Top 20 Book Apps Like Hifazat ki dua - Best Alternatives

Hifazat ki dua Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hifazat ki dua alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Book apps that are similar to Hifazat ki dua. Pick one from this list to be your new Hifazat ki dua app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hifazat ki dua on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Hifazat ki dua - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hifazat ki dua alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Hifazat ki dua 2025.

Dream Meanings Khawb Ki Tabeer

Dream Meanings Khawb Ki Tabeer

Tabeer ur Roya (interpretation of Dreams) is a collection of various books of dream interpretation including Danyal A.S., Imam Ibn Sereen and Imam Jafar Sadiq. In this app you can search for the explanation of your dreams through Urdu...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Quran in Dream khwab ki tabeer

Quran in Dream khwab ki tabeer

khawabon ki tabeer maloom karnay kay liay kitab Khawab Nama ya Tabeer ur Roya hy. Is app main aap baghair pori kitab perhy sirf aik lefz likh kr apny Khawab ki tabeer malum kr sekty hain. Maslan agar aap...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Asa Di Var - Asa ki Var - AsaKiVar Free

Asa Di Var - Asa ki Var - AsaKiVar Free

ASA KI VAR, is the term recorded in the index to the Guru Granth Sahib but this Gurbani is commonly called "Asa di Var". It is a composition by Guru Nanak dev ji, the founder of Sikhi and is...

Price: Free Developer: Jagpal Singh
Asa Di Var - Asa ki Var - Guru Nanak Dev ji

Asa Di Var - Asa ki Var - Guru Nanak Dev ji

ASA KI VAR, is the term recorded in the index to the Guru Granth Sahib but this Gurbani is commonly called "Asa di Var". It is a composition by Guru Nanak dev ji, the founder of Sikhi and is...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jagpal Singh
Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories

Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories

'Panchtantra Ki Kahaniya' is the number one app for short stories. Relive your childhood with these memorable tales, narrate them to the younger ones. Each story inculcates Indian values and culture in the readers. It works offline too! Please...

Price: Free Developer: Patel Rikunj
Nihonkiin  GO BOOKS

Nihonkiin GO BOOKS

You can now read `Go Weekly Journal` on iPad/iPhone! This is the e-book application by which you can read publications of the Nihon Ki-in on iPad/iPhone smoothly and comfortably. `Go Weekly Journal` will be released as our first digital book for...

Price: Free Developer: The Nihon Ki-in
Kuran Der Ki

Kuran Der Ki

Kişilerin kulaktan dolma bilgileri değil doğrudan Kur'an-ı Kerim içerisindeki bilgilerle doğruyu öğrenmesi için geliştirilmiştir. Aranılan kelimenin hangi Ayetlerde geçtiğini ve Sure'nin içerisinde nasıl kullanıldığını gösterir.

Price: Free Developer: Oguzhan Cetin
Truyện kiếm hiệp full

Truyện kiếm hiệp full

Tổng hợp các truyện hot nhất của các tác gia kiếm hiệp như Cổ Long, Kim Dung, Gia Cát Thanh Vân ... Với danh sách các nhân vật và kĩ năng phong phú Ứng dụng dễ dàng đứa cho các bạn...

Price: Free Developer: Hoanh Nguyen
40000+ Hindi Picture Shayari ki Duniya 2017

40000+ Hindi Picture Shayari ki Duniya 2017

Hindi Shayari Has a Gaint Set of Shayari in Different Languages. There are 100000+ Shayari available in this app. Hindi Shayari app is a great status application having various categories like Hindi,English and Other. -Hindi Shayari app is Entertainment app for iphone...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mo Moin
Duas For Daily Life (Prophet Muhammad Prayers Dua & Azkar - صلي على محمد)

Duas For Daily Life (Prophet Muhammad Prayers Dua & Azkar - صلي على محمد)

***This is a very powerful app ! Through this smart app, you will be able to learn Prophet Muhammad’s daily Dua and Azkar for everyday situations.** DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!! This app is a compilation of book Fortress of the Momin....

