Top 30 Book Apps Like Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories - Best Alternatives

Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Book apps that are similar to Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories. Pick one from this list to be your new Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Panchtantra ki Kahaniya - Stories 2025.

Anmol Kahaniya in Hindi

Anmol Kahaniya in Hindi

Hindi Stories For Everyone (हिंदी कहानियां सबके लिए). Read Nani-ma ki Kahaniyan, Betaal Pachchisi, Singhasan Batisi, Akbar-Birbal, Tenaliram, Panchtantra, Lok-Kathayen, Sheikh Chilli ke Kissie all in one App. This App contains various stories of Akbar-Birbal, Tenaliram, Panchtantra, Lok Kathayen, SheikhChilli,...

Price: Free Developer: Yogendra Hadvani
Majedar Kahaniya Hindi Stories

Majedar Kahaniya Hindi Stories

Best Kids Stories consist of the Sanskrit and Buddhist animal fables that are over two thousand year old. These tales enlighten children and adults with a moral at the end of each story. This collection presents some of the...

Price: Free Developer: Mohsin Mansuri
Romanchak Panchatantra Tales

Romanchak Panchatantra Tales

This application is best for all generation children, young and age people who is love’s the stories… Hindi Kahaniya consist of interesting ,wonderful and amazing stories. You can read stories without internet (Offline ).Read Motivation, lok-kathaye, Betaal Pachchisi. Sinhasan Batisi,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: MOHAMMED MOIN MANSURI
Hindi Stories - Hasya kahaniya

Hindi Stories - Hasya kahaniya

hindi stories containging 1000+ interesting stories. Wonderful story about god, festivals, motivational stories, akbar-birbal, tenali raman stories, panchtantra, story for kids, moral stories, funny/comedy, motivational, hindi novel/upanyas, educational, dadi nani ki kahaniya , lok kathayen, kisse kahaniya, kathayen, Animal, success,...

Price: Free Developer: Mohsin Mansuri
Hindi Stories - Kahaniyan

Hindi Stories - Kahaniyan

Dharmik Katha Hindi Kahaniya is the app for Hindi, Dharmik and Pauranik Story / Kahani lovers. We have picked thousands of really known and famous Hindi, Dharmik and Pauranik stories / Kahani in our app. It contains wonderful stories...

Price: Free Developer: Mohit Agarwal
Dream Meanings Khawb Ki Tabeer

Dream Meanings Khawb Ki Tabeer

Tabeer ur Roya (interpretation of Dreams) is a collection of various books of dream interpretation including Danyal A.S., Imam Ibn Sereen and Imam Jafar Sadiq. In this app you can search for the explanation of your dreams through Urdu...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Quran in Dream khwab ki tabeer

Quran in Dream khwab ki tabeer

khawabon ki tabeer maloom karnay kay liay kitab Khawab Nama ya Tabeer ur Roya hy. Is app main aap baghair pori kitab perhy sirf aik lefz likh kr apny Khawab ki tabeer malum kr sekty hain. Maslan agar aap...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Asa Di Var - Asa ki Var - AsaKiVar Free

Asa Di Var - Asa ki Var - AsaKiVar Free

ASA KI VAR, is the term recorded in the index to the Guru Granth Sahib but this Gurbani is commonly called "Asa di Var". It is a composition by Guru Nanak dev ji, the founder of Sikhi and is...

Price: Free Developer: Jagpal Singh
Asa Di Var - Asa ki Var - Guru Nanak Dev ji

Asa Di Var - Asa ki Var - Guru Nanak Dev ji

ASA KI VAR, is the term recorded in the index to the Guru Granth Sahib but this Gurbani is commonly called "Asa di Var". It is a composition by Guru Nanak dev ji, the founder of Sikhi and is...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jagpal Singh
Hifazat ki dua

Hifazat ki dua

Is kitaabche mein in aayaat wa ahaadees ka intikhaab kiya gaya hai jo insaan ki hifaazat aur salaamati ka zariya hain.

Price: Free Developer: Rafique Patel
Nihonkiin  GO BOOKS

Nihonkiin GO BOOKS

You can now read `Go Weekly Journal` on iPad/iPhone! This is the e-book application by which you can read publications of the Nihon Ki-in on iPad/iPhone smoothly and comfortably. `Go Weekly Journal` will be released as our first digital book for...

Price: Free Developer: The Nihon Ki-in
Kuran Der Ki

Kuran Der Ki

Kişilerin kulaktan dolma bilgileri değil doğrudan Kur'an-ı Kerim içerisindeki bilgilerle doğruyu öğrenmesi için geliştirilmiştir. Aranılan kelimenin hangi Ayetlerde geçtiğini ve Sure'nin içerisinde nasıl kullanıldığını gösterir.

Price: Free Developer: Oguzhan Cetin
Truyện kiếm hiệp full

Truyện kiếm hiệp full

Tổng hợp các truyện hot nhất của các tác gia kiếm hiệp như Cổ Long, Kim Dung, Gia Cát Thanh Vân ... Với danh sách các nhân vật và kĩ năng phong phú Ứng dụng dễ dàng đứa cho các bạn...

