Top 20 Education Apps Like Muse by Socos - Best Alternatives

Muse by Socos Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Muse by Socos alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Muse by Socos. Pick one from this list to be your new Muse by Socos app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Muse by Socos on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Muse by Socos - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Muse by Socos alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Muse by Socos 2025.

KSU Muse

KSU Muse

Muse Magazine aspires to show the world the power of art in fostering positive change. Muse was founded by the English Language and Literature Department, at King Saud Univeristy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Price: Free Developer: Albandari Alshahrani
Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids

Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids

Muse—the magazine of life, the universe, and pie throwing for kids 9 and up—will bring readers articles, comics, contests and more in each interactive digital edition! Packed with surprises, Muse is ideal for curious and humor-loving kids. Pricing for subscriptions...

Price: Free Developer: Cricket Magazine Group & Ethervision
TreeTender MUSE AR

TreeTender MUSE AR

CAaLVIN is the flying robot with a command of biological science who serves as a catalogue assistant and occasional comic foil in the animated movie TreeTender. He is featured in the University of Florida's 2018 MUSE Magazine and at

Price: Free Developer: Markus Santoso
MUSE Study

MUSE Study

MUSE is a project by the University of Pittsburgh. This study is comprised of 3 different tests specifically developed by health researchers to determine spatial recognition and reaction time. The data from this study will help researchers learn more...

Price: Free Developer: NuRelm, Inc.


This app gives a self-guided tour of the Mercer University School of Engineering (MUSE). Pictures and other information were provided by Alexander Simpson, Preston Pittman, Khalid Alosaimi, Grayson Wyker, and Donald Ekong. Programming was done by Donald Ekong.

Price: Free Developer: Donald Ekong


■アプリ説明文 西都原考古博物館(SAITOBARU-MUSE Nav)は、博物館へ直接来ていただいた来館者に対し、考古学の思想に基づき、ストーリーに沿った謎解きを展開する「考古博物館」の紹介をお手伝いするア プリです。 ■提供する機能 このアプリは、以下のような機能を提供します。 ◇はじめに(NOTICE) 使用スマートフォンの必要な動作環境をお知らせします。 ◇博物館利用案内(INFORMATION) 開館時間、休館日、交通など利用者の皆様に御不便をおかけしない為の情報を提供します。 ◇QRコード読み取り(QR-CODE READER) QRコードが展示室所々に張られています。 壁に書かれた言葉ひとつひとつの謎解きを世界の方々に触れていただける機能です。 ◇展示室マップ(EXHIBTION ROOM) 空が見えない展示室内に小さなBeaconをちりばめ来館者の位置をお知らせする機能です。 ◇撮影ポイント(PHOTO SPOT)  初めて使用する際に、カメラへのアクセスを求めてきます。OKを押して頂ければ内蔵のカメラにより撮影が可能になります。許可しないを選択すると撮影できません。 3F展示テラスからの展望をより楽しめるようにお手伝いする機能です。 なお、展示室内の撮影は御遠慮ください。 ■バージョン履歴 ◇2.0 ・多原語対応した音声ガイド機能を追加しました。TOP画面で音声ガイド機能をONにして、展示室マップで位置を確認して御使用してください。音声ガイドは、位置により自動で再生されます。 ◇1.7 ・アプリケーションの向きについて、内部的な設定を「縦のみ」へと変更しました。これは回転が不要になったためです。 ・物理メモリが 1GB 未満の端末については、カメラの使用時に利用者に警告を表示するようにしました。 ◇1.5 ・対応機種に iPhone 5 を追加しました (32/64ビット対応のユニバーサルアプリへ変更しました)。 ・カメラが利用可能であるかどうか確認する処理を追加しました。 ・展示室マップの処理開始直後にアプリが動作不良をおこす可能性がありましたので、これを修正しました。 ◇1.0 :...

Price: Free Developer: Hiroshi Yoshida
My Muse

My Muse

This guide features over 500 free, publicly accessible artworks in the city of Vancouver that we encourage you to get out and see. Vancouver becomes your own open air museum as you discover the city's hidden, and...

Price: Free Developer: Burrard Arts Foundation
A+ Writing Prompts

A+ Writing Prompts

Writing.Com presents "A+ Writing Prompts", the education version of "Writing Prompts", the iPhone app with an endless supply of creative inspiration! The app includes all of our prompt generators and prompts packs, with no in-app purchases, and at...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: 21x20 Media, Inc.
Esoteric Arithmosophy Thoth

Esoteric Arithmosophy Thoth

WHAT IS THE USE OF THIS APP? This app is a tool. It contains an excel, a word calculator that enables you to find the meaning of whatever you choose to see. All you have to do is enter that...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Marilag Mendoza
Training by Eos

Training by Eos

Training by Eos - The Case Study specialists The Training-by-Eos app provides content and access to online and classroom programmes developed by the ex-ICAEW Senior Case Study Examiner, Training-by-Eos offers you the best possible chance of passing your exam....

Price: Free Developer: Training by Eos
Memorize By Heart

Memorize By Heart

Have to memorize a speech, poem, lyrics or scripture verses? Have a Spanish test coming up? Memorize By Heart is a tool used by professionals and students that uses memorization techniques for a faster and longer lasting memory. MEMORIZE ANYTHING We...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Craig Walker
Pair By Kind - Match visually related items

Pair By Kind - Match visually related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Pair By Kind”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2 and above. Here children can learn to match visually related items. It is...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Pair By Nature - Match logically related items

Pair By Nature - Match logically related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Pair By Nature”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2.5 and above. Here children can learn about logically related items. It is fun,...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Pair By Number - Match quantities and numbers

Pair By Number - Match quantities and numbers

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Pair By Number”. This educational app is designed for children aged 3.5 and above. Here children can learn about quantities and numbers. It is fun,...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Sort By Kind - Sort visually related items

Sort By Kind - Sort visually related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Sort By Kind”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2 and above. Here children can learn to sort visually related items. It is...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Sort By Nature - Sort logically related items

Sort By Nature - Sort logically related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Sort By Nature”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2.5 and above. Here children can learn about logically related items. It is fun,...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Verse By Verse Ministry

Verse By Verse Ministry

The Verse By Verse Ministry (VBVM) International study app, featuring the Bible teaching of Pastor Stephen Armstrong. Access hundreds of hours of verse-by-verse Bible teaching through entire books of the Bible for free. Listen to recorded teaching, read the...

Price: Free Developer: Verse By Verse Ministry International
BBC By-Business Center

BBC By-Business Center

L'app di BBC By-Business Center, provider standard n°510 del programma nazionale ECM (Educazione Continua in Medicina), permette di seguire le video-lezioni dei corsi FAD (Formazione a Distanza) e di conseguire i crediti ECM completando il questionario finale di verifica. Per...

Price: Free Developer: BBC By-Business Center
Gardens by the Bay

Gardens by the Bay

This garden companion shapes your experience at Gardens by the Bay! Unlock the secrets of the Gardens through interactive trails and try your hand at growing your very own Tree of Knowledge. With the help of a useful GPS...

Price: Free Developer: Gardens by the Bay

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