Top 28 News Apps Like TV-Program Slovensko (SK) - Best Alternatives

TV-Program Slovensko (SK) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TV-Program Slovensko (SK) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 News apps that are similar to TV-Program Slovensko (SK). Pick one from this list to be your new TV-Program Slovensko (SK) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TV-Program Slovensko (SK) on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like TV-Program Slovensko (SK) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TV-Program Slovensko (SK) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like TV-Program Slovensko (SK) 2025.

Haystack TV Local & World News

Haystack TV Local & World News

Get the most trending news videos in a headline news channel personalized for you and watch it on your iPhone, your iPad or on your TV thru Airplay or Chromecast. New: Live News for Breaking Events! Haystack TV is also...

Price: Free Developer: Haystack TV
TV Valkenburg

TV Valkenburg

This TV Valkenburg App brings you news and information from the municipality of Valkenburg aan de Geul. In this app you will find: - the latest local news items - headings with (local) information - Program Missed from our TV programs - Live TV...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting TV Valkenburg works around the clock to bring the latest in news, politics, and culture from the Middle East and around the world. Enjoy live streaming on your iPhone, iPod, or iPad from anywhere.

Price: Free Developer: COPTICSAT.TV,INC.
Ahlulbayt TV

Ahlulbayt TV

Ahlulbayt TV is the first ever full English TV channel to broadcast the pristine message of the Holy Household into every Household! Here on your iPhone and iPad. You can watch our latest programmes, find out what is coming...

Price: Free Developer: Ahlulbayt TV


VOSA (Voice of South Asia) TV is a New York based Live TV that offers "24x7" live transmission for communities residing in USA, Canada, Pakistan, UK & Worldwide. VOSA TV is committed to promote American, Pakistani, Indian, Canadian &...

Price: Free Developer: Rhonda Coyle


TNN, Pakistan's leading news network, is a pioneer in multimedia news services. Our growth has been fuelled by the desire to fulfill the basic human urge and curiosity for knowledge and information, and we have done so with sheer...

Price: Free Developer: Rhonda Coyle
UNC-TV Public Media NC

UNC-TV Public Media NC

The UNC-TV Public Media North Carolina app allows you to explore and watch all of UNC-TV content on demand, kids content with parental controls, live streaming and view the schedules for all of the UNC-TV Public Media stations! Live Schedules •...

Price: Free Developer: UNC-TV


Zoomin.TV brings you the greatest Unkown Stories from all over the globe. Furthermore Zoomin.TV is the place for videos in Games, Travel, Kids & Parenting, Women, Offbeat, Sport, Lifestyle and much more... All videos are produced by our own...

Price: Free Developer: Zoomin.TV


Full app version of the Epoch Times with the following content: - Newspaper & magazine: Update the news and read the special articles of The Epoch Times - Live TV: Watch Epoch Times live broadcasts - Video: Watch videos from Epoch Times...

Price: Free Developer: EPOCH TIMES VIETNAM, INC.
Janam TV

Janam TV

Janam TV is an Indian television channel which broadcasts news and entertainment programmes in Malayalam. It is operated by Janam Multimedia Ltd, and its stated aim is to "promote national interest".

Price: Free Developer: Janam TV
TV Schedules Program Worldwide

TV Schedules Program Worldwide

TV Schedules Program in the world is a great app which allows you to see all the TV program of the major TV channels in 46 countries ! • An easy access to the best programs from the TV...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
Program TV Polska Właściciele

Program TV Polska Właściciele

Program TV Polska (Przewodnik TV w Polsce) pozwala spojrzeć w tej szybkiej i pełnej instrukcji dostępnej telewizji od jedynego App. Znajdź wszystkie największych polskich stacji telewizyjnych w całej Polsce (PL)! Łatwy dostęp do najlepszych programów telewizyjnych z kanałów w Polsce. Nowy...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
TV Program India (IN)

TV Program India (IN)

TV Program India allows you to view the TV program of all your favorite Indian TV channels. More on the App: • Works over WiFi, 4G, 3G or EDGE. • Works in Indian or abroad. • Nominated for optimized and full compatibility with...

Price: Free Developer: Youssef Saadi
TV Program Slovensko (SK)

TV Program Slovensko (SK)

TV Program Slovensko umožňuje zobraziť televízny program všetkých vašich obľúbených slovenských televíznych kanálov (SK). Viac informácií o App: • Pracuje cez WiFi, 4G, 3G alebo EDGE. • Práca na slovenskom alebo v zahraničí. • TV program sa automaticky obnovuje. • Nevyžadujú registráciu cez Facebook,...

