Top 49 Education Apps Like Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids - Best Alternatives

Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Education apps that are similar to Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids. Pick one from this list to be your new Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like Muse Magazine: Science, tech, and arts for kids 2025.

Muse by Socos

Muse by Socos

Muse sends you fun, daily activities to enrich your child’s life. Complete daily activities, gather insights into your child’s development, upload photos, and note learning milestones! You train MuseBot each day by answering a simple question about your child. MuseBot...

Price: Free Developer: Socos LLC
KSU Muse

KSU Muse

Muse Magazine aspires to show the world the power of art in fostering positive change. Muse was founded by the English Language and Literature Department, at King Saud Univeristy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Price: Free Developer: Albandari Alshahrani
TreeTender MUSE AR

TreeTender MUSE AR

CAaLVIN is the flying robot with a command of biological science who serves as a catalogue assistant and occasional comic foil in the animated movie TreeTender. He is featured in the University of Florida's 2018 MUSE Magazine and at

Price: Free Developer: Markus Santoso
MUSE Study

MUSE Study

MUSE is a project by the University of Pittsburgh. This study is comprised of 3 different tests specifically developed by health researchers to determine spatial recognition and reaction time. The data from this study will help researchers learn more...

Price: Free Developer: NuRelm, Inc.


This app gives a self-guided tour of the Mercer University School of Engineering (MUSE). Pictures and other information were provided by Alexander Simpson, Preston Pittman, Khalid Alosaimi, Grayson Wyker, and Donald Ekong. Programming was done by Donald Ekong.

Price: Free Developer: Donald Ekong


■アプリ説明文 西都原考古博物館(SAITOBARU-MUSE Nav)は、博物館へ直接来ていただいた来館者に対し、考古学の思想に基づき、ストーリーに沿った謎解きを展開する「考古博物館」の紹介をお手伝いするア プリです。 ■提供する機能 このアプリは、以下のような機能を提供します。 ◇はじめに(NOTICE) 使用スマートフォンの必要な動作環境をお知らせします。 ◇博物館利用案内(INFORMATION) 開館時間、休館日、交通など利用者の皆様に御不便をおかけしない為の情報を提供します。 ◇QRコード読み取り(QR-CODE READER) QRコードが展示室所々に張られています。 壁に書かれた言葉ひとつひとつの謎解きを世界の方々に触れていただける機能です。 ◇展示室マップ(EXHIBTION ROOM) 空が見えない展示室内に小さなBeaconをちりばめ来館者の位置をお知らせする機能です。 ◇撮影ポイント(PHOTO SPOT)  初めて使用する際に、カメラへのアクセスを求めてきます。OKを押して頂ければ内蔵のカメラにより撮影が可能になります。許可しないを選択すると撮影できません。 3F展示テラスからの展望をより楽しめるようにお手伝いする機能です。 なお、展示室内の撮影は御遠慮ください。 ■バージョン履歴 ◇2.0 ・多原語対応した音声ガイド機能を追加しました。TOP画面で音声ガイド機能をONにして、展示室マップで位置を確認して御使用してください。音声ガイドは、位置により自動で再生されます。 ◇1.7 ・アプリケーションの向きについて、内部的な設定を「縦のみ」へと変更しました。これは回転が不要になったためです。 ・物理メモリが 1GB 未満の端末については、カメラの使用時に利用者に警告を表示するようにしました。 ◇1.5 ・対応機種に iPhone 5 を追加しました (32/64ビット対応のユニバーサルアプリへ変更しました)。 ・カメラが利用可能であるかどうか確認する処理を追加しました。 ・展示室マップの処理開始直後にアプリが動作不良をおこす可能性がありましたので、これを修正しました。 ◇1.0 :...

Price: Free Developer: Hiroshi Yoshida
My Muse

My Muse

This guide features over 500 free, publicly accessible artworks in the city of Vancouver that we encourage you to get out and see. Vancouver becomes your own open air museum as you discover the city's hidden, and...

