Top 43 Health & Fitness Apps Like Receitas Low Carb Atkins lite - Best Alternatives

Receitas Low Carb Atkins lite Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Receitas Low Carb Atkins lite alternatives for iOS? We have listed 43 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Receitas Low Carb Atkins lite. Pick one from this list to be your new Receitas Low Carb Atkins lite app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Receitas Low Carb Atkins lite on your iOS devices.

Top 43 Apps Like Receitas Low Carb Atkins lite - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Receitas Low Carb Atkins lite alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 43 similar apps like Receitas Low Carb Atkins lite 2025.




Price: Free Developer: Arca Solutions, Inc.
Berinjela Fit Chef

Berinjela Fit Chef

Conheça os seus coach’s e as receitas favoritas de cada um. Aqui você terá acesso a receitas exclusivas e internacionais. Também teremos pratos diversos e para criança. A sua aventura culinária fit começa aqui! O que temos no app?...

Price: Free Developer: Valeria Albuquerque
Tamara Mazaracki

Tamara Mazaracki

Olá! ​Desenvolv​o​ um trabalho voltado para a área de medicina anti-aging ou medicina anti-envelhecimento, com especialidade em Nutrologia, Medicina Ortomolecular e Estética. Receitas saudáveis e dicas de culinária para você se tornar um expert em alimentação saudável. Mais de 80 receitas...

Price: Free Developer: Novos Elementos


O Aplicativo é direcionado principalmente para os clientes da Nutriskin, por meio dele eles podem acessar o histórico de duas consultas, sua Dieta Alimentar da semana, seu progresso quando a exercícios físicos e controle alimentar, acessar dicas e informações...

Price: Free Developer: frame2frame
Vivo Dieta com Mimis

Vivo Dieta com Mimis

Prepare-se para entrar em forma sem descuidar da sua saúde com a Mimis, a blogueira que entende tudo de reeducação alimentar e atividade física. Confira as dicas de alimentação, exercícios e receitas práticas e saudáveis com vídeos, imagens e...

Price: Free Developer: Michelle Frantz


O Elo21 é um aplicativo pioneiro no Brasil criado para facilitar o gerenciamento de consultas e exames pelas pessoas com Síndrome de Down e seus familiares, além de promover a integração dos tratamentos, pesquisas científicas e especialidades médicas...

Price: Free Developer: Associacao Elo21
Daybook - Dieta Social

Daybook - Dieta Social

Com o Daybook, você irá emagrecer e manter o peso com o Método Lucilia, comprovado pela expert em nutrição e vida saudável Lucilia Diniz que perdeu 60 quilos com o seu sistema de 18 cotas diárias, sendo: . 5 cotas...

Price: Free Developer: Lucilia Diniz
FitLab - Emagreça sem dieta

FitLab - Emagreça sem dieta

Quer aprender a montar cardápios saudáveis e deliciosos de acordo com seus objetivos? No Fitlab entendemos seu perfil, calculamos seu IMC & macros e sugerimos cardápios práticos e saborosos para o seu dia a dia! Aprenda a se alimentar bem,...

Price: Free Developer: FitLab


Aplikazio honen bitartez zure eskualdean sasoiko barazki eta frutak zeintzuk diren ezagutuko duzu. Baita garaiko produktu horiekin egin ditzakezun errezetak ere. Con esta aplicación conocerás las verduras y frutas que están en temporada en tu comarca. También las recetas que...

Price: Free Developer: Akting Ingeniaritza
Foodabi: Keto & Low Carb App

Foodabi: Keto & Low Carb App

This weight loss app is offering you a) cooking videos for healthy recipes (specialized in low carb recipes) b) individualized meal plan for your (low carb) diet with calorie counter functionality. We know that it is hard to lose weight,...

Price: Free Developer: Eastbound Sp. z o. o.
MyKeto Low Carb Tracker

MyKeto Low Carb Tracker

"Thank you for this app!! It has helped me keep track of my fats, carbs & protein to help me lose 15 lbs" - Pam "Thank you. You have made it easier & more efficient for me to track &...

Price: Free Developer: Prestige Worldwide Apps LLC
Go Low Pro

Go Low Pro

GO LOW PRO helps you locate and share restaurants and stores compatible with the low-protein diet for metabolic disorders. Use your current location or search for compatible restaurants as you plan travel. GO LOW PRO aims to alleviate...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: National PKU News
Low Sodium Foods

Low Sodium Foods

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting sodium to less than 2,300 mg a day — or 1,500 mg if you're age 51 or older, or if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease. We have listed...

Price: Free Developer: Nasir Hussain
Low Sodium Recipes Plus+

Low Sodium Recipes Plus+

Low Sodium Recipes Plus+ ** 50% Off Today!! ABOUT LOW SODIUM DIET ==================== A main source of sodium is table salt. The average American eats five or more teaspoons of salt each day. This is about 20 times as much as the body...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Aaron Chan
Low Carb Menu Planner

Low Carb Menu Planner

A low carb diet is the best weight loss solution. Low Carb Menu Planner makes it easy for you to plan daily low carb menus using regular foods and delicious recipes while automatically keeping track of the macronutrients you...

