How Successful People Think (derived from Maxwell's previous...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Hachette Book Group, Inc.
C Program

C Program

This an application that has many frequently asked C Program Interview questions with answers. Gathered from numerous sources including real interviews. Great for both an interviewer to quickly come up with questions. Great for brushing up technical interview questions...

Price: Free Developer: Mala M
Imagerie c'était quand

Imagerie c'était quand

L'application "L'imagerie des c'était quand interactive" fonctionne avec le livre pour la jeunesse "L'imagerie des c'était quand ?" publié par Fleurus en octobre 2018. Cette application permet, grâce à son menu en forme de carrousel, de donner vie à la...

Price: Free Developer: Fleurus Editions


Pas besoin d’être un génie pour jouer à l'application Boum, c’est canon. Il suffit d’être allumé, mais surtout d'aimer apprendre des trucs complètement loufoques et insolites ! L'application Boum, c'est canon ! est le prolongement de l'émission déjantée animée...

AÇSHB Dijital Platformu

AÇSHB Dijital Platformu

AÇSHB Dijital Platformu, T.C. Aile, Çalışma ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan hareketli görseller ve ses ile zenginleştirilmiş yayınları mobil cihazınıza indirmenizi ve okumanızı sağlar. Çevrimdışı olsanız bile daha önceden indirdiğiniz dergileri okuyabilirsiniz.

Price: Free Developer: T.C. Aile, Çalışma ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı
C.K. Dezerterzy - Audiobook

C.K. Dezerterzy - Audiobook

Przedstawiamy Państwu serię 6 opowiadań na podstawie powieści Kazimierza Sejdy. Pierwowzór literacki posłużył reżyserowi Januszowi Majewskiemu do stworzenia niezapomnianej komedii w której wystąpiła cała śmietanka polskich gwiazd. Powieść czyta WIKTOR ZBOROWSKI, który w filmie wcielił się w postać Moryca Habera. Akcja...

Price: Free Developer: RosApp Ltd
C´era una volta...fiabe

C´era una volta...fiabe

splendida raccolta di favole in italiano

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Libro Movil
DARC e. V. App

DARC e. V. App

Die offizielle App des DARC e. V. bietet den Mitgliedern des Vereins die Möglichkeit, u.a. die Clubzeitschrift CQ DL oder den Deutschland-Rundspruch zu erhalten. Die CQ DL ist das Amateurfunkmagazin des Deutschen Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) e. V. und erscheint zwölf Mal...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e. V.
HolyBible K.J.V

HolyBible K.J.V

Holy Bible K.J.V. Easily navigate through the Word of God by Book,Chapter and Verse! Order of the Testaments- -For faster reference we have put the New Testament First then the Old Testament NEW TESTAMENT: -The Gospel According to St Matthew -The Gospel According to...

Price: Free Developer: ThoughtFul


DOS/V POWER REPORTは、パソコン自作情報誌として常に最新の情報を発信し続けています。最新トレンドを追いかけるだけでなく、PCパーツやアプリケーションの特徴を詳しく掘り下げ、その活用方法を提案しています。Web媒体の隆盛に伴いスピードを優先したシンプルなレポート記事が目立つ中、本誌ではベンチマークソフトなどを使って多数の製品をじっくりと比較し、その価値を独自の視点で決めることができるのが強みです。 ※掲載のない頁・写真があります。 【このアプリで購読できる雑誌】 ■ 月刊「DOS/V POWER REPORT」 【購読価格】 1ヶ月購読 / ¥960 6ヶ月購読 / ¥4,000 12ヶ月購読 / ¥7,400 【配信時間】 ・毎月29日 0時ごろ ※ 本紙紙面作成の関係で配信日及び配信時間が遅れるケースもあります。 【ご注意】 ・購入は「Apple ID」でのお支払いとなります。 ・購読は「自動継続更新」となります。購読期間が終了する24時間以内に、購読が自動更新され、「Apple ID」に課金されますので、ご注意ください。 ・購読は期間途中で解約することはできませんが、自動更新を停止することはできます。 ・購読の自動更新を停止するには、購読期間が終了する24時間以上前に自動更新設定をオフにする必要があります。 自動更新の設定はご利用の端末の「設定」->「Store」->「Apple IDを表示」->「App購読の管理」もしくは「登録」から行うことができます。 定期購読アプリケーションプライバシーポリシー 定期購読アプリケーション利用規約

Price: Free Developer: ZASSHI-ONLINE INC.
Vコミ -人気の漫画が縦スクロールで毎日読める-

Vコミ -人気の漫画が縦スクロールで毎日読める-

お陰様で30万DL突破!!! 『美人が婚活してみたら』『今日も拒まれてます』など 大人気のオリジナル作品を連載中! 「Vコミ」は、毎日更新される漫画を縦スクロールで読めるアプリです。 オリジナル連載が大好評! 新婚夫婦のシリアスな悩みを描いた『今日も拒まれてます』 田中圭・中村倫也主演で映画化された『美人が婚活してみたら』 行き場のない中学生の苦しみや不安を描く『不登校ガール』 浮気との戦いがノンストップで続く『夫婦とはなんぞや?』 大人たちに翻弄されながらも強く生きる少女たちを描く『ワスレナグサ』 などなど 幅広いラインナップの漫画が、スマホにぴったりの縦スクロールで読める「Vコミ」を、ぜひお楽しみください。

Price: Free Developer: Vscrollcomics Inc.


