Top 30 Lifestyle Apps Like Dỗ bé ăn - Best Alternatives

Dỗ bé ăn Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Dỗ bé ăn alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Lifestyle apps that are similar to Dỗ bé ăn. Pick one from this list to be your new Dỗ bé ăn app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dỗ bé ăn on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Dỗ bé ăn - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dỗ bé ăn alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Dỗ bé ăn 2025.



“Kültür, Sanat ve Eğlence Dünyası” Yenilenen Yüzü ile Apple Store’da! 200.000’in üzerinde geniş ürün yelpazesine sahip olan D&R Online, mobil uygulamasında da sizlere oldukça geniş bir ürün çeşitliliği sunuyor. Ayrıca “garantili ürün” kapsamında, en sevdiğiniz ürünlere D&R güvencesi ile sahip...

D.I.Y สติ๊กเกอร์

D.I.Y สติ๊กเกอร์

D.I.Y สติ๊กเกอร์ ฟรีแอพพลิเคชั่นสติ๊กเกอร์ ใช้ตกแต่งภาพของคุณให้สนุกสนานมากยิ่งขึ้น ด้วยสติ๊กเกอร์หลากหลายแนว พร้อมข้อความโดนๆ มากมาย นอกจากนี้ คุณสามารถสร้างสรรค์สติ๊กเกอร์ในแบบที่คุณต้องการได้ด้วยตัวเองอย่างง่ายดาย ลักษณะเด่น 1.ภายในแอพพลิเคชั่นแบ่งออกเป็น 2 ส่วน ส่วนที่ 1 มีคลังสติ๊กเกอร์สำเร็จรูปให้เลือกใช้มากมาย แบ่งเป็น 4 หมวด ได้แก่ 1.หมวดคำคมท้ายรถสิบล้อ 2.หมวดขำขัน 3.หมวดคำภาษาอังกฤษโดนใจ 4.หมวดคำคมความรัก ส่วนที่ 2 มาย สติ๊กเกอร์ (My Sticker) คุณสามารถสร้างสติ๊กเกอร์ของตัวเองได้ โดยคิดคำเลือกตัวอักษร สีและเลือกรูปแสดงอารมณ์ความรู้สึก เพื่อสร้างเป็นสติ๊กเกอร์ประจำตัวของคุณเองได้ตามต้องการ 2.หากต้องการสติ๊กเกอร์มากกว่านี้ ก็สามารถเลือกซื้อสติ๊กเกอร์เพิ่มเติมได้อีกเพียบ ซึ่งมีอีก 2 หมวด ได้แก่ ...

Price: Free Developer: AD Venture Public Company Limited


THÔNG TIN TỔNG QUAN Tên Dự án: D’.Capitale Chủ Đầu Tư: Tập Đoàn Tân Hoàng Minh Phân phối – vận hành dự án: Vinhomes Diện tích đất xây dựng: 20.600 m2, Diện tích sàn : 402.000 m2 Khu nhà ở: ...

Price: Free Developer: VNi
D • Park

D • Park

D.PARK “The World’s 1st Multiple Intelligence Kids Mall” You can grasp the latest promotion, events and “Multiple Intelligence” activities specially for your kids through D.PARK mobile application! 1. Events and Promotions - Specially present to you about the latest activities and offers from D.PARK 2. Multiple...

Price: Free Developer: Discovery Park Commercial Services Limited
v.d. Nieuwenhuijzen Auto's

v.d. Nieuwenhuijzen Auto's

Met de v.d. Nieuwenhuijzen Auto's App kan je direct een werkplaatsreservering maken en je eigen auto- en persoonsgegevens beheren. Je persoonlijke inlogcode kan je aanvragen door ons te bellen of te mailen, vermeld hierbij je kenteken. Wij sturen per...

Price: Free Developer: CustomerConnect
D'. Le Roi Soleil

D'. Le Roi Soleil

TỔNG QUAN DỰ ÁN Tên dự án: D'.Le Roi Soleil Vị trí: 69 Xuân Diệu – Tây Hồ, Hà Nội Diện tích khu đất: 9.185 m2 Diện tích xây dựng: 4.046 m2 Tổng diện tích sàn (không kể tầng hầm, tầng kỹ thuật) :...

Price: Free Developer: VNi
Cafe D

Cafe D

Holen Sie sich unsere offizielle Cafe D-App! Informieren Sie sich mobil über unser Unternehmen und schauen Sie sich unseren wöchentlich wechselnden Menüplan an. So kennen Sie immer unser aktuelles Angebot und stehen immer in direktem Kontakt zu uns. Sie...

