Top 31 Reference Apps Like Le Petit Larousse 2019 - Best Alternatives

Le Petit Larousse 2019 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Le Petit Larousse 2019 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 31 Reference apps that are similar to Le Petit Larousse 2019. Pick one from this list to be your new Le Petit Larousse 2019 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Le Petit Larousse 2019 on your iOS devices.

Top 31 Apps Like Le Petit Larousse 2019 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Le Petit Larousse 2019 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like Le Petit Larousse 2019 2025.

Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert

Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert

La référence de la langue française avec plus de 300 000 mots et sens, 150 000 synonymes et contraires, 35 000 citations, 75 000 étymologies, de nombreux compléments éditoriaux (datations, exemples, contraires, citations, conjugaisons, mots prononcés, etc.). Son interface conviviale,...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Diagonal
Le Mie Preghiere - più di mille orazioni - una preghiera per ogni occasione

Le Mie Preghiere - più di mille orazioni - una preghiera per ogni occasione

△▲△▲△ Le Tue Preghiere △▲△▲△ Il tuo rifugio spirituale giornaliero da portare sempre con te nel tuo iPhone, iPod o iPad! Con ben 1087 preghiere divise per argomenti potrai avere sempre a portata di smartphone le più belle preghiere da recitare...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Massimiliano Borrelli
Le La

Le La

Looking up the article ('le' or 'la') of a word has never been easier. Just type the first few letters of a word and see the article immediately. Besides the quick lookup of the articles, the app will help...

Price: Free Developer: Lubos Mikusiak


Le Bled Tout-en-un La référence en Orthographe, Grammaire, Conjugaison . L’application (embarquée) comprend : - Les règles : toutes les règles d’orthographe, de grammaire, de formation et d’emploi des temps, - Le conjugueur : plus de 6 000 verbes conjugués à tous les...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Hachette Livre
le Garzantine - Antichità

le Garzantine - Antichità

L’app “le Garzantine – Antichità Classica” offre un panorama completo delle civiltà classiche greca e latina in tutti i loro aspetti: da Pericle ad Augusto, da Eschilo a Lucrezio, i protagonisti, la storia, i luoghi e i popoli, i...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Filosofia

le Garzantine - Filosofia

La storia del pensiero occidentale in un dizionario enciclopedico esauriente e rigoroso. Gli autori, le dottrine, le scuole (dall’atomismo all'esistenzialismo, dal positivismo alla fenomenologia), gli ambiti di ricerca (etica, logica, estetica, epistemologia, ermeneutica, filosofia del linguaggio, neuroscienze), i concetti...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Medioevo

le Garzantine - Medioevo

Dalla fine del mondo classico all’alba del rinascimento, nell’app “le Garzantine – Medioevo” vengono presi in esame i 1000 anni di storia e civiltà che hanno gettato le fondamenta dell’Europa moderna, ripercorsi attraverso i protagonisti, gli eventi e le...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Economia

le Garzantine - Economia

L’app “le Garzantine – Economia” offre uno strumento indispensabile per capire il linguaggio dell’economia e della finanza, utilissimo per orientarsi, soprattutto in tempo di crisi, tra spread, rating, default, indici di borsa, debito pubblico. Gli economisti, da Adam Smith...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Letteratura

le Garzantine - Letteratura

Da Omero a Dan Brown, l’app “le Garzantine – Letteratura” offre il più completo repertorio della letteratura di tutti i tempi e di tutti i paesi: uno strumento aggiornato e affidabile per conoscere gli autori e le opere della...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
Le Coran. Audio Texte

Le Coran. Audio Texte

Le Coran tout entier qui vous donne une capacité d'écouter et de lire tous les 114 sourates sur votre appareil à tout moment et n'importe où. 1) Aucune connexion Internet requise pour l'écouter ou à lire. Le support complet...

Price: Free Developer: Adil Khanov
Dictionnaire Français Wolof

Dictionnaire Français Wolof

M. Souleymane FAYE est chercheur et professeur titulaire de linguistique au Centre de Linguistique Appliquée de Dakar - CLAD - de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop. Il est spécialiste des langues dravidiennes de l’Inde (du Tamil ou Tamoul en particulier),...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Fabio Chen
Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad

Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad

Voici l’outil que les bactériologistes attendaient et qui va leur faciliter l’identification du genre ou de la famille des bactéries non exigeantes cultivant sur gélose nutritive ordinaire ! Parfait aussi pour les lycéens de la filaire STL de biotechnologies et...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jean-Pierre GAUTHIER
Galerie d'orientation bactérienne pour iPhone

Galerie d'orientation bactérienne pour iPhone

Voici l’outil que les bactériologistes attendaient et qui va leur faciliter l’identification du genre ou de la famille des bactéries non exigeantes cultivant sur gélose nutritive ordinaire ! Parfait aussi pour les lycéens de la filaire STL de biotechnologies et...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jean-Pierre GAUTHIER
Larousse of Synonyms