Price: Free Developer:
Low GI

Low GI

Low-glycemic diet is a weight loss diet based on the Glycemic index. Glycemic index (or GI) is a measure of glucose level increase from carbohydrate consumption. It shows how fast a food is likely to raise your blood sugar....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ivan Berezin
Keto diet: low carb weight loss plan for Ketogenic diet

Keto diet: low carb weight loss plan for Ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. It has a lot of health advantages compared to the standard western diet. Most people do keto because of the weight loss, but it also has other health advantages like...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mikhail Davydov
Low GI Diet Glycemic Load, Index, & Carb Manager Tracker for Diabetes Weight Loss

Low GI Diet Glycemic Load, Index, & Carb Manager Tracker for Diabetes Weight Loss

"Makes managing my diabetes much easier! Love the app!" - Jenna ◆◆◆◆◆ A low glycemic diet is crucial in keeping you healthy and managing your blood glucose levels. A Low GI diet will also lower your risk of heart...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Ellisapps Inc.
Zero and Low Carb Diet

Zero and Low Carb Diet

Are you Looking to loose some weight or trying to manage carbs plus proper nutrition - so you need this app which is extremely helpful! If you want to look good, perform at your peak and be in tip-top shape,...

Price: Free Developer: Nasir Hussain
Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter

Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter

Virtuagym Food: Helping you to live healthy and feel great. Get a free personalized nutrition plan by answering a few questions about your lifestyle and goals. We support plans for many goals: weight loss, maintaining weight, weight gain and...

Price: Free Developer:
Carb Counting with Lenny℠

Carb Counting with Lenny℠

Carbohydrate (Carb) counting is an essential skill for managing diabetes. Carb counting allows children with diabetes to eat a variety of foods, just like other kids, and increases their sense of control and confidence in managing their diabetes. For...

Price: Free Developer: Medtronic, Inc.
Atkins® Carb & Meal Tracker

Atkins® Carb & Meal Tracker

Atkins® Carb Counter & Meal Tracker is an essential tool to achieving your weight loss goals. The new & redesigned Atkins app allows you to maintain a healthy lifestyle by giving you the diet tools to set daily goals,...

Price: Free Developer: Atkins Nutritionals, Inc.
101+ Low Carb Recipes

101+ Low Carb Recipes

101+ low-carb recipes, from dinners to desserts! Browse by ingredient or category to find delicious, low-carb recipes complete with photos and nutritional information. As an added bonus, we have included a low-carb food checker that displays the best low-carb options...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Becky Tommervik
Carb In Foods

Carb In Foods

Handy app for diabetic patients and people who want to loose weight and keep eye on their carb and calories intake. As per Dietary Guidelines for Americans carbs should be 45 to 65 percent of daily calories intake. For...

Price: Free Developer: Nasir Hussain
Carb Tracker - Decrease Sugar

Carb Tracker - Decrease Sugar

Eating sugar in large amounts is harmful for health and can cause obesity. We may even not notice how much sugar we consume with yogurts, soda drinks, bread and many other products. It's time to pay attention to your...

Price: Free Developer: Покупай с умом
Atkins Diet Macros Tracker

Atkins Diet Macros Tracker

The Atkins Diet is a popular low-carbohydrate eating plan created in 1972 by cardiologist Robert C. Atkins. The Atkins Diet restricts carbs (carbohydrates) while emphasizing protein and fats. The Atkins Diet has several phases for weight loss and maintenance,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Thang Nguyen
Atkins Recipes Plus+

Atkins Recipes Plus+

Atkins Recipes Plus+ ** 50% Off Today!! WHAT IS ATKINS DIET? ======================== The Atkins diet, officially called the Atkins Nutritional Approach, is a low-carbohydrate diet created by Robert Atkins from a research paper he read in the Journal of the American Medical Association...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Aaron Chan
Recipes and Guide for Atkins Diet

Recipes and Guide for Atkins Diet

Learn what you can eat on the Atkins diet and weight loss fast. Recipes and Guide for Atkins Diet program, foods to eat, foods to avoid, meal plan, scientific background and more tips. This apps is the best plan for weight...

Price: Free Developer: Diego Correa Bonini
7 Day Atkins Diet Meal Plan

7 Day Atkins Diet Meal Plan

Atkins diet is discovered to focus on the diet having low-carbohydrates. The fundamental understanding of this diet is to lose weight avoiding the food that contains carbs. However, proteins and fats are allowed in whatever quantity an individual wish...

Price: Free Developer: Bhavini Patel
Atkins Diet Food Checker

Atkins Diet Food Checker

Figuring out what you can eat on the Atkins Diet can be a daunting task. With this app, we made it easy! You can browse through the simple checklist or use the search bar to find a particular item....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Becky Tommervik
101+ Atkins Diet Recipes

101+ Atkins Diet Recipes

Don't know what to eat while on the Atkins Diet? How about browsing through 101+ delicious, easy-to-fix recipes! Scour through breakfast, lunch, dinner, soup, salad, snack, and dessert menus to find the perfect meal for you. Not quite sure...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Becky Tommervik
Detox Pro - Diets & Plans

Detox Pro - Diets & Plans

“Utilising the Power of iOS… Detox Pro Brings A Unique Way Of Regenerating The MIND, BODY & SOUL. Detox Pro helps the health conscious individual, find, manage and track detox diets from start to finish.” Our bodies are constantly under...