Price: Free Developer: Burrard Arts Foundation
A+ Writing Prompts

A+ Writing Prompts

Writing.Com presents "A+ Writing Prompts", the education version of "Writing Prompts", the iPhone app with an endless supply of creative inspiration! The app includes all of our prompt generators and prompts packs, with no in-app purchases, and at...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: 21x20 Media, Inc.
Esoteric Arithmosophy Thoth

Esoteric Arithmosophy Thoth

WHAT IS THE USE OF THIS APP? This app is a tool. It contains an excel, a word calculator that enables you to find the meaning of whatever you choose to see. All you have to do is enter that...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Marilag Mendoza
Autism Parenting Magazine

Autism Parenting Magazine

Having a child with autism is one of the biggest challenges a parent has to face. That life-changing moment when your child was first diagnosed will stay with you forever. We know there are times of sadness, anger or...

SFS Magazine

SFS Magazine

SFS Magazine is the alumni publication of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Topics covered range from global human development to women and peace-building, and the magazine provides snapshots of how SFS alumni are...

Price: Free Developer: Washingtonian Magazine
IPST Magazine

IPST Magazine

IPST Magazine is prepared by the Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology. To promote and disseminate knowledge of mathematics, science and technology, offering advanced technology. To support national education to keep up with current events and...

Price: Free Developer: IPST
Cobblestone Magazine: U.S. history for kids

Cobblestone Magazine: U.S. history for kids

Cobblestone children’s history magazine teaches kids to enjoy reading. History comes alive as they read about cowboys, Indians, the gold rush, the American Revolution and Civil wars, and much more. Pricing for subscriptions available: - Single issue = ($2.99) - 1...

Price: Free Developer: Cricket Magazine Group & Ethervision
Magazine School District

Magazine School District

The official app for Magazine School District, AR allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Magazine School District - Home of the Rattlers
3D World Magazine

3D World Magazine

Now 3D World is more interactive than ever! Watch video tutorials immediately with the tap of a button; enjoy professional and student animation and VFX videos; and get all our tutorial files downloaded to your workstation! Plus: image slideshows,...

Price: Free Developer: Future plc
App2ouf Magazine

App2ouf Magazine

App2ouf magazine est un magazine numérique bimestriel sur la programmation mobile multiplateforme. Le multiplateforme, ce sujet qui rassemble ou qui divise sera traité à plusieurs niveaux dans ce magazine dans le monde de la programmation mobile. De CodenameOne à Titanium...

Price: Free Developer: PressPad Sp. z o.o.
Just Jew It Magazine

Just Jew It Magazine

Just Jew It Magazine brings Jewish life into your everyday world. You'll enjoy authentic Torah content, insights and wisdom delivered through a multi-sensory experience of stunning imagery, riveting articles, magnificent music, videos, and exclusive interviews that bring you personal...

Price: Free Developer: Leah Weintraub
LawZ Magazine

LawZ Magazine

LawZ released its first issue in August, 2001. The intent was to create a magazine about the law and the legal field, but with a difference. LawZ is India s first comprehensive monthly law magazine for all.The magazine not...

Price: Free Developer: Magzter Inc.
DIY Sun Science

DIY Sun Science

DIY Sun Science, funded by NASA, allows families and educators to investigate and learn about the Sun at home, at school, or anywhere you go! Developed by UC Berkeley’s The Lawrence Hall of Science. HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES Includes over a dozen, easy...

Price: Free Developer: The Lawrence Hall of Science
DIY Lake Science

DIY Lake Science

DIY Lake Science, funded by NSF, allows families and educators to investigate and learn about lakes and other freshwater ecosystems at home, at school, or anywhere you go! Developed by UC Berkeley’s The Lawrence Hall of Science. HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES Includes a...

