Top 25 News Apps Like OK! Magazine Slovakia - Best Alternatives

OK! Magazine Slovakia Alternatives

Do you want to find the best OK! Magazine Slovakia alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 News apps that are similar to OK! Magazine Slovakia. Pick one from this list to be your new OK! Magazine Slovakia app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to OK! Magazine Slovakia on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like OK! Magazine Slovakia - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid OK! Magazine Slovakia alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like OK! Magazine Slovakia 2025.

OORニュースまとめ速報 for ONE OK ROCK(ワンオク)

OORニュースまとめ速報 for ONE OK ROCK(ワンオク)

ONE OK ROCKに関するニュースを簡単チェック! さまざまなサイトから配信されるワンオクの話題をまとめてチェックできます。 記事のお好みがあれば設定から配信元の選択もできます。 最新ニュースからコアネタまで、ONE OK ROCKに関する情報を幅広くお届けします。

Price: Free Developer: Noriaki Tomita


OKTV si propone come rete televisiva tematica dedicata a un target maturo. Oltre alla diffusione via digitale terrestre, il canale ha consentito anche una visione in streaming delle trasmissioni tramite l'App OKTV. Grazie al servizio Alert, OKTV ti terrà...

Price: Free Developer: Arcmedia AG
iGossip News - Celebrity Rumors, Photos and Videos

iGossip News - Celebrity Rumors, Photos and Videos

+ The #1 Gossip News App, as seen on AppAdvice and AppsGoneFree + Gossip... Don't you just Love it? Want to stay up with the latest celebrity buzz? Ok, then this is exactly the app for you! +++ iGossip News +++ All...

Price: Free Developer: Pedro Miranda
Italy Breaking News

Italy Breaking News

*********Italy Breaking News********** **************Version 1.1************* *****************FREE***************** In version 1.1 we have romove some bugs like italy sports link were crashes some time so now its ok in this version. We have add some extra functionality in version 1.1 Like ***** the user can send...

Price: Free Developer: Lucky Star
Romanian Newspapers

Romanian Newspapers

Romanian Newspapers is an application that groups all the news of the most important newspapers and magazines in Rumania together. With this application you can have all the information you want in one place, without having to browse to...

Price: Free Developer: MUNBEN SA
German Newspapers

German Newspapers

German Newspapers is an application that groups all the news of the most important newspapers and magazines in Germany together. With this application you can have all the information you want in one place, without having to browse to...

Price: Free Developer: MUNBEN SA
PS Deals

PS Deals

PlayStation games price tracker app with instant price drop notifications! Buy games cheaper or get them for free with PS Deals app - a must have for any gamer! Even better, access all information in one place - add-ons,...

Price: Free Developer: Valerii Chernov


A TV24 több mint 130 tévécsatorna műsorát tartalmazó, személyre szabható tévéműsor alkalmazás, melyben kiválaszthatod és sorba rendezheted kedvenc csatornáidat, és értesítést kérhetsz a műsorokról, amelyekről nem szeretnél lemaradni. Emellett naponta kiemeljük a legizgalmasabbnak ígérkező filmeket és műsorokat, valamint a...

Price: Free Developer: Central Mediacsoport Zrt.
XB Deals

XB Deals

Xbox games price tracker in official Xbox Store with instant price drop notifications! Buy games cheaper or get them for free with XB Deals - a must have for any gamer! Even better, access all information in one place...

Price: Free Developer: Valerii Chernov
Confucius bilingual Magazine

Confucius bilingual Magazine

With this magazine you will travel to the most beautiful landscapes in the country, you'll be lost in the streets of Chinese cities and you will plunge into their habits. Also, you can practice the Chinese language since all...

Price: Free Developer: Confucius Magazine
LP Magazine - Europe Edition

LP Magazine - Europe Edition

For over 13 years, LP Magazine has been delivering quality education, news and original content to the US retail loss prevention and profit protection industry. In 2013, LP Magazine launched an EU edition that brings this valuable information and...

Price: Free Developer: Loss Prevention Magazine Inc.
LP Magazine

LP Magazine

For over 13 years, LP Magazine has been delivering top quality education, news and original content to the retail loss prevention / asset protection industry. Now, LP Magazine, the premier news and education resource for loss prevention is making...