* Do you want to learn English? Do you need to pass the First or Advanced certificate or the TOEFL test? Learning English with films and private tutors is easy with the E~V English app. Learn English Today! **...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Thinh
J.V. Fletcher Library

J.V. Fletcher Library

Access the J.V. Fletcher Library in Westford, MA with your mobile device. Search the catalog, access your account, renew books, and place holds. View Library hours, upcoming events, Library contacts, and more!

Price: Free Developer: Boopsie, Inc.
V tomto meste zdochol pes

V tomto meste zdochol pes

Malé mesto kdesi na Slovensku vzruší príchod Číňanov, ktorí tam postavia tajomnú továreň. Zrazu začnú miznúť všetci psi a v horách nad mestom sa pohybuje čosi desivé. Kto zabíja nemé tváre? Reinkarnoval básnik Li Po do čuvača? Uchytí sa...

Price: Free Developer: QBSW, a.s.
Des Dreams AR Book v.1

Des Dreams AR Book v.1

To Dream of Dancing: Desdemona’s Dreams, Volume 1 is a 60 page fully-illustrated and augmented reality book telling the tale of Desdemona, an eleven-year-old girl growing up in a small town, raised by her guardian teddy bear and...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Artist Life Vision VR LLC
Have You Heard - kids interactive book app

Have You Heard - kids interactive book app

A comical tale and memory game of barnyard whispers as told by comedian Rhys Darby (Flight of the Conchords, Yes Man, The Boat That Rocked). For kids of all ages. --- REVIEWS --- "This book is one children will want to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Yoozoo Limited
miffy goes to school

miffy goes to school

Celebrate the vacation with miffy and her friends. Download now 'miffy's garden' and 'miffy goes flying' for £1,49 instead of the usual £2,49 until the 29th of July 2014. Miffy at school: reading together, playing and learning Miffy is at...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Letterschool Enabling Learning B.V.
NG Transportation

NG Transportation

Ng Transportation es una empresa Panameña que brinda servicio de transporte especial y profesional a nivel nacional, buscamos principalmente la comodidad de nuestros clientes por medio de transporte moderno y altamente vigilado. Prestamos servicio las 24 horas del día, los...

Price: Free Developer: Luis Antonio NG Romero
Mga Kwento ng Bibliya (Bible Stories in Tagalog)

Mga Kwento ng Bibliya (Bible Stories in Tagalog)

Bibliya ng mga kuwento sa Philippine

Price: Free Developer: Tatsiana Shukalovich
Nebraska NG Family Programs

Nebraska NG Family Programs

We promote readiness and quality of life for Service Members and Families. With our App you'll always be a tap away from notifications, events, and information on your mobile device. You can browse our menu and easily read to...

Price: Free Developer: Nebraska Army National Guard
Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino

Ang Dating Biblia. Filipino

Filipino. Ang Biblia (TLAB) (Bible in Tagalog) Kabanata: Lumang Tipán - Genesis - Exodo - Levitico - Mga Bilang - Deuteronomio - Josue - Mga Hukom - Ruth - I Samuel - II Samuel - I Mga Hari - II Mga Hari - I Mga Cronica - II Mga Cronica - Ezra - Nehemias - Esther - Job - Mga...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Tagalog Women's Bible - Ang Biblia for Woman

Tagalog Women's Bible - Ang Biblia for Woman

Filipino. Ang Biblia (TLAB) (Bible in Tagalog for Women) Kabanata: Lumang Tipán - Genesis - Exodo - Levitico - Mga Bilang - Deuteronomio - Josue - Mga Hukom - Ruth - I Samuel - II Samuel - I Mga Hari - II Mga Hari - I Mga Cronica - II Mga Cronica - Ezra - Nehemias - Esther -...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Devotional Bible -MultiVersion

Devotional Bible -MultiVersion

Devotional Bible was developed to assist all readers of God's word to get a proper understanding of the bible by outlining each verse in various versions all offline. in addition, you can benefits from devotional messages from seasoned...

Price: Free Developer: Adeleke Adeola


Kiagumuuq! is an original book that celebrates summer in the Alutiiq world. Original book produced by the Native Village of Afognak through a grant from the Administration for Native Americans (#90NL0530-01-00). App version produced through a grant from the Institute...

Price: Free Developer: Native Village of Afognak
Naken taitaartat alagnat?

Naken taitaartat alagnat?

The Alutiiq Museum and Native Village of Afognak have released an app version of the Alutiiq language children’s book Naken taitaartat alagnat?. Written by Gayla Pedersen, narrated by Sophie Takuka'aq Shepherd and illustrated by Gloria Selby, Naken taitaartat alagnat?...

Price: Free Developer: Native Village of Afognak


Uksumuuq! is an original book that celebrates winter in the Alutiiq World. Original book produced by the Native Village of Afognak through a grant from the Administration for Native Americans (#90NL0530-01-00). App version produced through a grant from the Institute...

Price: Free Developer: Native Village of Afognak


The Alutiiq Museum and Native Village of Afognak have released an app version of the Alutiiq language children’s books Yaaki. Written and narrated by Susan Malutin and illustrated by Hanna Sholl, Yaaki is a story about a girl and...

Price: Free Developer: Native Village of Afognak

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