Price: Free Developer: The Lawrence Hall of Science
Zany Science Zeke

Zany Science Zeke

Hours of entertainment in one app! Welcome to the wonderful world of The Quirkles. We're delighted to bring you the character, Zany Science Zeke, in this 26 book series of fun and entertaining science and literacy exploration. THE FEATURES...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: The Quirkles: Fun children's books that teach science and phonics through reading, experiments, and games
Frost Science

Frost Science

Enhance your museum experience with the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science app. Use the app as your adventure companion to explore the museum and discover Frost Science in a new way. Take your visit to the next...

Price: Free Developer: Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science
Science Detective® A1 (Free)

Science Detective® A1 (Free)

Higher-Order Thinking • Reading in Science Teaches standards-based science as it develops reading and critical thinking skills! Science Detective® uses topics and skills drawn from national science standards to prepare students for more advanced science courses and new assessments that...

Price: Free Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Science Detective® Beginning (Free)

Science Detective® Beginning (Free)

Higher-Order Thinking • Reading in Science Teaches standards-based science as it develops reading and critical thinking skills! Science Detective® uses topics and skills drawn from national science standards to prepare students for more advanced science courses and new assessments that...

Price: Free Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Ureka Science

Ureka Science

What is Ureka? Ureka is the future of science. It is a mobile platform for scientists to share their results in real-time, bypassing the long processes scientists often must undergo before their scientific results are shared. Ureka also serves as...

Price: Free Developer: Ureka Science
Rainbow Science FX

Rainbow Science FX

This free Rainbow Science FX download is to be used with experiments included in Rainbow Science from John Adams Leisure, the fun and exciting science kit which explores the world of magical rainbow colours. Utilizing augmented reality technology, use...

Price: Free Developer: John Adams Leisure Ltd
RuRu Science

RuRu Science

Free official app of Science Hills Komatsu (Creative Science Museum) located in Komatsu, Japan. Let's answer the quizzes about the exhibits to complete the "science mission." The mission includes seven fields. New content will be released occasionally. You will further enjoy the...

Price: Free Developer: Science Hills Komatsu Creative Science Museum
Active Science

Active Science

The Active Science app is a free app that accompanies the Active Science textbook. Aligned with the new Junior Cycle Science specification and created by teachers, this innovative and exciting interactive game features over 1200 questions, divided into four...

Price: Free Developer: CJ Fallon Limited
Butler Tech

Butler Tech

The Official App of Butler Tech. Butler Tech has been part of the community for more than 40 years. Butler Tech Adult Education offers students the opportunity to earn industry-­recognized credentials in healthcare, public safety, business and industry, and commercial...

Price: Free Developer: Butler Tech
Pet Tech® Productions, Inc.

Pet Tech® Productions, Inc.

Preventing 1 Million Pet ER Visits. The PetTECH® App guides pet parents and pet care professionals to better care for their pets in an emergency, health and safety. Stay Connected with like-minded pet lovers. With our App you will...

Price: Free Developer: Pet Tech Productions, Inc.
IN-Tech Mobile

IN-Tech Mobile

The IN-Tech Academy App is a mobile communication, information, and academic resource center for students and parents of IN-Tech Academy MS/HS 368 in the Bronx, NY. The app is designed to keep students, parents and members of the IN-Tech...

Price: Free Developer: IN-Tech Academy
Tech-Talk App

Tech-Talk App

Be a hero at work using technology. Explore more than 1000 articles and videos you can trust to be up-to-date, complete and easy to understand. Search by any interest or topic, from Microsoft to Google to graphics and web...

Price: Free Developer: LJL3 Inc


This application is specifically designed for Cemen Tech customers who own our volumetric concrete mixers. It gives Cemen Tech customers the resources that they need for their concrete business at the tap of a button whether they are in...

Price: Free Developer: Cemen Tech Inc
Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech

Introducing the all-new Georgia Tech app, completely rewritten from the ground up! Your guide to everything you’ll need while on campus. PLACES - View detailed information for all buildings on campus, including operating hours and nearby bus stops - Find a place...