Price: Free Developer: Loss Prevention Magazine Inc.
District Energy Magazine

District Energy Magazine

The District Energy Industry’s leading source of news, information and best practices. ( District Energy Magazine has been the International District Energy Association’s premiere publication since 1915 and continues to be an authoritative source of district energy industry information. District Energy...

Price: Free Developer: International District Energy Association
European Supermarket Magazine

European Supermarket Magazine

Get the latest news, developments and trends in the retail, FMCG and grocery industry with the ESM: European Supermarket Magazine app. ESM: European Supermarket Magazine is Europe’s leading pan-European magazine for the supermarket, hypermarket, c-store and cash & carry...

Price: Free Developer: Madison Publications Ltd
AsianInvestor Magazine

AsianInvestor Magazine

Launched in 2000, AsianInvestor is dedicated to the asset management industry in Asia Pacific. Covering everything from pension reform to portable alpha, AsianInvestor is written for the region’s institutional investors, its key distributors of investment products, the global funds...

Price: Free Developer: Haymarket Media Limited
FinanceAsia Magazine

FinanceAsia Magazine

FinanceAsia is the region’s most authoritative source of independent, accessible financial news, with analysis and insight into Asia’s capital markets. FinanceAsia magazine publishes an array of regular and ad hoc features providing unique insights into Asia’s financial markets for...

Price: Free Developer: Haymarket Media Limited
Elite Magazine Vietnam

Elite Magazine Vietnam

Elite Magazine application is enthusiastically generated by Elite Media Vietnam in 2017 in order to accommodate a connection between readers and appropriate brands in Food and Beverage, Travelling and Real Estate industries. In other words, Elite Magazine application could...

Price: Free Developer: Minh Tu Bui
Australian Scout magazine

Australian Scout magazine

Australian Scout magazine is Australia's leading Scouting magazine and one of the oldest in the world. It is published twice each school term - eight times a year. Four issues of the printed magazine go to all subscribers and Victorian...

Price: Free Developer: Media Blender
Internal Auditor Magazine

Internal Auditor Magazine

Enjoy Internal Auditor magazine in a format that is as mobile as you are! The Internal Auditor app gives you the world’s leading publication for audit practitioners, providing the timely, indispensable information you need to keep pace with the...

Price: Free Developer: The Institute of Internal Auditors Inc.


Praktická mobilná aplikácia, ktorá ponúka monitoring aktuálnych informácií z tlače, webu, rozhlasového či televízneho vysielania, sociálnych sietí ako aj štatistické, analytické údaje spolu s obrázkami. Ak máte záujem sledovať monitoring priamo vo Vašom smartphone, kontaktujte nás prosím na [email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Slovakia Online s.r.o.
IIB News

IIB News

The International Investment Bank (IIB) is a multilateral development institution founded in 1970 based on the intergovernmental Agreement Establishing the International Investment Bank and its Charter. The current nine members of the Bank are Bulgaria, Cuba, Czech Republic, Hungary,...

Price: Free Developer: IIB
Rádia Slovenska - Slovak radio

Rádia Slovenska - Slovak radio

With Rádia Slovenska, you can easily listen to live streaming of news, music, sports, talks, shows and other programs of Slovakia. Rádia Slovenska offers tremendous depth and breadth of stations with genres ranging from Alternative, Electronica, Metal to Jazz...

Price: Free Developer: SERHII SKURENKO
TV Program Slovensko (SK)

TV Program Slovensko (SK)

TV Program Slovensko umožňuje zobraziť televízny program všetkých vašich obľúbených slovenských televíznych kanálov (SK). Viac informácií o App: • Pracuje cez WiFi, 4G, 3G alebo EDGE. • Práca na slovenskom alebo v zahraničí. • TV program sa automaticky obnovuje. • Nevyžadujú registráciu cez Facebook,...

Price: Free Developer: Youssef Saadi
TV-Program Slovensko (SK)

TV-Program Slovensko (SK)

TV Program Slovensko vám umožní vyhľadať v tejto rýchlej a úplnej TV program k dispozícii z jediného App. Nájsť všetky hlavné českých televíznych staníc po celom Slovenskom (SK)! Ľahký prístup k najlepším programov z televíznych kanálov na slovenskom. Nový byt design...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland

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