Price: Free Developer: Appy Monkey - App Developers
HealthScreen Lite

HealthScreen Lite

HealthScreen Lite is a unique application designed to pre-exercise screen and assess health and fitness of adults. This app is designed for use by exercise physiologists, fitness professionals, strength and conditioning coaches, and by students in disciplines such...

Price: USD 69.99 Developer: Kevin Norton
Hormone Horoscope Lite

Hormone Horoscope Lite

• The official Hormonology® app that shows women what their mood, energy, love life, health and more will be every day based solely on where they are in their monthly cycle • The app Nylon Magazine calls "life-changing" and The...

Price: Free Developer: Hormonology, LLC
Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite

Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite

• Official Hormonology® app that shows girls 12 to 17 what their mood, energy, love life, health and more will be every day based solely on where they are in their monthly cycle • The app Nylon Magazine calls "life-changing"...

Price: Free Developer: Hormonology, LLC
Eat What Lite

Eat What Lite

Eat What Lite with barcode scanner! - Scan your food! Are you eating healthy? With the pressures of the modern lifestyle, it is easy to fall prey to poor nutrition leading to many lifestyle diseases. As the world has gone global,...

Price: Free Developer: We Have Kids
Watered Lite

Watered Lite

Tap the Watered Faucet, drink a cup of water and reap the benefits of one of the greatest health foods of all time! Water. *** Lite version is limited to 1000mL (33oz) and 4 Reminders every day *** Water is...

Price: Free Developer: Scirocco Consultants Inc.
memTiles Lite

memTiles Lite

memTiles Lite lets you exercise your memory through a randomly generated field of tiles containing various shapes, symbols, letters and numbers rendered in different contrasting colors. You choose your desired complexity level as well as the timing interval. Just...

Price: Free Developer: Yuri Demidov
O1-275 Lite

O1-275 Lite

透過中醫經絡穴道的介電質參數量測與量子力學原理,教授中醫的保健知識與健康方法,達到促進健康的寓教於樂系統。 1. 圖像報告:分為10S能量分析圖表、NLS能量螺旋分析。 2. 文字報告:結合使用者的10S介電質參數、NLS方程式、出生日期及性別等,在雲端進行解析運算波動異常的部分後,在報告中呈現波動異常的健康預警及比較推論各經絡所屬細胞族群的變化,以1~6的指數表示中醫所說寒熱及陰陽的虛實變化。 3. 十二正經能量詳表:透過10S介電質參數的量測數據來分析人體12條經絡的虛實變化。 4. 磁振感應量測:磁振10S技術是建立在穴道介電質變化上產生的生物電能,ALLONE 275設備透過測量介電質參數的方式來得到其帶電的強度,當量測完成時,會得到10個參數,為報告分析所需參數。 5. 274波動修復:教育使用者利用呼吸吐納的訓練來調整經絡穴道的介電質變化。 5-1 感應模式、量子波動:感應人體穴位後發出600~700K電波,並隨著穴位介電質變化而變化,不同功能有不同的方式來調整經絡穴道的介電質變化。 5-2 運動模式:O1-275 Lite會紀錄每次的甩手動作,並計算消耗的熱量,轉為參數傳至ALLONE 275設備來紀錄經絡穴道的介電質變化 6. 10S能量分析圖表:與之前的10S量測數據紀錄進行比對。 7. NLS能量螺旋分析:O1-275 Lite以NLS方程式分析10S的量測數據,將其換算成生物發出的能量微弱磁場,並結合大數據雲端分析系統所挑出的數個固定狀態及以熵方程式結果所得到能量位階做比對,因此能進行更精準的理論性計算,最後展示在手機屏幕中以不同顏色標示的虛擬器官模型上以便解讀。我們依照量子動力學「quantum chromo kinetics」的規則,以光譜色「spectrum colors」 代表系統的熵值「entropy values​​」色調由淺黃( 最低熵值) 橘色、紅色、...

Hands Up Therapy Lite

Hands Up Therapy Lite

From an early age society teaches us that some emotions are bad and that we should avoid these at all costs. As a result, we learn to avoid certain emotions which can cause them to endure and mental health...

Price: Free Developer: Kelvin Snaith
ioParlo Lite

ioParlo Lite

ioParlo Lite è un programma di comunicazione assistita per iPhone, scritto in collaborazione con Genitori e Autismo ONLUS. Grazie alle capacità di sintesi vocale è possibile scrivere frasi e ascoltarle con la voce sintetizzata. E' anche possibile visualizzare le...

Price: Free Developer: Araneum Group srl
DanceTime Lite

DanceTime Lite

DanceTime Deluxe is the complete rhythm practice app with counting for dancers. It works on the iPhone, iPod Touch (iTouch) and iPad. Try the free DanceTime Lite app! Check out DanceTime Deluxe on YouTube ** FEATURES ** *****...

Price: Free Developer: Wimbledon Sound

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