Price: Free Developer: AppYourself GmbH
Saveurs d’épices

Saveurs d’épices

Saveurs d’épices by Peugeot est une application imaginée pour vous faire découvrir les poivres et les épices. Découvrez leurs origines, leurs caractéristiques organoleptiques, les associations mets-épices et voyagez dans cet univers gourmand.

Price: Free Developer: Peugeot Saveurs


There are 100+ Black-owned businesses in the Bay Area. Download Shea’d to learn more about these businesses, their owners, and the Black community around you. What do we know? It’s hard to be young, Black, and new to the Bay Area....

Price: Free Developer: Ibrahim Conteh
Le Papier Plein d'Histoires

Le Papier Plein d'Histoires

Le robot, la princesse qui n’aimait pas les robes, le rhino joggeur, le chat marin et tous leurs amis vous attendent pour des histoires pleines d’humour dans le Papier Plein d’Histoires, une nouveauté imaginée par Castorama pour les enfants...

Price: Free Developer: CASTORAMA FRANCE


TDLA es una aplicación dirigida a los participantes del Torneo de la Amistad H-E-B que se celebra cada año. Esta aplicación te ayudará a conocer información general del evento. Si eres uno los participantes, podrás ver información relevante durante...

Price: Free Developer: H-E-B México
Love Your Life B!%$#

Love Your Life B!%$#

What Is Hot Rich Love Your Life B!%$#? Hot Rich Love Your Life B!%$# is ultimately a lifestyle where you are your hottest + healthiest self, you feel fabulously rich, filled to the brim with b!%$#y confidence, and you seriously...

Price: Free Developer: ThinApp Solutions


Group Buying主要為B 2 B產品資訊互通之平台,供應商可能成為消費客戶、消費客戶也可能成為供應商。因此本平台以起團概念,透過商品起團方式,邀集有興趣之會員(業者)參與團購,使參與團購者有機會購得相對市價較低的產品。起團者則可透過此平台將商品資訊推廣至會員(業者),以達到滿足B 2 B雙向需求及產品互補與互流。

Price: Free Developer: AVECTEC.COM INC.
B-MY München 2020

B-MY München 2020

Mit über 170 Top-Unternehmen und über 340 Seiten ist das B-MY München 2020 wieder das Sparerlebnis für Singles, Pärchen und Familien! Hunderte Gutscheine aus 6 verschiedenen Kategorien laden den B-MY-Nutzer ein eine Menge zu erleben & Neues zu entdecken. Auch für...

Price: Free Developer: Artem Grinstein
B-MY Frankfurt 2020

B-MY Frankfurt 2020

Mit über 210 Top-Unternehmen und über 460 Seiten ist das B-MY Frankfurt 2020 wieder das Sparerlebnis für Singles, Pärchen und Familien! Hunderte Gutscheine aus 6 verschiedenen Kategorien laden den B-MY-Nutzer ein eine Menge zu erleben & Neues zu entdecken. Auch für...

Price: Free Developer: Artem Grinstein


B.La.La è l’acronimo di Brand, Land, Label. Il progetto, ideato e realizzato da Promowe (società di marketing e soluzioni digitali), intende far conoscere le aziende, il territorio e le etichette del Salento. L'app B.La.La., sfruttando la Realtà Aumentata, consente infatti ad...

Price: Free Developer: Promowe srl
B K Sangh

B K Sangh

Introduction: Banaskantha district is made up of the region situated on the banks of the river Banas. The region is spread on 23-33 to 24-45 north latitude and 71-03 to 73-02 east longtiude. In this way it is located in...

Price: Free Developer: Aniket Jain


B-resol es la aplicación diseñada para a realizar mediaciones en la escuela de manera completament digital. Además, permite a la escuela detectar casos de bullying rápidamente. B-resol es l'aplicació dissenyada per a realitzar mediacions a l'escola de manera completament digital....

Price: Free Developer: BCNresol ODR Solutions
Johnny B

Johnny B

Welcome to the Johnny B app! Use this real estate app anytime and keep up to date with new houses on the market, upcoming open houses and recently sold homes in Silicon Valley. Best of all it will help...