Larousse of Synonyms

With Larousse Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms on your mobile device, you can easily refer to 110 000 synonyms and 18 000 antonyms used in Spanish-speaking countries, including regionalisms from Latin America. The application includes: Latin American idioms. Complete definitions with...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ediciones Larousse
Larousse Spanish Advanced

Larousse Spanish Advanced

With Larousse Advanced Spanish Dictionary on your mobile device, you will have access to a wide range of modern vocabulary and interactive lexical entries that include definitions and verb conjugations. This application covers more than 100 000 definitions of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ediciones Larousse
Encyclopédie Larousse

Encyclopédie Larousse

PROMOTION - L'encyclopédie au prix d'un dictionnaire ! Tout Larousse sur iPad Une encyclopédie thématique - 10 000 articles encyclopédiques classés sur plus de 50 thèmes de la physique à la philosophie. - De nombreux dossiers liés au programme scolaire des collégiens...

Price: Free Developer: Editions Larousse
Larousse Spanish Basic

Larousse Spanish Basic

This app won the 2012 Award for Editorial Art in Electronic Publications granted by Mexico's publishing association, CANIEM. Type or take a picture of a word and you will easily find the most comprehensive definition and information of it. This...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ediciones Larousse
French dictionary

French dictionary

Larousse is one of the world leaders in dictionaries. This application by Larousse allows the user to consult one of the most important French dictionaries on the market today. Whether it is to check a spelling or conjugation, or to find...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Editions Larousse
Dictionnaire Junior Larousse

Dictionnaire Junior Larousse

Le dictionnaire complet pour les 8-12 ans ! Un dictionnaire pour l’apprentissage de la langue - 20 000 noms communs choisis en fonctions des programmes scolaires. - 3 000 Histoires des mots pour mieux comprendre leur origine et leur évolution. - Des synonymes...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Editions Larousse
Harrap's Shorter dictionary

Harrap's Shorter dictionary

Combining ease of use with richness of content, this dictionary is intuitive and intelligent The dictionary offers an entirely updated content for 2013: • 400,000 words and phrases • 600,000 translations • 650 notes on usage (false friends, words difficult to translate)...

Price: USD 16.99 Developer: Editions Larousse
Canisius Education Fair 2019

Canisius Education Fair 2019

Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk mendukung acara Canisius Education Fair 2019 yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun. Acara Canisius Education Fair 2019 akan diselenggarakan berlokasi di Kolese Kanisius, Jl. Menteng Raya 64. Jakarta. Aplikasi ini berguna untuk : 1. Mencari Informasi Peserta beserta lokasi...

Price: Free Developer: Hansel Susanto


AAAFM-UCLA International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials will held at University California, Los Angeles, from August 19 to August 22, 2019. AAAFM-UCLA has held once in each two year since 2017 sponsored by the various universities throughout the world. In particular,...

Price: Free Developer: Rozdoum
DGMS 2019

DGMS 2019

The annual conference of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry (DGMS) takes place from 10th to 13th of March, 2019, together with the Spring Meeting of the German Physics Society (DPG). This double conference shall be hosted by the...

Price: Free Developer: Rozdoum
Traditional Ordo 2019

Traditional Ordo 2019

Need easy access to the Ordo for the traditional Roman Mass and Breviary (1962)? Want to always have the Ordo in your pocket? Then this iOS app is for you! The 2019 Ordo app for iPhones and iPads gives immediate...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Romanitas Press, LLC
BASHH Conference 2019

BASHH Conference 2019

The BASHH Conference 2019 will be held from 30th June – 2nd July at the ICC Birmingham. The conference attracts more than 500 international delegates and speakers, focussed on the detection, management and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and...

Price: Free Developer: British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH)


Official App for the EEA-ESEM Congresso 2019. Use this App to: > Get information about the events, programme and speakers > Build your own agenda of the congress > Stay up-to-date with push notifications > Give feedback

Price: Free Developer: Mundiconvenius
EELA 2019

EELA 2019

Conference app for the delegates of the European Employment Lawyers Association Conference 2019 (23-25 May 2019, Tallinn, Estonia) in which you can find the conference programme details, speakers, presentations, information on social events as well as general information about...

Price: Free Developer: EAVLD
ESGE Congress 2019

ESGE Congress 2019

On behalf of ESGE we are delighted to present you the app of the ESGE 28th Annual Congress taking place in Thessaloniki, Greece from 6th – 9th October 2019. With an attendance of over 1.500 participants from 80 countries...

Price: Free Developer: EUROKONGRESS GmbH
Homeing 2019

Homeing 2019

Tenha toda a oferta da Homeing 2019 na palma da mão! -Pesquise todos os stands do evento -Navegue pelo recinto no mapa 3D -Procurar Stands -Obtenha informação sobre as várias empresas representadas

Price: Free Developer: Ground Control Studios
ICVM 2019

ICVM 2019

The International Society of Vertebrate Morphology (ISVM) promotes international collaboration and cooperation in vertebrate morphology and between vertebrate morphology and other biological sciences. To do so, ISVM sponsors the International Congresses of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVMs), an exquisite forum for...

Price: Free Developer: Borderline Media Company

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