Price: Free Developer: Youssef Saadi
TV Program Česká Republika (TV-zápisy CZ)

TV Program Česká Republika (TV-zápisy CZ)

TV Program Česká republika vám umožní vyhledat v této rychlé a úplné TV program k dispozici z jediného App. Najít všechny hlavní české televizní stanice po celé České republice (CZ)! Snadný přístup k nejlepších programů z televizních kanálů v České...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
TV Program Česká republika CZ

TV Program Česká republika CZ

Tv Program Česká Republika umožňuje zobrazit televizní program všech vašich oblíbených českých televizních kanálů (CZ). Více informací o App: • Pracuje přes WiFi, 4G, 3G nebo EDGE. • Pracuje v České Republich nebo v zahraničí. • TV program se automaticky obnovuje. • Nevyžadují registraci...

Price: Free Developer: Youssef Saadi
Program TV Polska (PL)

Program TV Polska (PL)

Program TV Polska umożliwia przeglądanie programu telewizyjnego wszystkich swoich ulubionych polskich kanałów telewizyjnych (PL). Więcej na App: • Prace nad WiFi, 4G, 3G lub EDGE. • Prace w Polsce lub za granicą. • Program TV jest automatycznie odnawiana. • Nie wymaga rejestracji za pośrednictwem...

Price: Free Developer: Youssef Saadi
TV Guide Ireland : Irish TV program (IE)

TV Guide Ireland : Irish TV program (IE)

TV Guide Ireland allows you to view the TV program of all your favorite Irish TV channels. More on the App: • Works over WiFi, 4G, 3G or EDGE. • Works in Ireland or abroad. • The TV program is automatically renewed. • Do...

Price: Free Developer: Youssef Saadi
TV Program India • TV Guide (IN)

TV Program India • TV Guide (IN)

TV-Guide India allows you to look up in this fast and complete TV guide available from a sole App. Find all the major Indian TV stations all over India (IN)! An easy access to the best programs from the...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
OK! Magazine Slovakia

OK! Magazine Slovakia


Price: Free Developer: Floowie International s.r.o.


Shooty v balení pre váš smartfón prináša: - nový Shooty v sekunde, ako vyjde (aj s notifikáciou, ak si prajete) - archív všetkých karikatúr od vzniku Denníka N - rýchle prezeranie potiahnutím prsta - "fullscreen" mód na celú obrazovku - páči sa vám? Zdieľajte...

Price: Free Developer: N Press s.r.o.
Stánok NMH

Stánok NMH

Až 20 slovenských časopisov môžete čítať v aplikácii Stánok NMH. Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky a oddýchnite si pri dobrom čítaní. Po nainštalovaní aplikácie získate zdarma jedno vydanie PLUS 7 DNÍ. V aplikácii nájdete tieto časopisy: PLUS 7 DNÍ, Šarm,...

Price: Free Developer: News and Media Holding a.s.


Praktická mobilná aplikácia, ktorá ponúka monitoring aktuálnych informácií z tlače, webu, rozhlasového či televízneho vysielania, sociálnych sietí ako aj štatistické, analytické údaje spolu s obrázkami. Ak máte záujem sledovať monitoring priamo vo Vašom smartphone, kontaktujte nás prosím na [email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Slovakia Online s.r.o.
News Republic-World News,Video

News Republic-World News,Video

News beyond the headlines, News Republic gives you all the stories you’ve ever wanted in just one place. We provide you with the very best news from all the world’s top sources. Personalized and easy to use, News Republic...

Price: Free Developer: News Republic
Nep News - news from Nepal and beyond.

Nep News - news from Nepal and beyond.

An app for all the Nepalese in and away from Nepal. Nep News incorporates several newspaper sources and blogs. Choose from multiple sources and get the latest news. The best way to stay updated with the latest news from...

Price: Free Developer: Regmeez
JCnews - Anime & Game Culture

JCnews - Anime & Game Culture

We'll update the latest news of Japanese animation, game, manga, and young-adult fiction, character figure, radio actor and a gourmet! Hello! We are Mato and Shizu. Do you like an Japanese animation and a comic? This application "JC" introduces a Japanese...

Price: Free Developer: Akinasista Corporation
Read world breaking hot news - Get Trend News

Read world breaking hot news - Get Trend News

This app is made in japan. Of course you can read japanese news. Collect your own news from the world of news by simply setting the keyword. You can save the time of selecting from the full day-to-day news. So you can...

Price: Free Developer: TAKAHIRO AYA

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