Price: Free Developer: Johnny Bretthauer
HiddenTag For Hurom

HiddenTag For Hurom

Hi there. This is HiddenTag for HUROM. HiddenTag for HUROM is the mobile app used to verify the authenticity of HUROM products by scanning HiddenTag smart security labels applied on the products. Now you can conveniently check the authenticity of HUROM products. “HiddenTag”...

Price: Free Developer: CK&B


“Save for the taste, time shan’t be wasted” is our philosophy. BID N EAT strives for a fast and simple, nonetheless personalized and enhanced experience for modern food discovery process. It is structured to minimize the discovery effort (just...

Price: Free Developer: BID N EAT Co. Limited
Diz n Deals

Diz n Deals

Newest Advantage for Filipinos Get the newest and freshest deals everyday, anytime and anywhere with Diz N Deals. What is Diz N Deals? Most people are busy enough with their lives and finding the time to look for products of their desires is...

Price: Free Developer: LEENTech Network Solutions, Inc.


「食べることで守られる環境があります!」―将来にわたって水産物を食べ続けられるように、食卓と海とのつながりをみなさんに考えていただくきっかけをつくるアプリです! ■SH“U”Nプロジェクト~アプリの概要~ ・居住エリアに合わせて、今、あなたにおススメのお魚を紹介 ・水産物の解禁日などSH“U”Nなお魚情報を紹介 ・お魚に関するトリビア情報も紹介 ・お魚を食べてポイントを貯めてバーチャル水産世界の変化をアプリ内で感じよう ■水産物の持続可能性とは何か? 「海にいる魚の量や増減」、「海の生態系」、「海での漁業活動」、「漁業を取りまく地域産業や社会」、そして食品としての「健康と安全・安心」などのどれか一つがかけても、水産物を持続的に利用することはできません。 SH“U”Nプロジェクトの情報を通じて、消費者のみなさまが水産資源の持続性に関する理解を深め、日本の水産物を安心して食べられる社会の実現を目指します。 本アプリから、SH“U”Nプロジェクトの成果を活用していただき、次世代の食育活動や、6次産業化、地方創生、輸出拡大など、持続的な水産業の発展にむけた活動を一層活発にしていただくことも、本プロジェクトの目的の一つです。 食生活の変化に伴い、失われつつある各家庭の食卓と海とのつながりを取り戻し、消費者のみなさまが持続可能な水産資源の利用について考えていただくきっかけをつくることが、このSH“U”Nプロジェクトの最大のねらいです。 こちらのWebページも併せてご確認ください。 ■お問合せ先情報 ご要望・ご質問・不具合は下記のアドレスまでお気軽にお問い合わせください。 [email protected]

Tokes 'N Treats

Tokes 'N Treats

Celebrate and enjoy Halloween in Eugene by visiting 15 local retailers with our Tokes ‘N Treats App. Explore the entire City, as well as select locations in Veneta and Springfield, using our fun and intuitive sales features. Visit retailers,...

Price: Free Developer: Escality, LLC
Like n' Go!

Like n' Go!

Fique por dentro das melhores promoções na palma da mão. Com o aplicativo Like n' Go!, você encontra os melhores descontos ao seu redor em apenas alguns cliques. Você possui bar ou restaurante? Seja nosso parceiro. Através do Like n'...

Price: Free Developer: Renzo Oliveira
Wok N' Roll

Wok N' Roll

Old favorites meet new specials each day at Wok N’ Roll. From soups, egg rolls, and lo mein to fried rice, we feature the best Chinese food dishes at the right price. Enjoy a filling lunch made with high-quality ingredients....

Price: Free Developer: Open Networks, LLC
F N Bail Bonds

F N Bail Bonds

This is the official app for F & N Bail Bonds. We serve the following counties in the state of Missouri: Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, Washington, Franklin and St. Francis. We have payment plans available. Some of the features you...

Price: Free Developer: MobileSoft Technology, Inc.


FAST Strong, restructured hair in 3 simple steps EASY Just 3 products to safely change your look anytime you want to A revolutionary treatment that you add directly to the technical service mixture, for strong and perfectly regenerated hair. Damaged hair After the N•FACTOR treatment The...

Price: Free Developer: Eleven srl
Paws n Klaws

Paws n Klaws

Our expert pet care services for the Paws n Klaws app are available in London and Somerset. Like us: Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with news and offers Call: Use click-to-call function to call us direct...

Price: Free Developer: J R Linton Tech Ltd.


A beautiful world clock, showing the world as it is between day and night. See the lights show through at dusk and fade away at dawn – something you would see in real life, but is missing from other...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer:

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