Price: Free Developer: Hoanh Nguyen
40000+ Hindi Picture Shayari ki Duniya 2017

40000+ Hindi Picture Shayari ki Duniya 2017

Hindi Shayari Has a Gaint Set of Shayari in Different Languages. There are 100000+ Shayari available in this app. Hindi Shayari app is a great status application having various categories like Hindi,English and Other. -Hindi Shayari app is Entertainment app for iphone...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mo Moin


Welcome to Kahaniya, the storytelling platform. If you are a writer, you can write nano stories (60 word stories), short stories (5000 word stories) or series (novels or long stories). You will find a global audience that is already...

Price: Free Developer: Viven Infomedia
Hindi Kahaniya - Stories

Hindi Kahaniya - Stories

Can inspirational stories really change our lives? The simple answer is yes. If you want to get inspired – then you should download this app. Reading is an enjoyable way in which we can continue to learn and open our...

Price: Free Developer: Patel Rikunj
Mahaan Kahaniya & Upanyaas Of Munshi Premchand

Mahaan Kahaniya & Upanyaas Of Munshi Premchand

Download Munshi Premchand ki kahaniyan in Hindi Biggest and Best Collection of Munshi Premchand Stories in Hindi This app contains more than 200+ stories of Munshi Premchand in Hindi Some Features of This App 1. Biggest collection of Munshi Premchand Stories in...

Price: Free Developer: Mo Moin
Bolo - Learn Short stories

Bolo - Learn Short stories

Famous and Inspirational Stories - Best Motivational Kahaniyan - Bolo You will get here famous stories,Latest stories, Best Funny stories in different language e.g- Hindi, English, Punjabi, Tamil, Marathi, Gujarati and different Indian regional language. Read and Share these story...

Price: Free Developer: Mohammad Zahid
Akbar Birbal Stories Hindi

Akbar Birbal Stories Hindi

Read the 70 best Akbar Birbal Stories in Hindi presented in a beautiful layout with illustrations. These stories entertain you, tickle you and expand your intelligence. You simply cannot help marvel at the witty responses of Birbal! Try this...

Price: Free Developer: Vijay Kumar
Owlkids Stories

Owlkids Stories

The best stories from Owlkids, Story Box and Adventure Box are now available in digital format! Enjoy your favorite e-books on your computer or your iPad and listen to the stories told by professional actors. 5 collections: Chirp and Friends With engaging writing,...

Price: Free Developer: Bayard Presse SA
Scary chat stories - Addicted

Scary chat stories - Addicted

Addicted lets you read amazing scared chat stories FREE without pauses. These are scary, engrossing nail-biting horrors that will keep you reading through the day. Read a lot of spooked chat stories and text fictions with your...

Price: Free Developer: Taras Kalkovets
Christmas - Interactive Bible Stories

Christmas - Interactive Bible Stories

Christmas – Interactive Bible Stories brings the story of the birth of Christ to life for children of all ages: children can engage through the narration and the interactions provided on each scene. This app works on iPad, iPod...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Visions Encoded Inc.
Esther - Interactive Bible Stories

Esther - Interactive Bible Stories

Esther – Interactive Bible Stories brings the story of Esther to life for children of all ages: children can engage through the narration and the interactions provided on each scene. The Bible story, “Esther”, is based on the actual...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Visions Encoded Inc.
Short Stories eReader

Short Stories eReader

Download modern and classic short stories and read them on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. Fiction, horror, humor, nonfiction, romance, crime, science fiction and children's stories - the app gives you access to one of the largest high-quality...

Price: Free Developer: Advertical Media
Fun Stories

Fun Stories

Fun Stories is the new way to write and post stories. Write stories with your friends or with people from all around the world! Here's how it works: You can start or add to an existing story with up to 300...

Price: Free Developer: Joe Felice
Moo - Chat Stories

Moo - Chat Stories

Reading story in the traditional way makes you sleepy and boring. Howerver, reading someone else's chat history make you excitement and thrill. So why not tell a story as a bite-sized text message conversation to make you feel as...

Price: Free Developer: Aubree Isabel
Scary Stories - yOwl - Horror

Scary Stories - yOwl - Horror

Creepy texts, scary stories, skin crawling tales of horror – there’s no escape from the paralyzing fear of yOwl, a collection of terrifying texts that will chill you to the bone and leave you hooked, screaming for more. What would...

Price: Free Developer: Chat Stories - Chat Apps and Photo Editor
One Third Stories Audiobooks

One Third Stories Audiobooks

One Third Stories' Audiobooks. Learn a second language through children's stories that start in English and end in either French or Spanish. All of our audiobooks are narrated by a native speaker to give you an ear for the accent...

Price: Free Developer: One Third Stories
Bulbul-Stories,Rhymes for kids

Bulbul-Stories,Rhymes for kids

Kids like to listen to bed time stories when they go to bed. They get bored of same stories told by parents. If you are running out of imagination, download the app and get access to numerous bed time...

Price: Free Developer: BulBul Inc.

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