Price: Free Developer: Jamil Metibaa
Dua Kijiay (دعا کیجئے )

Dua Kijiay (دعا کیجئے )

Our needs and wants in life make us turn to Allah again and again. Thus dua is our weapon, our comfort and our constant relationship with Allah subhanahu wa taala. Dua is also one of the highest forms of...

Price: Free Developer: Alhuda International
Dua e Kumail urdu

Dua e Kumail urdu

# 1st on App Store, Dua-e-Kumail (دعاء کمیل) in Arabic (original script) with translation in English, Urdu and Persian. # Dua-e-Kumail (دعاء کمیل) is famous after the name of Kumayl Ibn Ziyad Nakha'i who was a confidant amongst the companions...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Syed Mohsin Raza
Dua & Zikr (Hisnul Muslim)

Dua & Zikr (Hisnul Muslim)

About An easy to use app which contains authentic Dua and Zikr for a muslim's daily supplication and for special occasions. It contains Islamic duas for daily activities, from day to night. It is based on the popular Hisnul Muslim...

Price: Free Developer: Greentech Apps Foundation
Dua e Mashlool Mola Ali urdu

Dua e Mashlool Mola Ali urdu

# 1st on App Store, Dua-e-mashlool (Arabic: دعإِ مشلول), in original Arabic script with translation in English, Farsi, Urdu languages and also transliteration. # This dua known as 'supplication of the youth stricken for his sin,' is quoted from the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Syed Mohsin Raza
DUA / Evrad-ı Şerife

DUA / Evrad-ı Şerife

(Ayet ve Hadislerden) Dua Okumaları Dua uygulaması Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’in bazı sûre ve âyetleri ile Efendimiz’in yaptığı dualardan oluşmuştur. Peygamber Efendimiz’in mübarek dilinden dökülen dua metinleri alınırken kaynak olarak hiç olmazsa Kütüb-i Sitte’den birinde geçmesi esas alınmıştır. Her gün okunacak bölümü...

Price: Free Developer: Server Iletisim
Dua e Arafa Mola Hussain urdu

Dua e Arafa Mola Hussain urdu

# 1st on App Store, a dual translation of Dua-e-Arafa (Arabic: دعا عرفه) in Urdu and English. # Imam Al-Hussain (a.s.) prayed to Allah at Arafat during his last Pilgrimage to Kaaba (House of Almighty) just before he set...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Syed Mohsin Raza
Dua Kitabı

Dua Kitabı

İbadet Takvimi ve Dualar Mübarek gün ve gecelerde sünnet üzere yapılacak olan duaları, ibadetleri anlatan ve Peygamber (s.a.v.) Efendimiz 'den rivayet edilen günlük hayatta çeşitli vesilelerle yapmamız gereken duaları içeren başucu kitabıdır. Allah (c.c.) “Dua edin icabet edeyim” buyurarak, ellerimizi samimiyetle...

Price: Free Developer: Misvak Neşriyat
Dua Hazinesi

Dua Hazinesi

Her müslümanın faydalanacağı temel bir eserdir. Ayet ve duaların arapça, latin harfleriye ve diyanet meali ile oluşturulan içerik, Yasin, Vakıa, Mülk, Nebe surelerini arapça olarak dinleme özelliğine de sahiptir. Cihazların yatay pozisyonlarına uyumlu olduğundan rahat bir okuma imkanı sağlar. Kapsamı: -...

Price: Free Developer: Inspiration Ineractive Web and Mobile Technologies
Truyện thiếu nhi: Cây dừa nghịch ngợm (HB)

Truyện thiếu nhi: Cây dừa nghịch ngợm (HB)

Hoàn toàn miễn phí. Không quảng cáo, không in-app-purchase. Tại một làng quê nọ có một hàng dừa với các cây dừa lớn bé khác nhau. Trong các cây dừa có một bạn dừa rất nghịch ngợm, trêu hết người...

Price: Free Developer: Hien Bui

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