Price: Free Developer: Georgia Tech
A-B Tech Navigation

A-B Tech Navigation

The A-B Tech Navigation app allows user to easily navigate the A-B Tech campus in Asheville, N.C. It contains building information for the Asheville campus. The app also includes locations for common points of interest around campus.

Price: Free Developer: A-B Tech Community College
Ivy Tech Mobile

Ivy Tech Mobile

IvyMobile puts important Ivy Tech Community College information in your pocket. You’ll see details based on your class schedule, your professors, college deadlines and holidays, financial aid, campus buildings, bookstores, places to eat, and more. We want you to...

Price: Free Developer: Ivy Tech Community College
Texas Tech arTTrek

Texas Tech arTTrek

Your official guide to the Texas Tech University System’s public art collection! The Public Art Program at the Texas Tech University System was initiated by the Board of Regents in 1998 to enrich the campus environments and extend the...

Price: Free Developer: Texas Tech University System
Texas Tech Mobile

Texas Tech Mobile

Welcome to the new and improved Texas Tech Mobile App! This app allows students, faculty and staff to easily connect to Institutional services and resources and provides useful information for Texas Tech visitors, friends and alumni. Features: • Current Courses –...

Price: Free Developer: Texas Tech University System
Medication and Pharmaceutical Drugs Quiz

Medication and Pharmaceutical Drugs Quiz

How well do you know medication, prescription and pharmaceutical drugs? Are you familiar with their names, generic names, use and description? If you are someone who needs to review your knowledge of pharmaceutical / prescription drugs, this app will...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Information Technology And Resource Development LLC
Peace and Education Coalition

Peace and Education Coalition

Our mobile app is recommended to all our students, parents, teachers, staff members, and other members of our community. News, announcements, calendars, events, photo albums, videos, and even sections for each one of our teachers and staff members are all...

Price: Free Developer: Peace and Education Coalition H.S.
Go Forth and Explore

Go Forth and Explore

Iconic, historic and dynamic, Scotland’s Forth Bridges are a wonder of the modern world. Towering side by side over the Firth of Forth, these structures represent the pinnacle of engineering from three centuries. Go Forth and Explore is a location-based...

Jewish Museum and TC

Jewish Museum and TC

During your museum visit, the application provides exciting information about what is around. You will find a lot of additional content and guide to help you get around.

Price: Free Developer: Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
Math and Magic

Math and Magic

Learn math and have fun! Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division. No ads. Play for free: ◉ Number Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Addition Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Subtraction Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Multiplication Levels 1, 2, 3,...

Price: Free Developer: SOFTIVAL
Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Building upon the success of our original Phonics and Reading program, Phonics and Reading with McGuffey II is the next in the series. This program is based upon the wildly successful “McGuffey’s First Eclectic Reader – Revised Edition”....

Price: Free Developer: Software For a Better World
Sts Peter and Paul School

Sts Peter and Paul School

We are pleased to announce the release of our new mobile school APP. Download our app to stay connected with our school. Receive up to date notifications, athletic schedules, special events, field trips, contact school employees, visit our...

Price: Free Developer: Sts Peter and Paul School
Music and Dance 1

Music and Dance 1

Operation mode: Little hands enjoy touching - "Hands on" is the natural behavioral characteristic of young children. Anywhere the children touch there will be something to find. This encourages the children to look through the pictures and discover as much...

Price: Free Developer: Hongen Education and Technology Co., Ltd.
Take me and drive

Take me and drive

The app includes questions to help you to get prepared for DMV examination in state Illinois, USA. It includes questions on a driver’s license, driver’s license laws, traffic safety issues and general information regarding Illinois traffic laws and ordinances. How...

Price: Free Developer: Nataliia Koldaeva
Allison's Infant and Toddler

Allison's Infant and Toddler

Allison's Infant and Toddler mobile application allows for parents of the attending children to be better informed about about everything we do at our centers. Learn more about the faculty and staff as well as allowing you to get...

Price: Free Developer: Allison’s Infant and Toddler Inc

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